"Do you care?" Kariyagami stood up, walked towards her, and said slowly: "It depends on you. I need your strength."

Having said this, he raised his hand and stroked Souma Yoshino's hair, but the other party threw him away, took a step back, stared at him and said: "Let go, are you serious? I won't let you. Success!"

Souma Yoshino waved his arm and called out Pyro Gett. She came here not to reconnect with Kariya God, but to break up with him. Facing the scorching flames, Kariya God still stood there calmly. , Soma Yoshino looked at him and said softly: "Gate, you are my clone, right? It doesn't matter if you die here with me?"

Regarding death, Burning Man Gate did not hesitate at all, and just said: "Do you want to die together? I understand."

He knew who his enemy was, and threw a huge fireball at Kariyagami like a punch. Kariyagami didn't call out his doll, but he still moved quickly, easily dodged his attack, and jumped to the second floor. On the platform, Pyrogate seemed to be going crazy. He knew the opponent's strength and was determined to die. He threw fireballs wildly. It was already in dilapidated condition and there were no villas on the roof. It was bombed again.

Kariyagami jumped into the courtyard, and Gate chased after him without hesitation. During the wild bombing, he almost accidentally injured Soma Yoshino. The ground shook slightly, and gravel shot out in all directions. Souma Yoshino was lying on the wall. Later, she didn't stop Gett, but just let him fight to his heart's content, even if he hurt himself. What she didn't expect was that Kari Yagami moved very quickly, floated behind her, and said softly: "Why are you doing this? Are you in a hurry to die?"

"God..." Souma Yoshino turned around and wanted to attack her, but his shoulders were in severe pain from the collapsed ruins and he couldn't lift his arms at all.

Kariya God said expressionlessly: "With your current body, can you still control the doll? We use heraldry to control the huge power of this world, but once the balance is lost, the power will be out of control and attack us. "The way you are now, let alone summoning a doll, you can't even control it freely."

Just as he said, Pyrogate had disappeared, and she was actually destroyed by his own power. Yoshino Soma covered his left shoulder and gritted his teeth and said, "As long as I can stop you, it doesn't matter what I do."

"That's not the case." Facing the injured Souma Yoshino, Kariyagami was defenseless. He put his hands into the pockets of his windbreaker and chuckled: "You really still don't understand the value of your existence. Your doll Get has a lot for you. It is not a relationship between master and servant, but love. This is why you are the only one who has the power of motherhood for those of us who have no offspring."

Hearing this, Soma Yoshino opened her eyes in disbelief. She had never thought that the word love would appear between herself and the doll. She said loudly: "What do you mean?"

Kariya God just stared at her and said nothing. The more he acted like this, the more confused Souma Yoshino became. She couldn't understand at all what Kariya God was thinking and what he wanted to do. I don't know how long it took for Kariya God to Yagami suddenly said: "Kinnie kid, I know you are over there, don't wait too much, how about you come out and show your face."

In fact, when Uryu Ishida woke up and saw Souma Yoshino not in the room, he knew that she must have returned to the villa and wanted to end things with Kariyagami. It was very likely that the dignity he said yesterday touched her. So, she quietly left the Urahara store and came here. She saw them fighting earlier, and Ishida Uryū, who had little ability, was afraid of being delayed, so he never showed up.

Chapter 362: Fusion

Seeing Uryu Ishida with gauze tied on his head, Soma Yoshino was surprised and asked, "Why are you here?"

Ishida Uryu didn't speak. He also knew that he could only die if he came here, and he also failed to live up to Souma Yoshino's expectations. He was like a child, avoiding her eyes, but Kariyagami smiled and said: "I think He can't watch the poor woman die alone, right?"

"What on earth do you want to use the power of the Quincy?" Uryū Ishida raised his head and said. He felt that Kariya God would not kill him. Without the power of the Quincy, their plan would not be implemented, and it would not be possible. You can use this to save Souma Yoshino's life.

