While speaking, Ling Bai appeared beside him, the blade swept across, and black flames exploded at the blade.

Not understanding the opponent's strength, Abarai Renji and Kuchiki Rukia rushed up from the left and right. They wanted to use the power they had not obtained for a long time to test the depth of the enemy. Gerard just raised his leg, and the storm almost blew them to the ground. Kuchiki Byakuya dodged and stopped them. With his back to them, he said: "Renji, Rukia, you can feel Ling Bai's spiritual pressure, he and Yhwach have started a war, you go to his side now."


Kuchiki Rukia lowered her head. He really wanted to help Ling Bai, but the enemy was right in front of him. Zaraki Kenpachi had fallen to the ground, and the elder brother of Hitsugaya Toushirou didn't seem to have much strength left. Not to mention Kuchiki Byakuya, he was on the verge of exhaustion. If he left them behind, it would be wrong no matter what.

"Don't be too conceited."

Kushiki Byakuya looked at the ruins in front of him, turned his back to them and said: "When did I say that Ling Bai needs your strength? I just want to tell you that the battle here does not need your strength. If you understand, leave here quickly."

They were stunned for a moment, then they understood what Kushiki Byakuya meant, and at the same time lowered their heads and said loudly: "I understand, thank you very much for your understanding!"

After seeing them leave, Kushiki Byakuya returned to the battlefield and flashed to Hitsugaya Toushirou. Hitsugaya Toushirou chuckled and said: "You don't have to be so obscure. They are not fools. They have seen through your intentions a long time ago."

Kushiki Byakuya turned his head and said: "I just wanted them to know, so I said that on purpose."

"You are so hard-mouthed. Ah..." Hitsugaya Toushirou curled his lips and said, "Forget it, but this is also good. They should have gone to Ling Bai. You and I are different. I was born in Rukongai and you were born in a noble family. I don't know if you have ever been to the Central Spiritual Arts Academy. When I was studying at the Spiritual Arts Academy, no one ever taught us to fight for our superiors and families. Every god of death must die to protect friends and humans. " At this point, he lowered his eyes and said slowly: "Although we are also companions with Ling Bai, their relationship with Ling Bai is not ordinary. They should be friends worth sacrificing their lives. If they can fight as gods of death, it is the best choice for them to go to Ling Bai. " Kuchiki Byakuya raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a faint smile: "What you said is really true It's the style of the Spiritual Arts Academy. In short, no matter what they fight for, they will go to Ling Bai's side, right? "

"Yes, no matter who it is, they are walking on the scale of right and wrong."

Hasward slowly walked to Ishida Uryu who had fallen to the ground, and said softly: "The living will put everything they encounter on the scale of right and wrong to measure, distinguish what is right and what is wrong, and then keep moving forward. The fragments that are distinguished will form our appearance.".

Chapter 209: Burning

"So, this is who we are...".

Hasward said lightly: "I think you have come this way, Ishida Uryu."

He did not use any abilities, relying purely on speed and strength, and his unique swordsmanship to easily defeat After defeating Ishida Uryu, he was not in a hurry to kill him, but continued: "That's what I said, but I don't see that in you. I think you made this choice after weighing everything on the scale, but I'm still very distressed." At this point, his eyes condensed and he slowly said: "Ishida Uryu, who are you? Why do you want to gamble your life for those superficial humans? Is this your original wish?" "I really didn't expect..." Ishida Uryu endured the pain and struggled to stand up. He gritted his teeth and said: "Hasward, you are such a talkative person. You asked me who I am. How can I answer you? I don't know. For me, this is something I can gradually understand after defeating you. "

Speaking of this, he stood up. Although he was seriously injured and had no advantage in the face of such a powerful enemy, he still pulled the bowstring to its full extent.

Before shooting, he said: "Now that things have come to this, I want to ask you a question. Why do you ask what kind of person I am? I really don't think you will be interested in such a question. No, I think you already know that my purpose is to help Ling Bai and others, so I will lurk around Youhabach. Before asking such a question, shouldn't you kill me as soon as possible and then return to Youhabach to protect him?"

"How many times do you want me to say it?"

Hasward said lightly: "I have seen the future in the dark. They will die at the hands of your majesty. No matter how I fight with you here, this result will not change. No one can defeat your majesty."

"See it?" Ishida Uryu sneered: "Even if you see it, the future will not change, just like you will be surprised to see my changes."

