Zaraki Kenpachi was very excited, things were getting more and more interesting, and his wounds didn't hurt. He showed a bloodthirsty smile. Since the invading army was all fresh troops, he took the initiative to attack. Kuchiki Byakuya's blades scattered, and countless cherry blossoms broke in. In the enemy's formation, Tetsuzaemon of the Reiku Archery Field took the initiative to step forward and cut off the flow of cherry blossoms. Immediately afterwards, Kenpachi Zaraki pressed forward, and while repelling Tetsuzaemon of the Archery Archery Field, Yuine the Reibuta Tiger Tetsu came from behind. Enter.

Zhifeng and Yoruichi jointly attacked, and when they kicked away Kotetsu Yone, the golden three-pronged knife of Lingke Nirvana was stabbed at them. He took advantage of them before they could stand firm, and struck preemptively. The three-pronged blade turned into countless phantoms, forcing them to The two temporarily retreated, but it didn't last long. His movement stopped, and the soul-cutting sword was frozen by Hyōrinmaru. Just when Hitsugaya Toshiro wanted Chen Sheng to pursue, Hirako Mako cut off the ice dragon's spin tail.

Although he was seriously injured, no one could retreat in this kind of battle, otherwise he would become a burden to his companions. Hitsugaya Toshiro continued his offensive. Just as he was approaching Reishi Nirvana, Reishi Kyoraku Shunsui suddenly appeared. Behind him, the black scimitar slashed at Hitsugaya Toshiro's defenseless shoulder.

At this time, it was too late to dodge. Hitsugaya Toshiro could only grit his teeth and move forward. Just when he was about to be hit by the opponent, countless cherry blossoms rolled over and blocked the blade for him. Byakuya Kuchiki knew that this kind of battle could not be delayed. They were Both sides are injured and have little spiritual power left. Facing a new force, the battle must be ended as soon as possible, otherwise they will lose.

Kuchiki Byakuya took the lead in using swastika. Countless cherry blossoms rotated in mid-air, surrounding all the spirit skeletons, creating an opportunity for the captains. Yoruichi and Zaihou activated instantaneous attacks at the same time, breaking into the enemy's formation. Hata Kage Rangusa saw that the situation was not good. , quickly spun the double-edged sword, and the black hole blocked the two men's attack. Before they could take the next step, the icicles suddenly rose, and the thousand-year ice prison trapped Inaba Kage Langzuo in it.

However, because Hata Kagerozo had just copied Yoruichi and Zaihou's instant open, and after the soul-cutting sword recovered, he instantly broke through the ice prison. Hitsugaya Toshiro said in a deep voice: "Stealth maneuver, can you block that move?"

Yoruichi and Zaihou intertwined their hands and rushed towards the center of Inaba Kagerouzo's instant attack. This was Yoruichi's own move, which was to fight against ghosts and use ghosts of the same quality as their opponents to copy Inaba Kagerouzo's. The ghost path was destroyed, and the instantaneous explosion that erupted in the black hole dissipated in vain at the moment they collided.

Inaba Kagerozo thought he could rush away from them, but made no next move. As the instantaneous attack dissipated, Hitsugaya Toshiro and Zaraki Kenpachi jumped from mid-air at the same time, and two soul-cutting swords tore his body apart. , blood spurted out, Inabata Langzuo knelt on the ground, and at this moment, the spirit skeleton broke through the siege of Senbonzakura and controlled the four captains who had just succeeded.

"Do you still want to rebel? Take a good look at your eyes. Your master has already..."

Before Yoruichi finished speaking, Inaba Kagerozuo, who was kneeling in the middle, suddenly turned into a black shadow and gradually disappeared from the place. The real Inaba Kagerozuo jumped from the mid-air and jumped into their center, with double blades. The knife swept across, injuring the four captains who were under control.

"Captains, your cooperation is really tacit."

Inaba Kagerozuo sneered: "However, I have already said that when my plan started, you had no chance of winning."

Chapter 306: Exchange

Byakuya Kuchiki didn't give up yet. He held the sword in both hands and slashed at him, but the two spirit skeletons held the blade. Inabata Rousaru prevented them from following up and jumped to the platform on the second floor, even though he had already gained the advantage. , but facing the long battle with the captains, they were already exhausted and panting. After taking a long breath, they said: "Now can you understand the fact that you have no chance of winning?"

