

Then, the cheers of countless strong men of the resistance army were heard!

What they never expected was that after the Yuanshi elder, this Ling Bai who had just emerged would show such a terrifying ability!

And if he could really take down the entire Mizukage office in one fell swoop, then the future of the entire... Kirigakure would be rewritten!

And all this was because of him... such a drunkard... Ling Bai! .

Chapter 74 Must-kill Yagura!

Three hours passed in the blink of an eye!

And when Ling Bai appeared again, behind him, he saw the Yuanshi elder and Terumi Mei appear again!

The difference is that the Yuanshi elder looked like he had lost his spirit, but he was obviously still alive!

And Terumi Mei's face was extremely ruddy, and she did not feel that she had lost her spirit. It was obvious that everything was under her control!

It is worth mentioning that when she looked at Ling Bai again, her eyes also showed extremely complicated emotions. After all, the two had just communicated! .


"Since the Fourth Mizukage: Yagura came to power, the development of the Hidden Mist Village has become increasingly difficult!"

At this moment, Ling Bai has already appeared on the high platform. In his sight, he can see countless strong men of the resistance army appearing among them!

Because of the powerful strength shown by Ling Bai before, all the masters of the resistance army have already recognized him as the leader!

Although the identities of Mei Terumi and Yuanshi are respected, they have been defeated by Ling Bai one after another before, and they have already recognized Ling Bai's identity!

At this moment, it is natural for Ling Bai to become the leader of the resistance army!

And all of this is within Ling Bai's judgment!


In fact, even from the very beginning, Ling Bai has made all plans!

If he simply kills the Fourth Mizukage: Yagura, then seals the Four-Tails, and then defeats Uchiha Obito again!

In fact, the impact on Ling Bai himself is not very big, and it is still very difficult for him to take down the Hidden Mist Village in this way!

After all, whether it was Mei Terumi or the resistance army where the master was, it was destined to be impossible for him to really get what he wanted...

For this reason, Ling Bai started with the resistance army at the beginning!

After all, even after he took control of the entire Kirigakure, he still needed a lot of people to govern!

And to achieve this goal, most of the strong men in the original resistance army can really come in handy!

And all this, from the moment he killed Chojuro before, he had already made plans!

"Then...from this moment on, launch a general attack!"

The next moment!

Ling Bai's business was issued again:

"Must kill...Yakura!"

"Must kill...Yakura!"

"Must kill...Yakura!"

Another extremely sharp shout was issued again!

As Ling Bai himself judged, when his order was issued, the anger of the resistance army that had been accumulated for many years broke out in an instant!

The extremely surging airflow was like a torrent that shook the world, and the extremely terrifying breath spread again in an instant!

Then, he saw that the rebels had already launched an attack under the leadership of Yuanshi, Mei Terumi, Zabuza Momochi and others!



The rebels and the Mizukage's office were actually just adjacent to each other in the Hidden Mist Village, and even the boundary between the two was not obvious!

Therefore, when the rebels came out in full force, the Anbu strongmen in the Mizukage's office quickly got the news and then reported it layer by layer!

At the same time, the first wave of forces from both sides had already started fighting, and the extremely bloody war scene finally appeared again at this moment!



The strong men of the Hidden Mist Village fell to the ground one by one, and there was no trace of their bodies!


In the crowd!

He even saw that Mei Terumi was a one-man army, and three different attributes of chakra were used by her in an instant!

The vigorous and terrifying aura immediately enveloped the whole scene again. The battle in front of him was not just a fight for himself, nor was it just a fight for Ling Bai!

What's more important is to fight for the future of the entire... Kirigakure. At this moment, Mei Terumi naturally has no scruples!

After all, the most powerful... Yagura, and the mysterious man behind Yagura have strong men like Ling Bai to deal with!

In other words, this time is probably the chance for the resistance army to fight with the other side in the true sense!

