Kariyagami sneered and said: "I forgot to tell you, there is more than one Pure World Chapter. As long as I release my Pure World Chapter, I can detonate the other Pure World Chapters and reduce everything in the Serenity Garden to zero."

Hearing this, Ling Bai frowned slightly. This was really something he didn't know. He had to ask Kariya God, what's the point of doing this? By then, not only Jing Ling Ting and the God of Death, but also him would die. Therefore, God Kariya has long realized that the Bawent is a corrupt race. It is rare to be given such power, but it cannot escape the shackles of the God of Death. He also feels that the God of Death is even more corrupt and casually creates the Bawent. , he will not forgive the God of Death for just using them for his own convenience.

"I want to involve them all together, whether it is the Jingling Court, the God of Death, or the soul, I want to destroy them all."

"You guy..." Ling Bai sneered: "Is your brain abnormal?"

Kariyagami sneered: "I am normal. What is abnormal is this world, but it doesn't matter. This world is about to end. There is no other way. I will deal with you first before the world is destroyed by me."

Having said this, he charged forward. What he didn't expect was that Ling Bai didn't even move. He just made a diagonal slash and blood spattered out. Kari Yagami had to retreat, and a wound of more than ten centimeters long appeared on his shoulder. He quickly absorbed the spirit son and treated it. The spirit son floated around his body. His pupils shrank violently. For some reason, he could not absorb the spirit son, as if he was blocked.

He suddenly remembered the dagger that Lan Dao stabbed on his arm. In the end, he was still put in a position by Lan Dao. Ling Bai sneered: "It seems that you are not invincible. In this case, our conditions will be equal." ”

"It's too late!" Kariyagami said. The black crest on his body flashed with white light. The power of the Pure World Seal will be full. By then, as long as she releases the Pure World Seal, everything will be over. Ling Bai did not speak. In an instant, Ling Bai appeared in front of him, and the blade tore through the space. At this moment, Kari Yagami could see his movements clearly, and the golden electric light rose up, blocking his continuous slashing blade. .

"In this case, I will let you see how powerful the Pure World Chapter is. I will detonate one of the Pure World Chapters in Jingling Court now!"

Ling Bai's pupils shrank one by one, and his offensive slowed down. Under such circumstances, could he still detonate it? He couldn't get away from the battle. He could only pray that the other captains would hide their seals in the Pure World of Jinglingting while he was fighting. The power of chapter.

At this time, Mako Hirako had already found the location of the Jōkai Seal deep in the underground passage, and sent a large number of people to go down and seal it. Other teams were also searching for the seal in various areas. The captain's team building, and the shooting range Tetsuaemon looked at the map. He frowned and said, "There are too many of them, and they are very scattered. If this continues, it will take a long time to implement all the seals."

"Don't say such things." Kyoryaku Shunsui said: "The mission of our Gotei 13 team is to protect the Seireitei and do our best to stop the conspiracy of the travel disaster."

Kariya God got rid of Ling Bai's offensive and rose into the air. The golden electric light penetrated the clouds and hit the streets of Jinglingting. As soon as he landed, a large amount of pink and electric light appeared in front of him and collided together to stop it. After swallowing the thunder and lightning, The cherry blossoms did not stop, surrounding Kariya God. The storm rolled up. Kariya God separated and chopped it into pieces. Looking back, Kuchiki Byakuya appeared on the cliff.

"Looks like I finally caught up."

Hearing the familiar voice, Ling Bai looked to the other side of the cliff, and Ye Yi smiled and said: "Ling Bai, the Jingjie Chapter in the Jingling Court is currently being sealed by Jing Le and the others. All the captains have been dispatched, but It takes a lot of time.”

Chapter 433: Purifying Power

"Whether we are faster at sealing or freeing him depends on whether we can defeat him."

Ling Bai held the soul-slaying knife tightly. He understood that he was fighting against time. The situation in the Jingling Court could no longer tolerate his delay. He said expressionlessly: "What do you want to do, Kariyagami?"

Kariyagami sneered: "Whatever you do, since you are all here, I will knock you all down and then achieve my goal."

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his arms, and golden thunder and lightning swept across the cliff. He exerted his maximum energy. Ling Bai was already difficult to deal with. He now had to face two other captain-level figures. That being said, in fact, he He also understood that he had no chance of winning, so he could only delay as much time as possible to allow the Pure World Chapter to be completely liberated, and then all this could be over.

