"It's really interesting." Kenpachi Zaraki laughed and said, "I haven't been this excited for a long time. As a spirit skeleton, you should be the same."

Chapter 295: Just want to win

The soul's pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously raised his soul-cutting sword to block Zaraki Kenpachi's straight-attacking blade. The rain suddenly exploded, and the two were locked in a stalemate. Zaraki Kenpachi grinned and said, "What a pity. Lingke, if you are stronger now, then I should be the one who enjoys fighting more. Don’t fall down easily.”

The next moment, the light of the sword tore through the space, and the blue electric light amplified in vain. Kenpachi Zaraki's blade scratched across the chest of the spirit skeleton, and blood suddenly spurted out. The opponent's counterattack made him lose consciousness for a few seconds, but soon it was over. Reacting and blocking Zaraki Kenpachi's attack, Lingsui said in a deep voice: "Of course, I can also enjoy the battle."

The two of them were like bloodthirsty beasts, swinging the soul-slaying swords unscrupulously. There were no fancy moves or collisions of ghost paths. It was a pure confrontation of strength. Even if they were hit, they could not slow down the pace of the attack. Blood spurted out from various parts of the body and was washed away by the rain. No one retreated.

Maybe Zaraki Kenpachi's strength was a little weaker than that of the spirit skeleton. The spirit skeleton found an opportunity and separated his blade. With a pop, the blade pierced his chest and pulled it out. Zaraki Kenpachi Vomiting a lot of blood, he fell down on his back, his body rolled a long way, and he stopped only after smashing into a broken wall.


Zaraki Kenpachi's eyelids were rolled up, his face was pale and bloodless, and he seemed to have lost consciousness. He never expected that he would die in his own hands, but only the strong could survive. He had no regrets. Suddenly, , he heard the voice of Kusuka Yachiru. He opened his eyes and stared at the soul-cutting sword that fell to the ground. He almost forgot that we have survived together until now, how could we die.

Golden spiritual pressure ignited on his body again, and he slowly stood up. The spirit skeleton that had just left also stopped and looked back at him.

"I want to take back what I just said.".

Zaraki Kenpachi said in a deep voice: "I said I don't want to lose, but in fact I want to win more than anyone else."

Having said this, he waved the blade, the spiritual pressure exploded, the water mist rose, and the surrounding gravel shot out. He held the knife in both hands and said slowly: "No matter you are a fake or something, I will defeat you." ”

As if knowing that he was about to show his true skills, the spirit skeleton also held the knife in both hands and rushed towards it like a beast. With a bang, the blades collided, and golden spiritual pressure shot up into the sky. The platform standing on the confession palace collapsed in vain, and the spirit bones collapsed. Pressing straight up into the sky, pushing away the clouds and mist, the heavy rain stopped in vain, as if it was only a moment, but it was also a century long. After it calmed down, Zaraki Kenpachi laughed at himself, and then fell to the ground.

"Do you just want to win? That's it..."

The soul-slaying knife in Linggui's hand fell to the ground, and his whole body turned into smoke, leaving only the Death Tyrant costume scattered on the ground.

At this time, Inaba Kage Rōsaku had already fled to the central basement. Kotetsu Yuine pursued him without looking for any reinforcements. Rather than escaping, it was better to say that Inaba Kage Rōsaku probably led Kotetsu Yuine here, and Kotetsu Yongyin was also defenseless and said in a deep voice: "Inaba Kage Langzuo, please stop this stupid behavior immediately. Maybe you think you are launching some plan smoothly, but you can't defeat us."

Through her spiritual pressure, she could sense that Kenpachi Zaraki's battle was over, which made her think that she was sure of victory, and said slowly: "You simply misjudged our strength."

"Are you saying that I misjudged your strength?" Inaba Shadow Wolf asked.

Kotetsu Yongin said: "Don't you think so?"

Inaba Kagerouzuo said: "I have no interest in others to begin with, so I can't say that I understand everyone. However, Captain Kotetsu, this is not something you can say."

"how do I say this."

"That's it."

The door to the basement slowly opened, and the spirit remains of Kotetsu Yuine came in. Only then did Kotetsu Yuine realize that she had fallen into the trap of Inaba Kage Rozo. She had no chance of winning, and now someone better than her appeared. The powerful spirit skeleton was even more distressed. Inabata Rangzuo smiled and said: "Facing a wise captain like you, how could I not take any countermeasures?"

