And his Holy Killing Arrow, Dynamic Blood Equipment, and Flying Lian Kick are all approaching the Quincy's limit!

Because it’s fast, it’s fierce!

When the situation reached a deadlock, Holy Text F used its absolute speed advantage to save Yhwach!

But the next moment, a black knife appeared in front of his eyes.

Very close.

It was only 0.5mm away from his eyes, and he could even feel the edge on it!


Holy Text F's thinking speed accelerated to the extreme, and the whole world seemed to him to be at a standstill.

At this time, he finally discovered something that frightened him for a while.

The afterimage of Ling Bai standing aside and drinking was still clearly preserved, but the real person blocked his way to Yuhabach. The terrifyingly powerful spiritual pressure was wrapped around the black sword. If he dared to bump into it, he would definitely die!

"Almost died!"

Holy Text F's pupils shrank, and he finally understood why the "Emperor's Assistant in the Dark Night" had not taken action.

very scary!

Being able to capture his extreme speed, this spiritual sense is too exaggerated to describe in words.

"But you don't know! My thinking! My command of my body! My reactions! Everything about me is the fastest!"

Holy text F is too fast!

Time and space are completely frozen in his eyes!

He bypassed the black knife and prepared to continue to save Yhwach.

But the next frozen moment...

The black knife is still in front of him! .

Chapter 89: Channeling in one second and one million years (please give me flowers!)

"This is impossible!"

Holy Text F's pupils shrank suddenly, and the tip of Ming Hong's knife was reflected in his horrified eyes.

The same 0.5mm, the same shocking edge.

But he had clearly thought a lot, and even his body shape had changed, and the light of the spirit son flying around his feet was still frozen in time and space, which proved that he had moved his position.

But why, this black knife is still in front of him!

Even though his thinking speed was extremely fast, and one second in his mind was equivalent to tens of thousands of years in reality, he still had to shrink his neck to avoid the fate of having his head pierced by a black knife.

"How on earth did you do it!"

Holy Text F looked at Ling Bai.

The wine dripping from the pot was also frozen, and the smile remained unchanged. Logically speaking, he should be allowed to travel through the extremely fast world like everyone else!

Subconsciously, Holy Text F looked at the Emperor's Assistant and Yhwach, the two most central figures in the destroyed empire. Neither of them moved at this moment.

Elsewhere, Aizen was frozen, Shunsui in the Shunpo state crawled slowly like a snail, and even the surging spiritual power of the battle between Ukitake and Holy Monogram D moved slightly.

Even Ichimaru Gin, who used the Swastika Divine Killing Spear, could only expand and contract at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Huh? This Shinigami's Zanpakutō can expand and contract so fast?"

Saint Monji F glanced at Ichimaru Gin a few more times, but then focused his attention on Ling Bai.

He tried a few more times, but every time he approached a certain range, the tip of Minghong's knife would stop in front of him without any warning, as if it was an area that must not be approached!

No matter which direction, no matter what angle, even the spirit light surrounding Ling Bai and Youhabach was reflected by his flying feet, he still couldn't get any closer!

"Damn! What a ghost!"

Holy Text F pulled back a distance and opened the Holy Body at extreme speed!

In the perfect Eucharistic posture, a divine halo in the shape of lightning and feathers appeared in his eyes and feet!

The speed of thinking increased again, breaking through one second and ten thousand years, reaching one second and one hundred thousand years!

At this time, even Shunsui's Shunpo and Ichimaru Gin's Divine Killing Spear were frozen. Time and space were frozen in silence. It was as if he was the only one capable of action in the entire world!

He avoided Minghong again and grabbed Yhwach from a tricky angle!

And the results are no different!

When Holy Text F once again reached the insurmountable restricted area, Ling Bai's knife tip appeared in front of him again!

The same 0.5mm, the same shocking edge!

He seemed to have entered a cursed devil's reincarnation, and Ling Bai didn't even look like he had moved!

"Impossible! God's Blood Armor!"

The holy text F infuses the spirit into the heart and booms into the arteries!

The skin on the body suddenly turned red, exuding blood-colored steam, and all eight key hubs in the spiritual power corridor within the body were broken through, pushing the body's functions to the extreme!

If he uses this kind of blood-moving equipment with his normal body, he will definitely explode and die, and even if he is in the complete holy body state, he can only maintain it for a moment!

This moment!

His speed is unmatched in the world!

"Appear in front of me again if you have the ability!"

The holy text F wiped across the bloody spiritual path, and his eyes turned red!

All states are at extreme speed, reaching a delicate balance in the destruction of the blood-moving equipment and the reorganization of the perfect holy body.

In the blink of an eye, he came to another direction and saw clearly that Ling Bai's back was turned to him, and then he grabbed Yhwach!

And just when his hand was about to reach it, the frightening black knife appeared in front of him again!


At this moment, Holy Text F tried to move left and right!

Finally, he saw Ling Bai adjusting Ming Hong's direction. Damn it!

Looking up, Shengwen F finally saw that Ling Bai's eyes had a lively look, and when he moved, Ling Bai's eyes would also move!

