In the previous battle, except for Uchiha Obito who showed up at the end, even the extremely powerful... Moonlight Old Sword Master did not really cause any damage to them!

On the one hand, this is because Ling Bai always controls the overall situation, and secondly, because they have successfully improved their own strength through Ling Bai's methods!

I have to say that since following Ling Bai, whether it is... Hinata Neji or... Uchiha Sasuke, their strength has reached an extremely terrifying level!

And being able to have such a powerful ability naturally shows how powerful and terrifying Ling Bai's own talent is!

"Thank you...Lord Ling Bai!"

"Thank you...Lord Ling Bai!"

Almost at the same time, Sasuke and Neji were seen quickly kneeling down on their knees again!

Everything they have now essentially comes from... Lord Ling Bai! .

Chapter 46 The shocked Konoha elders!

"No need to do this..."

See it!

A faint smile appeared in Ling Bai's eyes again:

"But from now on... our battle has actually just begun!"

Just after leaving the so-called Konoha Ninja Village, I encountered several groups of strong people, and it was obvious that someone among them had tipped off the news!

I'm afraid... even among the Hyuga clan today, there may still be strong men from hostile forces!

No matter whether the other party is the Hokage's office, or...the root organization, or a third-party force, or even...a fourth-party force! .

In essence, according to Ling Bai's judgment, they are actually all the same...

"Just keep going!"

Ling Bai poured another mouthful of wine into his mouth:

"Starting from now... our first target, the country of Waves, Zabuza Momochi!"

Its figure, and at this moment, seemed to be an extremely strange light, breaking out of the sky in just a short moment!

"Whoosh whoosh-"

"Whoosh whoosh-"

Behind him, he saw Sasuke and Neji roaring up!

Not long!

Hokage's office!

Dead silence!

"What!? All the strong men sent there have been killed!"

"And... after those bounty hunters took a large amount of bounty, they were all killed!"

"Now...the entire bounty hunter organization has issued a ban on our Konoha!"

"What's even more terrifying is... before, Mu Dun Tenzang: Yamato was also killed in battle!"

"Hatake Kakashi, he is currently seriously injured and has entered the ninja hospital for repairs!!"

One bad news after another, almost in an instant, made the four people sitting in the office look extremely dull!

"Mad...why is this happening?"

The first person to speak was surprisingly... Mito Kadeni among the Konoha elders:

"What are the real negatives of this Ling Bai... Why was it said in Kakashi's report that this person was in control..."

"The Eight Door Armor Dungeon Formation, and even...the Wood Dungeon Technique, how could he have such a method at the same time!

As soon as these words came out, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, and others all looked shocked again!

Eight Gates Dunjia Formation!

This is the powerful method pioneered by the second generation Hokage: Senju Tobirama!

Once you can practice it to the end, you can even unlock the limit of your own power!

Not only can its own combat power be superior to all others, even real gods can probably kill it!

It is no exaggeration to say... to be able to reach such a point, one can naturally see the terrifying nature of his own talent!

However, when something like this happened to... Ling Bai, it made... the current... elders feel indescribably horrified!

After all, they and Ling Bai are by no means friends, but real rivals of the first class, and even more... enemies!

"By the way... Uchiha Sasuke and... Hinata Neji's strength has also improved by leaps and bounds, as if they were gods!"

At this moment, Shimura Danzo on the side also said coldly again:

Obviously, Shimura Danzo is now full of extremely deep interest in Ling Bai!

Once he can obtain all the secrets of Ling Bai, then Danzo Shimura can become the true number one in the world!

Moreover, it is almost inevitable that he will become...the next generation of Hokage!

" quiet!"

At this moment, the wily Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally spoke:

"It is true! We have considered Ling Bai as our opponent before, but this person's ability is beyond everyone's prediction!"

"My current plan, on the one hand, is to send strong men to track it. Danzo, your root organization is very good at such things!"

