"I see."

Hastwood said calmly: "Your wound was not caused by the enemy, but by His Majesty's holiness. It seems that you were not chosen."

Bazby said: "You mean, only you were chosen by His Majesty, and the rest were all killed by holiness. Those who barely escaped the light also had their holy body power taken away. The other Quincy lost their lives."


Hearing this, Haswood's expression did not change at all, and he still said expressionlessly: "I sympathize with them.".

"Sympathy?" Bazby sneered: "What a joke, you should have known these things a long time ago, am I wrong?"

Ha Hasward said, "What's the point? Even if I say I don't know, will you believe it? Bazby."

Bazby's face darkened, and he said slowly, "I will believe it. Aren't we friends, Hugo? Why don't you call me Baz? Just like a long time ago, burning finger, two!"

His finger passed in front of him, bringing out a large flame. Hasward also felt that words could not get through. The sword was unsheathed, and Bazby sneered, "Take a good look outside. Night is coming. When His Majesty is asleep, your and His Majesty's power will call. I will destroy His Majesty's power, along with you, the traitor, together, Hugo."

The next moment, the two collided with each other, and the flames broke through the ceiling and reached the sky.

I don't know how long it has been. It may be decades ago, or hundreds of years ago. When the young Hasward was practicing bows in the forest, he was bumped into by the equally young Bazby. It was sunny and the two teenagers met. The tense atmosphere made people feel itchy.

At that time, Hasward was as pretty as a girl and could only shoot rabbits. He was not like Bazby, who could make a sacred bow. He admitted that he was weak and taciturn.

"No such thing, idiot!"

Bazby followed him and said loudly: "Because I am a genius, I can make a sacred bow. You are not that weak. Besides, at our age, no one can do this kind of thing. Look at your friend. Am I right, Hugo?"

"I don't know. I don't have any friends." Hasward lowered his head and said: "Can you please not call me Hugo? I don't like it very much."

He had no parents and lived with his uncle. He didn't catch a rabbit and didn't want to go home. But Bazby threw the rabbit he had just caught to him and claimed that he didn't use it for eating, but just for practicing archery.

"Hugo, from today on, you are my little brother."

Bazby's voice still echoes in my ears: "Don't care what others say. You can't do it. I will teach you everything. Become the strongest Quincy, Hugo."

Half a year after they met, the small town where they lived was burned down by a fire. The arsonist was Yhwach. He used incredible power different from bows and arrows to quickly occupy the northern territory. Bazby knew that he had lived for hundreds of years and was the ancestor of the Quincy, but who cared about such things? Bazby made up his mind to kill Yhwach.

After learning that his uncle was burned to death, Haschwald just said lightly: "Is that so..."

They relied on the money and gold dug out from the ruins to survive. In order to kill Yhwach, they worked hard to train themselves. No one said it out loud, but they all decided to become close to Yhwach and then kill him.

They hid in the depths of the forest and trained day and night. Bazby was a genius, but Haschwalth did not have the talent to be a Quincy. After five years of practice, he still could not gather spirit particles and could not make a spirit bow of his own.

Five years later, Youhabach had no plans to expand his territory. He thought that there was no need to conquer. He wanted to suppress Soul Society and defeat the God of Death, but he needed new power. That was the day Youhabach wanted to establish the Stern Cross Knights.

Chapter 169: Troops

Bazby had heard that in the past few hundred years, every few decades, a Quincy with no talent like Haschwalth would be born. Such Quincy would be regarded as incomplete and eliminated when they were young. After that, there had been no Quincy of this kind for hundreds of years. Until now, it has been an ancient legend.

He thought that if he wanted to kill Youhabach, he could not join forces with Haschwalth. Not only would he have no advantage, but it might also hold him back. However, Haschwalth had always wanted to make up for his innate deficiencies through hard work. Looking at Hugo, who was practicing harder than him, Bazby had no way to abandon him. As for whether Hugo noticed this, he didn't know.

After an unknown amount of time, the long-awaited day finally arrived. The military police led by Yhwach arrived at the town near them and brought the imperial decree of Yhwach. The young Quincy leader claimed that they would establish a new combat unit, called the Stern Cross Knights, and that it was a glorious knights order established to attack the Soul Society.

The townspeople did not understand why Yhwach wanted to attack the Soul Society. The young Quincy explained that if the Shinigami were left alone, they would become a threat to them one day. However, to join the unit, they had to undergo a strict review.

Seeing the regular troops, Hasward was a little timid. He grabbed Buzby's clothes from behind. However, Buzby had been waiting for this day. How could he let him go so easily? He was so excited that he couldn't move. The Taoist Hasward ran to the middle of the road, stopped their military police force, and said loudly: "I am Baz, he is Hugo, and we want to join the Knights of the Star and Cross."

