At this point, she broke down in tears, hugging her knees, tears falling on her pants, and crying softly.

Ling Bai sighed silently, looked into the deep night, and said slowly: "Don't think too much. When Inuryu asked us, everyone decided to protect you. After all, we can't leave you alone. I am the Godei Ten." People from the third team, this kind of thing is exactly my job. There is no need to cry. Although Ishida and Chadari's treatment will take some time, Inoue will always find a way, so don't worry. "

"I'm not crying." Ruri Chiyo wiped her tears and suddenly smiled: "I want to be alone for a while."

Ling Bai didn't say anything. He patted her on the shoulder and returned to the room. After seeing him leave, Ruri Chiyo took out a small knife from his arms and stabbed it straight into the air. In front of her, the world-crossing gate appeared. She didn't want to cause trouble to Ling Bai anymore, so she decided to take back Kasumioji's house in person. Ling Bai returned to the room and was about to sit down when he remembered Ruri Chiyo's last smile. His pupils suddenly shrank. He realized that something was wrong. When he ran out of the room, he crossed the border. The door has just closed.

There was no time for any unnecessary explanations, so he quickly asked Inuryu to open the world-traveling gate. Like Ruri Chiyo, Inunryu pulled out his soul-cutting sword and pierced the air, but the world-traveling door could not be opened. It seemed that Ruri Chiyo was there. The door was locked over there, and Ling Bai took a deep breath. He had to calm down now and think about the current situation carefully. Even if he could pass through the boundary gate safely, he would only be playing into the enemy's hands.

Chapter 459: Protection

Urahara Kisuke said: "Why did Ruri Chiyo return to Kasumioji's house?"

This is also what others want to ask. What kind of blow did Ruri Chiyo, who was fine just now, receive? He is about to return to Kasumioji's house. The tea party is over. He has no reason to go back without telling the others. Ling Bai said: "After the successive battles, she has already He knew that Kumoi wanted to assassinate her, and he regarded all of this as his own mistake."

Hearing this, Inuryu's face turned pale. The question now is, since Kumoi wants to assassinate her, what can she do when she goes back? Is it to die, or does she just want to hold the wedding like this? Officially taking over as the head of the family, and then sanctioning Kumoi, no matter what, they should rush there as soon as possible, Kuchiki Rukia, and they enter Soul Society.

At this time, Ruri Chiyo passed through the boundary gate and arrived directly at Kasumioji's house. The guard at the door was also surprised. He did not expect that he would come back so soon. He quickly notified the nearby servants, and the servants who were preparing for the wedding hurriedly ran to the door to greet him. , not daring to neglect at all, Yunjing Yaojue and the elders also rushed here. Yunjing Yaojue bowed politely and said: "Welcome back, Your Royal Highness."

The wedding was still being prepared, and Yunjing Yaojue did not immediately take action against Liuli Qianyo. The next morning, Liuli Qianyo and Guan Zhimu were sitting in the courtyard drinking tea. Guan Zhimu was unnatural and said as if full of apology: "Liu Li Qianyo , you are finally back. During the hiatus of your absence, I took on the role of head, I’m sorry..."

Ruri Chiyo sat on the ground, holding the tea cup in both hands, her eyes dim. In just one day, she lost her former spirituality, lowered her head and said, "It's nothing, I don't want to be the head of the family."

After all, Guan Zhimu was still a child and could not observe his words. He did not notice his strangeness and said with a smile: "We can always be together from now on. What should we do next? Liuli, you prefer playing football."

Ling Bai and the others also arrived in Soul Society. Since Ruri Chiyo is already under the surveillance of Kumoi Yaojue, they don't want to attract too much attention. If Kumoi Yaojue acts recklessly, it will cause an irreparable situation. Inu The official positions of Long and Monulong in Kasumadaolu's house should be very high, and they can enter with dignity. Sure enough, when the guards saw them, they opened the door without hesitation. However, what they didn't expect was that a large number of guards with weapons gathered at the door. , the person taking the lead said loudly: "You two are suspected of abducting Princess Ruri Chiyo, and you will be arrested now."

Quanlong gritted his teeth and looked very unhappy. Damn it, Yunjing Yaojue, his dignified personal guard, suffered such an arrest. Ling Bai said: "We can't be caught by them here."