The next moment, Ling Bai passed through the thunder and lightning and appeared in front of Kari Yagami. The blade collided with Mei Sha. Ling Bai sneered and said: "Don't think too much. I am enough to deal with you."

The figures of the two people kept intertwining and colliding on the cliff. Stones flew up, smoke filled the air, and golden lightning and black flames flowed freely. Although Ling Bai could completely suppress Kariya God, he still wanted to decide the winner. It also takes time. Byakuya Kuchiki pulled out the soul-cutting sword, but Yoruichi held down his arm and said softly: "Byakuya, don't act rashly. Now is not the time for us to fight. Once the Pure World Chapter in Kariya God's body is released, we will We need to use Shunkai and Senbonzakura to seal him. If we all break into the battle, I'm afraid it will be too late. Let's leave it to Ling Bai, but I don't know if it can be completely sealed."

Byakuya Kuchiki didn't insist anymore and took back his soul-cutting sword. He watched the battle between Ling Bai and Kariya God expressionlessly. Kariya God's breathing gradually became faster, and wounds of various sizes appeared on his body. Blood dripped from his shoulders to the ground. However, Ling Bai acted as if he had just started fighting, without any disturbance. After another collision, Kari Yagami retreated far away, frowning. He used too much spiritual power in order to release the power of the Pure World Chapter. If you go down, you may die.

Thinking of this, red spiritual pressure rose up in his body, and he took a deep breath. The wound suddenly healed, and his breathing became steady. Then, he rushed in front of Ling Bai at an extremely fast speed, and golden thunder and lightning swept out. Ling Bai had to give in and was unable to counterattack for the time being. Seeing this scene, Yoruichi was also very puzzled. Why did Kariya God's attack power not decrease, or even increase, when he had clearly lost the ability to absorb souls.

A bottomless crack appeared on the ground, and Kariya God did not take advantage of the victory. The two stood at both ends of the crack. Ling Bai dusted himself off and did not rush to attack. He had personally experienced Kariya God's attack method, and was naturally better than Yoichi. It can be seen clearly that Kariyagami's spiritual power has long been exhausted, and he now relies on the energy of the Pure World Chapter in his body to fight.

This is also a bet for Kariya God. It will not be long before the Pure World Chapter can be activated. Before that, whether the body can bear it or he will be defeated by Ling Bai. What makes Ling Bai troublesome is that he has the Pure World Chapter. The powerful Kariya God, both in strength and speed, has been greatly improved. The moment he blinked, Kariya God flashed behind him, and the golden thunder and lightning hit him impartially.

Black flames suddenly rose. Ling Bai covered his smoking shoulders and retreated quickly. Kariya God did not waste the opportunity to pursue. A more powerful electric light hit him. Just when he was about to hit Ling Bai, the electric light suddenly changed. The trajectory hit the protruding stone wall behind Ling Bai. This change surprised everyone. Kariya God would not let the thunder and lightning change its direction. Even if it could not kill Ling Bai, it would also injure him. Ling Bai even more How could it be possible to deflect thunder and lightning without doing anything.

Ling Bai looked up and shrugged almost helplessly. There was Ichinose Maki's soul-cutting sword stuck on the stone wall. The lightning just now all hit the blade. Ling Bai sighed silently and raised his spiritual pressure. An irresistible sense of oppression came to Shuangji Hill, and Kariya God also raised his spiritual pressure to the highest point. At this time, Ishida Uryu and others also rushed over, wanting to help Ling Bai, but they were blocked by Kuchiki Ruki. Ya block.

"We shouldn't go."

Although Bawente has a human soul, he is not a human being. He is struggling and hesitating between the two worlds. Only Ling Bai can stop the progress of Kariya God. It is just right to give him such an opponent. The cliff is shaking and the atmosphere is trembling. Black and red collided together, and the aftershocks of spiritual pressure reverberated over the Jinglingting. The two forces were equally matched. The Pure World Seal contained all of Bawent and could not be easily defeated.

"This is the last blow, Ling Bai, can you bear it?"

"Don't be arrogant." Ling Bai sneered: "As Bawent, what have you done for the race? It's all your arbitrariness. You hurt your companions and use them as pawns. This is what a leader should do. ?".

Chapter 434: The trajectory of fate

"I will never lose to you like this."