The young Quincy was riding on the horse with contemptuous eyes, watching them without saying a word, but the onlookers were already in chaos. If they dared to stop the military police force like this, they believed that these two children would definitely be killed.


What they didn't expect was that the young Quincy just looked at them for a while, then led his men past them and walked forward. As if he was greatly insulted, Buzby shouted loudly: "What are you doing! I Didn’t you say that you want to join the Knights of the Star Cross?”

The young Quincy said without looking back: "We will conduct an examination later and wait for notification. Before that, you should work hard to train yourself, although the examination is not something ordinary people like you can easily pass."

Hasward breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "This is it for now. Let's go back first, Baz."

But Buzby didn't want to give up. He took out his spiritual bow and nailed the arrow in front of the Quincy's horse. The white horse was frightened. If it weren't for his extraordinary riding skills, it might have fallen to the ground. Buzby said in a deep voice. : "What you mean is, can't I just show you what I'm capable of? Then come and fight to the death with me, Brother Gendarmerie. If I win, give me your position!"

"Rude monkey." The military policeman jumped off his horse, stopped his subordinates who were about to rush forward, pulled out his long sword, and sneered: "You can't understand your own weakness until you die once?"

Buzby did not give in and said loudly: "If the military policeman is killed by a monkey, your subordinates will send a message to Yhwach."

The two of them rushed towards each other as fast as they could, but before they could touch each other, the spiritual pressure was pressed down on their heads. It was as if they were pressed down by a sudden force, and both of them fell to the ground.

"How is this going……"

Buzby turned around. Everyone was lying on the ground, except for the man riding a black horse. He didn't know where he came from. Judging from his appearance, he should be Yhwach, who claimed to be the founder of the Quincy. This was Buzby. Knowing the concept of spiritual pressure for the first time, everyone fell to their knees under the pressure of spiritual pressure.

"This monster..."

"I'm very sorry!" the military policeman knelt down on one knee and said loudly: "My subordinates would fight with such monkeys in private, Lord Yhwach!"

"It doesn't matter." Yohabach said without raising his head: "I'm here to look for something, looking for someone who can be my right hand."

Hearing this, Buzby's pupils shrank suddenly, and he pushed himself up to stand up from the ground. It seemed that his genius was discovered by Yhwach. He wanted to become Yhwach's right-hand man, and then killed his friend. Habach!

However, the reality was not what he thought. Yhwach rode up to Hasward and stared down at him. Only then did Buzby realize that among so many people, Hasward was the only one who had not been fooled by Yhwach. Knocked down by spiritual pressure, he stood there unharmed, at a loss, as if everything in the world existed only for the two of them.

What Yhwach said next was even more difficult for Buzby to understand.

"It's you, I know your name, Hasward, half of me."

Buzby looked at him with wide eyes. Why did Hasward get noticed by Yhwach when he clearly didn't have any Quincy talents? He was obviously a genius, but he didn't even look at it. He didn't understand, was jealous, Anger tangled together.

Chapter 170: Unacceptable

It's like, your friend is holding you back, and you feel lost. Your friend is better than you, and you feel even more lost.


Hasward said tremblingly: "I don't quite understand what you mean..."

But Yhwach said: "It's okay if you don't understand. I want you to join the Knights of the Star Cross as my confidant."

Hearing this, not only Hasward, but also the military police were surprised. This child seemed to have nothing outstanding, and was even weaker than ordinary people. How could he be so admired by His Majesty, and also as a confidant? , Hasward couldn't believe it. He and Buzby had always wanted to join the Quincy combat force, so they trained day and night, and he was about to become Yhwach's confidant at this moment.

It was almost like a dream. Hasward turned around and said cautiously: "What should we do, Buzby?"

He shuddered when he saw Buzby's gaze. It was an emotionless gaze, so cold and scary that it was the first time he saw Buzby like this, as if he wanted to kill him. .

Buzby was inevitably unconvinced by such a thing. He wanted to ask why they should both become Yhwach's confidants. I have talent and am a genius, but he does not. Even if he couldn't, the chosen one would It should be me, not him.

Seeing Buzby's eyes, Hasward broke into cold sweat. He also wanted to ask why, shouldn't he be happy for him?

Yohabach ordered: "Captain of the Gendarmerie, return to the city to find a carriage and take this child back to the city."

"Wait a moment!"

Hasward hugged his arms, plucked up the courage, and said loudly: "I think you may have made a mistake..."

"What did you say?" The gendarmerie captain's face suddenly darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "I can't pretend that I didn't hear you, kid. You, who was chosen by His Majesty, would actually say that His Majesty made a mistake?"

