But the Ling Bai in front of him reacted so calmly, as if it was just a trivial matter!

It is conceivable... the real background of this person is even more terrifying!

But... all this is no longer meaningful. Next, this person is completely dead!



He quickly drank another big mouthful of wine, and saw that Ling Bai had smiled again at this moment:

"Sarutobi Biwako, in your eyes, is such a simple diamond sealing technique unable to kill me?!"

Almost at the moment when Ling Bai's voice fell, an extremely boiling force suddenly burst out directly from Ling Bai's body!

This is a violent, terrifying, and even more terrifying aura that seems to be invincible. In a short moment, it suddenly soared into the sky!

"Crack, crack--"

"Crack, crack--"

Countless explosions resounded in a short moment!

Then, he saw the countless chains around Ling Bai exploded completely in an instant!


A more miserable mouthful of blood spurted out of Sarutobi Biwako's mouth!

At this moment, he saw Ling Bai's figure, who appeared directly beside him like a ghost!



Accompanied by two extremely terrifying hurricanes!

Sarutobi Biwako's hands were cut off directly!

An extremely terrifying smell of blood immediately enveloped the whole scene again!



Then he saw that her legs were cut off again!

With a plop, Sarutobi Biwako knelt heavily on the ground!

Countless blood flowed out from the wounds on her body. Such a scene was simply terrifying to the extreme! .

Chapter 144 The Sarutobi clan was destroyed!

"No, no... no..."

At this moment, Sarutobi Biwako's body fell heavily to the ground!

The pain that could not be concealed completely swept through his whole body, causing him to fall into extreme horror in an instant!

The extremely severe pain covered his whole body again. This was a terrifying force that was so powerful that people could not even imagine it!

But at this moment, Sarutobi Biwako, as the person involved, had really felt it! .

"So... so scary..."

Her inarticulate voice was heard again at this moment!

However, at the same moment, the countless strong men of the Sarutobi clan in the whole venue were completely stunned!

In their eyes, if a strong man like Sarutobi Biwako appeared, they would have a chance to turn the tables!

And just now, the strength shown by Sarutobi Biwako was even more terrifying! !

But what people never expected was that all this was just an extremely false illusion!

But the real reality is that all this is just an extremely beautiful but useless illusion in their hearts!

"Sarutobi... will definitely give me revenge..."

Just when Sarutobi Biwako wanted to continue to speak harshly, he saw Ling Bai stepping on him!

With a cracking sound, Sarutobi Biwako's head exploded completely, and the whole person was dead in an instant!

"Okay... Sasuke, Neji, let's continue the fight!"

Immediately, Ling Bai's voice was heard again:



Hearing this!

Sasuke and Neji looked at each other at the same time, and then they rushed up immediately!



In a short moment!

The extremely violent and terrifying aura immediately enveloped the entire Sarutobi clan again!

After losing a strong man like Sarutobi Biwako, there was no more master in the entire Sarutobi clan!

In a short time, they were completely wiped out by Sasuke and Neji, and countless corpses fell to the ground!

And at this moment, the two adopted an extremely bloody method, even the so-called babies were all killed!

Obviously, for them, if they did not completely destroy the Sarutobi clan, it would obviously be an unreasonable thing!


"Tap tap tap--"

"Tap tap tap--"

When Ling Bai finished drinking a large pot of fine wine and turned around again, the entire Sarutobi clan had been completely dead!

Moreover, the extremely dazzling flames were madly devouring the ancestral land of the entire Sarutobi clan. At this moment, no one showed up to rescue!

Since the three major families of Pig, Deer and Chou had surrendered before, the manpower of the Hyuga clan was equivalent to completely controlling... the current Konoha Ninja Village!

"Okay... Now, the entire Sarutobi clan has been completely destroyed!"

A calm smile immediately appeared on Ling Bai's face again:

"Sasuke... you have finally gotten rid of your anger! Next, we need to target another force!"

"That is... the Shimura clan!"


The Shimura clan!

It is also an extremely important clan in the Konoha Ninja Village nowadays!

Its so-called importance is naturally reflected in the extremely key figure that appears in it: Shimura Danzo!

It is precisely with the help of such an extremely key figure as Shimura Danzo that the entire Shimura clan has been pushed to the top step by step!

However, the development of the Shimura clan in Konoha is not very smooth nowadays. The so-called Sarutobi clan has been suppressing them all the time!

At this moment, the entire Sarutobi clan has been completely destroyed... Next, it is their turn!

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh-"

"Swoosh, swoosh-"

The moon is dark and the wind is high!

Ling Bai, already with Sasuke, and Neji rushed over even faster!

"This place... is the so-called... Shimura clan! There are quite a few strong people among them!"

After feeling it carefully, a smile appeared on Ling Bai's face:

"Even in the previous... Sarutobi clan, there have never been such a number of strong people!"

"It seems that Shimura Danzo has concentrated all the masters of his root organization in his own family!"

Using public tools for private purposes, such a thing is extremely simple for them...

It's only when such a thing really happens to everyone that people can feel the unfairness of it!

And at this moment, when such a thing happened to the Shimura clan, it naturally made Sasuke and Neji sneer!

This race that had previously occupied countless advantages is finally going to die today! .

Chapter 145 The Shimura clan!

The Shimura clan!

It is also one of the powerful races in the current Konoha Ninja Village, but if we really talk about the strong ones among them, there are very few who are famous!

But even so, almost at the moment when Ling Bai and others appeared, they saw that the figures surrounded by an extremely gloomy atmosphere had stepped into the air!

"Hehe... Before, Danzo had thought that someone would launch a sneak attack at such a time!"

"Yes! Before, I still thought that Danzo had thought too much!"

"I really didn't expect it... There are really people who want to die so much!" .

"If that's the case, just send them on their way!"

One by one, extremely cold voices quickly burst out in the air:


"Tap tap tap——"

At the same moment!

Then Ling Bai also took a step forward: "This so-called... Shimura Danzo is indeed an extraordinary character!"

Perhaps in Ling Bai's view, Shimura Danzo's own combat power is just average, but this person's scheming and means are absolutely extraordinary!

Even if it is said that he is powerful, it may not be an exaggeration. Just relying on this moment, there are almost no strong people in the entire Sarutobi clan!

However, the Shimura clan did not suffer any devastating blow. From this point of view, Danzo did a very good job in hiding his strength!

It's a pity that... no matter how well he did, everything will be trapped in an extremely terrible nightmare tonight!

"But unfortunately... Shimura Danzo, after tonight, the Shimura clan will be completely destroyed!"

As soon as the voice fell!

It was surprising to see that Ling Bai had finished another big mouthful of wine!


A loud shout!

Even if he saw his figure, he had already jumped up at this moment!



Behind him, Sasuke and Neji, who were covered in blood, also roared wildly!

The extremely sharp aura burst out from their bodies, and the surging and terrifying power swept out in a short moment!

Before the strong men of the root organization could make a roar, their bodies exploded directly!



The extremely bloody aura soared into the sky at this moment!

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