The other captains also left one after another, leaving only Yamamoto and Shunsui in the room.

It took half an hour for Shunsui to report to Yamamoto the movements and reactions of everyone in the Invisible Empire, no matter how big or small.

Yamamoto just listened, without saying a word from beginning to end.

Until Shunsui finished speaking, Yamamoto looked at his beloved disciple, without mentioning anything about the Invisible Empire, but changed the subject and said:

"Shunsui, in fact, I have long thought that if one day I am gone, then the only person who can succeed the position of captain-general in the Gotei 13 is you!"

"Old man Yama, why do you suddenly say this? You are a famous old immortal... Of course, this is not what I said."

"I am not in the mood to joke with you!"

Yamamoto said seriously, "The reason I say this is because I believe you, Shunsui! So do you believe me? What did you find, why didn't you report it to me?".

Chapter 92 Aizen Eavesdropping (Please give me flowers!)

In the corner, Aizen raised his head.


He can't leave!

Because Ling Bai has too many doubts and secrets. A guy with the power of a Quincy also has extremely high talents in the skills of death gods such as slashing, ghost way, and white fighting. This is an unusual thing in itself.

All kinds of evidence point to Ling Bai as a higher-dimensional existence, so Aizen must know Ling Bai's identity!

Who is this person who loves to drink?

"I don't know what you are talking about..." Shunsui did not reply.

"At this point, you still don't want to be honest with me? Whether it's Ling Bai or Aizen, I think you have to explain something to me first!

Aizen's suspicion of Ling Bai is not unreasonable. Even if you have different opinions, you will never confront him like you did just now!

And the reason for doing this must be that you have explored unusual information about Aizen! I know you too well, Shunsui!"

Yamamoto said in a low voice, standing shoulder to shoulder with Shunsui.

Since the genius with exaggerated spiritual pressure was born in the Kyoraku family, Yamamoto began to pay attention to Shunsui, and later recruited him under his command, watching Shunsui grow up step by step, become talented, and take charge of his own affairs.

"Has it been discovered?" Aizen narrowed his eyes.

But then he shook his head again.

If the truth was really discovered, then why did Shunsui try so many times? It should be just a guess, without substantial evidence.

Or in other words, there is no evidence that can really bring him down.

But even if there is evidence, Aizen is not afraid. The Sixty-fourth Room of Mao has long been shorted. Now he is the peak of power in Soul Society and has been invincible from the beginning.

On the contrary, he is more curious about how far Shunsui has traced.

"This is not a place where you can talk about secrets casually!

Aizen's mirror flower and water moon are definitely not ordinary water-type Zanpakutō. When he led us to sneak into the Invisible Empire, even the Quincies did not find it!

There are many holy texts that are good at detection, old man Yama! Can you guarantee that Aizen is not in this room? Is what you detect with your spiritual sense the truth?"

Hearing this, Aizen's eyes looking at Shunsui changed drastically.

A mind that is so delicate that it is terrifying, this is Kyoraku Shunsui!

After sneaking into the Invisible Empire, Shunsui had obviously drunk wine, but he had been observing from the side and had mastered his Zanpakuto ability to such an extent.

Although it was just a useless struggle, it must be said that Shunsui ranked higher than Unohana in Aizen's heart!

"He's here? Humph!"

Yamamoto snorted coldly, and a circle of heat waves spread around him.

Everything was normal in the room. There was no trace of ghosts and barriers at all, and there was no human collision entity, which meant that no one was there.

"What a trouble..."

Aizen, who was still standing in the room, began to sweat slightly.

Although he could control the five senses of Yamamoto and Shunsui with the ability of Jinghua Shuiyue, he could only forcibly bear this burning spiritual pressure, which was very hot, even boiling hot.

"How?" Yamamoto said.

The spiritual pressure he released was enough to break any barrier and illusion, and there was no one in the room.

"Hey... I just found signs related to Aizen and the hollow experiment, but there was no substantial evidence..." Shunsui said.

"Do you want to overturn the case for Urahara Kisuke?"

Yamamoto's eyes suddenly became unfriendly.

There were indeed many doubts in the case back then, and he knew that.

"Now you know why I didn't tell you! Because you are too rigid, old man Yama!"

Harusui stared at Yamamoto with a very serious look.

Yamamoto knew him very well, and so did he?

Harusui continued: "The Central 64th Office has already made a verdict on this case. Even if Urahara Kisuke is really innocent, you will fight to the death to maintain the dignity of the Central 64th Office and still maintain the original verdict! At most, it is to lift the ban on Urahara Kisuke's exile. As for regret, apology and reversal of the case, it is impossible to achieve..."

"Soul Society needs rules! It is precisely because of the existence of the Central 64th Office that we have the peace and tranquility we have now!"

"So what's the point of telling you? Investigate Aizen? No, you can't do it, and the Central 64th Office, a group of guys who are as rigid as you, can't do it! The order can't be issued at all!"

Harusui didn't say something clearly.

The Gotei 13, the nobles, and the Soul Society are all organizations that pay great attention to superficial work. The case that year involved several captains and vice-captains. If it was really a wrong judgment, it would undoubtedly show the incompetence of the Central 64th Chamber and the Gotei 13, and they would never admit it.

"But you should also tell me!"

Yamamoto did not deny his position.

These younger generations have no idea how hard it is to have today's light. It is not easy to have the highest authority organization recognized by the Soul Society, which manages the nobles, the Soul Society, and the Rukongai in an orderly manner. Its authority cannot be challenged.

Otherwise, the balance will be broken, and the world will only be worse!