Kotetsu Yuune drew his soul-cutting sword and prepared to fight at any time, but the opponent was not in a hurry to take action, which made her even more panicked.

Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo said slowly: "Before my plan was fully implemented, I launched a scope purification project, and many deputy captains were sent to the present world. You should know that, taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I will carry out a thorough investigation of Soul Society. I have made some manipulations through the world-traveling gate, and collected a small amount of souls from the gods of death. I am using the souls to create an enhanced soul that is very similar to my own, and then merge it into the spiritual corpse. "

Speaking of this, Inaba Kage Langzu paused deliberately, as if to help Kotetsu Yuune understand his plan better. After more than ten seconds, he continued: "This is the method for the birth of this invasion force. Are you still Haven't you noticed, I have already collected your spirit."

Chapter 296: Fight separately

"What do you think, Captain Kotetsu."

Kotetsu Yuune just felt that the current situation was very unfriendly to him, and he had no time to think about his plan. It seemed impossible to defeat them. He could only find a way to call for reinforcements or escape from here.

However, reinforcements cannot arrive here yet. Mako Hirako is still lying in the cell. In reality, there are only four captains who have returned. Tetsuzaemon of the shooting range is alive and dead in the boundary. After the battle just now, Kenpachi Zaraki has lost the ability to fight. , It takes time to recover from injuries. On the way to the twelfth division team building, Byakuya Kuchiki met the remains of Toshiro Hitsugaya who had been waiting for him here.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Hitsugaya Toshiro stood a short distance away from Kuchiki Byakuya and said slowly: "I don't want to talk nonsense. If you want to pass here, no matter who it is, I will stop it. However, if you want to escape, I I won’t chase you either.”

It's a joke. Kuchiki Byakuya has never escaped from any battle. Saying this is an insult to him. He said expressionlessly: "No matter who stands in my way, I will eradicate them." ”

Due to the fact that the broken world fell into the hands of the enemy, news from the Soul Society has only now returned to the living world. Urahara Kisuke asked the captains to bring something similar to a launcher, and learned that Tetsuzaemon at the shooting range was trapped in the broken world. Ling Shiro sighed softly and wanted to go to Soul Society, but was stopped by Uryu Ishida.

"There are not many guys who can face the enemy head-on. If you leave this world and are attacked here, you should know what will happen."

Ishida Uryu said: "It seems that you are the only one who can protect Nozomi now.".

I have to say, what he said makes sense. Ling Bai opened the window. Now he can only trust the captains. Kujo Nozomi suddenly stood up, hesitated, and said softly: "Can I ask you a question? Why do you want to protect me?" , what’s the point.”

In fact, the meaning of protecting him is very simple, that is, he doesn't want Inaba Kagerouzu to get her. As for what Inaba Kagerouzo will use her for, no one knows. They just know that Inaba Kagerouzo said that after he takes back Kujo Nozomi At that time, not to mention the Soul Society, even the current world would be under his rule. Ling Bai didn't believe that he had such ability, but he couldn't take risks.

But saying this would be too hurtful. Ling Bai still said: "We don't know either. Just to protect Soul Society and the present world, as well as our companions, I think we must protect you first and not let you be killed by Inaba Kagerouzu." Take away.”

Kujo Nozomi didn't seem to be satisfied with this answer, and still said: "If that's the case, wouldn't it be better for me to stay in the world forever?"

"I know." Ling Bai said, "But it's unrealistic for you to take on all the problems yourself, and we can't turn a blind eye to such people. If you don't want to say it, don't say it. I've said it a lot Come on, if you are caught by Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo, you should know that the consequences will be serious, don’t bear everything alone, you are not alone.”

"Not alone..."

Kujo Nozomi's face turned red, and then he smiled and said, "You are such idiots."

After a fierce ghost showdown, Kotetsu Yuune escaped from the basement in the chaos. No matter what, she could not be defeated here. Once she was defeated, it meant that she would not be able to help the original species with their treatment and recovery.

As soon as the battle started, Hitsugaya Toshiro used swastika. The ice dragon collided with Sakura in mid-air. Hitsugaya Toshiro took the opportunity to use the thousand-year ice prison in an attempt to freeze Kuchiki Byakuya in place. Countless icicles rotated Kuchiki. Byakuya surrounded him, and at the moment they closed in, Kuchiki Byakuya suddenly appeared behind him, slashing at him with a sword like lightning.

Hitsugaya Toshiro's pupils suddenly shrank, and the ice wing was cut in half and fell to the ground. Kuchiki Byakuya did not pursue Chen Sheng, but distanced himself and said: "Forget it, I don't think you will lose so easily. Lose."