"You don't understand anything!" Kariya God said loudly: "You don't understand Bawent's pain at all. Even humans will feel jealous when they meet someone stronger than themselves. Even if they are your friends, this is not true. It will not change. After a long time, my trusted companion will one day be afraid of your power and gradually drift away. Do I need to protect such a person? "

"Of course!" Ling Bai said solemnly: "I protect for the sake of protection!"

White light shot out from the crimson light, and Yoruichi's pupils suddenly shrank. This was the precursor to the liberation of the Pure World Chapter. She quickly called Kuchiki Byakuya to prepare the seal, but no matter how she called, Kuchiki Byakuya stood beside her. He stared at the battle ahead with an expressionless face, unmoved, as if the explosion of the Pure World Seal had nothing to do with him.

The next moment, the white spiritual pressure turned into a pillar of light, soaring straight into the sky. The power spread on the cliff, tearing apart the clouds. The two figures also intertwined in the light pillar. After a long time, the fluctuation of power calmed down, and Ling Bai stood there. , the tip of the knife was touching the ground, with his head lowered, no expression could be seen, but Kariya turned around, looked at his back, and suddenly smiled: "It seems to be over, what a pity, Ling Bai, I …”

Before he finished speaking, his body turned into sand and dissipated in the air.

"What a fool...".

Ling Bai took back the soul-cutting sword and saw that the battle was over. Others also ran over. Kariyagami was defeated. The Pure World Chapter was not liberated after all. He disappeared completely without even finishing his words. However, he was peaceful before his death. His expression made people feel a little sad. Perhaps this was Bawent's fate. Ling Bai looked at the blue sky and said softly: "He disappeared alone after all."

Hearing what he said, Kuchiki Rukia was surprised: "Did he plan like this from the beginning?"

"I don't know either." Ling Bai shook his head and said softly: "I just think that he may have put an end to the endless time."

The sealing work of Jing Ling Ting has also been completed, and the panic caused by the Purification Chapter has calmed down. Ling Bai and the others returned to Jing Ling Ting. After three days, under the command of Kotetsu Yongin, the aftermath work was also handled in an orderly manner. Although there are still many problems with the repair of damaged buildings and the treatment of injured people, they are finally on track. The Jingling Court also officially recognizes the existence of Bawent and the reason for its creation.

Sitting in the courtyard of the Thirteenth Division, Ling Bai realized that Kariya God seemed to want to eliminate Bawent's existence before attacking the Serenity Courtyard, but instead he was left with a deeper impression. Kariya God was attacked by Bawent. He is tied down by history, maybe because he can't stand the fact that history keeps repeating itself, and it's not very easy to live like that all the time. In the past thousand years, he has seen too much of Bawent's bitter history. In his heart, history is not A line extending forward, but a circle that keeps looping, and he wants to cut off all of this.

However, all Bawent did not disappear. Ling Bai did not tell anyone. He asked Randao to take the injured Koga Go out of the Jinglingting. The seriously injured Koga Go was in a coma for three days before he woke up and opened his eyes. , seeing the familiar face, he subconsciously said: "Yang Ye?"

"She is not Fang Ye." Ling Bai leaned against the wall and said, "She is Bawent's creator, Lan Island, and this is her hiding place."

Koga just lay on the bed and seemed to have not woken up from his deep sleep. It took him a long time before he said, "Why am I here."

Ling Bai smiled and said: "You are lucky. The ice in Hitsugaya covers you, and the God of Death is working on sealing the purification seal. No one noticed your existence. In order to prevent them from discovering you later, I I just brought you here."

Koga avoided his gaze and said slowly: "Why did you save me?"

"Who knows." Ling Bai said softly: "Kariya God is dead."

Goga Koga was not too surprised by the death of Kariya God. He had long known that the ending would be like this. The Seireitei was powerful and unshakable. More importantly, they cared about the lives of their companions. Kariya God did not care about the lives of their companions. There was no such thing. Reason will win in this war. He closed his eyes and said slowly: "If destruction is Bawent's fate, then I can only accept this fate."

"Really?" Ling Bai said.

Lan Dao boiled the water, sat next to him and said: "Anyway, you can stay here until the injury is healed. Anyway, I have nothing to do, and I don't want to go back to Jinglingting. I also want to hear about Bawent." After I left."

