"In order to win me back, your body suffered great harm."

Hitsugaya Toshiro sat on the bed and said in a deep voice: "How is the situation outside?"

Hyōrinmaru did not hide anything and said truthfully: "Muramasa is leading the soul-cutting sword to launch a general attack on the Seireitei. Now the Shinigami are resisting with all their might. There is nothing serious for the time being. I think you should believe them. The Shinigami will not be like this. You can easily die, haven’t you proven this to us a long time ago?”

Hitsugaya Toshiro nodded. He also understood that his physical condition was still very poor. If he forced himself to fight, he would probably become a drag on the Gotei 13. In fact, the situation outside was worse than he imagined. To make matters worse, Tetsuzaemon of the shooting range had just recovered and had not yet regained his Zanzantō, but he got entangled with Haineko.

Kotetsu Yuune's right foot was also paralyzed and he sat on the ground unable to move. Thanks to Hinamori Momo and Matsumoto Rangiku who felt the spiritual pressure and arrived in time, otherwise they might have lost two captains who had just taken office not long ago.

They quickly distanced themselves, and Matsumoto Rangiku said: "I won't let you escape this time."

"I'll return this sentence to you unchanged." Gray Cat mocked: "We were just negligent last time, Auntie."

Rangiku Matsumoto wanted to attack directly, but was stopped by Tetsuaemon at the shooting range. She turned around and Jizou Jizo appeared behind her, spitting out purple smoke. Rangiku Matsumoto knew that this poison should not be touched easily, otherwise Not knowing what would happen, he quickly picked up Kotetsu Yongin and fled towards the street.

At this time, Ling Bai and Senbonzakura were fighting each other. Senbonzakura seemed to have grasped Ling Bai's mentality that he could not kill him, and gave up his defensive posture. Countless cherry blossoms surrounded Ling Bai's body, and even though they were cut off and burned, the cherry blossoms Like spring water, it flew endlessly. Byakuya Kuchiki easily defeated Shebimaru, and Renji Abarai also lost his strength and could no longer stand up.

Ling Bai could feel that the spiritual pressure in Madarame's corner had disappeared, and Yumichika Ayasegawa was in a very dangerous situation. If this continued, the combat effectiveness of the Gotei Thirteen Team would be broken down one by one by the soul-cutting swords, and gradually shrink. He burned the cherry blossoms with black flames again, and instantly appeared in front of Senbonzakura. Blood spattered out, and a wound up to five centimeters deep appeared on Senbonzakura's shoulder.

Although Kira Izuru was not running away, Feng Shi's actions and the attack trajectories of the weapons were too flexible. He could only keep dodging, and from time to time used the soul-cutting sword to block the sickle's attacks. There was no way to fight back. Fortunately, he His ghost path ability is outstanding, No. 39 Binding Path, the round gate fan is used instantly, a light yellow protective shield appears in front of him, but it is also cut and shattered by the rotating sickle.

"You really know how to struggle."

Feng Shi stopped his attack and gritted his teeth and said, "However, if you fight desperately alone, it won't change the situation. Feel the spiritual pressure around you. Your companions have fallen one after another. Our advantage But it’s overwhelming, don’t look at me with that irritating look, I will dig out your eyeballs.”

Kira Izuru still looked at him with a sullen face. Just when Feng Shi couldn't help it and wanted to tear him to pieces, he said: "Is this okay? After direct attacks many times in a row, you should know that my soul-cutting sword ability.”

"So what……"

Halfway through the words, Feng Shi suddenly paused and broke out in cold sweat. He gripped the sickle tightly and gritted his teeth and said, "Can you begin to untie it?"

Kira Izuru stared at his blade and said slowly: "Is your brain broken? How could I tell you such a thing?"

Feng Shi looked at him fiercely. Since just now, Kira Izuru has been avoiding his attacks, but he has not taken the initiative to attack. He always thought that due to his speed and changes in weapons, he would not be able to fight back. If that were the case, Couldn't he just start to solve it directly? Why bother beating around the bush? The only answer is that he has no way to solve it at all.

Thinking of this, he threw the scythe, but Kira Izuru dodged it and appeared behind him. He threw it again, but Kira Izuru showed an almost playful smile, raised the soul-cutting sword, and wanted to look at the throwing knife. , the spinning scythe, Feng Shi exclaimed, and quickly retracted the scythe. Seeing Kira Izuru's posture, he was still afraid that he would be disobedient and would not let his weapon touch his blade.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed in front of Kira Izuru at an extremely fast speed and slashed down. Even if he could get rid of it, he could kill him first.