"If you want to know so much, then I'll tell you." Kariya God seemed to see through his mind and chuckled: "A Quincy who has lost his power is useless. However, this is quite rare, so I will let him Watch something interesting."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared in front of Ishida Uryu and appeared behind Souma Yoshino. His arms strangled Souma Yoshino's neck. Under his power, Souma Yoshino could not move, nor could he call out the Burning Man Gate. Ishida Yulong did not dare to move forward rashly, so he could only grit his teeth and say: "What exactly do you want to do?".

Kariyagami said: "Yoshino has the power of motherhood. I know from past experience that there is no way to get the power we want just by sucking human souls. Then I started researching more effective ways to absorb power. , I suddenly realized that it is the power of this woman, Fangye, you should be happy about this, you are about to become a mother, yes, it is to breathe life into the new baby. "

Soma Yoshino's pupils gradually shrank and her face turned pale. She realized what Kariya God wanted to do, but she couldn't resist. Kariya God raised his left hand and crushed the silver ring on her finger, as if he felt a violent As if in pain, Souma Yoshino let out a piercing scream. Ishida Uryū didn't know what happened and wanted to rush over. He was afraid that Souma Yoshino would be hurt even more, but he didn't want to do nothing.

Suddenly, a scorching flame ignited behind them, and a pillar of fire rose from the ground. The firelight illuminated the entire courtyard. The living Gett lying on the ground was struggling to stand up. There were countless cracks in its body. Soma Yoshino Falling to the ground, calling for his doll, tears streaming from his eyes, Gate resisted the pain in his body and wanted to get closer to her.

Kariya sighed: "Do you still want to fight? It's really worthy of praise."

As if committing suicide, Pyrogate rushed towards Kariya God without hesitation, drawing lines of flames in mid-air. Kariya God was instantly wrapped in flames, but was unscathed. He opened his windbreaker, and through the red firelight, they noticed , the coat of arms of Kariya God was actually engraved on the chest. Soma Yoshino lowered his head and said: "Kariya God has fused his body with the doll."

"Yes, that's what happened." Kariyagami raised his hand, and the flames that trapped him were wiped out by him.

Souma Yoshino knelt on the ground, raised his head and said: "You have always been strong, and you will only be stronger in the future. In the end, I was just used by you, and I was just a stupid woman. But, Gate... "

At this point, she suddenly raised her hand, stretched out to Gett in mid-air, and whispered sorry. Then, light blue spiritual pressure ignited on her body, and Burning Man Gett also seemed to be resurrected, with red flames. It turned into blue, circled in mid-air, and finally hit Kariya God like a missile. Facing the fist it swung at, Kariya God still raised his head calmly, trying to block him.

Just before they were about to collide together, Kariyagami's pupils shrank suddenly. The fist swung by Gate was just a feint attack. Just a short distance away, it detonated his body, and a strong explosion occurred in front of Kariyagami, with a bang. With the explosion, the entire courtyard was ignited with scorching flames. In the light of the fire, Kariyagami could no longer see any traces and could not feel his spiritual pressure.

Soma Yoshino stood up with all his strength, ran to the outside of the flames, opened his arms, and said softly: "Come on, Get, we will be together in the end."

The fire broke out into a fireball, jumped into Soma Yoshino's arms, and flowed to Soma Yoshino's abdomen as if absorbed. Then, she turned into a pyro and rushed into the air. At the same time, Kariya God also blew away the flames. , chuckled and said: "It really merged with the doll."

The tall Pyro warrior fell down, and the two collided with each other. Kariyagami was finally forced to retreat. Then, they rose into the air at the same time and fought each other. However, even Souma Yoshino, who had merged with Pyro, also She was still no match for Kariya God. After the collision with her bare hands, her neck was pinched by Kariya God. Kariya God said: "It is this kind of power that I want to pursue. However, if the power is exhausted here, it will be in trouble. ”

With a bang, Pyro spit out blue fire and forced him back.