"You are right. "

Hasward's face was unusually gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "I am telling you something. In the middle of the night, I can exchange my abilities with your majesty. However, it is only an exchange of abilities after all. However, your majesty is different from me. The horror of omniscience and omnipotence is not just about seeing through the future. As for what it is, I will tell you slowly after I completely defeat you."

Having said this, he drew out his long sword again. While the sword light was shining, he cut off Ishida Uryū's spiritual bow. The blade of the sword touched Ishida Uryū's neck and said in a cold voice: "Ishida Uryū, take it now. Put everything you have on the scale, and continue towards the point of no return. Put it on the scale you have broken."

"Inoue, use all your abilities to increase the defense range."

Ling Bai said softly: "Then retreat as far away as possible. I am not sure that this kind of battle will not affect you."

Black flames spread in the room, and the walls of the room were burned instantly. Yhwach had to retreat to the outside of the castle, and his spiritual pressure was released without reservation. A huge transparent protective shield rose in front of him, unscrupulously. Extending to the surroundings, Ling Bai waved the soul-cutting sword, and the black flame seemed to obey his call. The wave of flames, which was more than ten meters high, rushed towards Yhwach's spiritual pressure shield.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Bai swooped up and slashed down with the soul-cutting sword. I don't know if it was an illusion or something. In Inoue Orihime's eyes, Yhwach's figure was pressed down and sank. Black flames erupted from the blade and exploded in an instant. , Ling Bai's entire body was wrapped in flames, as dark as thick ink, and the protective shield had no time to crack, and was instantly shattered.

Yhwach gritted his teeth tightly. He had never encountered such strength before. He was burned by the flames and hurriedly distanced himself, but before he could stand still, there was a loud bang and black flames condensed into black in mid-air. The sphere then exploded, and countless small black fireballs fell like meteors.

The earth shattered, smoke billowed, and the surroundings of the castle were like purgatory on earth. Yhwach was in this sea of ​​fire, constantly giving himself incomplete parts. Before Ling Bai could catch up, countless white eyes appeared on his body.

Ling Bai's blade pointed towards the sky. When he wanted to make the next attack, his pupils suddenly shrank and he jumped upwards. Just where he had just landed, a black blade pierced the ground. He dodged back and forth, and every time he landed, There are knives emerging from the ground, as if they already knew where he would settle.

Repeated raids gradually burned out his black flames. Yhwach stood there and said, "Don't you already know that my ability is omniscience and omnipotence, and I can see through everything in the future."

Ling Bai said coldly: "You are really humble. You will only set a trap where I stay?".

Chapter 210: Change everything

"But from the beginning to the end of your attack, you didn't even touch me."

Ling Bai raised the corner of his mouth and smiled softly. In his opinion, Yhwach could not see through everything in the future. If he could really see through it, he would not have come here before launching an attack. On his way here, he should have set up various plans. There are all kinds of traps. This ability must have some limitations.

"Are you looking for a weakness in my abilities?"

Yohabach suddenly said: "Even if I can see the future, the future can also be changed. As long as you are strong to a certain extent, you will move towards a future that I cannot see. You must be thinking so. In this case, you Please take a good look at it.”

At this point, a medium-deep wound suddenly appeared on Ling Bai's shoulder. He stopped and black flames spread on the soles of his feet. He was not attacking. Yhwach, who had already opened his eyes and absorbed the power of the Spirit King, did not seem to have any So easy to deal with, he can give himself what he lost. In this case, he can't take his time. He can only find the weakness of his ability and kill him with one move.

"The so-called future does not appear on just one path."

Yohabach said slowly: "The future I see is like countless scattered grains of sand. To him, it seems like countless grains of sand. In fact, it still only exists in one future. In other words, it still exists in countless. Possibility, Ling Bai, I like the word hope. What you said, the future can change, I don’t object, this is also a fact, it is full of hope, an amazing fact.”

At this point, he paused deliberately, and then continued: "You think the future can be changed, but you are wrong. It is just a grain of sand merging into other grains of sand. I stand at the top and can see All the grains of sand, the so-called hope, is to close your eyes and roll back and forth on the grains of sand called fate and possibility. This is the greatest hope for human beings. Never despair, because no matter how strong you are, You can’t change your destiny.”


Ling Bai sneered and said: "I can reach this day without having to overcome despair countless times."

The black flame spread again, and just when it was about to burn Yhwach, it suddenly went out, like a sudden heavy rain that extinguished the flame. Ling Bai frowned slightly, he did not feel the spirit released by Yhwach. Press, what is going on? When I raised my head, I saw a dark shadow rising behind Yhwach, with countless white eyes on it.