Just when he was about to hit Kira Izuru, the opponent disappeared from his sight again and dropped the iron chain wrist guard. The next moment, the iron chain exploded, and with the scream of death, the fire illuminated the night sky, Kira Izuru spun the soul-cutting sword, No. 58 broke through Dao Tianlan, the tornado broke through the flames, and swept the wind into the sky.

In Feng Shi's horrified eyes, the light of the sword flashed away, intense pain came from his shoulder, and he fell from mid-air.

Chapter 246: Arrival

"Now I can answer your question."

Kira Izuru said: "I haven't regained my power yet, so I can't solve it, but the moment you get lost in thinking, you are destined to lose. This is what the former captain taught me, the Sixty-three of the Binding Dao, the Chain Lock "

The golden chain wrapped around Feng Shi's body, making him unable to move. He couldn't kill Feng Shi. He had to wait until Hisagi Shuhei came to recover him. Now he was going to support the others, just when he wanted to leave here. While there, a gloomy voice came from behind.

He suddenly turned around, and a long-haired young man carrying a stone tablet and an iron ball on his shoulders appeared in front of him. Seeing the other person's appearance, Kira Izuru instantly realized that this was his soul-cutting sword, Wabisuke, and The hook-shaped front part of the soul-cutting sword hooked on his blade. He suddenly felt that his soul-cutting sword was as heavy as a thousand pounds, and he was also carried down by the force and fell on the roof.

"it's over……"

Wabisuke's soul-cutting sword was pressed against his neck. Kira Izuru closed his eyes. He knew his soul-cutting sword better than anyone else, and his personality was gloomier than him. If he said it was over, it would never be the case. When he was entangled with you again and waiting for death, he suddenly thought of Ichimaru Gin. If he was still alive, he might come to protect him, just like when Rijebaro fell in the Serenity Courtyard.

Suddenly, huge spiritual pressure fluctuations appeared in the center of the Quiet Spirit Garden, and golden beams of light rose into the sky, reaching straight into the clouds. During this period, breathtaking laughter came, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations broke through the surrounding buildings and even reached here. , the whole house fell into pieces like building blocks, and Wabisuke could only avoid its sharp edge.

Everyone knew that this was when Zaraki Kenpachi arrived on the battlefield. The sudden collision of spiritual pressure gave all the Shinigami a shot in the arm and resolved most of the crises. He first appeared on the battlefield of the Sixth Division, hoping that He sneered at the people who stopped fighting, "Why fight so carefully, Ling Bai."

"What is your way of showing up?".

Broken Bee dodged to a nearby rooftop and asked, "Not only are you late, but you're also making it so exaggerated."

"Stop blabbering." Zaraki Kenpachi retorted: "I came here in a hurry before you were dead. Even if I make it a little exaggerated, what does it matter? Then, the people who play with me can't If anyone survives well, if no one talks, I will find someone to kill them as I please. "

His appearance made many people feel that this battle would not be lost.

Wabisuke didn't care about so much. Since he appeared in such a conspicuous position, wasn't he a target for people to shoot at? He appeared behind Zaraki Kenpachi and slashed across with his soul-cutting sword. Zaraki Kenpachi didn't know who it was. He didn't react, he still didn't take him seriously, and he didn't even try to hide. He just let his hook-shaped blade slash at his body. Wabisuke immediately felt as if he was slashing on a steel plate, and his hand was shaken. pain.

"What are you doing?"

Zaraki Kenpachi grabbed the blade and said slowly: "Do you want to chop me with such a dull knife? I'm not here to play with minions like you."

The next moment, the dazzling sword light tore through the space along with the golden spiritual pressure light. Wabisuke's pupils suddenly shrank. Before he could even realize what had happened, his whole body turned into a phantom, and finally became a soul-cutting sword. On the ground, but the blade has been broken.

With just one meeting, he restored Wabisuke's prototype. Zaraki Kenpachi had just come back. First of all, he didn't understand the situation. He no longer had so many rules. It didn't matter who his soul-cutting sword was, whether it could be restored, as long as it was an enemy. Just cut it.

Zouhou looked at the broken Wabisuke with a cold expression. This is what happens when a Shinigami other than the holder is defeated. The Zanthanato communicates, synchronizes with the Shinigami, and then surrenders. If a third party intervenes, this relationship will be There is no way it can be established.

"who is the next?"

Zaraki Kenpachi looked around, trying to find his next opponent. No one dared to answer. No one knew whether his soul-cutting sword was summoned by Muramasa. After awakening, whether it was Kusuka Yachiru. However, before he unleashed the Soul-Zantoto, he was already at the captain level, and he was terrifyingly strong.