Chapter 363: Flying Insects

Soma Yoshino swooped forward like a warrior ready to die. Ishida Uryū wanted to stop her, but it was too late. Everyone could see that even though she was fused with Gate, she was still no match for Kariyagami. , as soon as he shouted the word "stop," Kariyagami's right arm penetrated Soma Yoshino's chest, and the flame armor shattered in vain. Although Souma Yoshino had no wounds on his body, he still lost all his strength and fell from the sky. .

Ishida Uryu ran over quickly, dragged her head, picked her up, and shouted her name loudly, asking her not to die. Souma Yoshino opened his eyes, with a gentle face, and said softly: "This way I can die. , I am very satisfied with this way of death.”

"How could it be..." Ishida Uryu's pupils shrank and his face turned pale. He didn't want Soma Yoshino to die like this. Although they were of different races, after so many days of getting along with her, he had long regarded her as a companion. , but unfortunately, he does not have any medical ability, and Inoue Orihime is not here.

"What a candid look." Yoshino Soma chuckled and said, "I still want to thank you. Don't be sad. Stick to your choice and go on. The last Quincy with high dignity."

Having said this, she closed her eyes, and light green spiritual pressure floated around her body. Then, as the green light bloomed, she disappeared into Ishida Uryu's arms, leaving only the windbreaker she was wearing. Ishida Uryu could not Accepting this fact, he hugged his windbreaker tightly, smelled the lingering fragrance, looked up to the sky, and let out an extremely painful roar. Until the end, he still failed to save Souma Yoshino. He was grieved by the departure of his companions and hated his own incompetence. If he hadn't lost his ability, he would have been able to fight Kariyagami, but right now, he could do nothing but shed tears.

"I've been waiting for this moment to show up.".

The souls floated in mid-air and gradually gathered around Kariya God. As Kariya God called, a huge red coat of arms appeared under his feet, and red bullet shells emerged from under the coat of arms. The shells shattered at the same time, and countless black ones were like flying insects. A spirit-like creature hovered in the air, making a buzzing sound. Kariya looked up to the sky and laughed. This was exactly the result he wanted. Bawente Ugaki, who was wearing glasses, also stood below and said excitedly: "It's really It’s great, just like it was calculated, new dolls are born, just a little more.”

Due to the release of spiritual pressure, Ling Bai also rushed here. Bawent seemed to have no will to fight him. The emblems in mid-air disappeared, the flying insects also disappeared, Kariya God also disappeared in mid-air, and the other Bawent They also left the courtyard and disappeared without a trace. They did not take Ishida Uryū away either. Ling Bai sighed. Although they did not stop their plan, fortunately Ishida Uryū was not injured. Then, he picked up Souma Yoshino's clothes and put them away because of Uryu Ishida, who was unconscious on the ground in pain, was brought back to Urahara Store.

As night fell, they sat in the living room to discuss Bawent's affairs. Ishida Uryu said that he wanted to be alone, so they did not disturb him and kept him in the back room. The doubt now is that what appeared in the sky at that time Flying insect creatures, what exactly are they? Urahara Kisuke’s explanation is that Bawent likes to collect the energy and spiritual pressure existing in the ecology, and by controlling these derived dolls, from this aspect, it should also be a doll, that is, Bawent’s doll, and They are also willing to sacrifice the lives of their companions to breed such dolls.

However, their current intelligence is not enough for analysis. Kisuke Urahara wants to investigate Kariyagami's destroyed villa with Renji Abarai. As for Orihime Inoue and Yasutora Sadatari, they go to class as normal. Without mastering the enemy's spiritual pressure, their danger will increase. For two people living alone, let alone school, it is safer to stay in a store with an open barrier the rest of the time.

Ling Bai stayed here, immediately responded, and considered countermeasures to deal with Bawent. However, after a night of investigation, they did not obtain any useful information, and many humans were still in places they did not know. They were attacked by new flying insect creatures. They only found out about it after watching the news the next day. There were missing people everywhere.