"I didn't hide my intention from you. There is insufficient evidence, and it is just speculation, but I am 60% sure that Aizen is the mastermind behind the Hollowization experiment that year!" Shunsui pointed it out.

"Is it more than half?" Yamamoto's eyes were cautious.


"Soul King!"

"What did you say?"

Yamamoto's pupils shrank slightly.

Aizen raised the corner of his mouth, and there was some perverted excitement in his eyes.

Being able to say these two words means that Shunsui really found something.

"Is it because he is close to Ukitake?" Aizen's eyes did not show panic of being discovered, but some blood was boiling.

All along, the plan has been too smooth. From the time he became the vice-captain of the 5th Division to now, there is almost nothing that can stump him.

It is really an interesting and exciting challenge to have a guy like Shunsui who can spy on his secrets.

"How much does Aizen know about the Soul King?" Yamamoto did not expect that today's topic would involve the foundation of the entire Soul Society.

"I think it is far more than you think. In the two battles, Aizen only attacked the left arm of the Soul King. After discovering that my opponent is the heart of the Soul King, he obviously spread more spiritual perception on my side. If my guess is correct, his research may have made further progress!"


Yamamoto sighed lightly.

He really didn't want to talk about topics related to the Soul King.

The reason why Yamamoto was the captain-in-chief and did not join the Zero Division was because he had a disagreement with Hyoshubu Ichibei on how to deal with the Soul King.

"As for Ling Bai, who you want to know... he is also a Soul King!"

Having said this, Chunshui also knew that Ling Bai's information could not be concealed, so he told Yamamoto the bottom line.


Yamamoto and Aizen both took a breath, obviously not expecting this result.

Chapter 93 The Secret of Soul Society and Squad Zero (Please give me flowers!)

"How could it be?"

Yamamoto did not deny it loudly.

Like Aizen, both of them sorted out all the information about Ling Bai so far in their minds.

Although there were many doubts, when thinking about Ling Bai as a Soul King, many previously unexplainable phenomena had answers.

"This is why he can use Quincy skills!".

After saying this, Chunshui kept observing Yamamoto's reaction.

"Why did you hide this from me?" Yamamoto asked puzzledly.

The news that Ling Bai was a Soul King did shock him, but Chunshui seemed to have no reason to hide it from him.

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Just like I will reveal the secret to you today, one day, the news that Ling Bai is the body of the Soul King will be known to everyone. At that time, what position will the Zero Squad be in?" Shunsui said.

"I didn't expect you to see this step!" Yamamoto's momentum dropped.

Obviously, Shunsui found something that the Gotei 13 should not find.

"Oh? Since you know everything, Kyoraku Shunsui, why is your choice different from mine?" Aizen's eyes became meaningful.

And Yamamoto continued: "Then why are you willing to tell it today?"

"Before, the Invisible Empire was like a sharp blade hanging over our heads in the shadow of Soul Society. I must protect Ling Bai!

But now I don't know where the Invisible Empire has been exchanged, at least it has passed the dangerous period...

Besides, the secret cannot be kept secret forever. Since you keep asking, maybe now is the time to tell you..."

Obviously, Shunsui is not sure about telling Yamamoto now.

"Are you worried that Squad Zero will take Ling Bai away and seal him with the Soul King?" Yamamoto saw through Shunsui's thoughts and worries.

"Isn't it? Sometimes I wonder what the difference is between Squad Zero and Yhwach's personal guard?" Shunsui shook his head.

"The difference is huge!"

Yamamoto sat back in his seat, his eyes became resentful and deep, and said, "Do you know what actions Squad Zero will take if they find out that Ling Bai is the body of the Soul King and is so outstanding? Seal? No, they will do their best to train Ling Bai..."

"Why?" Shunsui didn't expect it.

There is no reason at all!

"Do you think Squad Zero is to protect the Soul King? No, the real purpose of Squad Zero is to 'create and consolidate the world'. You can understand it as creating the world?" Yamamoto said self-deprecatingly.

However, Shunsui did not respond. Yamamoto also knew that this was a secret hidden in the deepest part of the Death God or Soul Society. Even the first generation of the Gotei 13 did not know it.

So, he revealed the history of Soul Society.

“In fact, a long time ago, the human world, Hueco Mundo, Soul Society, Hell, and the Invisible Empire were all one, just like the complete Soul King.

The world is perfect. Souls are born from the Soul King and return to the Soul King after death. The Soul King Palace is built on the sky. Only the "Hyōshūbu" is set up. Among them, many Soul King Palace soldiers are the maintainers of world order!

But later, people found that the Soul King's emotions had too much influence on the world, especially when he was angry, hundreds of millions of creatures were buried with him, which caused a lot of resentment! Many creatures rebelled..."

Hearing this, Chunshui said with a strange look: "Don't tell me that the name of the captain of the Zero Division, Hyōshūbu Ichibei, actually came from this?"

He actually guessed the plot.

The soldiers who were supposed to serve the Soul King rebelled and finally sealed the Soul King.

"Do you think the creatures at that time had names? No, no one had a name, not even the Soul King! Me too..."

Yamamoto's words exposed his age, which made Aizen's heart beat faster.

However, Yamamoto did not notice it, but continued to preach:

"The process was very dark. The first generation of the Gotei 13 was actually such a revolutionary organization, and we succeeded!

Of course, it was actually the Spirit King himself who made the choice. His consciousness committed suicide and was willing to be sealed by us.

But... the Spirit King was too strong..."

"What happened next?" Chunshui frowned.

"As the wedge of the world, the Spirit King erased his consciousness, but his limbs inherited his heart and became independent individuals!

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