Ling Bai smiled softly, turned around and walked out: "I'm going back to the living world. I've asked Jingle to take care of the rest. He won't embarrass you, so don't worry."

"Thank you." Koga suddenly said. Ling Bai turned back to look at him. He sighed and continued: "I don't have enough strength, and I can't do it in the end. Thank you for stopping Kariyagami."

Chapter 435: The new captain


Ling Bai turned his head, his back to Koga Go, and said softly: "Kariya God may have had such power, and then was manipulated by him at will, and finally lost to the God of Death. What he pursues is the power that can change destiny. But he forgot that the sun will never meet the moon. If fate is a gear, then we are like sand being rolled around in it. "

He left Orchidao's residence and went to the Realm Crossing Gate. He believed that Kyoraku Shunsui would not embarrass Koga Tsuyoshi. However, through this incident, Jing Lingting also realized that the problem of insufficient combatants, especially the seal purification During the chapter, Zaihou was injured, Xing Jun's system was paralyzed, and the whole work became arduous. Kyoraku Shunsui wanted to elect a new captain. In fact, after Ichimaru Gin left Seireitei and Hobashiro Juro died in the battle, he served as a support The team's third division has never had a new captain. Although Kira Izuru has been leading the team, his ability is still slightly insufficient. Moreover, he has never demonstrated swastika and is not qualified to be the captain.

Many people strongly recommended Ling Bai to be the captain of the third division, and Kira Izuru was also willing to work under him. However, Ling Bai did not want to be restrained, so he refused the invitation as always. Fortunately, there are many talents in the Jing Ling Court, and Kyoryu Shunsui is very The new captain of Division 3 was quickly confirmed. Before the captain meeting was held, no one knew who the new reaper was. According to the report, it seemed that the troops who had been on an expedition mission for a long time returned safely and there were no victims. This is the new captain. The leader of the sub-expeditionary force,

A captain's meeting was held soon. The new captain, Amagai Susuke, walked into the conference room. He was of medium build, with slightly curly hair. His appearance was neither handsome nor ugly. He had a decent appearance. He was the kind of person who wouldn't be too impressed even if he had seen him before. I can't tell how strong he is based on his appearance, but he is very honest. He has two soul-killing knives. When he walked into the conference room, everyone's eyes were focused on him. They were not surprised. There is no rejection, most of them have an indifferent attitude.

Amagai Xiusuke looked around, looking very timid. After a long time, he said with a slight stutter: "I am Amagai, and I will definitely work hard with all my strength. Since I am a junior, I ask my seniors for their guidance."

He also spoke very modestly, which made people feel that he had some strength. Whether he could hold the position of captain was still open to question. However, he was the captain selected by Kyoraku Shunsui. They didn't say anything. After all, you can't judge a person by his appearance. After the meeting, Kyōraku Le Chunshui found him alone. As the captain, he told Ambei Xiusuke that in fact, as a captain, there are many formalities, which may not be used to him at first. If you have any problems, you can discuss it with him.

The members of the third team were also discussing the matter of the new captain in private. They had never even heard each other's name, and they were a little dissatisfied when he suddenly came out to be their captain. Kira Izuru was also very helpless. As they were talking about it, At that time, Amagai Susuke came to the team building, followed by a handsome man wearing glasses. He smiled kindly and briefly introduced himself and the man who came with him. Funari, who was originally a member of the expedition team, now joins the third team with him and serves as the third seat.

The other team members were very disappointed when they saw his appearance. They always felt that compared with other captains, his danger was slightly insufficient. After all, the first two captains of the third team had outstanding abilities, especially Gin Ichimaru. It is even more unfathomable. If the current captain is too weak, many team members will not be able to accept it.

Their discussion was passed to Amagai Suisuke. Kira Izuru wanted to stop the team members from continuing to talk, but Amagai Suisuke patted him on the shoulder, turned around and said with a smile: "I can understand your mood, too. I don’t know where the guy came from. Suddenly he came over and said, starting from today, I will be your captain. If I were you, I would also question it, but I also want to make it clear that as long as I serve as the captain of the third division for one day. , I will definitely protect you, this is also the captain’s job.”

When he said this, the team members couldn't say anything and could only choose to trust. Even so, the atmosphere in the team was not very good. Kira Izuru had no choice but to go to Matsumoto Rangiku to discuss it. He didn't know what to say. , I just feel that everyone has no confidence in the new captain and wants to adjust the atmosphere. After all, he is a person in between, but he doesn't know what to do.

