Even if Xuan saw a tall figure, he suddenly jumped into the air again not far away...

"As expected of a master from the Konoha Ninja Village, he is indeed not simple!"

There was an extremely fierce aura in this person's eyes!

"It's...it's actually...Uncle Chitu!"

When he saw this person appear, Kurotsuchi immediately became excited!

This time they were chasing two Mu Yuren, and the leading team dispersed from the previous strong men. I thought that these two Mu Yuren were completely out of control!

But what no one expected was that...the real reality was not like this. Not only did it not cool them down, it actually caused them to encounter extremely terrifying opponents!

And without knowing the specific identity of the other party at the moment, he has already... been completely defeated by him!

"Black Earth... Yellow Earth, are you okay now?"

At this moment, the red earth's eyes immediately locked onto Ling Bai at this moment!

With his many years of combat experience, he can clearly feel that Ling Bai's own strength is definitely extremely powerful!

But what he never expected was that almost as soon as his voice came out, he saw Ling Bai's figure coming directly from not far away!

There was only a whooshing sound, like a stream of light, appearing directly in front of him in just a short moment!


A merciless slap hit Chitu's face hard!

The latter's body suddenly fell backwards at this moment, and all the bones in his body were completely exploded!

The whole person fell to the ground with a loud bang, and he was obviously dead and could no longer die!

"Red soil..."

"Red soil..."

This sudden scene made everyone present feel extremely horrified!

Especially the loess and black soil among them, the emotions on their faces fell into extremely extreme extremes at this moment!

The strength of Ling Bai in front of him was terrifying. It was obvious that it was absolutely impossible for people like them to use all their strength to fight against him!

But the problem is that at this moment, if...if you choose to escape, you will probably die in an extremely miserable way!

"I'm dead..."

"Made...this situation is really doomed!"

"Even if it is...a real god, it must be impossible to save this situation!"

Whether it's black soil, yellow soil, or dead red soil, as well as the dead ninjas in many Iwagakure villages!

They are all using their lives to tell everyone an extremely crucial thing...

That is, this Ling Bai is really terrible!


When Ling Bai drank again and walked forward!

The bodies of Heitu and Huangtu started to tremble involuntarily at this moment!

Such a feeling of death being infinitely close to them made even their hearts completely fall into incomparable horror!


But the moment Ling Bai's footsteps sounded again, another powerful voice suddenly came out in mid-air!

And such a voice immediately made... Black Earth and Loess both overjoyed!

"Yes...it's father!"

"Yes...it's grandpa...he really showed up at such a moment!"

Black Tu and Huang Tu looked at each other, and their expressions immediately became extremely excited again! .

Chapter 115 Dust Escape!

"Buzz buzz——"

"Buzz buzz——"


An extremely terrifying aura spread out from Onoki's body!

Everything he saw in front of him made him completely angry again at such a moment. It was obvious that he did not expect that things would turn out like this!

His guard: Akatsuchi was killed directly in the battle, and many ninjas in Iwagakure Village fell to the ground one after another. They were all dead and could no longer die! .

It is clear that the opponent is just a few people, but they can produce such terrifying fighting power. What is going on!

"Father...this man is extremely weird!"

"Yes...Grandpa, you must be very careful!"

At this moment!

Astonishingly, I heard it again... Black Earth and Loess both shouted:

Although they want to confront Ling Bai with their own strength, it is absolutely impossible!

But in comparison... in their eyes, as the Tsuchikage of Yanyin Village among the five major countries, it is not difficult to fight against Ling Bai!

Even though this so-called Ling Bai may have shown very powerful abilities before, that was just because he had never encountered a real master!

"I am coming……"

In an instant!

Astonishingly, when he saw Ling Bai's figure, he immediately jumped towards him!

There was no transition, no extra moves or methods, just a direct bombardment in an instant!

Even at such a moment, an extremely terrifying force came directly from top to bottom and rapidly bombarded Ohnoki!