Having said this, he raised his double-edged sword, intending to give a certain captain a fatal blow, but before the soul-cutting sword could fall, a heartbreaking pain suddenly came from his back, and a slight numbness appeared in his body, which quickly spread to the whole body. He turned back stiffly, eyes wide open, looking at what was happening in front of him in disbelief.

Nirvana, who was originally a spirit corpse, suddenly stabbed Jizo in his back with his sword in his hand, and mocked: "What's wrong, you're in trouble."

He pulled out the soul-cutting sword, and blood flowed out. Inaba Shadow Langzu staggered forward two steps, and Niyuri said: "I didn't expect it. In fact, I exchanged with my counterfeit a long time ago. You must have heard the saying, a poor rat eats a cat, but the opponent you want to devour is a tiger. It seems you still don't understand this. "

Having said this, he squeezed his eyes, and his pupils emitting blue electric light fell from his eyes. Inabata Langzuo endured the pain in his body, gritted his teeth and asked: "Captain Nirvana, when did you..."

"You asked me when?"

Nie Shuli said: "Your question is worthless, it is simply a waste of time, but I still tell you, and let you understand that this can be traced back to the arrival of the vice-captains of the invading army in this world. It’s time.”

At this point, he paused deliberately, as if he wanted to torture Inaba Kagerouzuo, and then continued: "Unfortunately, the power I possess is not something mediocre people like you can understand. You use your spirit to It was a good idea to switch between Mukuro and me, but none of the guys who were supposed to break in to take back Soul Society showed up. I didn’t expect it to take so long for me to reveal my identity.”

Knowing the whole story, Inaba Kagerozuo suddenly sneered, as if the wound no longer hurt, he stood up straight and said: "It's so perfect, Captain Nirvana, but there is one thing you'd better not forget, you are still under my control. among."

"You really dare to say that." Niyuri didn't want him to have an equal conversation. He raised his hand and suddenly threw his wrist out. He pinched Inaba Kagerouzuo's throat and said in a deep voice: "You'd better not forget it. , you have completely angered me."

He waved his arm, and Inaba Kagerozo also rotated in the direction of his wave and crashed into the railing next to him. However, his reaction was very quick. When he was about to fly out, he used a double-edged knife to cut off the line connecting his wrist. Nirvana Lee retracted his wrist and said with a smile: "You are quite capable, Inaba Kagerouzu, I really didn't expect you to be good at hand-to-hand combat."

Inaba Kagerozuo took a breath and said in a deep voice: "Do you think you can catch me with this level of attack?"

"Don't get too carried away." Nie Yuli used the meat supplement to heal the broken arm and said with a smile: "The attack just now was just a tactic to delay time."

How could Inaba Kagerozuo not understand his intention? His real attack was the stabbing that killed Jizo at the beginning. Thinking of this, he said: "Do you think I don't know? Have you forgotten? I just said Having said that, everything is under my control.”

Nirvana's Jizo Jizo can seal the action of cutting the target's limbs, creating a paralyzing effect. If he acted normally, Inaba Kagerouzu should be unable to take any action now. He is still able to speak arrogant words, which should have been long ago. Having prepared a perfect strategy to deal with Jizo's murder, Nirvana suddenly said: "Didn't you say that everything is under your control? Then let's give it a try."

Having said this, he opened his arms and said slowly: "From now on, I will close my eyes and take a short rest. If you can really act, try to fight back."

Looking at Nirvana slowly walking towards him, Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo was stunned for a moment. The opponent was unprepared and the middle door was wide open. It was indeed a very tempting way. However, he still did not take action. Said: "I am not as stupid as others, I will not be fooled by you, Captain Nirvana, when you use this trick..."

At this point, he suddenly stopped and didn't know what he was thinking. When he reacted, Niryuri had already walked in front of him. He paused for a long time, slowly stabbed out a knife, and penetrated Inaba Kagerouza's penis. abdomen.

At such a slow speed, Inabata Rangzuo did not react. He himself did not understand why he was hit by such a simple attack even though his body could move.


"Because of this."

Nirvana shook the lavender bottle in his hand, which seemed to contain some kind of medicinal liquid.

Chapter 307: Going crazy

"What?" Inaba Kage Langzuo opened his eyes wide and looked at the medicine bottle in Nie Yuli's hand. He was originally the seventh seat of the 12th Division, and it was even terrifying for Nie Yuli to develop the medicine.