Matsumoto Rangiku scratched her head and said as if scolding: "It's really troublesome. All in all, it's like a transfer student of unknown origin. You will be bullied by everyone when you first come here. You must feel very uneasy. At this time, you need to drink. The troubles will be forgotten as long as you drink."

Having said this, he took out the wine from the cabinet. These were the treasures she had secretly hidden behind Hitsugaya Toshiro's back. Since the opportunity was rare, let's have a banquet in the third division.

Chapter 436: Interruption

"Is it really possible……"

"Just think you were cheated and go try it."

It happened that at this time, Hitsugaya Toshiro came in, Matsumoto Rangiku quickly ran away with the wine in his arms, Kira Izuru also listened to him and held a welcome party for the new captain in the team building, Amagai Suisuke did not know how to drink in the first place. , but despite Kira Izuru’s enthusiastic request and the watchful eyes of all the team members, he still drank it all. After just one cup, Amagai Susuke became drunk and talked more. The originally bad atmosphere suddenly changed. Very funny.

However, before he could say a few words, he fell to the ground and passed out. There was no other way. Kira Izuru could only ask the team members to bring buckets and towels to try to sober him up. Kifuri was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to contact the team members. , and did not have the airs of being the third seat, and even wrote down the names of each team member in a book. Although the banquet went smoothly, the atmosphere was very bad, and the team members did not have any presence of Amagai Susuke because of this. They all believed that, After all, the vice-captain Kira Izuru has always been arranging all matters, and they are used to a team without a captain.

Even without the captain, the team was able to unite so well. I had to admit Kira Izuru's ability. The banquet didn't last long. Many people couldn't stand the stiff atmosphere and left first. Kira Izuru was also dejected. Damn it. On the wall, I was such a fool to think that I believed Matsumoto Rangiku.

At this time, the Technology Development Bureau received information that a large number of Daxu appeared in the broken world and were moving towards Soul Society through the broken world. The third team is a volunteer team. This is also their job. Kyoraku Shunsui also wanted to test Amagai Susuke's strength, and immediately ordered the third division to break off the boundary in front and eradicate the Daxu that invaded the boundary.

However, Amagai Susuke has not yet woken up, so Kira Izuru can only take charge of the command and immediately lead the team to break into the boundary. Many teams are paying attention to their actions this time. The Shinigami who has achieved actual results in the expedition suddenly comes. Serving as the new captain is something that has never happened before. Even without a captain, the overall strength of the third division is not weak. Moreover, in every war, Kira Izuru is the deputy captain who rushes to the forefront. His commanding ability, He is also an outstanding presence among the vice-captains.

In less than ten minutes, more than half of Daxu was wiped out. Just when they were about to return in triumph, a strong vibration suddenly came from the boundary, and Juliu appeared. The Technology Development Bureau was also shocked, and clearly cut off Juliu. , why did it appear at this time? Kira Izuru could only order a retreat. Daxu, who had not yet been eliminated, took advantage of the victory to pursue it, and Kibuneri was responsible for breaking up the rear.

However, the speed of the collision was too fast. Many team members who were not proficient in Shunpo were about to be overtaken, and they all showed desperate expressions. At the critical moment, Amagai Susuke rushed over, passed the team members, and stood between them and them. In the middle of Jutu, he pulled out his soul-cutting sword. Many people showed surprised expressions. In their understanding, Jutu was absolutely unstoppable. He would know everything within the boundary. Even at the captain level, facing Jutu, he could only Being able to dodge, Amagai Susuke actually wanted to stop the scavenger head-on.

"It's too chaotic!"

"I said, as long as I am captain for a day, I will protect you."

"Please take a closer look." Kibuneri said softly, "Captain Amagai's strength."

The Kutu is getting closer and closer. Amagai Susuke holds the handle of the knife tightly with both hands. With his roar, the Kutu hits the blade. After the golden light, a green light emits, and then, the Kutu is like soil. Like a collapse, it collapsed in vain. Amagai Suisuke turned around, looked at the bewildered team members, walked towards Kifune, and said slowly: "Kibune, did you indeed submit a request to cut off the flow of detention?"

"Yes." Kifuri nodded.