"I know." Quanlong pressed the handle of the knife.

"What should we do?"

"Retreat temporarily!"

What they did surprised Ling Bai. He originally thought that he was going to rush in forcefully, and these people might not dare to stand in the way. Unexpectedly, they turned around and ran away. Ling Bai chased after him and said with a wry smile: "Don't you have a very high official position? , why run away."

"This is not an escape." Quanlong said plausibly: "It's just to regain strength."

Naturally, the guards would not let them go and pursued them. They ran for more than a dozen streets and jumped into an underground passage before they could escape. It was not surprising that there was a secret passage in a noble's mansion, and the dog dragon took this secret passage. Ling Bai did not agree to bring Ruri Chiyo out. He felt that judging from the situation just now, the security inside the mansion must be tighter. In this case, instead of blindly searching for it, it is better to sneak into Ruri Chiyo's house during the wedding tomorrow. location.

Inunryu also agreed. As long as Ruri Chiyo is the head of the family at the wedding and gives orders to Kumoi Yaokaku on the spot, Kumoi Yaokaku cannot ignore them. Ling Bai nodded and said slowly: "We have always treated her as a little girl. The child looked at her and wanted to protect her, but instead pushed her into a desperate situation. She has always been so patient. It was us who failed to protect her. She came back here only after making up her mind to fight against her own destiny. We Trust her determination.”

Kuchiki Rukia sighed. Although she knew it was dangerous to do so, what Lingbai said made sense. She didn't say anything. The wedding was held as usual. Many nobles came to attend. The Kasumioji family's residence was full of people. People, Ruri Chiyo also put on bridal clothes, and walked towards the lobby surrounded by servants. Guan Zhimu looked very nervous, but Ruri Chiyo was very calm and expressionless. It was difficult to see what she was thinking.

Hundreds of civilians gathered in the courtyard. When they saw Liuli Qianyo and Guan Zhimu appearing, they cheered warmly. They stood on the platform on the second floor. Amidst the applause and cheers of the civilians, Guan Zhimu was very excited. Excited, Ruri Chiyo remained unmoved, his eyes dim.

"It's not too late..."

At this moment, a man's deep voice came from above their heads. It was not loud, but it clearly rang in everyone's ears. They looked up.

Chapter 460: Impersonation

Ling Bai and the others appeared on the roof. The civilians below were confused. Guan Zhimu was frightened, his legs were shaking, and he shouted that there were assassins. The guards of Kasumadaji family immediately surrounded them, and Ruri Chiyo's eyes only trembled. She paused and didn't even look back. She still stood there, staring at the crowd below, as if she didn't know the person coming.

Yunjing Yaojue raised the corner of his mouth and whispered: "I took the bait."

"That's it, Ling Bai!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Ling Bai was stunned for a moment. He looked back and saw that Zaihou was standing not far behind them. Rukia Kuchiki took a breath of air. What is going on? The Gotei 13 team members Before she could ask why the captain appeared here, a large number of Xing troops appeared and surrounded them. Broken Bee also ducked in front of Ling Bai, pulled out the soul-killing knife, put it against his neck, and said in a deep voice: " Don't move, what kind of place do you think this is? Breaking into a noble wedding is a serious crime."

"Captain Shattered Bee!" Rukia Kuchiki said quickly: "Please listen to my explanation. There is a reason for this. This wedding and the appointment of the new leader are invalid in themselves."

They were originally operating in secret. No one knew about it except Kenpachi Zaraki. Ling Bai also sighed silently. It would have been better if it were other captains who came, but it happened to be Suihou, a woman who has never changed since ancient times. Even though Luqi Kuchiki Ya was also the captain of the Thirteenth Division, but she was still inferior to Zai Bee. Zai Bee didn't listen to her explanation at all, didn't even look at her, and still pointed the blade at Ling Bai.

Ling Bai whispered: "Give us some time."