Nirvana said almost mockingly: "In the first blow, I injected this potion into your body. This is the potion that stops thinking."

Hearing what he said, Inabata Rangzuo gritted his teeth tightly, but his pupils gradually became blurry, as if he didn't understand what the other person meant. Niryuri ignored him and continued: "If I suddenly chop at you, You should be defensive based on your physical instinct, but you first thought about it and looked for a strategy to deal with my tactics. "

"You said that taking medicine stopped my thinking?" Inaba Kagerozuo was still in disbelief. For him, apart from physical trauma, he seemed to have no other feelings.

Niryuori shook the medicine bottle and said: "Inaba Kage Langzuo, do you know what is the most terrifying thing for scientists? That is forgetting. We scientists risk our lives to change our knowledge into various forms. , and develop it, and finally mature it, this is our soul that nothing can replace.”

At this point, he paused deliberately, as if he wanted to put pressure on Inaba Kagerouzu, and said slowly: "If my medicine takes effect, you will completely forget how to think, which means that you will forget everything up to now. All the knowledge stored up.”

Inaba Kagerouzuo's pupils gradually shrank, and he tried to stand up with all his strength. If he forgot all the knowledge so far and the research results, it would be more terrifying than killing him. Nirvana slapped his shoulder with the blade of the sword. , chuckled and said: "What's wrong with you?"

Niryuri felt that the situation was under his control and was not in a hurry at all. However, Zaihou could not sit still. He was afraid that Inaba Kagerouzuo had other trump cards and said loudly: "Nirvana, what are you doing? Kill him quickly!"

It was as if he didn't hear it, and he wanted to continue teasing him. For some unknown reason, Hata Kage Rangzu suddenly let out a deafening roar as if he was in great pain, and all the captains and spirit bones below were stunned. He looked up and saw that he was confused. Even Nirvana didn't know what was going on and thought it was a side effect of his own medicine.

Kotetsu Yuine, the leader of the healing team, jumped onto the platform, forced Niryuri away, stood in front of Inaba Kagerozo, and said loudly: "Please hold on, I will treat you right away."

Inaba Kagerozuo finally calmed down and gasped: "Not only does he want to surpass me, but he also wants to make me stop thinking. I will admit defeat today. Let's take our time in the future."

"Don't force yourself too much..."

Before Kotetsu Yuine could finish his words, his body suffered a heavy blow. No one expected that Inabata Rangzuo actually used a double-edged sword to slash at the spirit skeleton he had created. Blood spattered out and Kotetsu Yuine fell to the ground. On the ground, he seemed to be crazy, and the blade was inserted into Kotetsu Yuine's back, causing her to completely die and turn into red pills.

Everyone looked at him dumbfounded. No matter what happened, he would not kill his comrades, and Kotetsu Yongin still kindly came up to treat him. Niruri touched his chin and said: "Thinking is forced to stop. It’s amazing how anger can take over.”

This is not over yet. Inabata Rangzuo did an even more incredible move. He picked up the red pill of Kotetsu Yongin, but did not speak, as if his throat could not make a sound. Niruri ridiculed: "Then It's probably not the soul pill, but the soul transformation. I'm speechless. Although I really want to ask you why you have the technology to transform the soul, but looking at you like this, I'd better finish you off."

"I'm so sorry, Nirvana."

Inaba Kagerozuo pinched the red pill and said with trembling hands: "I am originally in a different dimension from you."

Having said this, he threw the pill into his mouth and swallowed it. His body erupted with purple spiritual pressure in vain. With a roar, he was like a golden cicada taking off its shell. Another body appeared from his original body, and he His original body remained in its original posture and did not move. As if he had been reborn, he stood up and said: "Simply speaking, this is also one of the methods of transforming the soul. Does it surprise you?"

His original body gradually stiffened, and he fell to the ground, but the sound that came out was the voice of Kotetsu Yongin.

Nirvana said in a deep voice: "You mean, you let the transformed soul you just swallowed bear the medicine I injected into your body, right?"

"Yes." Inaba Kagelangzuo said: "But I can't bear it completely, just like this..."

Having said this, he suddenly appeared behind Nirvana. His speed was extremely fast. Niruri's pupils suddenly shrank. Just before the opponent's blade was about to hit him, he jumped off the platform. Others The spirit skeleton also broke away from the captains' control and jumped to his side.