Amagai Susuke touched his chin and said: "I don't think this is an acceptance error by the Technology Development Bureau. It's very suspicious. As long as no one was injured, Kira, you commanded the team very well. As expected, you can do it without the captain." The vice-captain who brings the team together.”

"No, there is no such thing..."

"As long as everyone is safe, let's go back."

Everyone looked at him in surprise, and their previous doubts about him were gradually eliminated. Amagai Susuke fell to the ground before he could take two steps. They thought it was to prevent Kutu from overexertion of physical strength. When they got closer, they discovered that he was drunk. What kind of person is this, who can show such strength in a drunken state?

Through this operation, other teams also eliminated doubts about Amagai Susuke. Ling Bai, who received the information, did not take it seriously. He believed that it was during this blank period that the new captain showed his honest side and quickly The more powerful it is, the more dangerous it is. He vaguely felt that something was happening, and the Jingling Court would be unavoidably turbulent.

His guess was correct. In the early morning of the day after the captain took office, the world-traveling door quietly opened.

Chapter 437: Strange events

Just as Ling Bai woke up, information from Rukia Kuchiki came over. Hollows appeared in Karakura Town, and the number was still increasing. The time it took for them to rush over increased from a few to dozens, as if they would It's the same as reproduction. This is too strange. Yesterday, a big void appeared in the world, and the flow was blocked abnormally. Before they could take a breath, a huge number of voids appeared in the world. They didn't have time to think, so they went to the location of the great void.

This level of weakness is not even a warm-up for Ling Bai. It is just increasing in number, which is a headache. He burned it with the fire of hell to no avail. There is still no sign of the weakness in the sky decreasing. , just when he wanted to find out the source, a woman's voice came from the street below, as if calling him. Ling Bai looked down and saw a girl wearing a bamboo hat, covering her entire face, and wearing a pink kimono. waving to him.

"Are you the god of death in this city?"

Ling Bai was stunned for a moment. She could see herself, and she also knew the God of Death. It was surprising. Recently, I had never heard of a God of Death passing through the world and coming to the present world. He didn't look like an Arrancar or Bawen. He put down the endless swarm of virtual beings who could kill special races, landed on the street, and said softly: "If you wander around in a place like this, you will be eaten by the virtual ones."

"It's me who wants to eat," the girl said.

"Ah?" Ling Bai tilted his head, as if he didn't understand what she meant.

"it does not matter……"

The girl walked towards him, but before she had even taken two steps, she tripped over a stone under her feet and fell to the ground. Her bamboo hat flew out, revealing a face like a porcelain doll, with light yellow hair and green eyes. She looked young, but looked like a young lady from a wealthy family. Ling Bai picked up the bamboo hat, threw it to her, and asked, "Where are you from?"

The girl blinked her big watery eyes, stood up, turned her head, patted the dust on her body, and said with a command: "You came just in time, hurry up and get me something to eat, do you hear me?"

"Back off!".

Ling Bai said in a deep voice. There was a roar of hollows in the sky. He couldn't care about the girl shouting behind him that she was hungry. If the number of hollows increased, Karakura Town might fall into panic. He raised his head and suddenly Opening his eyes wide, two men who had never seen her before fell down in the air. The bald man picked up the girl. The handsome man turned around and said to Ling Bai, "I'll leave it to you."

After that, he disappeared on the street, followed closely by the overwhelming group of Xu, which instantly suppressed Ling Bai. They did not go far. The girl was still very worried about Ling Bai. With so many Xu, he would The handsome man who was eaten didn't care. He just explained that that person was here to protect Ruri Chiyo-sama, and we have to ensure our own safety.

They felt that Ling Bai was hopeless, so they chose to escape. Suddenly, their pupils shrank suddenly, and black flames suddenly rose in the center of the virtual group. Pillars of fire rose from the ground, straight into the sky, and the virtual group that was holding Ling Bai burned out instantly. , the girl trembled at the corner of her mouth and asked: "Quirong, who is that person?"

The two men looked at each other, and the handsome man named Inuryu said: "He is the Shinigami currently living in Karakura Town, Ling Bai."

Ling Bai quickly dealt with Daxu, and when he turned around, they had completely disappeared from sight. Kuchiki Rukia and Ishida Uryū also rushed over. Originally, when there was a group of Xus, they shouldn't have mobilized so many troops, but Ishida Uryū Ryu felt that the spiritual pressure of two unknown Shinigami appeared in Karakura Town, and they seemed to have spread bait that could attract Hollow.