It can be seen that this incident is more serious than imagined. In the past, Soul Society was the target. Unless Soul Society is destroyed, neither the Quincy nor the invading army will destroy the present world or harm the world. Humans, Bawent's behavior is simply unscrupulous, not giving them a chance to fight head-on, thus destroying the balance of souls and causing panic in the world. There is no trace of spiritual pressure, and they can't find Bawent's whereabouts.

Fortunately, news came from the Soul Society. The secret mobile team led by Broken Bee sent many team members to the real world, but there was no news. There were even team members injured for no apparent reason. In short, if Bawent could not be found, , nothing can be done.

Chapter 364: Increase in strength

Urahara Kisuke is making the sensor, but it will take time. All they can do now is walk around to see if they can encounter Bawente and their dolls. Due to Soma Yoshino's incident, Ishida Uryū was affected by The big shock was that even when I talked to him, he was always indifferent, very lethargic, and a bit worrying.

In fact, at this time, in a cave far away from the city, all Bawent gathered here. The depths of the cave were like a palace. Although the light was not very bright, you could still see clearly. Kariya God stood on the top of the steps. Slowly said: "Hundreds of years ago, we lost many companions in this cave. Now we have to start our final plan here. It can be said that it is the most suitable choice. Companions who have the ambition to succeed, compatriots whose plans were shattered Their resentment will definitely give us infinite strength.”

The cave was very empty, and his voice echoed in the cave. All Bawent, including Ichinose Maki, were looking up at him from below. Kariya God paused for a moment, and after the echoing voice disappeared, he continued: " Soul Society seems to be taking action, but don't worry, the ores here will intercept all spiritual pressure, and the newly born dolls also contain a lot of this ingredient. Get ready for the battle, everyone, and the research results. , I’ll let you see the unknown things now, Bit.”

Having said this, he snapped his fingers, and blue flying insects landed on his hands. He said slowly: "They will absorb the souls of living people and then transport them here. This is the technology that Usaki and I studied. The dolls that came out, even though some of their companions died for it, the result was good.”

The other Bawent didn't know that they had done this kind of research, but there was no surprise. After all, it was a good thing for them. The old man Zawatari, who looked very old and was leaning on a cane, said: "But attacking humans directly and absorbing souls is helpful." What’s the value? It’s not just because there’s no danger.”

His tone had a strong questioning meaning, and Kariyagami also knew that Sawatari was a very troublesome guy. Like Udagawa Rei, he had the ambition to become a leader. He was just more calm than Udagawa Rei. However, Kariya God didn't care, but explained: "The souls collected by Bit are of high purity and have been concentrated. We will now begin to absorb the souls that our race has banned until now, and store energy in the body. With this, we can use our abilities It should be improved dozens of times.”

Hearing this, all the Bawent looked happy. Since they wanted to enter the Soul Society, they would not care about any forbidden things. The increase in power dozens of times was indeed very attractive. They even foresaw that the Soul Society would With the soul world being trampled under their feet, Kariyagami continued: "We must use this power to realize the wishes of the race. Starting with me, let's witness the miracle. The rules of the race will be changed and history will be rewritten. ”.

Having said this, he tore open the shell of the flying insect. Inside was a test tube wrapped in purple like insect eggs. He took out the goblet, and there was half a cup of orange liquid everywhere. Then, he was like It's like drinking. After drinking it, the body emits light green light, and veins pop up on the face. Even if they are far away, others can feel the expansion of spiritual pressure. After the light dissipates, Kariyagami opens his arms and says: " There is no pain or regret, all I feel now is the power that is about to overflow, and this feeling is really great.”

"I see." Youxi touched his chin and said, "The collected souls are concentrated in Bit's body. I didn't expect it to have such power. It doesn't seem to be a bad thing."

Kariya God also firmly believed that no one would refuse such an alluring power. Unexpectedly, Ma Qiao snorted coldly and said, "It's really boring, I don't need it."