Chapter 308: Abandoned

Kyōraku Shunsui raised his head and said: "How did you know that the information for transforming souls is hidden in the broken world? Only a few captains of the entire Gotei Thirteen Team know about it. I think you can save it. Anyway, spend some time If we take time to investigate, the truth will come out.”

This is indeed very suspicious. Many people are unaware of the matter of soul transformation. How could he, a mere seventh seat, know so much about it and be able to use its technology skillfully? At this time, Ling Bai returned to the present world, where he left , which happened to be near Urahara Store. He had been swallowed by Jutu before, and he could vaguely see his slender back. It seemed that with his help, he came out of the broken world.

They came to the living room. Urahara Kisuke made tea. The remaining Shinigami gathered around the table. Only Kujo Mozumi sat against the wall, with his legs bent and his arms folded, as if he was escaping from something. Urahara Kisuke drank. He took a sip of tea and said, "We all know that anyone who enters the realm through extraordinary methods will linger in it forever, and will eventually be swallowed up by Juliu or Jutu, and then die."

Having said this, he glanced at Kujo Mochimi, and then continued: "Of course, as Captain Nie said, there are still many ways to escape from the broken world, but people like Ling Bai have been swallowed up by Jutu. , it should be impossible to escape from it, and I can't explain it. There has never been such a precedent before, but I will investigate, but there will be no results immediately. "

Abarai Renji muttered: "Isn't this the same as not saying anything."

Indeed, when the investigation results came out, I didn’t know how far Inaba Shadow Wolf’s plan had gone. Urahara Kisuke didn’t care, took a sip of tea, and continued: “Although the situation is not ideal, I have found out Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo is obsessed with the reason why the world is broken. Although he has been studying how to control and utilize the world, this is not his real purpose. "

"How do you say this?" Rukia Kuchiki said. None of them noticed that Kujo Nozomi's hands holding her arms became tighter and tighter, as if something was about to be exposed. If you look carefully, you will find that she He started to tremble slightly.

"That is to say, he has other motives for studying the broken world."

Urahara Kisuke said slowly: "He wants to obtain certain information in the broken world, that is, to transform the soul."

After hearing this, everyone was silent. After all, the matter of transforming the soul was not very bright. Seeing that they were silent, Inoue Orihime asked blankly: "What is the transformation of the soul?"

"Let me explain."

Rukia Kuchiki said: "This goes back a long time, before I came to the Kuchiki family. Soul Society once proposed a plan to artificially inject combat-strengthened souls into the souls of people who have left their bodies. Inside the body, Bing plans to use it as an elite force against the Hollow."

She was talking and drawing. Ling Bai had already known about transforming souls. He didn't listen carefully. He just paid attention to the content of her drawings. He wanted to complain, but it was hard to say anything. Kujo Nozomi couldn't help but said: "The drawing is terrible. ”

Kuchiki Rukia frowned slightly, but did not pay too much attention to it, and continued: "This plan was inhumane and was opposed by many captains, so it was abandoned when it first appeared, but what was developed at that time was to transform the soul. "

Uryū Ishida said: "Speaking of which, how do you know Inaba Kagerozo's true plan, that is, his purpose is to hide the information on soul transformation in the broken world."

"I discovered it by accident." Urahara Kisuke said: "Previously, I installed something similar to a spirit son sensor on the captain who broke into Soul Society. I found that a few spirit seeds were not quite right. After analysis, I found Fragments of the modified soul development data a long time ago. Inabata Rangzuo used that data to create the captain-level modified soul. "

Because the purpose of Hata Shadow Wolf Zuo is becoming more and more clear, no one speaks, everyone has his own thoughts, and what the other party does is beyond their imagination. Before there is a clear goal, it is better not to make any assumptions. In this silence, Kujo Nozomi suddenly said: "That's exactly it."

She stood up, crossed her arms, lowered her head and said nothing.

Urahara Kisuke looked at her and said softly: "You know, right, Kujo."

Kujo Nozomi nodded, as if he had made some kind of determination, and said slowly: "That guy is the developer who transformed the soul."

"You actually said you were a developer, stop joking."

After learning the same thing, Nirvana ridiculed: "With your level, can you develop a modified soul?"

Inabata Rangzuo was suddenly furious. What he couldn't bear the most was someone questioning his skills. He hit the double-edged sword on the railing and said loudly: "This is absolutely true! The vanguard plan was cancelled, and all the transformed souls were different from the previous ones." Huge research has been abandoned. The transformation of souls I am pursuing is to cultivate from some of the souls of the God of Death, and perfectly replicate their memory, personality and mental structure."

