If the other party didn't seem to want to kill him, he would have been completely dead by now!

What he never expected was that... at this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen still wanted to fight with the other party!

Damn... is he looking for death! ?

In fact, at this moment, Shimura Danzo already wanted to escape in his heart!

But after all, Sarutobi Hiruzen was here. If he escaped by himself, Sarutobi Hiruzen was bound to have all kinds of thoughts about him!

And such a thing was something that Shimura Danzo himself could not bear!


"Come on!"

At this moment!

It was surprising to see that a smile appeared on the corner of Ling Bai's mouth again!

"Hua La La -"

"Hua La La -"

The wood escape formed by countless vines has been rushing up again!

What is even more shocking is that when these wood escapes soared into the sky, they merged with the surrounding natural forces!

This so-called natural force is actually... the legendary Sage Mode, and Ling Bai has activated it again at this moment!

"This... this is... actually the Sage Mode... the Sage Wood Release!"


Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen was furious, he was still extremely shocked!


"Hua La La -"

However, before he could react, countless vines swept over in the air again!

The different elements of ninjutsu he had released before did not produce even a single ripple in front of the opponent's Wood Release!

Accompanied by an extremely terrifying power fluctuation, it was all shattered, and then Ling Bai's figure was seen bombarding again!

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, right... Today, I should let you know the taste of failure!"

Immediately, Ling Bai's figure was seen, and in an instant, it turned into an extremely terrifying lightning!


An extremely sharp palm wind had hit Sarutobi Hiruzen's face in an instant!

With a puffing sound, a mouthful of blood immediately spurted out of his mouth, and then Sarutobi Hiruzen's figure flew backwards!

With a loud bang, Sarutobi Hiruzen's body immediately fell heavily to the ground!

At this moment, the extremely sharp breath roared from the air again, and the surging airflow immediately shook the sky!

"Damn... Run!..."

When seeing the vines condensed by the series of wood escape rushing towards Sarutobi Hiruzen again!

Shimura Danzo, who was standing aside, suddenly fell into an extremely horrified mood, and then quickly turned around and left!

The whole person was already in an extreme stagnation at this moment! .

Chapter 89: Transformed into a tailed beast again!

"Damn... run! If you continue to stay in such a place, you will die!"

In just a moment, even if he saw Shimura Danzo, he was already whistling in the opposite direction, completely ignoring Sarutobi Hiruzen at the moment!

Although on the surface they are close friends, Shimura Danzo, who has been the scapegoat for many years, actually hates Sarutobi Hiruzen very much!

If Sarutobi Hiruzen successfully dies in the hands of Linghai this time, it will be a terrible thing even for him!

But what is certain is that Ling Bai should not kill him directly this time, after all, he cannot really maximize his own interests in this way!

Since this person did not kill him in the country of waves before, Shimura Danzo judged this point...

But he did not kill himself in the country of waves before, but it does not mean that he will not kill himself in this battle!

On this issue, Shimura Danzo still dare not bet!

So at this moment, the only thing he can do is to escape quickly at the first moment!


“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh——”

“Swoosh, swoosh——”

Such a scene immediately made even the powerful masters fall into an extremely sluggish state!

The people who came to encircle Ling Bai and the other two this time were the strong men from the four major families in the Hokage’s office, among whom the Sarutobi clan and the Shimura clan were also masters!

Others may not know, but they naturally judged the true identity of the other party at this moment, and they were naturally more sluggish when they saw Danzo running away!

Of course, they did not expect that the so-called Shimura Danzo would run away at such a moment!

“What should we do…I’m afraid we are dead this time…”

“Hehe! That Ling Bai is not Shen Mo’s immortal! I also want to see if I can kill him!”

“Yes! Even if he is really a so-called god, he must die this time!”


It was surprising to see that the men in black had burst out with the will to die at this moment, and immediately rushed up!


“Roar, roar, roar——”

At the same time!

He even saw Sarutobi Hiruzen roaring again with an extremely sharp roar!

Behind him, he also saw a terrifying monkey figure charging forward, with a golden hoop in his hand!

The sharp and terrifying aura burst out from him again, and the wood escape technique that Ling Bai unintentionally displayed really frightened him to the extreme!

"Fuck... Where did this monster Ling Bai come from? He is so terrifying..."