The two of them met on the channel at the ultimate speed of one second and one million years, becoming the only two people who could move in this frozen time and space.

"How can you have such a fast thinking speed and your body can keep up with it!" Saint Word F said.

His body has already begun to collapse!

The blood-colored steam turned black like an evening image, falling from the level of one second to a million years.

"Since you can do it, why can't others do it?" Ling Bai also said.

This is the ability brought by the superhuman medicinal wine obtained from Kurotsuchi Mayuri, and the reality truth and spiritual perception predictive judgment told him when he should increase his thinking speed to the limit level and make adjustments.

As for Saint Word F, he got an accurate answer in the frozen time and space, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley.

This man can maintain the extreme speed so easily!

And at this moment, Minghong pierced through the pupil of Saint Word F without any signs and shot out from the back of his head.

Another freeze, Minghong disappeared, as if he had never been pulled out.


The flow of time returned to normal, Aizen continued to beat Saint Word C, and Ukitake and Kyoraku continued to paddling and observing the battle!

Until one second later, the influence of Holy Word F's movement, opening of the Holy Body, and the God's Blood Suit all burst out, forming the Fei Lian Kick wave that surrounded Ling Bai's space and a hurricane comparable to the high-level typhoon ghost path!

All the battles were affected, just because Holy Word F moved too much in a short period of time to form a raging wind!

"Your Highness, the Emperor's Assistant! I failed..."

The brain of Holy Word F did not react to being cut off.

But the integrity of the soul and the spiritual power circuit could not continue, the breath of life gradually declined, and the soul fragments returned to Youhabach!

At the same time, the "Announcement Intuition" told the Emperor's Assistant everything that happened in a moment.


It was like a nuclear bomb exploded in the mind of the Emperor's Assistant, but he immediately made a decision!

In fact, at the beginning, he had the intention of showing the captains a little bit of strength. After all, the Soul Society had the courage to attack the Invisible Empire and attack Youhabach, and must be severely punished.

But none of the parties gained an advantage on the battlefield, and the situation was far more exaggerated than expected, so he had to end the battle!


The Emperor's assistant had no choice but to try to teleport all the Shinigami, including Ling Bai.

At this moment, Ukitake, who sensed the Emperor's assistant's intention, suddenly pointed his blade!

Pisces pointed one of the blades at the Emperor's assistant!

At the moment when the Holy Word E was about to be activated, Ukitake's whole body of spiritual pressure burst out, and all the Quincies below the Star Cross officer in Ginjia Castle knelt down!

From the high level of the ninth level of spiritual power to the peak of the ninth level of spiritual power, approaching the limit of the Shinigami!

"Bankai·Pisces·Kyoji Chenghui!".

Chapter 90 Bankai·Pisces·Kyoji Chenghui (6/6, please give me flowers!)

Hearing the word Bankai, Aizen, Shunsui, Ichimaru Gin and Tosen Kaname were all stunned.

Even Ling Bai's action of drinking was frozen, and he looked at Ukitake with great curiosity.

A violent cyclone surrounded Ukitake, and a substantial black spiritual pressure burst out from the bottom of Ukitake's feet.

"Come and play together!"

"I don't want to play with you!"

"No, let's all play together..."

A strange and eerie sound of play was heard in the mist, as if the game couldn't find a playmate.

Then, two cute children appeared behind Ukitake, wearing blue tall hats and cloak-like clothes.

The two of them held a piece of origami together and fought for it, which looked a bit like the talisman between Pisces!

"Well... you said no, but it seems you are waiting for the critical moment..." Shunsui raised the corner of his mouth.

He actually knew Ukitake's Zanpakutō ability very well.

It was very similar to him, and it was actually related to the game.

Katen Kyōkotsu's Shikai was a children's game, while Bankai was a tragic drama for adults.

And Pisces' Shikai, on the surface, seemed to absorb the ability and then rebound, but in fact it was a process of two children pushing and pushing each other, and giving way to each other during the game!

But "Bankai·Pisces·Kōji Chenghui" was completely without this kindness!

The two people who were originally playing around broke up because someone cheated in the game. The game could not go on. No one would give in to the other, and there was no more game to play!

The result of no game to play is that someone will be punished for "cheating"!

What is cheating?

All abilities are cheating!

When Ukitake points the Pisces blade at the Emperor's Assistant, every time the Emperor's Assistant uses his ability, he will be considered "cheating"!


The cyclone surrounding Ukitake disappeared, and the whole person's temperament became cold.

The Zanpakutō, which is divided into two sword styles, disappeared, and was replaced by five talismans floating in the air. There was an eye on each talisman.

At the same time, Ukitake's hand was wrapped with a strange black spiritual pressure, like a tentacle!

"You are indeed the body of the Soul King's right arm!"

Holy Word C panted, and felt the power beyond the dimension of the God of Death from Ukitake's Bankai.

Aizen, who was standing beside him, heard the voice and stared at Ukitake meaningfully.

As the third most important person in Soul Society that Aizen cares about after Urahara Kisuke and Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, it is really hard for Aizen to understand why Ukitake would expose his Bankai at such a critical moment.

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