As soon as he finished speaking, the spiritual skeleton in front of him turned into ice, and the real Toshiro Hitsugaya appeared behind him and said in a deep voice: "This is what I want to say, and I have never thought of relying on that kind of trick to deceive children. I can catch you."

The icicles rose again, and Byakuya Kuchiki ducked past. The moment the blades collided, Byakuya Kuchiki suddenly said: "I really want to ask you a question."

"It's really rare for you to ask questions in the middle of a battle." Ling Gu said.

"Why?" Byakuya Kuchiki said expressionlessly: "With your level, why would you succumb to Inaba Kagerouzu?"

Such a question does not seem to have any real effect. The spirit skeleton itself is a combat tool made by Inabata Rangzu, and it is inevitable that it will do things for him. However, the strength of Hitsugaya Toshiro is still not enough for Kuchiki Shiro. Zai was confused, Hitsugaya Toshiro said in a deep voice: "Then I'll tell you, I also have someone I want to protect no matter what."

Chapter 297: Protecting Honor

"Thousand-year Ice Prison!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro repeated his old trick, and the icicles rising from the ground once again trapped Byakuya Kuchiki. He rushed into it, and the moment the blades collided, he suppressed Byakuya Kuchiki who was about to jump up. He thought that the spirit skeleton did not have the fighting acumen of Hitsugaya Toshiro. After the previous fight, he realized that the other party used these icicles to limit his range of activities and deprive him of the space to move freely.

"Sorry, Byakuya Kuchiki."

Hitsugaya Toshiro floated in mid-air and said slowly: "I want to have a showdown with my original species. The people I want to protect are the same as him, but his strength is far from enough. With Inaba Kage The power of Langzuo Lingke may be realized, but before that, I will not lose to anyone!"

At this point, he suddenly waved the blade, and the ice cubes swept out. Since the opponent was so determined, Kuchiki Byakuya could not underestimate the enemy. He let go of the soul-cutting sword and fell into the ripples on the ground. After the swastika, Senbonzakura penetrated In the icicle, he crushed it into pieces, and the icicle turned into a huge blade and rose up from the ground. Byakuya Kuchiki said slowly: "Using other people's power by any means necessary is the idea of ​​a person without honor."

He will not lose to someone without a sense of honor. Immediately afterwards, the cherry blossoms scattered, and Hitsugaya Toshiro was surrounded in mid-air. The spirit skeleton quickly used the ice dragon to flick its tail, knocking down all the cherry blossoms. The spiritual pressure gradually increased, and a radius of five The temperature dropped rapidly within kilometers, and the place was surrounded by cold air visible to the naked eye.

"Are you saying I gave up my honor?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro said in a deep voice: "If you think so, you are right, because we cannot become the original species no matter what. Even if we kill the original species and replace you, the spiritual skeleton will still be the spiritual skeleton. Even so, , I will do whatever it takes to implement my will, this is the only honor I have as a spirit corpse."

Having said this, he raised the Soul-Slaying Sword with the blade pointing toward the sky. A large amount of cold air condensed on the tip of the blade. He said in a deep voice: "Do you think I repeatedly used the Thousand-Year Ice Prison to restrict your range of activities and prevent you from being free?" Activity, but that's not the case. I will surround the surroundings with a thousand-year ice prison. Even if you are unwilling, you must smash all these icicles, especially someone like you who uses speed as a weapon."

At this point, swirling dark clouds appeared in the sky, and there was a faint sound of thunder. Hitsugaya Toshiro's voice became deeper and deeper: "The broken ice generated by your crushing hindered our vision of each other, and became my next move. The foreshadowing, the burial of hundreds of flowers in the ice sky."

The cold air was rising, and the temperature had reached dozens of degrees below zero. Water vapor filled the corridor. Hyōrinmaru was originally a soul-cutting sword that could control the sky. The moment snowflakes fell from the sky and landed on Byakuya Kuchiki, the ice flowers bloomed. In five seconds, ice flowers bloomed all over the body, and the snowflakes continued to fall. As long as it touched anywhere, an ice flower would bloom, and gradually, a gorgeous ice tower appeared.

Hitsugaya Toshiro thought the battle was over, sighed softly, and turned around to leave. Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking ice. He turned around suddenly. The ice flower did not break, but Kuchiki Byakuya's spiritual pressure still existed. He Noticed that just below the Ice Tower, a pink halo appeared, and it was gradually expanding, spreading to the entire Ice Tower.