The shock in his heart even exceeded all his previous opponents, even the legendary three ninjas who were his own disciples did not reach such a level!

What he did not expect was that... Shimura Danzo actually chose to escape directly at this moment!

"Hehe... Danzo... When I leave this place, the first thing I will do is to start to settle accounts with you!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flickered, and he turned his gaze to Ling Bai not far away again, his face was extremely solemn!

"Shimura Danzo actually ran away by himself! It seems that he has a very close relationship with Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

Everything in front of him naturally could not escape Ling Bai's judgment. He drank a big mouthful of wine in an instant!

I saw Ling Bai's figure, and he was breaking through the air again at this moment. He was not ready to kill the other party directly in the battle in front of him!

But since Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to show up in front of him, if he didn't let him know how powerful he was, if he didn't give him a lesson he would never forget...

That would naturally be something that didn't make sense!




Accompanied by Ling Bai's rapid vibration towards the front, one terrifying sound after another was heard in the air!

At this moment, the extremely bright airflow suddenly whistled up, and a majestic and terrifying force flashed up in an instant!

This was a crazy whistling, and it made the whole audience fall into an extremely terrifying and powerful aura!

"Damn... this... this is actually the... Eight Gates Formation!?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi's face was already in extreme trembling at this moment, but at this moment, he saw Ling Bai's arm raised again!

In an instant, he saw that his arm had expanded infinitely in this short moment, and a terrifying chakra swept out!

This... was actually the power of the... Jinchūriki's tailed beast, which smashed the entire ground into collapse in an instant!

Countless dust flew up in an instant, causing the whole place to fall into an incomparable dead silence again! .

Chapter 90 The Trembling Sarutobi Hiruzen!

"First, use the Eight Gates Ninjutsu Formation to forcibly improve your potential and quality in a short moment, and then use the power of the tailed beast again!".

"This Ling Bai actually has a tailed beast in his body. This... Damn, to what extent has this kid hidden his true strength!?"

At this moment, it was surprising to see Sarutobi Hiruzen escaping like a monkey, and his figure, at this moment, was rushing out non-stop!

"Hua La La——"

"Hua La La——"

The world was once again caught in an extremely terrifying explosion!

"Puff Puff——"

"Puff Puff——"

Those black-clothed strongmen who appeared with Sarutobi Shinnosuke were all killed by Ling Bai in a short moment!

At this moment, their bodies were completely crushed into powder in an instant by this wave of indiscriminate attacks of the tailed beasts, and scattered between heaven and earth!

The extremely surging and terrifying aura once again made the whole audience fall into an extremely dead silence and despair, which was extremely terrifying!

"I really didn't expect it... Lord Lingbai's strength has reached such a level of freedom!"

"This... is obviously the real strength of Lord Lingbai..."

"Yes! Since he successfully performed the Wood Release before and then opened the Eight Gates of the Ninjutsu again, Lord Lingbai's strength is invincible!"

Not far away!

Sasuke and Neji appeared again!

Before, they had been fighting against the black-clothed strongmen who appeared with Sarutobi Shinnosuke!

With the power brought by Lingbai's special training, plus the real combat experience, their strength has been greatly improved!

Whether it is for Sasuke or Neji, their own abilities and methods have changed greatly compared to before!

At this moment, their requirements for themselves have become higher and higher. After all, they have regarded chasing after Lord Ling Bai as their only goal!

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh-"

"Swoosh, swoosh-"

In this lightning moment, they saw that the summoned beast of Sarutobi Hiruzen: the monkey had already grabbed Sarutobi Shinnosuke's body!

Then it fled in the opposite direction again. Things have progressed to this point. If they want to continue to fight against Ling Bai, it is impossible to rely on them alone!

Perhaps if the previous Shimura Danzo was in such a place, there is still a possibility that he can barely fight...

But now, if you still want to reach this point, a mere Sarutobi Hiruzen has no chance!



Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that he was about to go to a dead end, he heard a series of extremely violent explosions behind him!

The next moment, he saw that the escaped Shimura Danzo had reappeared! Behind Danzo, he saw a group of strong men coming to support him again!

"Sarutobi... these are the ones I can find in a short time... some are human bombs in the Root Organization!"

"And some others are from the bounty hunters... the most terrible killers!"

In the air, Shimura Danzo's voice was transmitted again quickly:

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