"You are truly worthy of being the captain of the fighting force."

Far away from here, the glazed peacock said: "I actually cut off a soul-cutting sword without any effort. However, his spiritual pressure is too rough for my taste. In fact, you think so too, right?" , our personalities are very similar.”

"Similar personalities?" Yumichika Ayasekawa asked.

"That's right." Liuli Peacock said: "We are all willing to live for our own aesthetics and always have beauty, but we chose the wrong team and were surrounded by stupid, vulgar and bloody people. Even if we liberated our own power, , will be ridiculed by others, that is not an aesthetic, not exposing your abilities to Zaraki Kenpachi and Madarame, this kind of awareness has become your aesthetics."

Chapter 247: Ridicule

"There's nothing you can do about it. A self-absorbed person like you cares most about how others look at you."

Facing the cynicism of his soul-cutting sword, Ayasekawa Yumichika's face suddenly darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "What on earth do you want to say?"

"Nothing." The glazed peacock said: "I just want to say that it is nonsense for a person like you who is afraid of other people's eyes and does not recognize his own strength to win against someone like me who firmly believes in his own strength. It’s almost time to end, see you again, my former master.”

At this point, buds grew on the glazed vines, and Yumika Ayasekawa gritted his teeth tightly. He knew that the ability of the glazed peacock was to absorb the opponent's spiritual power and then bloom. When the flowers bloom, the opponent dies. .

The soul-zanting sword camp has lost two companions, and they began to be wary of Zaraki Kenpachi's strength. However, Zanfeng didn't take it seriously. She just thought that Wabisuke was stupid. He didn't have any battle plan and just slashed at him in such a hurry. Yan Ling Maru asked: "Zaraki Kenpachi, where have you been hiding so far?"

"You said I was hiding?"

Zaraki Kenpachi said: "You can't tarnish my reputation like this. I just went to Rukongai to fight off Hollows. After receiving the contact from the Seireitei, I wanted to rush back, but I got lost on the way. , that’s why we got it now.”

Ling Bai shrugged and showed a helpless smile. For some reason, the original tense atmosphere was completely gone because he was lost. Zaraki Kenpachi glanced around and then said slowly: "Let's start the fight now." , who is the strongest among you?”

No one said anything. Finally, he locked his eyes on Kuchiki Byakuya, who was also looking at him coldly. The two of them were of equal strength, and they were both characters that made it difficult for people to imagine failure. Qianbon Sakura stood between the two of them in time and said in a deep voice: "It seems that there is a troublesome opponent. Leave this place to me first, and you go first."

He also knew that Zaraki Kenpachi was difficult to deal with. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he gave up his previous temptations and chose to directly swastika. When the cherry blossom blades came overwhelming, Zaraki Kenpachi also directly tore off his blindfold and said loudly: "Don't get carried away, you are just a fool." You just want to defeat my mother with the Soul-Slaying Sword?”

The moment the blindfold was torn off, the repressed spiritual pressure in his body exploded like a bomb. The golden light shot up into the sky, like thunder from the ground. No matter how many times it was seen, it was still surprising. The spiritual pressure was hitting it. In an instant, the sea of ​​cherry blossoms collapsed completely. Not only him, but everyone present, whether it was the Shinigami or the Soul-Zanbing Sword, could not take a step forward.

"What a nuisance!"

Zaraki Kenpachi appeared in front of Senbonzakura, and the soul-cutting sword was pressed down on his head. Like an atomic bomb explosion, the air flow swept through the Jingreiting, and the golden aperture expanded sequentially. Everything that came into contact was reduced to nothing. The Senbonzakura in the center was even more miserable.

"Even if we are dozens of miles apart, we can still feel his spiritual pressure."

The glazed peacock said: "That man is indeed very powerful, but there is not much time left for you to feel his spiritual pressure. Death, no matter who it is, will be afraid of it. I hope you can wither beautifully."

Just as he said, Ayasegawa Yumichika seems to be helpless now. The flower of spiritual child is gradually blooming, which also means that there is not much spiritual pressure left in his body. He seemed to be having a flashback and suddenly smiled: "I've decided, I'm going to defeat you here."

The glazed peacock raised his head slightly and showed an almost helpless smile: "Now that things have come to this, can you still say such a thing?"

Yumichika Ayasekawa said: "Just like you said, I really care about the opinions of people around me. This is also my shortcoming."

"Let me just say it." The glazed peacock said: "That's just because you are afraid of their eyes and distorted your own aesthetics."

"No." Yumichika Ayasegawa said: "Rather than letting them see the liberation of Teng Kongque, it is better to let me die."

