They received the summons and quickly came to the Technology Development Bureau. Faced with Hitsugaya Toshiro's questioning, Matsumoto Rangiku also looked confused. It seemed that it was just a farce, but Ise Nanao's explanation was different. They were After completing the mission, he rushed back, and just three hours ago, Matsumoto Rangiku was scolded by Hitsugaya Toshiro.

The only explanation now is that the timeline has been distorted, or it can be said that there has been a change in the world. Nirvana has nothing to say. In any case, it is the responsibility of the Technology Development Bureau.

Half an hour later, Jing Ling Ting held an emergency meeting of captains. Nirvana investigated the situation in the world in detail and found that there was a time gap between the real world and the Soul Society, and the influence was still expanding. If this was left unchecked, If we go down, within two days, we will no longer be able to interfere in this world.

Jingraku Shunsui didn't know much about this kind of technical stuff, so he just asked him if he could solve this situation.

"Of course."

Nie Yuli said: "Although adjustments can be made now, what really attracts my attention is the cause. I think that we should first conduct a thorough investigation within the boundary."

Kyōraku Shunsui quickly issued an order, and the investigation of the boundary was handed over to Niyuri, and the security work was handed over to Kenpachi Zaraki. Niyūri immediately expressed his dissatisfaction. He said that barbaric people like Kenpachi Zaraki were in charge. Can it, can it be used as a vigilant? It may lead to tragedy.

In addition, Kuchiki Byakuya and Hitsugaya Toshiro's team assisted Niryuri in the investigation.

Subsequently, Nirvana went to the broken boundary to investigate. The situation inside was completely caused by man-made factors. As soon as they connected the video communication, a strong explosion occurred in the detention stream.

About half an hour later, Byakuya Kuchiki and Toshiro Hitsugaya walked out of the boundary gate. Due to the sudden interruption of communication in the boundary, Seireitei also issued a declaration of an emergency situation. They did not encounter Nirvana in the boundary. Lee and Kenpachi Zaraki discovered important items.

The world-breaking incident is becoming more and more confusing. The Technology Development Bureau requested Ling Bai to return to Soul Society. Ling Bai wanted to contact Jing Ling Ting first, but he couldn't get through, and the girl he picked up was not awake yet. He wanted to inquire about something. With no other choice, they came to Urahara Store and wanted to use the world-traveling gate here to return to Soul Society.

Urahara Kisuke disagreed. In fact, just a few days ago, Yoruichi had gone to Soul Society. He should be back soon, but there is no news yet. If Lingbai goes again now, he will probably come back. very dangerous.

In response, Ling Bai just smiled and said, "Then I should go."

Urahara Kisuke sighed silently and opened the boundary gate. Lingbai and Kuchiki Rukia entered the passage of the broken world. After walking for a while, they felt that it was unusually strange here. There was no trace of spiritual pressure. Every day here The god of death is coming back and forth, but now there is no sign of it. It is better to leave here as soon as possible.

Just as they were about to speed up, Ling Bai turned around and saw a golden light suddenly appearing at the end of the passage.

Chapter 278: Time

Kuchiki Rukia's pupils suddenly shrank, and she didn't have time to think about why Jutu appeared at this time. She pulled Ling Bai and ran forward. The golden light of Jutu was like a train crashing in the broken world. It was inside the broken world. The Scavenger appears only once every seven days. No matter how strong your spiritual pressure is, he can devour it. As long as it appears, it will destroy all matter blocking its orbit.

This is also to prevent people who enter the broken world from staying too long, so that there will be a Juju. The speed of the Jutu is quite fast, and the unstoppable collision force closes the distance in a moment. Ling Bai frowns slightly and pulls out his chopper. Soul Knife, holding Kuchiki Rukia, turned into black flames and detonated in the broken world. Following the airflow of the explosion, they crashed into the Soul Society's boundary gate.

With a bang, as if the sky was torn apart, Ling Bai appeared in mid-air in the Serenity Court holding Kuchiki Lucia. However, the burning ability of the black flame was difficult to control. To prevent accidental injury to Lucia, Ling Bai could only He let go and landed on the street below.

Ling Bai looked around, but did not see Rukia Kuchiki. Just as he was about to look for it, he suddenly heard a low voice coming from the roof. He looked up and saw Toshiro Hitsugaya standing on the roof, drawing out his sword. Soul Knife, said in a deep voice: "Ling Bai, don't move, put down your knife!"

"What do you mean?" Ling Bai frowned slightly. It was hard for him to imagine what happened in Jinglingting. The Technology Development Bureau asked him to return to Jinglingting. As soon as he landed, the captain of the 10th division was about to attack him with a knife.