Chapter 309: The real intention

"They can also improve their capabilities."

Inaba Shadow Wolf said: "Can you understand what this means to me? This is the noble research in the realm of God.".

"But it is very dangerous." Mako Hirako said: "You should know why the Vanguard Project was abolished. It was because everyone resisted this inhumane idea of ​​using dead people as fighting tools. That's what it said on the surface. , but this is not the case, simply because it is considered a threat to allow the transformed soul to use its abilities freely. "

"That's right." Inaba Kagelangzuo closed his eyes and said slowly: "The guys above are very afraid of my research. I can't forgive their stupidity. Before everything was destroyed, I transferred the huge research information Transformed into a special spirit child and thrown into the broken world."

What happened after that became very clear, and Kujo Nozomi also explained what happened next. After hundreds of years, Inaba Kage Langzu thoroughly studied the broken world, and took out the information to transform the soul from the Kutu.

“What’s the scariest thing for a scientist?”

Inaba Shadow Wolf looked at Nirvana and said slowly: "You said it was forgotten, right? I feel the same way. I will never allow the things I created to be forgotten and eventually disappear in the long river of time."

Everyone understood his intention, but Makoto Hirako still said: "Is that why you want to revive the Vanguard Project?"

"That's right." Inaba Kagerozuo said: "Soul Society will be dominated by our invading army."

Having said this, he rotated the double-edged sword, and the captain of the spirit skeleton standing on the platform seemed to have been released from some kind of seal, releasing a huge purple spiritual pressure. Inaba Kage Langzuo laughed and said: "I didn't expect it, before I They all suppress the power, which means that this is the original power of the spirit skeleton, and then..."

Speaking of which, it is normal for the previously defeated spirit skeletons to appear here. They originally transformed souls. As long as the core is recycled, there will be as many substitutes for the spirit remains as possible. However, according to Nirvana's analysis, The crisis is not that big, and spiritual skeletons that can withstand this kind of spiritual pressure cannot be produced in large quantities.

Faced with such a large number of spirit skeletons, and they were all at the captain level, and all of them were seriously injured, all the captains frowned and did not give them time to formulate tactics. The spirit skeletons took the lead in attacking, and the spirit bones rotten wood Byakuya dodged in front of Hitsugaya Toshiro and released the soul-zanting sword at the same time. Without enough time to react, Hitsugaya Toshiro flew out.

Immediately afterwards, Madarame Ikkaku and other vice-captains broke into the battle and separated them. Reiki Kyoraku Shunsui slashed at Nirvana. The sudden blow forced Niruri to retreat, but there was another Reiki shot from behind. The sword of the left gatekeeper of the field was waiting for him. The Zombie was avoiding the encirclement and suppression of Sakura's blade in mid-air. He had no time to care about others. The spirit skeleton Zaraki Kenpachi charged in vain and chopped down the Zombie in mid-air to the ground.

Yoruichi wanted to save her, but was stopped by Nirvana Reikuri. While Kenpachi Zaraki was dealing with all the deputy captains, he was kicked out by Toshiro Hitsugaya. The captains fell into an unprecedented crisis. The number of people was not equal to the original one, and the original one was seriously injured, so the battle situation was all in favor of Inaba Kagerouzuo.

At this time, Kujo Nozomi also revealed her secret. She was the modified soul that was originally developed. Since the balance of power between the real world and the Soul Society has collapsed, a large number of Hollows have appeared in the real world. It is estimated that only the real ones can form combat capabilities now. Under the treatment of Inoue Orihime, the condition of the vice-captain and Ling Bai gradually improved.

Ling Bai and his friends returned home, and Kujo Mochi's closed heart gradually improved. He could even cook with Inoue Orihime. Only Kuchiki Rukia stayed in Urahara's shop. She took advantage of Kujo Mochi's absence to ask Urahara Kisuke to what extent the information had been investigated. In fact, Urahara Kisuke felt something was wrong when they first met. After she came back from the temple, Urahara Kisuke was sure that she was a transformed soul.

In general, Urahara Kisuke still has a major mystery that has not been solved, that is, why Inaba Kage Langza is so obsessed with Kujo Mochi. Late at night on this day, the vice-captains who had recovered from their injuries held an emergency meeting in Ling Bai. The theme of the meeting was to thoroughly investigate Kujo Mochi. What they wanted to know was what kind of threat Kujo Mochi posed to Inaba Kage Langza before the decisive battle with Inaba Kage Langza.