"No." Hasward lowered his head and said, "I don't have any talent as a Quincy, and I can't make a spiritual bow. Compared to me, Buzby over there is more suitable to be His Majesty's confidant."

Hearing this, Buzby opened his eyes wide and looked at Hasward in disbelief, feeling a lot of comfort in his heart.

The captain of the military police wanted to teach him a lesson, but was stopped by Yhwach. Yhwach just said: "You are exactly what I thought. You don't know what power you have. It is natural that you can't make a sacred bow. You and I are both Quincy with the power of sharing and giving. I have been looking for a Quincy for a long time, but no Quincy with the same power as me has appeared in the two hundred years since I was born."

Buzby lay on the ground, shaking all over. He gradually understood something. It seemed that the ancient legend was true, but Hasward couldn't understand what he said, and his expression was at a loss.

"Hasward." Yhwach continued: "You have no way to absorb the surrounding souls and become your own power like other Quincy. You can only give to the surroundings. I cultivate the power of giving and gain the power of taking. But you can't even do this. You should be able to feel that red-haired child over there. During the days you are with him, your strength gradually grows. Do you think that is your own strength? "

Buzby's pupils gradually shrank, as if someone had poured cold water on his head. He had always said that he was a genius. Only now did he understand that this was all the result of Hasward. He couldn't believe it and couldn't admit it. fact.

"Come on, Hasward."

Yhwach put his hand on Hasward's head and whispered, "I need you."

Unable to bear it anymore, Buzby yelled, stood up from the ground, and shot a spiritual arrow at Yhwach regardless of his life. However, the arrow did not touch the opponent, and Hasward caught it in his hand and squeezed it. Crush.

Just like now, Hasward can still crush his spiritual arrow, the blade tears the space, blood spurts out, and Buzby flies backwards.

"Stop it, Buzby."

Hasward shook off the blood on the sword blade and said softly: "We are fighting here. It is meaningless to His Majesty."

"It's meaningless to His Majesty?" Buzby spat out blood, got up from the ground, and said loudly: "Nonsense! I'm just here to kill that Majesty! Burning Fingers, four!"

Blade-like flames surrounded his arms, rushed in front of Hasward, and swept out. The flames spurted out and exploded in a large area like a shark's dorsal fin, instantly turning the nearby buildings into ashes.

"Didn't I tell you to stop, Baz!" Hasward rushed out before the flames burned him, but did not make any counterattack.

"What's wrong?" Buzby chased after him and shouted loudly: "Are you running away from the battle again? Are you so afraid of losing to me? Hugo!"

Intertwining the present and the past, Buzby also joined the Knights of the Star Cross a few years after Hasward was taken away.

Chapter 171: The Strongest

Buzby spent three years practicing and finally joined the Knights of the Star Cross. At that time, Hasward was already the leader.

After joining the Knights of the Star and Cross, Buzby always wanted to find opportunities to duel with Hasward, but no matter how much he shouted or provoked, Hasward refused him on the grounds that private fights were not allowed in the order. For this reason , Hasward was also ridiculed by the deputy regiment commander Hube Wante, the young military policeman. He was always asked by the newcomers who had just joined the regiment, wondering if he was not dignified enough as the regiment leader.

Hasward was always very humble and said that he wanted to learn from him.

"That newcomer is probably the rude monkey from back then. I'm going to teach him a lesson."

"A private fight among the Knights of the Star Cross will be punished by death by Your Majesty. Do you want to die for that kind of person?"

"The battle will be over soon, and your Majesty will not know."

"I'm watching." Hasward said calmly.

Until now, Buzby felt that he had not lost to Hasward. With a swipe, his arm was cut off by Hasward. The pain slowed down his movement, but his attack did not stop. Coming down, with a hoarse voice, he used his other hand to release his strongest move, burning all his fingers. The five fingers of his left hand ignited with hot red flames, and then, swirling flames spurted out.

However, the moment the flames were about to burn Hasward, they suddenly dissipated, as if they were washed away by water. The next moment, there was severe pain in the abdomen, and Hasward's sword blade penetrated his chest, full of pain. Buzby, who was covered in blood, tightly grasped the buttons on Hasward's clothes and gritted his teeth and said: "I lost, Hugo, I'm really unwilling..."

Hasward lowered his eyes and walked forward. Buzby also fell to the ground, his consciousness gradually blurring. Looking at Hasward's back, what caught his eyes was the look of the two of them when they were children. At that time, he explain.

"From today on, you are my little brother. You will become the strongest Quincy, Hugo..."

Feeling that Buzby's spiritual pressure disappeared, Lampado, who had invaded the castle, said with a gloomy face: "I really didn't expect that Buzby was killed so quickly. I finally found an opportunity to let them fight alone. Forget it. , we have no reason to say that he can't kill you, it's a pity..."