With a bang, the ice shattered, and pink cherry blossoms burst out of the ice. Hitsugaya Toshiro hurriedly avoided the cherry blossom blade that shot out. He never expected that Byakuya Kuchiki could survive in the Ice Sky Hundred Flowers Burial. Coming down, Kuchiki Byakuya's voice came through the mist: "If my Senbonzakura were a little slower, it might be dangerous."

Hitsugaya Toshiro spread his wings, rose into the air, and said slowly: "But as long as the surrounding area is full of water, I will still have the advantage, right here!"

Having said this, he held the handle of the knife with both hands, fell straight down from mid-air, and stabbed at the location where the spiritual pressure was sensed. Because the fog blocked his sight, he could not see the situation in front of him clearly, but he could feel the feel of his hand. After gradually using the mist in his eyes, his pupils suddenly shrank. Byakuya Kuchiki actually held his blade with his bare hands, and blood flowed from his palms.

"Senbonzakura Kageyan..."

Suddenly, everything around them was covered in pink, and countless cherry blossom blades surrounded the two people, forming a rapidly rotating pink ball of light. Hitsugaya Toshiro knew that the situation was over and there was no room for counterattack. He suddenly showed an almost relieved smile, He said softly: "It's really amazing..."

With a bang, the ball of light exploded. Kuchiki Byakuya's palms were full of blood. Looking at the red pills on the ground, he said expressionlessly: "There is only one thing. I also feel the same. As long as it is to protect the glory, I He will do whatever it takes.”

At this moment, Ling Bai decided to go to Soul Society. With Urahara Kisuke in charge in this world, there shouldn't be any big mistakes. Kujo Mozumi also opened his heart and would not leave on his own.

Chapter 298: Desire to fight

Ling Bai entered the broken world and moved forward quickly. When he came, Urahara Kisuke told him that the second invasion was more dangerous than the first. However, he did not clearly say what kind of danger would happen. What happened and how to prevent it? He just knew that as long as he didn't release his spiritual pressure, nothing would happen.

The battle in Soul Society is still going on, with cherry blossoms scattered and ice wings withered. Byakuya Kuchiki has just defeated the spirit skeleton Hitsugaya Toshiro. Blood is still flowing from his right hand. Before he can take two steps, he encounters his own spirit skeleton.

The fighting ability of the spirit skeleton was originally stronger than the original one. He had just gone through a battle. However, in such a situation, he did not have any panic and said expressionlessly: "As long as I keep moving forward, I know that sooner or later I will have to fight." Meet you."

"Are you injured?" Ling Gu said.

"It doesn't matter." Kuchiki Byakuya said with a cold tone: "No matter what kind of danger I am in, I will not run away."

"I won't let you take a step forward." Ling Gu said solemnly: "There is only one person who is the head of the Kuchiki family."

In fact, he was not the only one. Zaraki Kenpachi did not rest after being injured. He just regained his strength a little and felt that he could still wield the sword, so he continued to move forward. He was originally a road fool and unknowingly walked to the southwest of the Serenity Courtyard. In the bamboo forest, this place is far away from the Palace of Confession. I don't know whether he was lucky enough not to encounter the enemy, or whether the enemy saw him and took the initiative to avoid him. It wasn't until he got here that he felt the murderous aura.

Suddenly a breeze started blowing in the originally peaceful bamboo forest, and the bamboo leaves fell. Kenpachi Zaraki looked up and saw that the Soul-Skeleton Shattering Bee was standing on the bamboo at the front. The Shattering Bee pressed the handle of the soul-cutting knife, and Zaraki Kenpachi sneered. Said: "I know that Commander-in-Chief Xing's drawing of the sword represents the beginning of the execution. You guys should allow me to enjoy it."

Broken Bee pulled out the soul-cutting sword, and dozens of Xing Jun wearing black tights sprang out of the originally quiet woods. Under her order, they all rushed towards Zaraki Kenpachi. Zaraki Kenpachi sneered and pointed the blade straight. Chopping down, the golden spiritual pressure exploded, instantly knocking away more than a dozen Xing troops. Zaraki Kenpachi laughed and kept waving the soul-cutting sword, smashing the Xing army's encirclement.

Although Xing Jun's combat effectiveness is stronger than that of ordinary Shinigami team members, facing a captain-level Shinigami, he can't even use up his physical strength. After Zaraki Kenpachi fought with his own spiritual corpse, his body was still ready to move, and he still wanted to Continue fighting.