This kind of investigation is inevitable, and in order to avoid sacrifices due to lack of understanding of the situation, Ling Bai is still a little hesitant. After all, Kujo Mochi is not someone's thing, and she also has many things that she does not want others to know. If she can be well protected and not taken away by Inaba Kageroza, there should be no problem.

They had a dispute about this, and Kujo Mochi, who wanted to go back to the room to rest, heard it.

"Now is not the time to say nice things!"

Madarame Ikkaku was very emotional: "The invading army wiped out the Gotei 13, and this is also a fact!".

Chapter 310: Meeting

If the decisive battle is to be held in Karakura Town, it is absolutely impossible not to be fully prepared. However, from a certain perspective, this is indeed ironic. The original pioneer plan was a technology developed to avoid causing damage to the god of death, but now it has caused heavy losses to the captain and vice-captain in order to protect the transformed soul.

However, in Ling Bai's opinion, since they were born into the world, they should have the right to live. Everything they said was heard by Kujo Mochi behind the door. As night fell, Kujo Mochi quietly left Ling Bai's house and walked aimlessly on the street. As the balance of power between Soul Society and the real world was destroyed, large hollows appeared more and more frequently. Before she had walked far, a hollow walked towards her.

Without the speed to react, Kujo Mochi was directly knocked out by the Hollow, and her body hit the wall, feeling a tearing pain. Hearing the beast-like roar of the Hollow, she suddenly didn't want to stand up. As long as I'm not here, everyone will be saved. At this time, she has given up the idea of ​​living. Just when the Hollow's fist hit her, she saw a little boy standing under the street light, staring at her blankly.

She suddenly stood up and ran forward with all her strength. She had seen clearly that the little boy was also a soul. Even if she wanted to die, she had to lead the Hollow to other places and not let the Hollow swallow the boy together. However, the Hollow did not chase her, but walked towards the little boy. She opened her eyes wide, why couldn't she play a protective role? In addition to death, is there no other use?

With this thought, a pale blue light suddenly appeared in Kujo Mochi's hand, and the light formed the shape of a sword. Without time to think, she ran in front of the Hollow and blocked the Hollow's fist with the pale blue light arrow in her hand. Then, her whole body was shining with pink light. As her power increased, the light dissipated, and her clothes turned into a death suit, and in her hand, it was the soul-slaying sword.

Perhaps it was the instinct hidden in her body, she jumped up and chopped at the Hollow's head. With a bang, the Hollow turned into black particles and scattered in the air. After she sheathing the sword, she seemed to have lost all her strength and fell to the ground.

"Isn't this quite impressive..."

Ling Bai appeared in front of her and chuckled, "It's so late, why are you out?"

Kujo Mochimi looked at the Soul-Slaying Sword in his hand and remained silent. Ling Bai didn't say anything either, just stared at him with a half-smile. After a long time, she lowered her head and said, "I am a burden. Everyone wants to protect me, but I have nothing. But when I want to protect others, I also have the Soul-Slaying Sword."

"Go back." Ling Bai pulled her up and walked towards home.

The next morning, all the vice-captains in reality came to Ling Bai's house and convened a committee. According to the information received by Ise Nanao, the situation in Soul Society is very serious now, and the enemy's goal is also very clear. Kujo Mochimi must be hidden in a place where it is not easy for Inaba Kage Langza to find him, and then think about the next countermeasures.

Omaeda Kichiyo was crying and snotting, and he didn't even have time to eat the pancakes. In his opinion, the captains had been annihilated, which immediately caused dissatisfaction from Madarame Ikkaku. Madarame Ikkaku grabbed his collar and shouted loudly that Captain Zaraki was not a man who would die so easily. The two almost fought in the room.

Just as they were arguing, Kujo Mochi suddenly stood up and said with determination: "I want to join the battle too!"

"Forget it." Ishida Uryu said without hesitation: "Even if you have the Soul-Severing Sword, you are definitely not their opponent, not to mention that you have no combat experience at all."

Kujo Mochiku ignored him and just said softly: "I know that Inaba Kageroza's Soul-Severing Sword has the ability to cut time and space and restore it. If I use my Soul-Severing Sword, I can definitely compete with Inaba Kageroza."

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