The emperor's assistant continued to bombard the outer shell of the static blood device emitted by Ling Bai, because he could feel that Yhwach's heartbeat was rapidly declining.

Although at that level, life and death can no longer be measured by the standards of ordinary souls, but if the holy blood is really drained, the day when the prophesied "sealed king" awakens and takes back the world will become far away!

And he, as the supreme protector who manages the invisible empire on behalf of Yhwach, will regret it for the rest of his life with shame and shame!

The emperor's assistant could no longer calm down. All kinds of holy swords and holy arrows bombarded the surgical static blood suit, and the remaining power destroyed everything around it, but not even a trace was left!

Finally, it's dark!

Holy text D brings darkness to night again.

The Emperor's Auxiliary exchanged power with Yhwach!

At this moment, the emperor assisted and activated the true power of his holy word B, Balance, the harmony of the world!

Unlike other holy texts, the attributes of each generation of holy text B are not determined by the "soul deficiency", but the content set by Yohabach long before he fell asleep. Each generation is "Balance"!

Only the reconciliation of the world can allow the emperor's assistant to obtain the power of Yhwach at night, and only the reconciliation of the world can reverse the outcome at this time!

"Shield of Guilty!"

Yhwach shouted in a hollow voice, an instinctive reaction of his body.

Reconciling luck and misfortune by transferring the "misfortune" that happened to you to your opponent!

And injury is a kind of misfortune.


Above Ling Bai's neck, the carotid arteries on the left and right sides were all exploded, just like the injury he caused to Yhwach.

On the other hand, Yohabach, after receiving the power of Holy Word B, recovered with the help of the power of "World Harmony"!


Ichimaru Gin's pupils narrowed.

how did you do that? It completely defies logic!

As for Ukitake, he looked at Shunsui suddenly and whispered: "Could it have the same effect as your swastika?"

Hearing the sound, it was Aizen's turn to be surprised!

In fact, he has been using the real Kyouka Suigetsu. The illusion seems to be far away from the two of them, but the real person is always beside them.

What is the swastika effect of spring water? To be honest, Aizen didn't know.

Since joining the Gotei 13, he has never seen the swastikas of several people. Even in the underground room of the 64th central room, there are only records and rough descriptions of the swastikas of each captain.

If Shunsui's swastika could also achieve this effect, Aizen weighed it in his mind and realized that with the current limit of the Shinigami, there was no way to break it.

"slidely different......"

Chun Shui did not reveal the details.

Unlike other arrogant people who like to show off their abilities, Chun Shui is cautious and low-key!

In fact, in the first scene of his interpretation of "Beautiful Bones and Hearts of Withered Pines", "Hesitating to Separate and Reunite", he can indeed share his own injuries with the person who caused them, but Chun Shui's own injuries will not get well.

In contrast, Yhwach not only shared his injuries with Ling Bai, but also healed the injuries on his neck, which was unimaginable.

"Those who disrespect our Lord! Pay the price for your recklessness!"

The emperor's assistant's demeanor completely changed, becoming superior.

Now, he possesses all the strength of Yohabach from a thousand years ago, as well as all the sacred texts of the Knights of the Star Cross who died in recent years.

Although there is still a big gap between "omniscience and omnipotence", it is infinitely approaching "omniscience and omnipotence"!

"Oh my, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known that my sword skills were so good..." Ling Bai disagreed.

Holding a pot in his hand, he put the rest of the tasting wine into Du Kangsheng's wine cellar.

His physical body has already reached the point of hardness, toughness, strength and indestructibility. It can be said that it is almost immortal.

But in this case, when Yhwach used the holy word B "World Harmony", the feedback sword move directly destroyed his physical and spiritual bodies. It was really a life-threatening sword move!

However, because Ling Bai drank the slug fruit wine, his physical recovery speed was MAX! After drinking meat tonic wine and two kinds of hot spring wine, I have stronger super-speed regeneration than ordinary Daxu!

Immediately, he touched his neck out of boredom.


"I wipe..."

Ukitake, who was about to save Ling Bai, stopped the car.

Even that kind of fatal injury is fine. What is the principle behind the recovery power?

"It's weird..."

Aizen's view is completely different. That kind of resilience does not belong to the Shinigami at all, but more like the super-speed regeneration of Hollow.

And recalling Ling Bai's strength so far in his mind, he suddenly felt that Ling Bai might have reached a higher dimension earlier than him!

This speculation is very unrealistic, but it is getting stronger and stronger in Aizen's mind.

While everyone was in shock, suddenly, Yohabach's healed wound opened again.

Chapter 86: You weren’t caught on purpose, were you? (Please give me flowers!)


"What happened again!"

"Why did your Majesty have another wound?"

When Yhwach's healed neck cracked again, the three members of the Guard expressed complete incomprehension!

Especially Holy Monogram C and Holy Monogram M, as the left arm and heart of the Soul King, they had actually followed Yhwach to participate in the attack on the Seireitei a thousand years ago.

At that time, Yhwach had not yet developed the ability to write holy words, and the two of them only relied on the advantages and talents of the Spirit King's body to fight.

But over the years, the "Guardian" holy text that they recognized the most is the Harmony of the World, which is the power that can definitely protect His Majesty! .

"Why? Your Majesty has tilted the balance of luck. You should be blessed with all kinds of misfortunes. It is impossible for Your Majesty to be injured now!"

The emperor's assistant couldn't understand, and while muttering, he activated the ability of the previously deceased Holy Word I to activate his intuition.

Faced with a phenomenon that didn't make any sense at all, he needed a little extra help!