Watching Xing Jun fall to the ground in pieces, Sui Feng said coldly: "You really refuse to admit defeat, Zaraki Kenpachi, no matter what you think, after that kind of battle, you can hardly even stand up."

Having said this, Broken Bee waved his arms, and more than a dozen Xing troops appeared again, surrounding Zaraki Kenpachi. They didn't give the opponent any time to react. They stabbed at him from all directions. Zaraki Kenpachi didn't dodge or attack. Allowing the blade to pierce his body, Zombie raised the corner of his mouth and showed a cold smile. With so many blades piercing his body, even Kenpachi Zaraki, who has tenacious vitality, should be finished.

Then, her pupils gradually shrank, and she noticed that none of the blades penetrated Zaraki Kenpachi's body. It was like piercing a concrete slab and could no longer penetrate. A sharp sword that cuts iron like mud, Zaraki Kenpachi didn't even have a scratch on his body. He was unscathed by such an attack. What a powerful spiritual pressure this was.

"What a bunch of wimps. This kind of thing is simply not enough."

Zaraki Kenpachi raised his soul-cutting sword, pointed it at Zai Bee, and said in a deep voice: "You should allow me to enjoy it, Zai Bee."

The broken bee jumped from the bamboo and disappeared in mid-air. The next moment, it appeared behind Zaraki Kenpachi. The Soul-Zanpachi that was instantly released stabbed Zaraki Kenpachi's back. Then, there was a bang, and she The Broken Bee was blocked by the opponent's blade, stirring up large amounts of dust. The Broken Bee quickly retreated, its fingertips trembling faintly.

After the dust disappeared, she raised her head and her pupils shrank suddenly. The person who blocked her attack just now was not Zaraki Kenpachi, but Tetsuzaemon from the shooting field who didn't know when he appeared. He pushed up his sunglasses and said: "I'm here to help. It’s you, Zaraki Kenpachi.”

"Help me?" Zaraki Kenpachi said, "Are you kidding me? I will kill this guy. Don't get in the way."

No one knows how he escaped from the broken world, but looking at his body, he doesn't seem to have any injuries. He is really as strong as his former captain Komamura Zuozhen. He also knows Kenpachi Zaraki's character. , didn’t want to refute him anymore, but faced Broken Bee and said loudly: “Captain Broken Bee, I will be your opponent!”

Seeing that his attitude was so resolute, Zaraki Kenpachi no longer insisted. He just made a cut and turned to leave: "It's really disappointing. I'll go to Inaba Kagerouzu's place first. You can fight slowly by yourself."

After Ling Bai left this world, Urahara Kisuke sat in front of the computer to investigate the situation in Soul Society. Since the world was under the control of Inaba Kagerouzu, he could not get much information. He only knew that the captains had not found Inaba Kagerouzu. .

Chapter 299: Be patient

What puzzled him was that Ling Bai's passage through the broken world was too smooth. How could Inabata Rangzuo turn a blind eye? Ishida Uryū stared at Kujo Mozumi in silence. She didn't speak until the other party noticed her gaze. Turning his head, Ishida Uryu agreed with Ling Bai's idea. Kujo Nozomi must be hiding a major secret, and it is very likely that there is something hidden in his body.

He still didn't understand what Inaba Kagerouzuo was trying so hard to get, and what it was that could rule Soul Society and the real world. He had discussed this with Urahara Kisuke privately, and Urahara Kisuke didn't know what it was. I know that at this moment, the computer disappeared and Ling Bai arrived in Soul Society.

Ling Bai landed in an open space far away from the Serenity Garden. It was completely inconsistent with the foothold set by Urahara Kisuke. As soon as he landed, he saw Inaba Kagerouzuo who seemed to have been waiting here for a long time. Ling Bai did not hesitate and pulled out When the soul-cutting sword was released, the light of the sword tore through the space and instantly shortened the distance between the two. Inabata Rangzuo did not expect that the opponent was so fast, so he quickly raised his double-edged sword to block the opponent's thunderous strike.

"What is your purpose?" Ling Bai said in a deep voice: "What is the purpose of Kujo Wangshi?"

Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo withdrew to what he thought was a safe distance and said with a smile: "You have so many questions. Let me answer your first question first. Why did I control the broken world to lead you here? Come to think of it. It’s simple, I just want to kill you.”