"Are you confused? How can I extinguish your flames even though I only have the ability to see into the future?"

Yhwach walked over and said slowly: "Your hellfire is indeed very powerful and scary. If it were me now, I might not be able to withstand its burning, so I used the future to extinguish it. You are not Have you ever said that the future can be changed? Well, let me tell you, omniscience and omnipotence not only have the ability to see through the future, but also the ability to change the future. Don't despair, I can only change all the futures that come into my eyes. "

Ling Bai turned around and saw Inoue Orihime in the distance. She could no longer raise the defensive shield of Shunshi Rikka. She fell to her knees as if she couldn't bear something. Yhwach was still saying: "Ling Bai, You can still change the future, but I want to tell you, no matter how strong you become or how you change the future, I can see through it and crush all the future you changed."

Hearing this, Ling Bai, who should have fallen into despair, suddenly smiled softly. The next moment, a dazzling sword light like lightning pierced the space. The flash of this moment eclipsed everything around him. He just heard him whisper softly. : "Then I'll kill you while you're interfering in the future."

Blood spurted out, and Ishida Uryu fell to the ground again, covered in blood, and it seemed that he had lost the strength to even stand up.

"I am Holy Word B, and my ability is world reconciliation."

Hasward held the artifact in his right hand and a white shield in his left hand, and said softly: "To put it simply, I can allocate the misfortunes I see to the lucky ones to maintain the coordination of the world. I can also distribute what happens to me. Use this shield to block the misfortune on your body. Faced with such an ability, you have no chance of winning, Ishida Uryū."

A spiritual bow appeared in Ishida Uryu's hand, but the light was weak. From the beginning of the battle, he had been fighting with bows and arrows, which was completely in line with the Quincy style. There were no surprises. Hasward shook his head slightly, as if he was disappointed. He looked like that, and then said: "I have no interest in you now, and you have nothing worth asking about. Since you don't say anything, I will end this battle."

"Wait a moment……"

Uryū Ishida gasped and said, "Don't you want to see the power of holy writing that His Majesty gave me?"

Hasward said: "I don't have any interest. If your ability can defeat you, why wait until now?"

Chapter 211: Reversing the Tide of the Battle

"Quite the opposite."

Uryū Ishida forced himself to stand up and gasped, "I think now is the time."

"What do you mean by that?" Hasward frowned slightly. He knew that the abilities given by His Majesty each have their own strengths, and some can turn the tide of the battle, just like Gerald's miracle of rebirth after death. Becoming more powerful, if you don't completely kill the opponent, you will never win.

"My holy text is A..."

Ishida Uryu said slowly: "The ability is completely reversed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hasward suddenly felt a strong pain coming from his body. He was covered in blood, as if he had been slashed with a sword countless times. He had to use all his strength to even stand. He couldn't think clearly. , Ishida Uryū clearly didn't do anything, why was he seriously injured, or why was he attacking so fast that he couldn't see it, how could this be possible.

When he raised his head, he was even more surprised to see that all the injuries on Ishida Uryu's body were healed and he was standing there safe and sound. He couldn't help but say, "What on earth is going on?"

"A complete reversal."

Ishida Uryu said: "This is the ability that Yuhabach gave me. It can reverse everything that happens between two designated points. This is only part of the ability. I just convert the injuries on me and yours, and that's it." Change the situation of the battle, Hasward, no matter how powerful you are, you have no chance to defeat me."

"That's it." Hasward covered the wound on his chest and said slowly: "It's really an amazing ability. No wonder His Majesty will value you more and more. If your ability can change what happened, then it can Maybe you are the only one who can resist His Majesty’s divine power.”

Hearing this, Ishida Uryu's pupils gradually shrank, and he quickly said: "What do you mean by this? Let me make it clearer. Are you talking about the weakness of omniscience and omnipotence?"

"Whatever you think about." Hasward sneered: "All in all, I made the right choice by leaving you here."

As soon as he said this, Ishida Uryū didn't care about giving him a fatal blow. He quickly turned around and ran towards the exit. Listening to Hasward, his power can resist Yhwach. If this is the case, he must Go help Ling Bai.

"Do you think I will let you leave here safely?"

Before Ishida Uryū could take two steps, the original healed wound recurred again, and his body was in pain like tearing. His feet softened and he fell to the ground. The ground was dyed red with blood. Hasward inserted the long sword into the ground, shield He stood in front of him and said softly: "Although your complete reversal is very good, it is coordinated and restrained by my world."