"Are you scared? Coward?" Youxi sneered.

"Not at all!" Ma Qiao said loudly: "I'm just talking about what would happen if I broke the rules of the race. Mr. Zedu, you should think so too."

"Yes." Zedu nodded. What people didn't expect was that they would actually stand together.

Ma Qiao said: "I have heard that you have absorbed a large number of living souls before, and there must be side effects. Otherwise, why would you become so old! That's why you are banned!"

As a woman, Yuxi said: "You are really boring. As long as you can get unprecedented power, even if you become old, what will happen? You will not die."

The two of them, who seemed to be a good match, started to quarrel. Usaki quickly went to smooth things over, stood between the two of them and said with a smile: "Okay, let's stop arguing. In such a historic moment for Mr. Kariya, let's just Don't throw cold water on me, just for my sake..."

"Are you bothered?" He didn't expect that Ma Qiao wouldn't give him any face. He grabbed his collar and yelled.

Chapter 365: Concentrated Spirit Son

"Rules are rules! To me, this kind of thing..."

"Stop, Ma Qiao." Koga stepped forward to stop him.

Ma Qiao didn't seem to be convinced by him either. Just when he was about to say something, his pupils suddenly shrank. Kariya God appeared behind him in vain and said softly: "There will always be two different opinions in this world: for and against, and it is not right to advocate one's own opinions." It doesn’t matter what bad thing it is.”

He raised his fist and hit Maqiao in the abdomen. Maqiao was like a kite with a broken string. He flew backwards and hit the wall before stopping. Before he could catch his breath, Kariyagami flew out. Walking in front of him, he stepped on him with his foot. Then, he grabbed Maqiao's hair and threw it to the ground. It was also Bawent. Maqiao was like a baby in front of Kariyagami. , unable to fight back.

Kariya stepped on his head and said in a deep voice: "Maqiao, if you object to me next time, you must be prepared to lose your life. In this case, no matter what you say, it doesn't matter."

As Koga said, he looks gentle, but is actually very scary. After kicking the flying horse bridge, he said to everyone: "I remember what I said before, now I represent the Bawent family."

At the same time, the situation in the real world was also spread to the Soul Society. The secret maneuvers sent to the real world showed many wounded people, all of whom were pierced through the abdomen by unidentified flying insects. Moreover, the flying insects released by Bawent seemed to suck the souls of human beings. After escaping, Hitsugaya Toshiro summoned the four vice-captains and wanted to go to the present world to find out their purpose.

Late at night, Zaibee came to the Urahara store. For Urahara Kisuke, he was really a rare visitor. I don’t know why. Zaibee seemed to hate Urahara Kisuke. It was probably hundreds of years ago that Urahara Kisuke removed Yoruichi from the corpse. Maybe it’s because the world was taken away. She came here just to send a message for Yoruichi. Yoichi wanted to temporarily stay in Soul Society to investigate, so that Urahara Kisuke could observe Bawent’s movements at all times. As for the situation on the Zaihou side, she also It’s just that several departments have been collecting Bawent’s information, but the key to the problem has not yet been found.

Before leaving, Zaibei didn't forget to ridicule Urahara Kisuke. He really didn't expect them to get used to living in such a dilapidated house.

Under the instructions of Kariya God, all the Bawent drank the spirit pressure liquor and felt unprecedented power, which was better than imagined. Ugaki believed that this was simply the great cause created by the new era of Bawent. , Kariyagami was far less excited. He felt that this was just the beginning, and as long as he continued to absorb, he could create a more perfect world.

Kariyagami walked to Maqiao who was sitting deep in the cave and chuckled: "Maqiao, what's wrong? There's nothing to be afraid of."

Ma Qiao raised his head and glanced at him. Even though he had been treated like that, he still said, "I don't want it."