Without giving him a chance to ask, Hitsugaya Toushiro rushed up directly. Under the collision of the blades, Hitsugaya Toshiro gritted his teeth and said, "Don't move. As an important suspect, you are going to be arrested now."

Ling Bai didn't want to fight with him. He was not as stupid as Kuchiki Kyouga. He took a step back and distanced himself. A large number of figures appeared on both sides of the street, including three captain-level figures. Kuchiki Byakuya also pointed a knife at him. , said in a cold voice: "Don't blame us, this is not our original intention, we will detain you now."

"It's really troublesome..."

Ling Bai sighed silently and put down the soul-killing knife. Although he could break out of the siege, there was no need. This would only arouse the hostility of the entire Jingling Court, and he would not be able to find the enemies hiding in the dark. They came When they arrived at the cell, Ling Bai didn't think they had been brainwashed. If they could brainwash two or three captains, the entire Soul Society would be over. There must be other reasons.

Last time it was the soul-cutting sword, is it the god of death's turn this time?

As soon as he lay down, Rukia Kuchiki appeared outside the cell, carrying his Soul Zanto.

In fact, at this time, Kyoraku Shunsui was also troubled. He did not think that this incident had anything to do with Ling Bai, but how to explain the evidence? In fact, the thing that Kuchiki Byakuya found in the broken world was what Ling Bai carried with him. Necklace, he picked up the wine glass, and Ise Nanao hurried in. Just after receiving the report, Ling Bai disappeared from the cell.

Ling Bai followed Kuchiki Rukia and ran towards the White Road Gate. There was a world-transmitting gate there that allowed him to return to the present world. Although he didn't want to leave, after all, he had a chance to cross the Kuchiki Xianghe River. If he waited quietly, he would recover. Calm, but he didn't want to refuse Kuchiki Rukia's kindness, so he could only avoid the surrounding spiritual pressure, return to the living world first, and make plans.

"What happened?"

After all, Kuchiki Rukia is also the captain of the twelfth team, and she also has a certain right to know about various things. She hid behind the wall and whispered: "According to my investigation, it seems that there is something between Soul Society and the present world. There is a gap in time.”

Ling Bai was not talking. If there was an error in the timeline, someone with ideas could make a big fuss and split the Jing Ling Ting. They avoided the patrolling Death God. Just as they were about to come out from behind the wall, Ling Bai suddenly felt familiar. He turned around suddenly and saw Madarame Ikkaku and Abarai Renji appearing in front of them.

"Sorry, Ling Bai, you'd better go back."

"You better not resist, we don't want to kill you."

Ling Bai sneered. Even though they were former partners, he still wanted to say that two people at the level of deputy captain still wanted to kill him. If he wanted to escape, they would have fallen to the ground now.

"Let me ask you something, Renji."

Kuchiki Rukia suddenly said: "Why do you doubt Ling Bai?"

"Necklace." Renji Abarai said, "Your necklace has been submitted as evidence."

Ling Bai then remembered that the necklace had indeed fallen off when Duanjieju rushed over. The situation was urgent at that time and he did not go back to pick it up. However, how could it be submitted as evidence? What kind of evidence was this? .

Madarame Ikkaku said: "We have found out that the time the necklace stayed in the broken world is basically the same as the time Captain Nirvana and the others disappeared a few days ago."

"How many days ago?" Ling Bai asked confused: "Don't be kidding, we only arrived in Soul Society at noon today."

Chapter 279: Spiritual Remains

"Wait a minute, Ling Bai."

Kuchiki Rukia suddenly said: "I seem to understand. Before we left this world, your lost necklace was submitted as evidence. This is indeed puzzling. However, one thing is already clear. I want to frame you. This person is the mastermind of this incident.”

Ling Bai nodded. He also knew that someone must be behind this incident. There were many reasons to frame him. What really puzzled him was how the other party managed to disrupt the timeline.

Renji Abarai said: "Although we don't quite understand what is going on, and we don't want to do such a thing, I only know that if you resist us and start a war again, things will become more and more serious. "

He also knew that Ling Bai would not be captured without hesitation. Madarame released the soul-cutting sword directly and stabbed Ling Bai. At the same time, Renji Abarai's Shebimaru also roared out, and Rukia Kuchiki could not Sit back and watch, he stepped forward to block Ling Bai's attack from Renji Abarai, and said in a deep voice: "What are you going to do, Renji, do you really think Ling Bai is the culprit of this incident?"

"Of course I don't think so."

Renji Abarai said without hesitation: "I can't help it. The higher-ups said they were going to arrest him. I was just following the order."