More importantly, at present, Mei Terumi can be regarded as... Ling Bai's woman in a sense!


Another roar!

"Boiling Escape!"

The surging aura immediately enveloped the whole place again!

A stream of blood suddenly gushed out wantonly, making the air stained with an extremely bloody breath!

The ghostly power surged again in this short moment!




On the other fronts, Yuanshi, Momochi Zabuza, Bai, Sasuke, Neji and others all launched attacks!

There is only one true leader of the resistance: Ling Bai, still carrying a large pot of wine, with an indifferent sneer in his eyes as he walks:

"Now that things have happened... I'm afraid that Uchiha Obito has already prepared a targeted strategy! Things can't be that simple!"

Chapter 75 Uchiha Itachi appears!

at the same time!

Mizukage's office!

Shockingly, I saw the man wearing a mask and a black robe with a calm expression on his face, as if he were a ghost!

In front of him, he saw... two men wearing black red cloud costumes, none other than... Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Senpei!

"The purpose of asking you to come here today is very simple... that is to resist the resistance attack this time!"

Obito's voice immediately said:.

"This time... Itachi, your brother: Sasuke is also among them!"

"To deal with him, let's do it yourself!"

He immediately turned his gaze to Qianbai Kisame on the other side:

"Qianpei are a strong person in Kirigakure Village, so you are naturally very familiar with the terrain here!"

"You are an extremely crucial... help to our side in this battle!"

As soon as this statement came out!

The expressions on Uchiha Itachi's and Senpei Kisame's faces were extremely solemn at the same time!

One is that he didn't expect that his younger brother: Uchiha Sasuke would actually participate in such a war!

The other thing is that I didn't expect... the rebellion of the resistance forces in front of me would have such a bad impact!

After all, they have suppressed the resistance many times before, but nothing like this has ever happened!

It is obvious that the opponent this time is extremely terrifying...

"As for me...and the Fourth Mizukage: Yagura, we only have one goal left, and that is...Ling Bai!"

Obito's voice became extremely serious at this moment:

"This Ling Bai's strength is really... unfathomable!"



this moment!

The war continues! Countless strong men from Kirigakure Village were bleeding on the spot, including strong men from the ANBU and masters from the resistance army!

But no matter which one of them is strong, it is obvious that they have used all their abilities. After all, otherwise, there will be a dead end waiting for them!

Even if they want to paddle, the battle situation in front of them is completely beyond their ability to paddle...


In the crowd, Uchiha Sasuke was even seen charging into battle!


Hinata Neji's figure was also on one side, and the two formed a real battlefield meat grinder!

It's clearly just two people, but it gives people the feeling of a thousand troops!


At the same moment!

Astonishingly, he saw Ling Bai's figure quickly shuttled through the battlefield, and at the same time he controlled the entire battle situation in his own hands!

If one person in a legion wants to be powerful in the true sense, naturally it cannot rely entirely on the power of others!

No matter how good the assistant is in this world, its essence is always inferior to what you can achieve with your full strength!

But is not an easy thing to really reach such a point!

Even... the difficulty of this has already exceeded everyone's scope earlier, and it is almost an impossible task!

"In such a short period of time, we directly captured more than 90% of Kirigakure Village's territory..."

The scene in front of him once again made Ling Bai's face show a hint of extreme astonishment. He obviously didn't expect that things would go so smoothly!

After all, even if the people guarding the Kirigakure Village are no longer the top experts like the Seven Ninja Swordsmen back then, there are still quite a few ordinary level masters!

Being able to reach such a point in such a short period of time shows that the fighting spirit of the resistance army is extremely tenacious this time!

"But... this must have reached the limit! Next, let me start taking action!"

Just as Ling Bai's mind was spinning, another extremely powerful aura rushed out from the Shuiying office again!

"Whoosh whoosh-"

"Whoosh whoosh-"

The extremely fierce aura blasted upwards in an instant!

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