Ichinose Maki wanted to treat his wounds, but Kariyagami stopped him. He grabbed Maqiao's hair and dragged him away. Then, he opened his mouth and forcibly took out the concentrated spirit contained in the bits. The child was poured into him. Maqiao did not feel excited after gaining strength. Instead, he opened his eyes wide with only fear. Kariya God said softly: "Welcome to the new world, Maqiao."

At this time, Kuchiki Rukia and the others who were looking for Bawent found nothing. It was like flying insects suddenly disappeared and never appeared again. Ishida Uryu could no longer sit still and left Urahara Store. Just as he was there When he was putting on his shoes at the entrance, Urahara Kisuke opened the door, stood behind him and said, "Ishida, where are you going? To avenge her?"

"No." Ishida Uryū didn't stop, put on his shoes, stood up, and walked out of the courtyard.

Urahara Kisuke suddenly said: "If you want to do it, you must first restore the Quincy's ability. This is a very difficult road. Bawent has said before that the power of the Quincy is needed, and then he said that the Quincy has already It’s useless, right? From your point of view, which sentence is true?”

Ishida Uryu did not answer, but asked: "What do you think?"

"I don't know." Urahara Kisuke said, "But if you regain your strength, have you ever thought about what will happen?"

Ishida Uryu lowered his head, as if thinking about it. He once lost the power of the Quincy. That time, his father Ishida Ryuuxian helped him recover. He knew that if he was looking for him, even though he would be treated indifferently, But he still helped him, but he still didn't want to bother him. He said softly: "If I hadn't had the power, that woman might not have died. I want to find the truth and destroy Bawent's conspiracy."

Urahara Kisuke looked at him and said slowly: "Would you risk the dignity of a Quincy?"

Hearing this, Ishida Yuryu opened his eyes wide, and after a long while, he said: "Yes, we are such a race."

After that, he left the Urahara store. Urahara Kisuke smiled and said: "You are so young, but this is good."

Chapter 366: Overflow of power

At this time, the situation in the real world has made new progress. Renji Abarai followed the lone human beings and finally found the location of the flying insect creatures. He increased his spiritual pressure and wanted others to rush here. However, like this The information also reached Kariyagami, and he learned that the God of Death was destroying Bit. Kariyagami just smiled and said: "They are really smart. They don't know what will happen if Bit is hurt, so let's experience it."

Every move of the God of Death was shown on the screen made by Ugaki. He showed a faint smile. Although the reaction of the God of Death was a little late, he still noticed where Bit was. He asked Kariyagami what should be done now. Kariyagami was sitting on the screen. On the steps, his idea was simple, let's take this opportunity to let the God of Death see their strength. Yuki, who had increased his strength, seemed a little dissatisfied, and actually asked: "Kariya, what are you doing?"

Kariya God's face turned cold in vain, and he said in a deep voice: "Do I still need to take action? Usaki, it's up to you to give the instructions now, as well as the recovery of the bits. It's almost time."

Afterwards, Yubawent left the cave. Although Yuxi was dissatisfied, he still did not dare to take action. He just complained as he walked: "He really thinks he is the leader, don't you think?"

Koga Tsuyoshi said: "Don't complain, I think there is no suitable candidate to be the leader except Mr. Kariya."

Zedo, who seemed to be the most ambitious, also said: "There is nothing wrong with this. I also decided to follow Mr. Kariya."

Ugaki, who is Kariyagami's confidant, also agrees with his point of view. Even if he has some bad intentions in his heart, at this point, it is best to try to follow them. He also explained that just because he said this, it does not mean that he has any bad ideas. , Youxi snorted coldly, and they broke up outside the woods, looking for their respective opponents. In any case, Bawent is a race that does its own thing.

Ichinose Maki stayed in the cave and expressed his concerns to Kariyagami. He felt that it was not a good strategy to let the other Bawent leave here. If they absorb the souls brought back by Bit without authorization, their power will exceed Kariya God is not very worried about whether Kariya God will replace his position. This is also a good opportunity for them to test themselves.