He frowned, and Rukia Kuchiki suddenly felt an unstoppable force pressing down on her. The soul-cutting sword in her hand was sinking, and the hands holding the sword felt extremely heavy.

"Stop holding me back, Rukia!"

Ling Bai sighed silently. It looked like he had to fight. He raised his hand and held the spear that Madarame Ikkaku was stabbing at. He said in a deep voice: "Ikkaku, you'd better stop. I'm not fighting with you." A reason to fight.”

"Me too." Madarame Ikkaku sneered: "But there is no need for a reason for the showdown between the strong and the strong."

He is still very relaxed. In any case, although they all use swastika, Madarame Ikkaku and Abarai Renji are far from reaching the captain level. Kuchiki Rukia is under a lot of pressure. As a captain, she , it was entirely because of the vacancy caused by Ukitake Jushiro's death that he was replaced.

"What's wrong, Lucia, if you don't take action, I can't guarantee that you will escape unscathed."

Kuchiki Rukia's heart sank when she saw his almost ferocious look and the murderous intent revealed by the Soul-Zanbing Knife. She understood that this guy was definitely not bluffing. Ling Bai also shook his head slightly and pulled out the Soul-Zanbing Knife. It seems that they must be dealt with here, otherwise more Death Gods will be attracted.

"Seventy-three of the Dao Bindings, Mountain Overturning Crystal!"

Just as he was about to rush forward, a light blue light suddenly appeared around the bodies of Madarame Ikkaku and Abarai Renji, and an inverted triangle of light enclosed them inside. Ling Bai looked back and saw Yoruichi standing on a tree trunk not far away. Go up, the binding method just now was exactly what she used.

"Ling Bai, Lucia, leave quickly!"

They left the Seireitei and came to an uninhabited temple not far away. As soon as they took a breath, Rukia Kuchiki said: "They look really strange. Renji's eyes seem to really want to kill us."

"There's nothing we can do about it."

Yoruichi chuckled, "They are not the real Abarai and Madarame."

"What do you mean?" Ling Bai was very confused. They were not the real ones. Could it be someone else pretending to be them? But the spiritual pressure is no different from usual, and it feels like the strength is still improving.

Hearing his confusion, Yoruichi said: "That's because they are made very realistic."

"Manufacture?" Kuchiki Rukia said.

Yoruichi said: "In order for the Shinigami to move in this world, the thing that must be used is the container of the soul, that is, the body, which is what we usually call the body. On the other hand, in the Soul Society, as the container of the soul The body also exists, it can be said to be the Soul Society version of the righteous skeleton, so you should be able to understand it. "

Speaking of this, she wrote the word "spiritual skeleton" on the wall, and then said: "The Abarai and Madarame just now are replicas that can be faked by injecting very similar souls into the real ones. Their memories, personalities, and thoughts are all very lifelike, and are infinitely close to their true form. What I don’t know is how many spiritual corpses are mixed into the current Gotei Thirteenth Team.”

Rukia Kuchiki said: "I still don't understand. In Soul Society, where the soul itself is the body, isn't this spiritual body not needed at all?"

Ye Yiyi nodded, pinched his waist and said: "For ordinary Shinigami, this is indeed the case, but for some people, this is necessary. The development and experiment of Yihun Pills in Soul Society, the spirit bones are Something indispensable.”

Hearing this, Kuchiki Rukia's pupils shrank one by one. She had a premonition of something terrible, but she didn't say it. First she didn't confirm it, and then she didn't dare to say it.

Chapter 280: Full alert

"The facts are clear."

Yoruichi said without any scruples: "The mastermind behind this matter is undoubtedly the people from Division 12."

Kuchiki Rukia bit her lower lip. She wanted to solve the matter this time, and she wanted to show Ling Bai's innocence. She proposed to go to the Technology Development Bureau and ask the staff there face to face, but Ling Bai said: "It's really stupid. There is no plan. Just It is impossible to successfully find out the truth by breaking into the enemy's base camp. We should sneak in secretly and collect as much intelligence as possible."

Later, they took advantage of the darkness to avoid the patrolling guards and sneaked into the Technology Development Bureau. Ling Bai first knocked on the door of the duty room and knocked him out before Yao Zhou could see the person clearly when he opened the door. Although they They are all members of the twelfth team, but they have no combat ability. They are all talented in research, and were recruited into the team by Niryuri.

They entered the room, sat in front of the computer, and checked the access records of the broken world. Since there was a problem with the broken world's timeline, they must start here first. There should be people who could be clues here. He looked through the photos, and inside These are all photos of the investigation and security personnel who entered the border area that day, and there doesn't seem to be anything suspicious about it.