Then he saw that Sarutobi Hiruzen had directly set his eyes on Shimura Danzo:

"Then from now on, you will personally lead the team and start tracking... Ling Bai and others!"

Danzo Shimura colluded with Orochimaru and others back then and carried out various experiments on forbidden arts. Others didn't know about it, but it doesn't mean that Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't know about it!

It's just that as the person he has always used to blame, as long as Shimura Danzo does not directly fall out, then the matter can still be discussed!

"Okay...I'll go there myself!"

Hear this!

Shimura Danzo's face was stunned for a moment, but then an extremely cold smile appeared!

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the place like a ghost!

"Danzo is very powerful, especially his Wind Release. Even on the battlefield back then, it was an outstanding existence!"

On the side, Sarutobi Hiruzen was still bragging about Danzo's abilities! .

Chapter 47 The Country of Waves!



And at this moment!

Ling Bai and three others were already roaring towards the direction of the Kingdom of Waves!

Along the way, they also encountered several groups of ANBU strongmen from Konoha Ninja Village, and they were all killed directly!

The strength of these powerful Anbu masters has reached the chuunin level, but it is a pity that they can still be said to be truly vulnerable in front of them!

Although they were extremely shocked before they died, it was naturally impossible for Ling Bai and the others to have any mercy for such an enemy!

" already the third batch!".

"Yes! I really didn't expect that Hiruzen Sarutobi wants us to die so much!"

Immediately, in the air, the voices of Sasuke and Neji came out:

It has only been a few hours since they left Konoha Ninja Village!

Even according to their itinerary, they had just entered the Kingdom of Waves!

From the previous Konoha Ninja Village of the Country of Fire to the current Country of Waves, there is actually still a huge distance!

But in this short period of time, even excluding the first batch of bounty hunters, ANBU strongmen and other masters!

Other killers, etc., have also suffered as many as three times, and each time the scale was more than dozens of people!

The other party clearly wants to use numbers and fatigue to fight and directly send them to death!


At this moment, I was shocked to see Ling Bai still drinking leisurely as if nothing was wrong!

Although he is actually the real culprit, he is a culprit who doesn't really feel much at all!

If Sarutobi Hiruzen and other elders didn't deliberately want to use these people as cannon fodder, in fact, he wouldn't need to let Sasuke and Neji take action!

Even though many powerful men have died,... except for the first time, Ling Bai has never taken action again!

"Alright... right in front of you is... the Kingdom of Waves!"

Immediately, Ling Bai turned his eyes and looked at a small island not far away!

The Country of Waves itself is a very small island, and the several small islands displayed around it are essentially... belonging to the territory of the Country of Waves!

The largest and most powerful company in the Kingdom of Waves is not the daimyo or the shogunate, but... the Cardo Company!

Kado Company was founded by a man named Kado, and he naturally has his own manpower and team behind it!

The large number of ninjas, coupled with the monopoly method, make Cardo Company... the real overlord in the Kingdom of Waves!

"But...this country of waves will soon belong to me...Ling Bai!"

Ling Bai drank the wine in one gulp again: "Let's go——"

"Whoosh whoosh-"

"Whoosh whoosh-"

Not long!

Already, they saw Ling Bai and the others entering the inner island of the Country of Waves!

"I didn't expect that the overall capability of this wave country is not strong, but internally, it is still as prosperous!"

"I'm afraid that's not all... in terms of scale, many times it may not be exactly the same as what we imagined!"

At this moment, Sasuke also whispered to Neji:


At this moment, loud sounds of gongs and drums were heard!

Immediately afterwards, I saw countless small convoys slowly driving towards the end of the street not far away!

"Oh my god...that our Kingdom of Waves, captain of Cardo Company! This person is said to be Cardo's son!"

"Made...this guy is really's really infuriating!"

See it!

Many people whispered:

There is no doubt that as the Cardo Company is the overlord in the entire Kingdom of Waves, others are naturally vulnerable in its eyes!

The reason why Kaduo Company can develop and grow is still relying on large-scale monopoly, thus creating competition!

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