Broken Bee frowned slightly. To be honest, even though Ling Bai was not the captain, nor was he the one to arrest anyone who asked for arrest, to a certain extent, he had more power than many captains. Ling Bai said softly: "Ruri Chiyo, You have to remember that you are the real head of the Kasumodaji family. You don’t have to be afraid of Yunjing Yaojue. We will all help you. Just do what you think is right. "

His words seemed to be saying that this wedding was a conspiracy by Kumoi Yaokaku, but they had no evidence yet, and it was clearly shown that he was on Ruri Chiyo's side. The atmosphere gradually relaxed, and Broken Heart Bee did not take action, and she also knew that this matter should not be that simple. Everyone was waiting for Rurichiyo to make a choice. Rurichiyo closed his eyes, and after a long time, he turned around and said slowly: "What are you talking about? What, I don’t know you at all, how dare you be so rude to me, it’s unforgivable.”

Ling Bai frowned slightly, he couldn't understand what was going on. The faces of Dogron and Apelong suddenly turned pale. Yunjing Yaojue struck while the iron was hot and said loudly: "What are you doing? Get them down quickly! "

Broken Bee said softly: "Ling Bai, stop it. It will do no good to continue to expand the commotion."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a bang. Omaeda Kichiyo, who had originally controlled Saruyu, was knocked to the ground by Saruyu. Saruyu rushed into the sky like a rocket. Under the white light, his soul-cutting sword turned into a Two huge red fists then smashed down like cannonballs. With a loud bang, a big hole was made in the roof, and the house suddenly collapsed.

Kuchiki Rukia coughed twice and waved away the smoke. She did not expect that Saruyu could have such destructive power. Speaking of which, he had not released the Soul Zantoto until now. In this turmoil, Kumoi Yao Jue and Liuli Qianyo both disappeared, but Sui Feng came out and said loudly: "Ling Bai, stop now!"

There was a sound of soldiers, the blades collided, Kuchiki Rukia and Zai Bee collided, and said slowly: "Zi Bee Captain, I'm sorry, I can't let you go."

Ling Bai sighed. He didn't expect that something like this would cause internal strife among the Gotei 13. He rushed out of the ruins, found Ruri Chiyo, grabbed her shoulders and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Let me go, I don't know you..." Ruri Chiyo said with dim eyes, like a doll.

Ling Bai's pupils gradually shrank, and then he saw clearly that Liuli Qianyo was probably being controlled by someone. He grabbed Guan Zhimu's collar and said in a deep voice: "You are her fiancé, right? Why haven't you noticed it until now?" She is so strange, Yunjing Yaojue must have done something to her. "

"No way..." Guan Zhimu also remembered, but still couldn't believe it. In fact, Liuli Qianyo's condition was not very good since he came back yesterday. No matter what he said, she would not pay attention. He lowered his head and said: "What am I doing?" Do not know at all……"

At this moment, Ling Bai felt pain in his abdomen. He looked down and saw Ruri Chiyo holding a short knife in his hand and inserting it into his abdomen. What came out of his mouth was a man's voice: "You must have been fooled, Ling Bai."

"Ruri Chiyo" pulled out his short sword and jumped far away. Guan Zhimu was so frightened that he sat on the ground. Only then did he realize that the real Ruri Chiyo was not here. She was a fake. Yunjing Yaojue also came over. , sneered: "I didn't expect you to be fooled so easily.".

Chapter 461: Interception

In the ruins at this time, Zaihou and Kuchiki Rukia were facing each other with their blades. Neither of them had released the Soul-Zantoto. After all, they were both captains of the Gotei Thirteenth Team. The conflicts between ordinary team members could still be adjusted. A captain-level battle might be just that. There will be charges of rebellion. In any case, this kind of internal strife must be avoided unless there is no other way. What's more, they are not ordinary captains. One has the position of commander-in-chief of the Xing Army, and the other is from the Kuchiki family. People, no matter who hurt whom, cannot explain it later.

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"I'm very sorry. We will explain it to you when I, Ling Bai, come back. Please don't interfere now."

"This can't be done.".

Zouhou gritted her teeth. She thought she had given Rukia Kuchiki too many opportunities. If the other party persisted, she could only use force. She took a few steps back, retracted the soul-cutting sword, and rushed to Rukia Kuchiki at an extremely fast speed. In front of her, a palm was slapped on her chest. Kuchiki Rukia didn't react at all. She only felt severe pain in her chest, her vision went black, and her body flew backwards.

