"Such actions are intended to shake the foundation of our Hyuga clan!"

"Although this Ling Bai's strength is indeed very simple! But if this continues, our Hyuga family will be ruined!"

Another elder from the clan family all spoke one after another and said:

"Haha...they are all a bunch of so-called old foxes!"

Such a scene naturally falls in the sight of Hinata Hinashi at this moment:

But he didn't get angry. He had already fought against Ling Bai before, and he clearly knew the opponent's strength!

In any case, he himself absolutely does not want to conflict with Ling Bai again, but these elders are different from him!

In their eyes, Ling Bai probably just used some so-called demonic methods to achieve such a goal!

In other words, there are certain limits to his ability to improve. Once such limits are exceeded, this person is no longer worthy of evidence!

Because of this, they are now thinking of killing Ling Bai!

"Rizu...for this matter, you are no longer the head of our family!"

At this moment, another clan elder said coldly:

"Since you don't want to get involved... then it's up to you! Let's take action together! Beat that Ling Bai to death!"

"A mere brat wants to completely destroy our Hyuga clan... Absolutely impossible!"

As soon as this statement came out!

It also quickly aroused the agreement of several other elders!

"Take action!"

"We must kill this Ling Bai! Completely!"

In a short period of time, these figures appeared one after another and quickly surrounded the courtyard where Lin Bai was!

There is no doubt that they want to directly force the uterus to achieve their own goals! .

Chapter 7 The Presbyterian Church!

"Stop...who are you!?"

"You... actually dare to break into the owner's courtyard!"

"Stop... everyone stop!"

When many elders of the clan appeared in Lingbai Courtyard, many guards were heard saying again:

In fact, when Ling Bai issued the order to abolish the caged bird, the sensation caused among the Hyuga clan was devastating!

On the surface, such an order is to protect the Hyuga clan's Byakugan from others...

But in fact, such an order caused countless members of the Hyuga clan to become separated and completely became so-called slaves!

Every move they make and their own lives are in the hands of the other party. In the eyes of the other party, they are just tools that can be teased at will! .

And Ling Bai's actions unknowingly provoked the interests of those clans and caused great harm to them...

"Haha...Ling Bai! Get out!"

"You are originally a member of our clan! Are you trying to forget your origins by counting the classics!?"

"Yes! Ling Bai, it's better to get out on your own!"


The elder of the Zong family sneered again:


At almost the same moment, bursts of extremely strange aura quickly enveloped the entire place like black mist!

Immediately afterwards, I heard bursts of footsteps again!

"Tap tap tap——"

As footsteps sounded, Ling Bai's figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone again!

Similar to before, Ling Bai in front of him still held a wine bottle in his hand, as if he would die if he left the wine!

In fact, this is indeed the case. For Ling Bai, wine is his most critical thing!


His eyes quickly glanced at the clan elder who wanted to cause trouble in front of him!

A faint smile appeared on Ling Bai's face again. It was obvious that Hinata Hizu did not show up!

"This Hinata Hizu is indeed a very special character!"

Ling Bai smiled coldly:

Hinata and Hinata!

He was the former head of the Hyuga clan, and he was the leader of the clan of the Hyuga clan!

It can be said that Ling Bai's appearance and actions completely damaged the latter's interests, and even directly took away the latter's position as the head of the family!

Logically speaking, it is not an exaggeration even if Hinata Hizatsu himself takes the lead, but this person did not take action!

Obviously... After the previous confrontation with Ling Bai, Hinata and Hinata already understood that Ling Bai was extremely powerful!

This is an extremely mysterious and extremely powerful man...

What Hinata and Hizu want to do is sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers. He also wants to see what Ling Bai's strength is! ?

"What do you want to do!?"

next moment!

Ling Bai's voice sounded coldly:

"Is it possible that you can't hear my orders? Or are you all trying to rebel!?"

Using the method of abolishing the caged bird, on the surface it was to liberate the division of the Hyuga clan, but in fact Ling Bai didn't care about such a small amount of power!

It's just that the current Hyuga clan is equivalent to his own basic base. If you want to completely make the other party serve you, relying on force is useless!

After Ling Bai entered Hokage, he was ready to start building a power that truly belonged to him...

The key to this naturally starts with the Hyuga clan!

"Ling Bai... To be honest, you were able to defeat Hyuga Hiashi! You do have your own methods!"

Seeing this, an elder of the main family also stepped out slowly again: "But... In our Hyuga family, things are not decided by you, the head of the family!"

"In our Hyuga family, it is the elders of our main family who have the final say... The order you issued before to abolish the caged bird!"

"We can't accept it, and it is even more impossible for us to choose to accept it. We can't accept such an order!"

A touch of cold breath emanated from him:

"And we also don't recognize you as the so-called head of the family! In other words, you don't have any..."

Such a statement immediately made the whole audience fall into a dead silence again, and everyone quickly set their eyes on Ling Bai!

The scene of Ling Bai showing his power before is still deeply imprinted in the minds of some people...

So when they saw that someone was provoking Ling Bai again, everyone wanted to know how Ling Bai would face all this!

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh--"


With a whooshing sound, Ling Bai's figure had already broken through the air!

"Don't you have any... qualifications? Then if you, the so-called elders, are completely destroyed!"

A hint of murderous intent emerged in his eyes:

"Such qualifications... do I have... or not!?"

The moment the voice fell, Ling Bai's arms were spread out, and an extremely terrifying suction force immediately spread out!

The elder just now was sucked in by him in an instant, and his neck was directly stuck!


His neck broke in an instant! .

Chapter 8 Ling Bai made a move!


When Ling Bai's palm loosened, there was a bang, and the elder of the clan fell heavily to the ground!

Because his neck was completely broken, his head fell heavily to the ground at this moment, causing the whole audience to fall into an extremely dead silence!

Such a scene immediately caused the whole audience to fall into an extremely dead silence again, and everyone suddenly closed their mouths!


So terrible!

Maybe someone had doubted Ling Bai's strength before, but at this moment, no one doubted it!

The real fighting power of this man named Ling Bai is too terrible! It is even almost unmatched!



"Ling Bai... you are looking for death!"

"Hehe... you actually killed our elder directly!"

"Today... you must die!"

At the same time!

Waves of shouting sounded almost at the same time!

The figures of several other elders of the clan were like hurricanes, and they broke through the air at the first moment!

The extremely sharp killing intent, like an endless and terrifying wave, suddenly rushed up and condensed into the most terrifying aura!

"White eyes!"

"Eight trigrams palm to save the world!"


Accompanied by extremely terrifying auras, the remaining elders of the clan rushed up!

They originally wanted to let one of the elders test the so-called Ling Bai's strength first!

But what they never expected was that Ling Bai's fighting power was so strong that it was incredible!

It is no exaggeration to say that Ling Bai's means have completely exceeded their imagination!

If this continues, I am afraid... everyone will be completely dead!

"Damn... we must beat this man to death!"

"Yes! This Ling Bai is so hateful!"

"We must avenge the elder who just died!"

The extremely terrifying roar, in an instant, enveloped the whole scene again!


"What a terrible breath!"

Not far away, the figure of Hyuga Neji appeared!

But at this moment, Hyuga Neji was in an extremely trembling state!

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