"How can it be……"

Ishida Uryu turned around and tried to use the complete reversal again, but it had no effect. The only thing that changed was that the shield in Hasward's hand had cracks, but the wounds on his body remained unchanged.

"I've told you before, world harmony can distribute misfortune."

Hasward said: "While distributing misfortunes, I can also use this substitute shield to block all the misfortunes that happen to me. To put it simply, the luck you gave me with the physical trauma will be transformed into The same misfortune will happen to you, and the misfortune in me will also be transferred to this substitute shield, and then..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the wound on Ishida Uryu's body was torn open again. He couldn't help but cry out. He was bleeding profusely. It looked like he might die at any time if he didn't receive treatment.

Hasward still said: "He will become a greater misfortune and befall you. How many times do you have to tell me that you have no chance of winning."

He saw that despite being so seriously injured, Ishida Uryu still held on to his will and crawled forward little by little. Hasward sneered: "You are already like this, aren't you going to give up? I think you should He is a very smart man, not even your majesty, even me, you can’t defeat him, this is an ironclad fact.”

At this point, he pulled out his long sword, raised it above his head, and wanted to insert it and give Ishida Uryu a fatal blow. He still said softly: "I still remember that I said before that I can't see your thoughts. Now I withdraw this sentence, now you are so similar to those stupid humans."

The moment before the sword blade was inserted, he raised his head and saw through the skylight on the ceiling that the outside was covered in black, like a big black umbrella, covering half of the world. That was the friend With Habach's power, it seems that the battle over there is over, Ling Bai must have been defeated.

With a tearing sound, the sword blade pierced Ishida Uryū's body, but whether intentionally or unintentionally, he avoided the vital point and prevented Ishida Uryū from dying directly.

Ishida Uryu used his last strength to turn himself over, lying on the ground, looking at Hasward and said slowly: "Did you just say that I was stupid?".

Chapter 212: The End

"Can you still move?"

The tip of Hasward's sword landed on the ground, without stabbing or saying anything, as if waiting for something. Ishida Uryu sighed, and then said: "I think that so far, I have been very good. Calmly, act on the balance you mentioned, but I can't worry about them. Although Lingbai will not mess up the position, Inoue and Chadu have no combat capabilities, so I can't calm down completely. I always think Want to help them.”

For some reason, Hasward tightened the hilt of the sword in his hand, but still had no intention of stabbing him. Instead, he took a step back. Ishida Uryu continued: "Whether it's a human being or a god of death, they are all idiots. If you see me as the same as those idiots, I will be very happy."

"You said you are happy?".

Hasward said softly: "I have never cared about your feelings. I just think that you are on the same front as them. It seems that there is no benefit to you. I have always been this way. "I mean, have you grown in strength since you were with them? From birth to now, all your growth is not as good as the short moment when His Majesty gave you strength."

At this point, he deliberately slowed down his speaking speed, and then said slowly: "If you decide who is a companion based on mutual support and allowing the other party to have better strength improvement, then you should bet your life on him, shouldn't you? It’s them, but His Majesty.”

Ishida Uryū smiled softly and continued: "Is this the choice you made for me after weighing everything on the scale? You are right. I weighed everything on the scale before choosing to stand with them. We are together, but there is no stake in it, and there is no right or wrong, because we are friends..."

Hearing this, Hasward's face suddenly became gloomier than ever before, as if he was greatly hurt in his heart. He raised his sword again and said in a deep voice: "In that case, then I Do you understand that even though you are recognized by His Majesty, you still don’t want to give up anything? At the very least, you have to keep your life here, Ishida Uryū!”

The blade of the sword was raised above his head, and just when he was about to stab it, suddenly, a white light came down from the ceiling, forcing him to stop his movements. Hasward's pupils shrank one by one, and he couldn't believe what was happening to him. , as if losing all power in an instant, at the same time, Gerald was also stripped of all power under the light, turned into huge white bones, scattered on the ground, like a castle collapsing.

Hitsugaya Toshiro and Kuchiki Byakuya looked up. On the high platform in the center of the castle, countless spiritual beings gathered there, like fashion falling from bottom to top. A black tunnel appeared in front of Yhwach. Ling Bai in the distance said slowly: "As you can see, the children of the Star Cross Group have no use value to me. As for you, just stay there and enjoy it..."