Ling Bai finally stopped the picture at the penultimate picture, which was a picture of a girl he picked up in the parking lot of the real world. She was naked and running with only a gray cloth on her face. From the look of her, it seemed like someone was chasing her behind her.

The text recorded on the photo is: The whereabouts in the present world are unknown, and it was finally found in Karakura Town. If there are difficulties in capturing it, it is allowed to be destroyed, and it has been authorized.

Just when they were sneaking into the Technology Development Bureau, Kyōraku Shunsui was leaning on the garden railing of Seireitei, drinking. Byakuya Kuchiki passed by and asked casually: "Did you find anything?"

Kyōraku Shunsui did not answer his question. Instead, he picked up his wine glass and said exaggeratedly: "Captain Kuchiki, it's really hard to be out patrolling so late at night."

Byakuya Kuchiki asked expressionlessly: "What are you doing during this emergency alert period?"

Kyōraku Shunsui shook his wine glass and said with a smile, "As you can see, where are you, Captain Kuchiki."

Kuchiki Byakuya said: "I am looking for Ling Bai's whereabouts."

Jingraku Shunshui smiled softly, turned around and left, and said lightly: "Then I have to go on guard."

They seemed to have their own thoughts. Kotetsu Yongin also came to the Bai Dao Gate to feel the spiritual pressure inside. He stood in front of the Chuankai Gate for a long time before turning around and leaving.

Ling Bai realized that this girl might be an important clue to this incident. She was not the mastermind behind the scenes. She should be the person that the planners of this incident wanted to find. She was also an indispensable person to complete the purpose. Now that girl is here At home, he was afraid that something might happen, so he left it to Uryu Ishida to look after him.

As night fell, there was a sudden knock on the door. He thought it was Ling Bai and the others who were in trouble at Jing Ling Ting and rushed back. Ishida Uryu hurriedly ran to open the door. Standing outside the door were Kira Izuru and Ise Seven. Xu, following them was a god of death that he had never seen before, that is, Inaba Kagerozuo, who was responsible for breaking the boundary in the Technology Development Bureau.

This was really a strange combination. He was confused, but he did not raise his vigilance. After all, he did not know that there was such a thing as a spiritual skeleton. Kira Izuru walked into the room and said: "We heard that there is a god of death named Kujo Nozomi. Here we are to take her away."

"Is Kujo hope true?"

Ishida Uryu reacted quickly, turned sideways, invited them in, and said, "You are talking about the girl Ling Bai brought back. She is in the room above. Come with me."

He turned around and went upstairs and opened the door: "Someone from Soul Society has come to pick you up. What are you doing..."

Kujo Mozumi pushed open the window, looked back at her, and suddenly jumped down, jumping over several rooftops in succession, and the speed was very fast, as if he was running away. Ishida Uryu lay on the window and looked down, Kira Izuru and Ise Nanao also rushed out of the room and chased her. He suddenly realized that something was wrong, jumped from the window and chased after her.

He had never doubted Ise Nanao, but the girl's behavior was too suspicious. No matter what, they couldn't let them take her away before Ling Bai came back. Muramasa's incident made him alert.

They chased to the lake, and Kujo Nozomi suddenly released the No. 58 Podo Kanlan. The huge whirlwind involved the two chasing people. They were blown away directly as if they were defenseless. Kujo Nozomi Shi took the opportunity to escape to a nearby factory.

Ishida Uryu's pursuit speed was also very fast. When he just entered the factory and wanted to meet Kujo Nozomi, he was suddenly pressed against the wall by three oncoming golden light beams. Inabata Rangzuo walked out of the shadows, and Chen Shen He said in a loud voice: "Useless resistance, do you really think you can escape from the palm of your hand?"

Kujo Nozomi's face was horrified, and his legs were gradually trembling. It was unimaginable for Ishida Uryū to imagine that the Shinigami, who could release the 58th broken path without chanting, would be so scared in front of Inaba Kage Rōsa.

Chapter 281: Central Breakthrough

Inaba Kageroza just lightly tapped Kujo Nozomi's abdomen with the long stick in his hand. Kujo Nozomi fell to his knees as if he had been hit by a huge impact. Kira Izuru and Ise Nanao also rushed to the ground. Coming over, Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo turned around and said: "You guys should deal with him. In the end, he is just a person who transforms and strengthens the soul. I will go back first."