They are obviously the God of Death, but they want to lure out Xu. What is their purpose? It was puzzling. After they disappeared, the spiritual pressure was also hidden. Ling Bai only remembered that the girl spoke like a princess. Apart from that, there were no other clues. Strange things happened in the past few days. Too many, Jing Lingting inexplicably appointed a captain, blocked the flow, and two strange gods of death, it seemed that something was really going to happen.

However, they can still find the source. If the God of Death comes to the living world, he will definitely pass through the world-traversing gate, and they should be able to search it all in the records. They did not go to Urahara Kisuke. Kuchiki Rukia was at Lingbai's house, using him He used his mobile phone to conduct searches. After all, he was also the captain of the Thirteenth Division, so he still had this right.

Before they could find the traffic record, something strange happened again. The people next door to where Ling Bai lived suddenly started to move. The person who moved was none other than the handsome God of Death they met in the morning. They could no longer sit still. He went down to ask about their identities, but the other party's answer was that there was no need to answer them. Regarding the matter of eliciting Xu, he also said that he did not know what they were talking about, and there was no evidence to prove that it was them who elicited Xu.

Ruri Chiyo suddenly ran out of the yard and called Ling Bai by his name. Ling Bai shrugged helplessly and wanted to go in, but was strongly stopped by the delicate god of death.

Chapter 438: Nobles

What the other party said was that there was an insurmountable gap between Ling Bai and them. If they needed him, they would give orders, as if they were ordering a servant. It was Haku Kuchiki, the head of the four nobles. Zai was not as unreasonable as them. Quanlong returned to the courtyard and added a layer of barrier outside to prevent outsiders from entering. Even so, Ling Bai did not think that they were people with evil intentions towards the world.

As night fell, Ruri Chiyo lay on the sofa and fell asleep. Saruyu brought dinner and put it on the table. Inuryu opened the window and said softly: "You have seen what happened during the day, right? Ling Bai is indeed very strong. If If he says it, he can definitely defeat them, and coming to this world is indeed the best choice.”

No one knew what kind of plan they were making. What surprised Lingbai and the others was that they actually entered Karakura Town No. 1 High School as transfer students, and were in the same class as Uryu Ishida and the others. First they moved next door, and then Choosing the same class again, everyone can see that these guys want to get close to Ling Bai and the others.

Ishida Uryu didn't care. Since they have reached this level, they will tell their intentions sooner or later. Besides, they can use the righteous bones. They obviously bought them at the Urahara store. Urahara Kisuke didn't care about them, so they shouldn't. What problems will there be? Everyone has their own situation. Just late at night, Ling Bai felt the fluctuation of spiritual pressure. He opened the window and saw Inulong standing on the opposite roof, holding the handle of the knife tightly, as if he was on guard. What the same.

Kuchiki Rukia jumped onto the rooftop opposite and asked: "What are you doing, your reiatsu is completely different from what you were during the day. What is going on? I am the captain of the Thirteenth Division. I can't let it go." No matter, tell me the reason, depending on the situation..."

Before he could finish speaking, a red circle of light suddenly appeared in mid-air. The circle of light flashed continuously. Then, there was a bang, like a red cannon. The circle of light shattered the roof. They also jumped into the attic, right in the room. In the shadow, stood a shinigami wrapped in black. Inunryu looked out the window. Saruyu had already left the yard with Flurry Chiyo on his back. He turned back and said, "Ling Bai, I'll leave the rest to you."

After that, he jumped out of the window. Ling Bai didn't have time to think about it. The god of death in the room pulled out the soul-cutting sword. His handle was like a mirror, reflecting the dazzling light. Looking at him, he didn't look like that. He was a stealthy man. He jumped out of the hole in the roof and had no intention of fighting Ling Bai. However, Ling Bai couldn't let it go and blocked his way. From this point of view, his target should be Ruri Chiyo and the others.

Ling Bai's soul-killing knife slashed down. He didn't use all his strength and was easily held by the opponent. The man in black turned the handle of the knife, and a strong white light was reflected in the mirror, instantly blocking Ling Bai's sight. Just as he was in a trance. At the same moment, the man in black slashed his sword horizontally. Ling Bai couldn't take a step back, and the blade scraped across his collar.

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