No one expected that Shai Bee would be so ruthless. As soon as Ling Bai pulled out the Soul-Severing Knife, Shai Bee jumped down from mid-air. Ling Bai could only change the target and hold her blade. Shai Bee said loudly: "You go first!"

"I'll leave it to you here." Kumoi Yaokaku pulled the fake Ruri Chiyo away and said as he walked, "Quickly, it's very dangerous here."

After they left, Sui Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Ling Bai, I originally thought you were a promising man. I was really wrong."

Ling Bai said helplessly: "Can you listen to what I have to say?"

"No need to say more!"

Shattered Bee struck continuously, pressing Ling Bai so hard that he could not pursue Yunjing Yajue. The blades kept colliding with each other. Shattered Bee did not release the Soul-Slaying Sword, nor did he use the instant opener. Ling Bai could not bear to hurt him. , he also knew that Zaihou also had her own position and responsibilities. This kind of thing cannot be explained in a few words, unless Yoruichi was here. He stepped back and said: "Zihou, the Ruri Chiyo just now is a fake."

"What evidence do you have?" Broken Bee said.

Ling Bai was stunned for a moment. He came here to find evidence. Zai Bee asked this question, leaving her unable to answer. Zai Bee seemed to have the initiative. She took off her captain Yuori and released the soul-cutting sword. Xu said: "If possible, I would like to resolve the matter without releasing the Soul-Zanbing Sword. It seems impossible."

It seemed that she was serious about her actions. Ling Bai could only smile bitterly. He was also a captain-level figure. It might take a long time to deal with him. By then, Yunjing Yaojue would not know. Wherever she ran, Broken Bee had just jumped up. Suddenly, her pupils shrank suddenly. Right in front of her, an avalanche of cold air rushed towards her. She could only turn over in mid-air to avoid it. The cold air instantly condensed into ice, turning it into ice. She and Ling Bai were separated, and Kuchiki Rukia ran over there, gasping and saying: "Ling Bai, retreat first."

"There is really no way..."

Just as they were about to leave, Guan Zhimu suddenly said: "It won't work over there, it's safer here. Hurry up, the God of Death is coming."

Ling Bai and Kuchiki Rukia looked at each other. Although Guan Zhimu took over as the head of the family when Ruri Chiyo was away, he was still a child and did not seem to have any malicious intentions. He did not know about Kumoi Yaokaku's conspiracy and was completely fooled. Using them as puppets, they followed. Broken Bee gathered the team members, reorganized the team, and chased Ling Bai. Ohmaeda Kichiyo also captured Inunosaurus and Sarangosaurus with the help of the team members. He himself also had a bruised nose and face, as if he had experienced A fierce battle ensued.

"Captain, what should we do with these two people?"

"They will talk about it later. The most important thing now is to catch Ling Bai and Kuchiki."

After Yunjing Yaojue saw that it was safe, he also returned here, walked to Sui Feng and said: "Captain Sui Feng, can you please not send people into the mansion, our servants will drive them out, please After they were driven out, capturing them was also a sign of respect for our nobles.”

Broken Bee stared at him and did not agree quickly. She suddenly had a feeling that this housekeeper did not seem like a good person. Maybe Ling Bai and the others really had their own purposes. However, out of her duty as captain, she still agreed, even if the other party had She has the ability to smash any conspiracy.

At the same time, Ling Bai and Kuchiki Rukia followed Guan Zhimu to the innermost room of the mansion. It was like a warehouse, with no lights on, a bit dark, and no servants nearby. Kuchiki Rukia asked what she had just said Just something I wanted to ask.

"You are Ruri Chiyo's fiancé, right? Why are you helping us?"

Guan Zhimu lowered his head, and after a long time, he raised his head and said, "I want to help Liuli Qianyo, where is the real Liuli Qianyo?"

He is also a child of a noble family, and their marriage was arranged by his family. However, he fell in love with Rurichiyo the first time he saw her. This is the so-called love at first sight. He also knows that Rurichiyo is in a very dangerous situation now.

Chapter 462: Mobilization

Guan Zhimu didn't understand that he had always been by Liuli Qianyo's side, but he still left her alone.

