At this moment, even if Mei Terumi wanted to deny it in her heart, she still couldn't really deny an almost irreversible reality!

That was the man named Ling Bai, who had successfully won her heart in such a moment!


"Be careful... Next, there shouldn't be any people who can threaten you!"

The voice of Ling Bai sounded again beside Mei Terumi, but when she looked up, Ling Bai's figure had already rushed up!

The wine jug in her hand was drunk in an instant, and then the whole wine jug was thrown heavily to the ground!

At the same time, it was seen that Ling Bai had taken out a brand new wine jug from his arms again, opened it, and an extremely rich wine aroma came out again!

No one could know how much fine wine was loaded in Ling Bai's wine jug, and no one could know how strong and terrible Ling Bai's true strength was!

But what is certain is that the battlefield in front of us has completely changed because of the appearance of Ling Bai!

"It seems... that... the fourth generation Mizukage: Yagura is about to show up!"

At this moment!

When Ling Bai finished another pot of fine wine, an extremely thin figure suddenly appeared in the air! .

Chapter 78 Tailed Beast Transformation!

"Buzz buzz buzz——"

"Buzz buzz buzz——"

At this moment!

Not far away!

It turned out that Uchiha Itachi, who had suddenly escaped before, and Chipei Kisame, who was almost killed just now, appeared again!

When the eyes of the two collided, they could sense the indescribable fear in each other's hearts. This was the feeling of encountering a truly terrible strong man!

But they themselves did not expect... In this world, there really exists a kind of human strength, even if it is just a single soldier's combat power, it can be so powerful!

"In this battle, I am afraid that relying solely on the Fourth Generation Mizukage: Yagura, plus... Lord Madara, may not be able to resist!"

"This time... It is obviously his own decision. In other words, our mission has been completed!".

The two spoke one after another:

For Chipei Kisame, he naturally wanted to take action and kill Ling Bai completely!

If we can wipe out all the leaders of the entire resistance army and then completely recruit them, it would be a happier thing!

Unfortunately, this is destined to be an absolutely impossible thing!

As for Uchiha Itachi's idea is completely different. The biggest reason why he showed up this time is his own brother: Uchiha Sasuke!

He had heard about Uchiha Sasuke following Ling Bai before, but he never really regarded Ling Bai as an enemy!

Or... for a master who opened the Mangekyō Sharingan in his early years and could suppress Hatake Kakashi with just a simple pupil technique!

In fact, at the beginning, he never really regarded Ling Bai as his opponent!

Therefore, Ling Bai suddenly appeared before, and directly crushed everything with the Eight Gates Formation, which made Uchiha Itachi completely sluggish!

"Let's... leave! What's happening here has nothing to do with us!"

Uchiha Itachi spoke again:

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh-"

The next moment!

His figure disappeared directly in an instant!

“Boom boom——”

“Boom boom——”

At the same time!

On the building of the Mizukage’s office, a figure suddenly appeared!

It was the Fourth Mizukage who had previously implemented tyranny and eventually caused the entire Mist Village to enter a bloody mist village: Yagura!

An extremely fascinating aura suddenly burst out from him, and the powerful and terrifying aura swept the entire audience!

It was clearly just one person, but the terrible aura that burst out from him shocked everyone present!

“This… turned out to be… turned out to be Lord Yagura…”

“He really showed up at such a time! Is he trying to quell the rebellion?!”


Amid the exclamations of countless people, Yagura was seen soaring into the sky!

“Boom boom——”

“Boom boom——”

What no one expected was that it was accompanied by an extremely violent sound!

In mid-air, the figure of the Fourth Mizukage: Yagura, was split apart in just a moment!

The extremely surging aura was centered on Yagura, and it spread out wildly in all directions, shaking the whole audience!

It was as if the surging and terrifying airflow swept out wildly at this moment, and the fierce breath and terrifying arrogance suddenly overwhelmed everything!

This was a kind of... fusion of the power of the tailed beast, or in other words, Yagura at this moment actually... started to transform into a tailed beast directly!

"Puff puff puff——"

In just a moment!

It was to see that Yagura's attack had already started directly!