Just as he said, Abarai Renji cut off the bits in mid-air and walked towards the child who was sitting on the ground out of fear. He knew that it was impossible for humans to see him in the Death Tyrant costume, but the child still opened his eyes wide. , with a look of horror on his face, looking ahead, Abarai Renji turned around, his pupils suddenly contracted, just on the opposite side of the road, countless flying insect creatures flew over, dense and overwhelming, there were simply more mosquitoes in this city.

Abarai Renji picked up the child and faced Bit. Shebimaru roared out. He fought his way through the flying insects. When he came to Lingbai and Kuchiki Rukia, his body was covered with wounds. It seemed that he could not even speak. None, so he fell to the ground. The number of flying insects was too huge. Even he couldn't escape unscathed. All he could do was to prevent the child from being attacked.

At this time, Tsumuya Ame also sent the reiatsu detector made by Urahara Kisuke. Ling Bai took it and it looked like a mobile phone. It was indeed effective. It showed the distribution of flying insects accurately. He didn't have time to be here. Stay longer. Bits are spread over a wide area. He and Rukia Kuchiki acted separately. He came to the pavilion in the park and cut off the Bits that were about to attack humans. When he was about to rush to other places, Koga just left. Come over.

Koga Tsuyoshi was also very straightforward. He came here just to beat Ling Bai flat. Without any hesitation, he called out Daruku. Countless iron balls formed an iron man like a spider. Seeing his appearance, As if his strength had increased, Daruku also hugged his arms and said excitedly: "My body is so beautiful now. I like it so much. The god of death over there is also my favorite type. Compared with being pursued by others, , I would rather pursue others.”

Having said this, he lay on the ground and shot out a huge iron ball from what seemed to be his tail. Ling Bai frowned slightly. The impact of the iron ball was very strong. He pulled out the Soul-Slaying Sword. The sword flashed and did not hit it. The iron ball cut him off. It pushed him and retreated more than ten meters before stopping. It fell to the ground and made linear cracks. This iron ball must weigh hundreds of kilograms.

But it wasn't over yet. The iron ball that hit his feet suddenly split. Countless small iron balls attacked him from bottom to top. Ling Bai quickly dodged to avoid it. Darku raised his arm, like a machine gun, risking The red iron ball gun blasted Ling Bai in the air with a hail of bullets. Ling Bai swung his soul-cutting knife and shot down the iron ball. Then, he continuously dodged to avoid all attacks. After the fight, Dalku not only became harder and heavier. , the speed is also much faster than before.

"Is the warm-up over, Darku?"

Koga suddenly said: "We don't have time to linger here, let's end the battle quickly.".

Chapter 367: Entanglement

Ling Bai showed an almost sarcastic smile. Their personalities are really two extremes. Koga Tsuyoshi looks calm and resolute. He rarely expresses his opinions among his Bawente clan, but he is the number two figure recognized by Kariya God. However, his doll was very flamboyant, sometimes giving Koga Go a headache. Darku was very excited about the power he had just gained. He raised his arm and kept shooting iron balls like gunfire. Under such a hail of bullets, Ling Bai couldn't find a gap. He could only dodge back and forth to avoid the attack. Moreover, there was no time for Dalku's attack. Amidst the loud explosion, all the nearby pavilions and trees collapsed.

"It's really difficult..." Ling Bai frowned slightly and pulled out the soul-cutting knife in mid-air. At an extremely fast speed, his figure was like lightning, passing through the gunfire, and the soul-cutting knife struck down on Dar. On Ku's other arm, the black iron was cut off instantly, but Darku did not show any pain, but showed a playful attitude. Just as the broken arm flew out, a piece of iron was blasted from the flat cutting surface. The ball hit Ling Bai. Ling Bai could only avoid it, but he was still brushed on the shoulder.

Hitting the opponent made Darku burst into laughter. Koga Tsuyoshi chuckled and said, "It's your bad habit to play with your prey."

"Really." Darku said: "After all, it is a battle, but life and death are at stake. The other party should be allowed to taste extreme pain and fear. It is tragic to be killed without knowing anything."