But his intuition told him that the luck Ling Bai had at the moment was not just a little bit or two, but was as exaggerated and powerful as an abyss or a waterfall, overwhelming the balance of the world's harmony!

The absolute weight of the weight is placed on the other end of the scale, which cannot even be fiddled with by cheating hands.

"How could you have such good luck! Impossible!"

The emperor's assistant was stunned by the truth.

It is precisely because of my ability to mediate luck that I know how important luck is!

"What if it's just Yhwach who is unlucky..."

Ling Bai smiled leisurely.

He had already drank three bottles of tasting wine. At this time, no one could shake his luck.

"Stop joking! His Majesty is not something someone like you can insult! Sword of Hope!"

Holy Word M appeared in an instant, stabbing Ling Bai with a holy sword with wings and golden carvings.

As long as he has enough faith, he can pierce through everything. As long as he has enough faith, miracles will happen!

"It's not very polite to interrupt someone before they've finished speaking..."

As soon as Holy Text M swung his sword at Ling Bai, the freed Huatian Kuanggu stabbed out from his shadow.


The combination of the two games of Shadow Ghost and Yangui. After stabbing the color named by the player, it will cause great harm to the losing party.

As the heart of the Soul King, Holy Monogram M's own dimensional realm is extremely high, and his spiritual pressure is not weak. But now, Huatian Kuanggu pierced directly from his feet, cutting open his thighs, abdomen and head, and breaking them in half.

"God of Death?! You betrayed us? You actually cooperated with the God of Death! Kaede Kaedong!" the emperor's assistant shouted.

Because his intuition told him that the living Quincy did have plans to cooperate with the Soul Society, which almost drove him crazy. Wasn't this deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor?

But the next moment, his intuition told him that things were not that simple.

"Katagiriha Kaede? Who is it?"

"Ling Bai, do you have another identity?"

"It's really interesting..."

The other four captains also appeared from their hiding places!

Aizen once again found Saint Mongolia C, Ukitake faced off against Saint Monji D. Although Tosen Kaname and Ichimaru Gin took the initiative, they also stopped Saint Mongolia E and Saint Mongolia S who were rushing here at the door!

"What nonsense are you talking about! Kaede Kaedong is just a damn half-blood Quincy, and you didn't even find out his identity before letting him in!"

The Holy Letter M, which was cut in half, stood up again and merged into one body, but the wound was covered with rich spiritual seeds, and helmets and other Spartan-style decorations began to appear on the top of its head.

"Impostor?!" The emperor's assistant stared at Ling Bai in disbelief.

Holy Text S also looked horrified.

The other Quincy also did not expect that the Silver Frame City, which had been so heavily guarded for such a long time, would still be sneaked in by the God of Death!

"You are the one who killed three Holy Saints!" Holy Text S finally discovered Ling Bai's true face.


Hearing the sound, Shunsui, Ukitake, Aizen, Ichimaru Gin, and Tosen Kaname, who were all ready to fight, all looked over with their mouths open, looking at Ling Bai, both familiar and unfamiliar.

They did find traces of Ling Bai using the Ninety-nine of the Podo in the 80th District of Rukongai, and they speculated that a war had occurred!

But I never expected that Ling Bai would actually fight three of them, and two of them were the guys who fooled Ukitake and Shunsui around!

Moreover, judging from the silent sneaking into Yinjia City, the battle situation at that time was absolutely one-sided and the Invisible Empire was not even given any time to react.

"One against three and you're still crushing me! You couldn't have been caught on purpose, right?" Chun Shui whispered to Ling Bai.

"Yeah... doesn't this have the effect?" Ling Bai smiled naively and shook the wine in his hand.

"Did you come here to turn into wine?"

Ukitake and Shunsui smiled bitterly.

If you are so sure, could you tell me earlier? Do you know how long the entire Seireitei has been preparing intensively this week?

They even cooperated with Aizen and forced the expedition against all opinions, without even giving Zaraki Kenpachi a chance to fight. It can be said that they racked their brains to reluctantly get Yamamoto to agree!

"E, S! Find Sogenu Ishida and the real Maple Katagiri and kill them without mercy!" the emperor's assistant ordered.


Saint S and Saint E tried to leave.

"Since you are my friends, I can't let you leave!" Dongxian Yao said with an upright tone.

"Swastika · Qing Chong Final Style · Yama Cricket!"

A black cage was formed at the entrance of the Ice Palace, including the Holy Letter S and the Holy Letter E!

"How is that possible! I'm blind again!"

Holy Text E couldn't see anything and was suddenly panicked.

"Really? Have you also been groping in the dark for a long time?" Dongxian Yao said silently.

We are both blind, so we should see the world clearly with our heart! This young man seems to have not yet fully understood!

"What should I do...Open the Holy Body?"

Saint Word S was obviously much calmer than Saint Word E. He used the Static Blood Suit when he heard the word "Bankai".

But his five senses were deprived, and he could not observe any details at all. However, after hesitating for a moment, Saint Word S still did not dare to open the Holy Body.

The Stern Cross Knights were returning to Silver Frame City from all over the place. The Emperor's assistant and the three major guards were all there, while the opponent had only six captain-level combat forces. They had an absolute advantage in numbers.

If the Shadow Realm was broken by opening the Holy Body, then the more powerful Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni and other captains of the Soul Society would also come in, and that would be the real trouble.

Therefore, he chose to entrust his hope to the Emperor's assistant and the three major guards. It was better to passively take a beating than to increase the opponent's combat power!

This was a very wise decision.

But Saint Word E obviously couldn't see this relationship yet!

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