"Puff puff puff——"

"Puff puff puff——"

Many strong men of the resistance army who had just approached... were hit directly!

They didn't even have time to make any whimpering sounds, and their bodies turned into endless debris!

Then, they drifted in the air, causing the whole audience to fall into extreme silence!


"Hehe... Is this the method used by the real Jinchūriki to transform into a tailed beast?!"

Such a scene was naturally seen by Ling Bai at once, and then the smile on his mouth became more and more intense!

The Fourth Mizukage: Yagura's strength is naturally needless to say, and the more critical thing is the person who is behind the scenes, that is, the so-called... Uchiha Obito!

It is clear that his so-called Kamui Space has been cracked by Ling Bai using his own methods before!

But he can still reach this point at this moment and directly control a shadow-level strongman. It can be imagined that Uchiha Obito's method is not simple!

"If that's the case...then if I don't let you know the power of Wood Release, I'm afraid you don't know what the tailed beast is really afraid of!?"

Then, it was seen that Ling Bai had flashed up again, and at the same time, endless Wood Release aura suddenly roared out from all directions!

This is a magnificent force that no one can easily ignore! .

Chapter 79: Wood Release of the Immortal Technique!

"Jinchūriki... Does the Fourth Mizukage: Yagura want to destroy the entire Kirigakure!?"

"I don't know... But now that things have progressed to this point, it is even more impossible to continue!"

"That's true... I'm afraid that Yagura is no longer acting on his own..."


At this moment!

Countless strong men were amazed:


Fourth Mizukage: Yagura is the fourth Mizukage in the Kirigakure, and his own abilities are not simple!

It's a pity that... since he took office, he has always existed as a puppet. At the beginning, it was... Uchiha Madara!

Facing a strong man who is so powerful that he can control the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, it is naturally impossible for a mere Yagura to resist! .

After Uchiha Madara, the successor was Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Obito's thoughts and methods were definitely not inferior to... Uchiha Madara!

So an extremely terrifying blood mist village was formed under such circumstances!


What no one expected was that at this moment, the rebels actually launched an attack under the command of Ling Bai!

In a short time, they had already attacked directly in front of the building of the Mizukage's office, and other territories had been conquered by 90%!

Although Uchiha Obito is also a strong man, his behavior in winning people's hearts can indeed be described as extremely ignorant!

That's why... even if he wants to turn the tables again now, it is clearly an unrealistic thing!


"Ahhh... Since Ling Bai, you want to force me, then... let the entire Kirigakure Village be completely destroyed!"

At the same time, Uchiha Obito, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly fell into an extremely gloomy mood!

Controlling the Fourth Mizukage: Yagura was some of the means that Uchiha Madara had left for him when he committed suicide!

In essence, it is also controlled through the illusion of the Sharingan, but after all, the strength of the opponent encountered this time is really too strong!

Then in such a situation, even Uchiha Obito himself is indeed not sure enough to kill Ling Bai while controlling this person!

In fact, even if he personally took action, he was not sure that his divine power space could still have a drastic effect on Ling Bai!

It can even be said that... it is almost an impossible thing!



At this time!

The fourth generation of Mizukage: Yagura has been seen. The whole person has completely completed the tail beast transformation in a short moment!

An extremely huge tail beast suddenly appeared in everyone's sight, and it was in a furious state!

With the spread of layers of violent aura, the entire Mist Village fell into an incomparable dead silence again!

“How terrible… Could this be the legendary… Tailed Beast?”

“If it can reach this point, it seems that things are indeed more complicated than we imagined before!”

“In this situation, looking at the whole world, I am afraid that only… our Lord Ling Bai can control it!”

At this moment, even Sasuke, Neji, Bai, Momochi Zabuza and others were all horrified!

Although they played extremely glamorous roles in the previous battles, they did not involve the real peak powerhouses after all!

And the level they can reach has changed drastically from before in just a short moment!

At this moment, even if they want to turn the tables, it is obviously useless to rely on themselves!

“Buzz buzz buzz——”

“Buzz buzz buzz——”

At this moment!

In the air!

Suddenly, a figure was seen, stepping into the air again!

His figure was extremely elusive, as if he had ascended to heaven, and in an instant he soared directly into the sky!

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