Whether it was the two Muyouren before or Kirabi at the moment, they had actually reached the point of talking to themselves!

But the words of the Ushigami at the moment made Kirabi's face change again in a short moment:

"No... No, if that's the case, then my big brother is dead this time!"

Kirabi's face also fell into extreme dullness!


"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh--"

And at this moment!

With only a swoosh sound, Ling Bai's figure appeared directly in front of the Thunder Shadow like a ghost!

The latter was now heavily limp on the ground, which was equivalent to completely losing all power, like a stubborn wood!

There were countless dense wounds on his body, all of which were caused by Ling Bai in a short moment before!

It was clearly the extremely powerful Lord Thunder Shadow, but in front of Ling Bai, he seemed as fragile as a small ant...

Such a thing, even as the Thunder Shadow himself, it is absolutely impossible to accept such a reality! ?

"Hehe... You actually want to use your remaining strength to attack me at this moment!?"

Seeing this!

A faint smile immediately appeared on Ling Bai's face again!

He then took out a pot of fine wine from his arms again and drank it up quickly!

"Right now... the goal of capturing... the two-tail has been achieved, as for the eight-tail... it's not a very good opportunity right now!"

Ling Bai's simplicity and calmness once again made the Raikage's face look extremely frustrated, and the whole person trembled again...

It was obvious that Ling Bai's words were even more devastating to his ability and even his self-esteem than killing him directly!

It's a pity... the weak actually don't need something like self-esteem!

... "This mission can be ended here!"

What the Raikage never expected was that Ling Bai suddenly drank another big mouthful of fine wine!

He immediately turned around and headed in another direction: "I killed... Ohnoki before, so I won't kill you this time!"

"If you don't want to die... when I unify the ninja world in the future, you'd better surrender in advance..."

"Otherwise, my subordinates, Sasuke and Neji, will completely destroy your so-called Cloud Village in the shortest possible time!"

The moment the voice fell, Ling Bai's figure disappeared quickly on the spot!



Then, Sasuke and Neji also disappeared quickly on the spot at the same time!



At this moment, Killer Bee also appeared beside the Raikage as fast as lightning!

Originally, the Raikage was extremely tall and his muscles were extremely strong, but now he was as fragile as an ant!

"I didn't expect it... I didn't expect it... I really didn't expect it... Such a terrifying person would appear in this ninja world!"

Immediately, the voice of the Raikage was heard again:

But before, when Killer Bee heard such a voice, he would only think that his elder brother was lonely because he couldn't find a suitable opponent!

But after experiencing the battle just now, he really understood that what was filling his elder brother's heart at this moment was a real blow!

"Brother... Don't worry! When I completely merge with the tailed beast in the future, I must take revenge..."

Kirer Bee's voice was heard again:

The blow of the battle just now to him also reached a terrifying level!

Before, he always felt that if he and his brother burst out with all their strength, there would be no opponent in the entire ninja world!

But after what happened today, he really understood what a terrible place this ninja world is!

And this guy named Ling Bai is like an abyss that no one can see through. It is clear that the two of them were about to be completely killed just now!

But this person just let them go at the critical moment. It is really hard to guess what this person is thinking!

That being said, when he thought that the Hidden Cloud Village might have to fight against such a top-level strongman in the future, his heart became depressed again!

With their strength, how could they possibly fight against the opponent's powerful means! ? .

Chapter 121 The Shocked Hyuga Clan!

"Swoosh, swoosh-"

"Swoosh, swoosh-".

At this moment!

I suddenly saw that Ling Bai had brought Sasuke and Neji to the direction of the Konoha Ninja Village again!

The main task this time was to capture the so-called... two Muyouren, so even if... he encountered the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki on the way!

But in Ling Bai's calculations, he still did not take action directly. After all, the Eight-Tails was an extremely critical link in Ling Bai's plan!

And if he wanted his overall plan to be implemented in its entirety, then he did not need to kill it directly at the moment!

Of course... the powerful strength displayed by Ling Bai has completely made... Sasuke and Neji's worship of him at this moment reach an extremely strong level!

"Lord Ling Bai... the strength you showed this time is simply earth-shaking!"

"Even the extremely powerful... strong men in the Akatsuki organization are not your opponents!"

"Yes... Nowadays, it is said that the members of the Akatsuki organization have killed shadow-level powerful men..."

"But even a strong man of this level, I didn't expect... to be so... vulnerable in front of Master Ling Bai!"