Speaking of this, he suddenly increased his spiritual pressure, and more flowers bloomed on the vines. The glazed peacock couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Has your head been burned and confused? The faster your spiritual pressure increases, the more flowers will bloom." The faster you grow, the closer you are to death."

"Of course I understand."

Yumichika Ayasekawa said loudly. He increased his spiritual pressure, released the red fire cannon, and smashed the vines wrapped around his right arm. He then pulled out the soul-cutting sword and cut off all the vines. How could the glazed peacock? I didn't expect that he would make such a random move. After the vines were cut off, his aura was also very chaotic.

"Anyway, I am also a member of the Gotei Thirteen's strongest fighting force. If I fall down at this level, just laugh at me then."

Immediately afterwards, he attacked the glazed peacock crazily, but because too much spiritual pressure was absorbed, he could not use much strength. Instead, he was laughed at by the opponent. The 11th Division of the Fighting Faction could only do this.

Chapter 248: Aesthetics

"Your spiritual pressure has become a lot weaker, so don't force it."

Ayasegawa Yumichika gritted his teeth. It was undeniable that the glazed peacock had indeed touched on his pain point. Even the first explanation could not be achieved. Even if he escaped, it would be of no avail. He never imagined that his soul-cutting sword would put him in a dangerous situation. Danger.

"It seems you are at your wits' end."

The glazed peacock mocked: "If you don't mind, you can use my power. This is only fair."

"I reject."

Ayasekawa Yumichika said without hesitation that using his power in this situation would simply be humiliating oneself. The glazed peacock looked at the soul-cutting sword in his hand and said softly: "Then I won't use it. This is the only way." That’s fair.”

"Yes." Yumichika Ayasegawa said: "But can you do it? Although you claim that it is so-called aesthetics or something, in the end it is not because you are not confident in the power of your own ghost system."

"You really dare to say that, then I'll let you see. I will stick to my own aesthetics until the end. No matter how many times, I can use the same move."

The glazed peacock raised the soul-cutting sword, and the green spiritual pressure gradually spread out, forming more than a dozen vines, slowly extending towards the position where Ayase River Yumichika was standing, and said: "You just said it, if this If you fall down just a little bit, I’ll laugh at you as much as you want, but it seems like you can’t hear my laughter.”

However, he still miscalculated. Ayasegawa Yumichika had already seen through his weakness. He only used the gray rope No. 4 to entangle the extending vines. The glazed peacock frowned. No matter how hard he tried, the vines fell. He couldn't even open it. At the moment when he lost consciousness, Ayasekawa Yumichika had disappeared from his sight, and when he reappeared, he was already standing behind him.

"That's it."

Yumichika Ayasekawa said softly: "Fortunately, you and I are both stubborn and blindly believe in ourselves. If we had fought as before, I might not have any chance of winning. We are so similar that we are annoying."

The next moment, the light of the sword suddenly appeared, and the soul-cutting sword in Yumika Ayasekawa's hand penetrated the chest of the glazed peacock from behind. No blood flowed out. As soon as the scream came out, it stopped abruptly, and the glazed peacock turned into a soul-cutting sword. , inserted in place.

As Yumichika Ayasekawa said, if they continue to fight with shallow fighting, Yumichika Ayasegawa has no chance of winning with his current spiritual pressure. However, the glazed peacock insists too much on his own aesthetics. After liberation, he , but was used by the opponent. Just a moment could determine the outcome of this duel.

"Rather than letting people see your liberation, it's better to let me die, but that's not all. If you don't liberate the glazed peacock, I will win even if it's just a matter of will."

After saying this, he also fell down.

In the collision of spiritual pressure just now, the entire Sixth Division was razed to the ground, and the nearby Shinigami and Soul-Zanken swords were blown out of sight. Ling Bai also protected the injured Renji Abarai and Rukia Kuchiki. Leaving here, there is now a battlefield between the two captains, and no one can interfere.

"You bounced the others away and released a lot of spiritual pressure."

Kuchiki Byakuya was still standing there unharmed and said in a cold voice: "This will also put a great burden on your body."

"It doesn't matter." Zaraki Kenpachi put on the eyepatch again and said slowly: "I never took them seriously from the beginning. I came here just to fight you. I can do it at any cost. At this level If you fall down, please laugh at me. If you let me kill you first, you'll be the first to attack."

Kuchiki Byakuya had different ideas from him. He came here solely to achieve a certain purpose. In fact, he could have returned to the cave long ago. There was no need to fight Zaraki Kenpachi. He just said lightly: "I don't have the time to deal with it. you."