He also knew that Ling Bai's spiritual pressure was not that easy to deal with. Strong silk threads came out of her lower body and were nailed to the high platform behind. She was hung up like a spider, with eight feet stepping on it, laughing wildly. In the sound, her body shot out countless sharp blades, like lightning falling in mid-air, hitting Ling Bai's position. Ling Bai quickly avoided it, and a pit of several meters was created on the ground. But it was not over yet, the sharp blades struck again. It struck, with a bang, Ling Bai didn't even dodge, and the sharp blade shot out from the smoke and dust.

When the smoke dissipated, they could see the scene in front of them clearly. It was not that Ling Bai couldn't avoid it, but the position where the sharp blade struck was exactly where the man who had just been absorbed by the flying insect creature Bit fell. The speed cut could hurt a human blade, but blood flowed from the shoulder, which protected the man from being hit, but he was also injured.

The man seemed to be frightened. He opened his eyes and saw Ling Bai, with a clearly surprised expression. Ling Bai's pupils gradually shrank. He was now in the posture of a god of death. It was impossible for humans to see it. He could see it, which meant that, A lot of his soul has been absorbed, and it is very likely that he cannot be saved. Koga just saw what he was thinking and said in a deep voice: "It's useless. Even if his soul is returned, his body can't bear it." load."

Ling Bai didn't care. In this situation, for him, it would be better if the man died. Since he could see them, he could save them. If he told what happened tonight, it would inevitably cause panic in the world. He thought Here, he asked: "What on earth do you want to do by using those strange bugs to absorb human souls?"

Koga Gang said: "You have seen what we want to do. My power now is obtained by absorbing the high-purity souls collected by Bit. We will continue to absorb souls in order to achieve our goals and will not stop. Get the ultimate power.”

"Then I will destroy him." Ling Bai said lightly. While speaking, he waved the soul-cutting knife. Black flames burst out from the blade, forming a crescent shape, and slashed towards Daruku who was lying on the high platform. The sharp blade shot by Ruku was instantly dissolved. She tried to dodge, but it was too late. Amid the scream, her body was cut in half, and the iron frame of the high platform fell off. His body falling to the ground was instantly cut into pieces by the iron frame. Covered by a rack.

However, when he saw Koga Gou still standing there calmly, he knew that Daruku would not be eliminated so easily. Daruku's body split into countless iron balls, regrouped in the ruins, and stood up again. At the same time, two iron wires shot out from his arm and wrapped around Ling Bai's blade. Just when he was about to grab the knife, the spiritual pressure suddenly exploded and the iron wires were shattered. In order not to hurt humans, he let himself Being able to fight freely, Ling Bai retreated to a warehouse not far away. Dalku was so keen on fighting that he would definitely catch up.

While they were fighting, Rukia Kuchiki and Orihime Inoue were also attacked by Yuki, and Taihu Sadatori also met Sawado in the square.

"You actually ran away in the middle of a fight. This is unforgivable." Countless iron wires emerged from Darku's lower body and nailed to the surrounding walls and beams, forming a huge iron spider web. She climbed in the center of the spider web. In such a place, her movements were quite flexible, but Ling Bai's range of movement was very small. Although it was made of iron, it was also cast with spiritual pressure, so it was difficult to cut it off, and as long as it was touched, it would stick.

Chapter 368: Entrustment

Darku could also release iron wires. In the whipping and gunfire, Ling Bai could only use the soul-slaying sword to parry. Just as his shoulder was attacked again, Darku took the opportunity to rush over, and the sharp blade on his arm pierced Ling Bai's chest. Ling Bai sneered. He was waiting for this moment. He grabbed Darku's arm and threw her directly. Darku didn't expect that Ling Bai's strength was so great. He felt dizzy and his body hit the spider web. Cracks appeared on the iron wire. Then, the spiritual pressure exploded again, and all the iron wires were shattered.

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