Seeing their attitude, Ishida Uryu became more and more suspicious. In fact, from the moment they entered the door, Inaba Kageroza gave him a bad feeling, and no matter what Kira Izuru and Ise Nanao said, , is also a deputy captain level figure, and Ise Nanao has been the adjutant who has followed the current captain Kyoraku Shunsui for many years. Even if she is the captain, she dares to contradict him.

He had never even heard of Inaba Kagerozuo. How could they treat him with such respect? Not long after the Muramasa incident, a coup occurred in the Serenity Court. If so, before Ling Bai came back, , and he couldn't let them take Kujo Nozomi away.

Thinking of this, he broke free from the shackles of the binding, jumped onto the pipe above, called out his spiritual bow, and said in a deep voice: "Isn't it a bit too much for you to force an unwilling girl like this?".

"The fourth broken path, Bai Lei!"

He had known his ability for a long time, and such a binding path could not trap him. Inabata Rangzuo did not hesitate and chose to strike first. White lightning burst out from his fingertips and exploded in the pipe where Ishida Uryū was standing just now. He slowly Said: "Quincy, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business. This is not something you should be interested in."

"I never said I was interested in your affairs." Uryū Ishida did not fight back immediately. He would not attack easily without understanding the opponent's strength. Moreover, there were two deputy captain-level figures on the opposite side. Although now They didn't look that strong, but said: "I just don't want you to mess up this newly peaceful town. Get out of here. In this case, I won't pursue it."

"We are." Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo said: "For some reason, we don't want to make a big fuss. Your Quincy, if you really want to hinder us, then I can only treat you as a necessity. Enemies to be eradicated.”

"I don't want to be an obstacle to you." Uryū Ishida pulled the bow string, and the light blue spiritual arrow was ready to go. He said slowly: "And I have regarded you as enemies for a long time. The moment you stepped into Ling Bai's house Moment."

"That's good."

Inaba Kagerozuo waved his hand, signaling Kira Izuru and Ise Nanao not to take action, and just said: "I will bear the responsibility."

The two of them were facing each other tit for tat, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. It seemed that neither of them had any intention of taking action first. Ishida Uryu didn't understand the strength of the other party. If he took action rashly, not only would he not be able to seize the opportunity, but he would also be very passive. This situation, because Hatekage Langzuo did not wear a soul-cutting sword, invisibly put too much pressure on him.

At this time, Ling Bai still didn't know what was happening in reality. He was sitting in front of the computer and looking at Kujo Mozumi's photo. He didn't know what he was thinking. Rukia Kuchiki suddenly said: "What should we do now, Ling Bai."

Ling Bai took a deep breath. He felt that it would be better to return to the living world, but this was no longer the usual Jinglingting. For them, this was the base camp of the enemy, and they were still isolated and helpless, whether it was the God of Death or the Spirit. Regardless of whether they are dead or not, it will not be easy for them to pass through the boundary gate, and what will happen in the broken boundary is not yet known.

"Find a way to break out and return to the present world."

Just as he finished speaking, footsteps suddenly came from the door, but the feeling of spiritual pressure was very familiar, so he did not raise his guard. Yoruichi walked in from the door, and Rukia Kuchiki quickly asked her if any pursuers were following her. Yoruichi just pinched his waist and said with a smile: "How could there be pursuers? How could they catch my mother at that speed? They lost their target. I think they should be panicking now."

"As expected of Miss Yoruichi." Rukia Kuchiki also thought of the same question and said in a serious tone: "But I still don't think the enemy will easily remove the guards near the boundary crossing gate."

Ling Bai suddenly smiled and said: "Then let's make a central breakthrough."

"Central breakthrough?" Rukia Kuchiki was startled by Ling Bai's boldness and said hurriedly: "Don't be kidding me. Miss Yoruichi said that the power of impostors can even surpass the original one, and there are many captain-level ones. Yes, this tactic is too risky.”

But Ye Yi said: "Don't worry, Ling Bai is right, it's because they are impostors, that's why we have to break through from the center."

Now that you have decided, don't wait any longer. The longer you wait, the easier it will be for the pursuers to find this place. Then it will be a battle between trapped beasts. They came to the vicinity of the boundary gate through the night. Ling Bai could feel that, There were familiar spiritual pressures everywhere. They stood on the roof and looked around. Enemies appeared one after another.

Chapter 282: Collision

There were not only Madarame Ikkaku and Abarai Renji who had appeared before, but also two captain-level figures, Hitsugaya Toshiro and Kiba Tetsuaemon. Yoruichi gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "It's better to let them discover it in advance. Listen carefully. The time you can suppress the boundary wall is very limited. You don't need to take the initiative to attack. You can rush out of the encirclement and escape the boundary in one go."

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