Hitsugaya Toshiro didn't know that Inaba Kagerozo had left the Technology Development Bureau and was still rushing there. On the way, he met Hinamori Momo sitting on the roof. He had to stop and ask her why she was sitting here. Hinamori Momo Moritao lowered his head and said softly: "I don't know what happened. The people from Division 12 who had been taking care of me when I woke up are gone. Where have everyone gone."

The two were childhood sweethearts. Hitsugaya Toshiro couldn't say anything. He just sighed softly and said, "I think your face is still looking very bad. It's better to take a rest."

"It's okay." Hinamori smiled.

"Don't force yourself too much." Hitsugaya Toshiro said: "There are still several battles going on. If you stay here, you will probably be affected. It is better to go to a safe place."

Hinamori Momo was embarrassed to refuse and stood up, but as soon as she stood up, she fell forward as if she had an unbearable headache, and the roof tiles fell. Hitsugaya Toshiro quickly stepped over to support her and whispered : "Aren't you already swaying? Don't be brave and go and rest."

"Sorry, Xiaobai..."

Hinamori Momo lowered her head, whispered sorry, and suddenly pulled out the soul-cutting sword, but the movement was very gentle, and slashed at Hitsugaya Toshiro. Even the gentle movement, at such a distance, would cause damage to the opponent, but Hitsugaya Toshiro seemed to be on guard, holding Hinamori Momo's wrist, and the blade could not move forward in front of him.

"It's useless, you can't defeat me."

Hinamori Momo opened her eyes wide. She didn't expect that Hitsugaya Toshiro could still see through such a gesture and pitiful attitude. She had no choice but to lower her head, embarrassed to look at him, and whispered: "Xiaobai, just Can you defeat me? Do you still want to fight back?"

With a soft tone and a plaintive voice, Hitsugaya Toshiro's pupils suddenly shrank, and the memory of Aizen Usuke appeared in his mind. At the moment when he was stunned, Hinamori Momo's blade pierced his abdomen, and he spit out Bloody, he fell to his knees, Hinamori Momo seemed to be unable to bear to do anything anymore, sobbed and said: "I'm sorry, this was not my intention, it was all Inaba Kagerouza who planned this matter."

Having said that, she still struck the killer with pain and slashed him again. Hitsugaya Toshiro endured the pain of the wound and hurriedly avoided it. Hinamori Momo chased after him. In fact, with Toushiro's strength, he was stabbed in the abdomen. With one blow, he could still kill Hinamori Momo. After all, the difference in strength between the two was so great that it was almost like the difference between an adult and a child.

However, the key to the matter is here. Hitsugaya Toshiro has no way to kill Hinamori Momo. Even though he knows that the other party is a counterfeit and fake, he still can't bear the heartache and kills her. Under such pursuit, Hinamori Momo The attacks became more and more fierce. Hitsugaya Toshiro seemed too lazy to even run away. There were more and more wounds. Finally, a deep wound was cut on his shoulder and he fell in a pool of blood.

"Xiaobai, forgive me..."

Hinamori Momo raised the soul-cutting sword, flying plum blossoms bloomed, and fireballs roared out. Hitsugaya Toshiro knew that he could not continue like this, so he quickly dodged to avoid it and jumped to the other side of the wall. As soon as he landed, he stopped. Morito was standing in front of him. Before he could realize what was going on, another Hinata had jumped behind him. The moment the blade passed by, he hurriedly backed away.


Hinamori Momo didn't know what happened, but she saw Hitsugaya Toshiro being beaten away, and then looked at his opponent, who turned out to be someone who looked exactly like herself. After being stunned for a moment, she quickly noticed, The opponent's soul-cutting sword was stained with blood.

Chapter 300: Innocence

Hinamori Momo didn't have time to think too much. The enemy was right in front of her. It looked like it was her own spiritual body. Both of them were stunned for a moment. Hinamori Momo reacted more quickly. She pulled out her soul-cutting sword and slashed at it. But she was blocked by the other party, and she almost shouted: "Is it you who hurt Xiaobai? It's unforgivable!"

"I didn't do this willingly..."

Hitsugaya Toshiro stood up from the ground and saw two Hinamori Momo fighting each other. His eyes were more confused than ever before, and both of them were calling him for help. Their tone and expression were as if they were copied from the same mold. The two of them kept intersecting, and even he couldn't tell who was real and who was fake. Facing his childhood sweetheart, he couldn't bear to hurt her even if it was fake.

Just when he was in a daze, Hinamori Momo was already bound by the gray rope of No. 4 Binding Dao, unable to move, and was still calling him for help.

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