At this point, he showed a sarcastic smile: "I will destroy Soul Society and the present world, and then create a wonderful scene in the new world."

As soon as he finished speaking, Renji Abarai and Rukia Kuchiki stepped forward. They knew how powerful Yhwach was and did not take action rashly. Yhwach stopped in front of the tunnel and said in a deep voice: "You are so stubborn. Ah, it’s come to this, is there still a pursuer? But with a body full of scars, there’s nothing you can do. However, if you want to chase me, just come after me. I’ll give you this door. You stay."

"If you really have the courage to catch up, I will also grant you a gorgeous death." Yohabach continued: "I will choose the best time to kill you from now on to the future. I think in the days to come, whenever you feel happy, you will taste the fear of death that I bring to you."

Seeing that he was about to walk into the black door, Abarai Renji could no longer hold back, gritted his teeth, and Shebimaru whizzed out. Ling Bai secretly cursed an idiot. If he wanted to stop him, it was already too late. If this happened, it would be too late. If he could have been stopped, Yamamoto Genryusai would not have died. The moment Yhwach entered the door, he just raised his head casually, and Shebimaru broke in half.

Perhaps due to his bloodline, or perhaps because of the half body of Yhwach, Hasward did not turn into bones like Gerald, but fell on his back. He looked very peaceful. He lay on the ground and looked at Seeing Uryu Ishida's complex expression that was difficult to understand, he said softly: "Uryū Ishida, what's that expression of yours? Do you think I will be unwilling to accept that my power will be taken away by His Majesty like this? In fact, it's just the opposite..."

He raised his hand as if to grab something, squeezed it gently, and then continued: "Your Majesty did not take anything away from you, and I am very proud of it.".

Chapter 213: Compassion

"I just feel that only my power can be put to use for Your Majesty..."

Ishida Uryu looked at him. No matter how he looked at it, it was difficult to see any unwillingness on his part. Hasward's expression was peaceful, as if he already knew everything that was going to happen. He didn't know what to say for some reason. , actually felt sad for him. After a long while, he forced himself to stand up, just said lightly, "Really?", turned around and walked towards the exit.

"Wait a minute, Ishida Uryu."

Hasward suddenly said: "Use your ability of complete reversal to transfer the damage you suffered to me before leaving."

Hearing this, Ishida Uryu suddenly turned around and looked at him in disbelief. He originally wanted to do this. He was his opponent and had nothing to sympathize with. However, seeing Hasward's appearance, he couldn't bear to do it. , with such a peaceful and calm expression, he even felt that it was despicable to do so.

Hasward said softly: "What are you worried about? I won't live long anyway. No matter whether I am injured or not, this fact will not change."

"You..." Ishida Uryu hesitated for a moment, then said: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know very well." Hasward said: "What's wrong? Do you have sympathy for me now? You just fought with me with the attitude of killing me. I have already said it, Everything must be weighed on the scale. If you cannot weigh the pros and cons and move forward blindly, you will definitely regret it. If you understand, just put it on the scale. Ishida Uryu, you should help. Your friend."

Ishida Uryu's pupils gradually shrank. At this moment, he couldn't see Hasward clearly. He didn't know what he was thinking and what his purpose was. If Buzby's wish was to kill Yhwach, Nak Ruval wanted to see the inner world, but what about Hasward? However, after thinking about it, he transferred the injuries he suffered to Hasward. He suddenly felt that this was also Hasward's wish.

Even if the result cannot be changed, you still have to act according to your own will, and you still have to realize everything you want. There must be meaning in this, and there is nothing to regret.

Hasward closed his eyes and loosened his hand, revealing a button engraved with the subtitle B on the hilt of the sword. It was something Buzby gave him when he was very young.

Until the end, no one understood what Hasward was thinking. According to Kyoraku Shunsui, it might be a dilemma between loyalty and righteousness. In some ways, he was very similar to Gin Ichimaru. There were people he cared about and wanted to kill. Habach, his friend, obeyed his orders and finally gave him the fatal blow. He never forgot his agreement with Buzby.

After being taken away by Yhwach, he became half of Yhwach, especially at night with the power of omniscience and omnipotence. He began to understand that with such ability, no one could kill Yhwach, but he saw in the future However, the scene where Ling Bai beheaded Yhwach turned it into a dream and deceived Yhwach.

However, Ling Bai didn't think so. Hasward made his choice on the scale from beginning to end. His loyalty to Yhwach was true, and his friendship to Buzby was also true.

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