At this point, he shed tears. Ling Bai patted his shoulder and smiled: "It's not too late from now on. Now we have to find a way to get out of here."

Ling Bai opened the door. There was no movement in the corridor. The residence was probably surrounded by Zhanfeng's subordinates. It was not an easy task to run out without anyone noticing, but Guan Zhimu thought of a good idea. method.

In fact, they were not the only ones, Suihou and the others were also waiting anxiously. They did not go in to pay off the debt, but waited outside. Nearly an hour passed, but they did not receive any contact from Kumoi Yaokaku. Ohmaeda Kichiyo had already been unable to wait. Patiently, he complained: "Really, I don't care what kind of nobles they are. This mansion is too big. What are they going to use such a big land for?"

"Don't say sarcastic words." Broken Bee said: "Compared to this, how about the two we just caught.".

"It's tied tightly," said Omaedian Kichiyo.

"Keep an eye on me, Ling Bai may come to rescue them at any time."

"How is it possible? Do they dare to come to our encirclement?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he received a report from his subordinates that Ling Bai and Kuchiki Rukia appeared at the back door of the mansion, and they also took Guan Zhimu as a hostage. They rushed over and Ling Bai's soul-cutting sword was caught in Guan Zhimu's back door. Guan Zhimu's neck, and walked slowly from the back door. The gods of death and servants around him did not dare to come forward. In any case, Guan Zhimu was the head of the Xia Dalu family. If he was hurt, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Wait a minute, Ling Bai!"

Broken Bee stood in front of him and said in a deep voice: "You guy, isn't it enough to ruin the wedding? You even want to take hostages!"

"There is no way." Ling Bai looked at him and said slowly: "Please get out of the way, otherwise, I cannot guarantee his safety."

Broken Bee did not give way, they faced off for a long time, and no one dared to step forward. Ling Bai took a deep breath, he bet Broken Bee would not make a move, slowly walked past her, and then said: "Don't chase her. "

Watching them go away, Sui Feng gritted his teeth. It was simply undignified. He returned to Jing Ling Ting and told the captain meeting about the matter. The other captains were also very surprised that Ling Bai would do such a thing, and Kuchiki Rukia was also involved, but they did not express any opinions. Kuchiki Byakuya was expressionless, as if the matter had nothing to do with him. Amagai Suisuke suddenly said: "Well, who is Ling Bai? "

Mako Hirako said: "Captain Amagai doesn't know yet, but Lingbai is also a god of death, but he does not belong to the Gotei Thirteenth Team. He is considered a benefactor to us."

Broken Bee said slowly: "Ling Bai and Kuchiki Rukia are hijacking the head of the Kasumioji family, Zhimu, and are escaping from the Serenity Courtyard. Our second team is currently searching, but considering Ling Bai's strength, I think there is Reinforcements are necessary.”

Before Kyōraku Shunsui could give the order, Amagai Susuke said: "In this case, it's better for me to go. Since he has friendship with everyone, I think it will be difficult to take action."

Kyoraku Shunsui sighed, nodded, and agreed to his request for a fight. Zaihou also reported another thing, and that was about the important ministers of the Kasumioji family. He was clearly the one who asked Zaihou to go out, but he did not allow them to enter the mansion. With his abnormal vigilance, there were many suspicious things, and something seemed to have happened between him and Ling Bai. Regarding this kind of thing, Jingraku Shunsui fell into deep thought, and now he could only find Ling Bai to ask clearly.

Amagaisuke returned to the team building. Kira Izuru had already assembled the team members. Amagaisuke said: "You may not want to fight Lingbai, but this is to maintain the order of Soul Society. Understand it. Get ready to go." Bar."

"team leader……"

"What's up?"

Kira Izuru hesitated for a moment, then said: "Did Ling Bai really show up at Kasumioji's house?"

"Yes." Amagai Susuke said, "I think I have received the report."

Sensing that Kira Izuru was hesitant to speak, Amagai Susuke said: "Is there any problem? If you have anything to say, just say it."

Kira Izuru nodded and said slowly: "Actually, I have been thinking about what to do. Until now, I think it is better to tell the captain. Not long ago, I saw the three seats of Kifune entering Kasumio Road with my own eyes. Home."

