

In just a short moment, corpses fell to the ground in the air!

The seemingly powerful ninja was actually unable to withstand even one encounter with Ling Bai!

Ling Bai's own strength was so terrifying that he had already taken action before, which shocked everyone!

However, as the followers of Young Master Yuan, if they continue to pretend to be dead at such a moment, then they will still be dead in the end!

"Tap tap tap——"

This is also the moment!

Astonishingly, he saw that Ling Bai had once again finished the wine in the flask in his hand, and his eyes fell on Young Master Yuan not far away in front of him!

Although the vitality of ninjas is extremely powerful, after Master Yuan had two of his arms destroyed in succession, half of his feet were now dead!

"Haha... Being a rebel is equivalent to losing half of your life to the King of Hell!"

Ling Bai took out a wine flask from his arms again, and then drank a large gulp of wine, with a contemptuous smile in his eyes:

"Young Master Yuan died in my hands today, and you deserved it!"

As soon as this statement came out!

Even though it made Young Master Yuan almost wet his butt, he never expected that the other party actually wanted to kill him!

"No...no...you can't kill me...my father is the Yuanshi, the elder of the entire resistance army!"

"You...if you do this, you will never be able to bear the consequences..."

Just when Young Master Yuan was about to continue speaking, he suddenly saw Ling Bai's figure rising directly through the air like a ghost!

"Whoosh whoosh-"

The extremely fierce aura completely enveloped it!


There was another terrifying loud noise as if the earth was shattering!

"Buzz buzz——"

"Buzz buzz——"

An extremely unique water escape, in this flash of lightning, resisted the attack from Ling Bai!

Immediately, I saw three extremely tall figures in a row, appearing immediately and blocking Young Master Yuan!

"Changjuro...you actually want to murder Young Master Yuan...you are seeking death..."

"Do you know...how much negative impact your actions will have on Terumi Mei behind you!?"


A series of angry voices immediately sounded!

"This...this is...the iron-blooded guard beside Elder Yuanshi!"

"They are also the deputy commanders of our resistance army now! Things will probably be bad this time!"

"Yes! With such a deputy commander of the resistance..."

"If this Chojuro wants to continue to show off, it's absolutely impossible!"


At this moment!

Many people immediately whispered:


However, what people never expected was that at this moment, they saw Ling Bai finish a sip of wine again!

His figure looked like a ghost, and in an instant, extremely strange vines shot through the air behind him!

The cold and violent aura was overwhelming at this moment, and it suddenly bombarded upwards, directly aimed at the deputy commander!

"Haha... Today is supposed to be a killing spree. Since some uninvited people have arrived, it is also a happy thing!"

Accompanied by an extremely domineering laugh, the extremely mysterious Wood Escape was suddenly performed directly by Ling Bai at this moment!

"Buzz buzz——"

"Buzz buzz——"

A series of attacks immediately targeted the so-called deputy commander!

In the air, an extremely dangerous aura burst out again, causing the expressions of several deputy commanders to change drastically at the same time!

They also didn't expect that Chojuro would still want to take action forcefully even though they had already appeared!

Could it be that this kind of person is the result of eating the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage...



What a pity!

Before the first deputy commander could take action, his body exploded! .

Chapter 63: Master Yuan is furious!


The blood spurted out across the sky, and even dripped onto Young Master Yuan, whose face was covered in blood and whose body was covered in scars, causing his whole body to begin to tremble crazily!

Everything that happened in front of him was completely beyond his control. He thought he could beat Changjuro and achieve his purpose of showing off!

But what he never expected was that Chojuro turned out to be a tough guy, and he completely ignored his own identity...

This person's abilities and methods are so terrifying that even his father, Master Yuan, may not be able to resist him!

"No, no... I can't continue to stay in a place like this..."

At this moment!

Countless thoughts appeared in Changjuro's heart again!

In fact, at this moment, he was extremely regretful as to why he had wanted to take action against Chojuro before!

If he could get a chance to come back again, he would probably choose to stay at home alone and never go out!



The battle scene was extremely simple. It seemed that in just a moment of confrontation, the bodies of several deputy commanders fell heavily to the ground!

There were all kinds of scars on their bodies, which were caused by the sharp wounds caused by the Wood Release that Ling Bai had just used!

It must be said that to reach this point, we still need to thank the Wood Release Tenzang Yamato who was killed by Ling Bai before!

"It's really vulnerable... Is this the strength of your deputy commander of the resistance army!?"

At this time!

An indifferent voice was heard again!


Hearing this!

After finally getting up, Master Yuan, who wanted to escape, fell heavily to the ground again!

"Mercy... Mercy..."

What a pity!

His voice had just been uttered when he saw another terrible airflow condensed by Wood Release rushing in an instant!

There was only a sound of puffing, and the extremely strange airflow immediately tore Master Yuan's neck directly, and his head flew into the air immediately!

A strong smell of blood spread out at this moment, and the whole place fell into an extremely dead silence!

"Okay... since this young master Yuan is dead, let's go!"

As if killing young master Yuan had no effect on him, he saw Ling Bai had finished another mouthful of wine!

His figure turned around at the same time and walked out in another direction!

Behind him, he saw Zabuza Momochi, Bai, Hyuga Neji, and Uchiha Sasuke all followed!

"Oh my God... this... this is really terrible!"

"Such a thing must make Master Yuan and Mei Terumi really explode!"

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid it's not just this..."

"In this way, we may have to carry out a real purge within the resistance army!"

Until Ling Bai and others left completely, the voices of the spectators were very subtle!

They were not stupid, and they could clearly feel Ling Bai's absolute strength that ignored everything and could crush everything!

They even had no doubt that even the most powerful Yuanshi, and even the... Fourth Mizukage: Lord Yagura!

If they had faced Ling Bai just now, they would have been in a state of extreme shock!

After all, what Ling Bai had just used was... Wood Release!


Not long after!

The rebel headquarters!

"What!? My son: Young Master Yuan was killed!"

"It was that Chojuro who killed him! And... several deputy commanders were also killed!"

The wrinkled Yuanshi suddenly stood up, and his turbid eyes showed extreme horror at this moment!

He never expected that things would develop to such a point. That Chojuro was so bold!

"This... this Chojuro, what kind of background does he have..."

In the eyes of the Yuanshi, Chojuro was just one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and he was also the one with very weak strength!

Of course, the current Seven Ninja Swordsmen cannot be compared with the most powerful Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and therefore they have no status in his eyes!

What Yuanshi never expected was that such an inconspicuous guy actually killed his son!

"Hurry up... Gather all the manpower and the corresponding strong men! This time I must let that Terumi Mei give me an explanation!"

A sharp emotion appeared on Yuanshi's face: "If he can't give me a reasonable explanation, then..."

"Next time, she will have to give me an explanation with her own life!"

At this moment, Yuanshi, whose son died, was also really angry to the extreme! .

Chapter 64 Terumi Mei's thoughts!

At the same time!

The front line of the resistance army!

"What!? Chojuro actually killed that... Young Master Yuan!"

"And he shot again, killing all of Young Master Yuan's guards and... five deputy commanders!"

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