It was obvious that he had not used any ninjutsu or taijutsu, but Ohnoki's entire body was immediately filled with fear and fear!

"This...how is this possible...the power of a simple slap is...so terrifying..."

The moment the slap was about to hit Ohnoki, his figure immediately fled in the opposite direction!

Faced with such a powerful person whose strength was extremely terrifying and at the same time even more unpredictable, Onoki decided to rely on his own talents to win!

"Earth Escape——"

next moment!

Astonishingly, Ohnoki saw Ohnoki directly using Earth Escape, sending the black earth and loess away immediately!

In the battle before him, even from the contact just now, he knew that it was almost impossible for him to take any advantage from Ling Bai today!

It is even more likely that everything about yourself will be completely ruined, and if this happens, then I am afraid that the entire... Iwagakure Village will be destroyed!

This kind of thing is definitely not what Onoki wants to see, and therefore, his figure roars up again!

"Chen Escape: The art of peeling off the original world!"

At the beginning, he directly used his most powerful method, and soon saw countless rays of light sweeping in from different directions in an instant!

Along with the extremely violent aura, one can see extremely brilliant air currents once again centered on Ohnoki, rapidly spreading out, forming a terrifying aura!

At such a scene, even Sasuke and Neji had extremely trembling emotions on their faces:

"As expected...as expected of a shadow-level powerhouse today! Such methods are indeed not comparable to those of the previous Loess!"

"Now... things have reached this point, then I'm afraid... Lord Ling Bai won't be able to let him go so easily!"

"This is almost inevitable... With Lord Ling Bai's strength, it only takes a matter of minutes to kill such a character!"

"Whoosh whoosh-"

In this flash of lightning, it was as if Ling Bai hadn't noticed at all!

"What you used... is this the so-called... inescapable!? This is an extremely rare... method of eliminating blood successors!"

A simple sentence directly revealed the truth about Ohnoki's most powerful method, which once again plunged the entire audience into incomparable silence!

Even Ohnoki himself looked at Ling Bai again with a look of horror and shock that could not be concealed!

"Made...this person is really not afraid of death..."

At the moment when his mind was turning, countless rocks on the ground swept up!

Accompanied by countless extremely violent auras, they were bombarded even more rapidly towards the direction where Ling Bai was at the moment!




Just seeing Ling Bai as the center, he was surrounded by countless rocks that burst out!

Between the heaven and the earth, there are endless rocks, endless storms and air currents, all of which are rushing in crazily in an instant!

In just a short moment, the entire audience was plunged into an extremely terrifying explosion, and crazy dust flew out in an instant!

This is a kind of extremely powerful thunder, and at the same time, it is extremely violent and violent power!

"You are dead..."

Onoki finally let out an extremely hearty smile at such a moment!

In his eyes, Ling Bai was completely dead! .

Chapter 116 Kirabi!



All of a sudden!

The sky is dark and the earth is dark! It seemed like endless rocks and various debris were rushing towards Ling Bai crazily at this moment!

The Dust Release possessed by Ohnoki himself is extremely powerful, and it was inherited from the hands of the first and second generation Tsuchikage!

Coupled with his many years of combat experience, this allowed him to use all his strength when he confronted Ling Bai before!

In his eyes, this so-called Ling Bai is simply like a truly terrifying devil, and moreover, he seems to be a monster without any shortcomings! .

If you want to completely kill such a monster, you will naturally need an extremely complicated and even extremely difficult method!

"Mad... no matter whether this person survives or not, I absolutely cannot stay any longer!"

More at this moment!

As soon as he saw Ohnoki, he immediately ran away!

There are only two situations at the moment. One is that Ling Bai died in his killing move, and the other is that Ling Bai did not die in his killing move!

If it's one of them, he himself has already spent countless amounts of power. The strength of Sasuke and Neji is currently unknown. If they continue to fight, there may be accidents!

If it's the second one...if Ling Bai doesn't show any injuries, then he may be the one who dies in the end!

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