His hesitation was not because of uncertainty, but because Amagai Suisuke and Kibuneri came to the third division together. No one knew their relationship, but after many days of getting along, Kira Izuru felt that Amagai Suisuke was a sensible person. Amagai Susuke was also surprised when he heard this. Kira Izuru continued: "I asked him, but she denied going there. I think the captain may not be aware of this matter. This paragraph Time, Kifune Sanchi would sometimes make some suspicious moves. On that day at the execution ground, he killed his companions without hesitation. During the battle of Daxu's invasion, he seemed to be recording something. In addition to his calm appearance, he also There is a completely different side to it.”

"How could Kifune...".

Chapter 463: Worry

Amagaisuke couldn't believe it. Kira Izuru didn't feel relieved after the report. Looking back on what he said just now, it really felt like a snitch. Amagaisuke thought about it for a moment and said: "I've never heard of such a thing."

"It's true!" Kira Izuru spoke louder: "This time something happened again at Kasumioji's house where Kifune Sanchi often went. However, he himself deliberately concealed his relationship with Kasumioji's family. There must be something wrong with it. …”


Before he finished, Amagai Shusuke interrupted him: "It's too early to draw conclusions now. Even if what you said is true, Takafune and the Kasumigaoji family are related, this alone does not mean that they are accomplices. Having said that, it is understandable that you would doubt him when you find out about this kind of thing at this time."

"I understand..." Kira Izuru nodded, a little regretful about telling him about this matter. It would be better to investigate it by himself, or tell Hitsugaya Toushirou, he will definitely take it to heart.

Amagai Shusuke said: "Kira, have you told anyone else about this?".

Kira Izuru shook his head: "No, only the two of us know."

Amagai Shusuke touched his chin and said slowly: "Although it's just my feeling, there may be many unknown inside stories about this matter, which are not clear now. In short, you continue to pay attention to the actions of the ship secretly. If there is any situation, report to me immediately. We still have to find Ling Bai first, and other things will be discussed later."

The third squad was officially dispatched and began to investigate along the street, but Ling Bai and his team were in the underground passage. As for where Ruri Chiyo would be, Guan Zhimu had no clue. He had never left the mansion and had only looked down from above when he was riding Jiaozi before. This is the case with nobles like them. They look very happy, but they are actually birds in a cage. Ruri Chiyo did sneak out a few times.

Rukia Kuchiki thinks that Ruri Chiyo should be hidden somewhere in Kasumigaoji's house. If they go back to look for her now, they may find something. Lingbai didn't act immediately. Inulong and Sarulong were both captured, so it was difficult for them to proceed smoothly. Guan Zhimu didn't know much about the mansion because it was too big and he couldn't say that he was familiar with it.

After a whole day of searching, the God of Death didn't find any clues. Soi-Fong also thought it was very strange. Thinking of Lingbai's attitude, she felt that this matter was not as simple as it seemed. However, she did not waver and still commanded the Xing army to act. The truth of the matter would be clear later. In addition to commanding the team, Kirara Izuru was also secretly observing Takafune Riki's actions, but on this day, the other party did not show any abnormality. Instead, he became closer to the team members. He even suspected that he had hallucinations.

Xiada Road was repairing the damaged wall, and the work was progressing smoothly. Yunjing Yaojue did not let the servants send food to Liuli Chiyo. What he did not expect was that Ling Bai actually kidnapped Guan Zhimu, but this did not hinder his plan. After all, Liuli Chiyo was still in his hands. In fact, when Liuli Chiyo passed through the gate, he replaced the princess.

Liuli Chiyo was locked in a cell. No one came to see him. It seemed that no one cared about his life or death. The moon was bright and the stars were high. There were footsteps outside. Liuli Chiyo hurriedly stood up. It turned out to be Guifeng Li who walked in. He looked very peaceful and said that Liuli Chiyo would be released soon. Before that, they had to deal with Ling Bai first.

"What is your purpose?" Liuli Chiyo suddenly asked.

Guifeng Li said slowly: "You don't need to know this kind of thing."

"Did Yunjing buy you with money?"

"Your idea is really simple. I am not the kind of humble man who will work for others for the sake of others."

"Then what are you afraid of?"

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