"Really? Then I have no choice but to take action."

Kenpachi Zaraki couldn't control that much. He had long wanted to fight with Byakuya Kuchiki. He rushed over like a cannonball in vain. The moment the blades collided, Byakuya Kuchiki released the soul-cutting sword and the blade turned into Countless cherry blossoms scattered and enveloped Zaraki Kenpachi, but in less than two seconds, they were all scattered by the opponent.

"Don't let me down too much."

He suddenly increased his spiritual pressure, slashed the ground with his soul-cutting sword, and the golden spiritual pressure hit Byakuya Kuchiki. With the sound of explosion, smoke and dust flew everywhere. Such intensity forced Byakuya Kuchiki to fight seriously. He had to Decide the winner here, otherwise it will be endless. Compared to Zaraki Kenpachi's power, he is a man who uses speed as his weapon.

The next moment, the figures intertwined. Kuchiki Byakuya's movements were smooth, elegant and fast. With a bang, the soul-cutting swords of the two collided together. This is his unique move, flash flower, rotating Shunpo, appearing in an instant. Behind the opponent, the knot pierced him, and he did not expect that Zaraki Kenpachi could actually keep up with his speed and block the blow.

Chapter 249: Only speed can never break

"Do you think I can't keep up with this level of Shunpo?"

Byakuya Kuchiki frowned slightly, put down his soul-cutting sword, and said slowly: "Do you really think you can keep up with my speed?".

"Then let's try it." As Zaraki Kenpachi slashed with his sword, Kuchiki Byakuya disappeared on the spot. Then, he stabbed at the place where the opponent appeared. Kuchiki Byakuya kept dodging and retreating. Although Zaraki Kenpachi's speed is not very fast, every sword strike is unstoppable, and the sound of the sound pierces the air makes his eardrums hurt. In the face of such power, the advantage of speed is very weak.

"It seems that your speed can only be used to escape."


The next moment, Kuchiki Byakuya's figure disappeared from his eyes. When he noticed it, the opponent had appeared behind him. The blade slashed straight down. With a swipe, a five centimeter-long wound appeared on his arm, and blood flowed out. .

"Do you understand this time? You can't catch me with your speed."


As soon as he finished speaking, Zaraki Kenpachi suddenly charged towards him, like a ferocious beast that saw its prey. The soul-cutting sword swept past. When he failed to catch the target, he quickly turned around, raised his hand without any hesitation, and grabbed the broken sword. When the blade came, Kuchiki Byakuya's pupils suddenly shrank. He did not expect that Zaraki Kenpachi would actually use such a barbaric way to grab his blade.

"I caught it this time."

Immediately afterwards, there was a full-strength slash, and golden spiritual pressure rose into the sky, but it disappeared in a flash. The two of them stepped back, keeping a relatively safe distance, and the one who made the attack, Zaraki Sword, Hachi was breathing heavily. At that moment, Byakuya Kuchiki was faster than him. White lightning passed through the light and resisted his attack.

"Stop wasting my time."

Kuchiki Byakuya said calmly: "Otherwise I will kill you next time."

He originally thought that Zaraki Kenpachi would give up. No matter how long the fight lasted, it would be a stalemate. It was a complete waste of time. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Zaraki Kenpachi laughed and said, "You want Kill me? Isn't this just right? Come on, I've always wanted to fight with you one day, and now I can finally get my wish. Keep fighting, Kuchiki Byakuya."

"Then don't blame me for being ruthless."

Kuchiki Byakuya pulled out the Soul-Zanbing Sword that had just been sheathed. At this moment, a beast-like roar came from not far away, and it sounded like a baby's cry. The huge golden Kishiki Jizo crushed the building. , like a long worm, hit the ground near them. Purple smoke surrounded the two people, and the toxin spread quickly. Renji Abarai and Rukia Kuchiki, who were about to run over, had their legs weak and fell to the ground. .

Although this kind of poison cannot be effective against Zaraki Kenpachi, it is too strong, making it impossible for people to see the scene in front of them clearly. Senbonzakura flashes over, pulls Kuchiki Byakuya down, and tells him not to continue fighting here, and the two quickly leave. The battlefield disappeared into the Jingling Court.

Just now, Zaraki Kenpachi's spiritual pressure collided, causing Zaihou and Enreimaru to separate. Zaiyu stood on the roof in the distance, looking at the open area, still complaining in a low voice, Zaraki Kenpachi He's so rough every time he comes out, can't that guy use a calmer approach?

For some unknown reason, she turned around quickly and disappeared. At the same moment, the bird appeared there, with the short blade in her hand stabbing the wall she was holding on to.

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