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, or asked Sasuke and Neji to make up their own stories, it would be completely unimaginable...

There is a man in this world whose abilities are so terrifying!

"Haha... As long as you follow my methods and continue to practice, your strength will also be able to reach this level!"

After finishing another sip of wine, he immediately saw Ling Bai's eyes becoming extremely fierce again at such a moment:

"But it's obvious...the so-called Konoha Ninja Village is not peaceful now!"

When Ling Bai left the Konoha Ninja Village before, he used his own means to fight with the four major families in the Konoha Ninja Village!

This also includes the Sarutobi clan where Sarutobi Hiruzen belongs, followed by the Shimura clan where Shimura Danzo belongs!

The next time...it's the Yuhi family where Yuhi Kurenai belongs, and even...the Moonlight clan where Moonlight Hayate belongs!

Among them, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the Moonlight Clan had all suffered devastating blows from Ling Bai!

The two sons of Sarutobi Hiruzen, plus Moonlight Hayate from the Moonlight clan, and the old swordsman of the Moonlight clan!

They all died completely in Ling Bai's hands...

The hatred between the two parties has reached such a point that it is impossible to resolve it!

But in fact, from the moment the conflict between the two parties first occurred, Ling Bai never thought about resolving the conflict between the two parties!

It is even impossible to resolve conflicts in his eyes...

He took the initiative to provoke him before, and his purpose was to become a mortal enemy between the two parties!

In this case, even if the Hyuga clan takes action to completely destroy it, there will still be no problem!

"I almost forgot... Go back this time! Master Ling Bai is getting married!"

"Yes... Lord Ling Bai, this time, you are going to get married for real!"


Sasuke and Neji's voices came out at the same time!

Konoha Ninja Village!

The Hyuga clan!

"Greetings...Lord Ling Bai!"

"Greetings...Lord Ling Bai!"

"Greetings...Lord Ling Bai!"

After seeing Ling Bai, all the powerful members of the Hyuga clan fell into incomparable respect and absolute loyalty!

Ever since Ling Bai took action to abolish the caged bird and then once again improved the overall strength of the Hyuga clan, everything has completely changed!

It is even no exaggeration to say... For today's Hyuga clan, how to become powerful is no longer a question worth thinking about!

As long as you practice according to Ling Bai's methods, you can become extremely powerful!


To this!

Ling Bai smiled faintly again:

Immediately afterwards, I saw his arm shaking violently at this moment, and immediately, a terrifying force shot through the air!

This... turned out to be the result of... the power of the two-tailed beasts... obtained from... the two Mu Yuren before... the tailed beast transformation!

Such a scene immediately plunged the entire audience into an incomparable dead silence...

"It's so scary... In this way, Master Ling Bai has successfully captured... the second-tailed one!"

"Even more...killed the original two-tailed Jinchuuriki!"


At this moment!

Countless powerful men of the Hyuga clan fell into incomparable horror!

Although they all already knew that Ling Bai was extremely powerful, at this moment, it was the first time they realized how powerful the other party was!

With such strength, I am afraid that even in the ninja world, I will not be able to meet my opponent! .

Chapter 122: The Sarutobi Clan’s Funeral!

"Haha... You are thinking too simply!"

Such a scene caused a hint of disdain to appear in Sasuke's eyes: "The enemy Lord Lingbai encountered this time is not that simple!!"

At that moment, Sasuke and Neji were heard talking about the previous... Akatsuki organization, as well as the appearance and confrontation of strong men such as Orochimaru! .

When they knew that the Lord Lingbai in front of them was actually against the legendary and extremely terrifying... Orochimaru!

The horror in everyone's hearts has completely risen to an extremely terrifying level...

What they didn't expect even more was that Ling Bai's opponents later became...Tsuchikage and Raikage!

It can even be said that, except for the current... Kazekage in Sand Village and the current... Hokage in Konoha Ninja Village!

Ling Bai has already resisted the top-notch masters in the five major countries with his own strength!

In fact, even in the previous siege by the Akatsuki organization, the strength shown by Ling Bai has completely exceeded the level of ordinary Kage!

An ordinary Kage-level master can actually cause the same combat impact as... Sarutobi Hiruzen at best!

In other words, in Ling Bai's eyes, Sarutobi Hiruzen is... the lower limit of Kage!

But in fact, there are also many people in the current ninja world whose strength has not reached Sarutobi Hiruzen!


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