Zhuel fell in a pool of blood, and she was already covered in blood, and she was unsteady on her feet. Yhwach walked past the two of them, sat on a chair, and said slowly: "I can finally calm down, I will "Get some sleep first, I'll leave it to you, Hasward."

After such a long time, except for killing three "traitors", Yhwach did not gain any advantage. The Guards, who were divided into five groups and attacked, failed to gain anything. The most troublesome thing is that Gerald was actually there. Lost in the town, Nakluvar was chased around by Grimmjow.

"We really lost to them."

After finally finding a secret place, Nacrovar sat on the ground and took out a cup of coffee from somewhere. Whether it was a head-on encounter with an enemy or an Arrancar he had never seen before, it was all beyond his expectation and he wanted to drink it while he was there. He was formulating a battle plan over coffee. As soon as he took a sip, Grimmjow appeared behind him. He quickly threw down the coffee and ran away.

"How about you let me go for once and I'll give you a gift."

As he ran, he threw a black ball behind him. The speed was not very fast. It was just like an ordinary person throwing a table tennis ball. Grimmjow didn't take it seriously. If he could still get hit by such a slow attack, it would be a disaster. It was a bit too slow. He waved his arms and pushed away the black ball. But when he touched the ball, his body suddenly became paralyzed. No matter how hard he tried, he could not move forward. He slowly fell to the ground, and his consciousness gradually faded. Vague.


Nakluvar turned around, walked to him, and said triumphantly: "This is a poisonous ball. You are really casual. No one taught you when you were a child, can't you just accept things from strangers? No. Listening to adults can be fatal..."

This was the Quincy's first victory, but it was not a casualty of the Death God. In comparison, the captain of the Guards, Rijebarro, was much more reliable than them. He was hiding far away from the God of Death and saw the God of Death. The large force moved towards the castle, but the team gradually dispersed, including the captain, deputy captain, and other team members.

In an environment with a high concentration of spirit seeds like the Soul King Palace, each of them has different physical strength and different degrees of injuries. It is inevitable that some people will fall behind. Whether it is a Shinigami or an Arrancar, the death of all living things , all start from breaking away from the group.

He first shot Hisagi Shuhei through the arm with his rifle. The other person fell to the ground and could no longer move forward. All he had to do was wait while they separated from the group one by one.

I don't know whether it was luck or misfortune. Pakaja just came out of the castle and didn't go far when he met Zaraki Kenpachi and Niryuuri. No matter from any point of view, these are the most difficult enemies to deal with.

Chapter 172: Reversal

Seeing the short guy, covered by a white cloak, and even his face was pitch black, Zaraki Kenpachi was confused and couldn't help but said: "What is that?"

Nie Shuli mocked: "Are you asking me, or are you talking to yourself? If you are talking to yourself, I'll just pretend I didn't hear you. I think this is the first time for everyone to see you. To ask about something like this, I don’t think the Gotei 13 has such an idiot captain.”

The two of them couldn't see each other for a moment, so it was a miracle that they could fight together. Zaraki Kenpachi ignored him and just pretended that he didn't hear. Anyway, when he saw the enemy, he just cut him. This was his law.

Kenpachi Zaraki drew his sword and rushed forward. Niryuuri wanted to stop him, but it was too late. Kenpachi Zaraki's right arm was twisted into a twist by an unknown force.


"It's okay, it's just a broken arm. On the other hand, I also chopped off that guy's head."

Pakaja's hood split open, and a large amount of blood spurted out from his head, like a fountain. Niryuri didn't even see clearly how Kenpachi Zaraki could hit him from such a long distance. He thought he would give it to his opponent. It caused serious damage. Unexpectedly, Pakaja's hood suddenly expanded, as if a large amount of wind was poured into it, and he was whining. I don't know what he was talking about.

"What the hell is this guy?"

"Are you asking me? Or are you talking to yourself?"

Nie Shuli mocked and said: "His appearance seems to have no effect. The more it looks like this, the more there are other reasons, and it may be to scare people."

Madarame Ikkaku and the others stood behind, with no intention of taking action. If they made any mistakes, the two captains would definitely get angry.


The taciturn Nie Yinmeng suddenly said: "Master Yuri always tells me not to do anything. I think it won't be very difficult for Master Yuri to deal with him. The same is true for Captain Zaraki."

As soon as she finished speaking, Zaraki Kenpachi twisted his arm again, and at a very fast speed. Blood spattered out. It looked like he could feel the intense pain. However, Zaraki Kenpachi was just surprised and used his left hand to He quickly pulled off his right arm and pulled it out forcefully. Judging from the expression on his face, there was no pain at all, as if the arm was not his.

The broken arm fell to the ground and was still spinning, and finally twisted into a pool of blood, which looked extremely terrifying.

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