The moment he finished speaking, he saw that the old patriarch of the Shimura clan had cut off his head in an instant with a single blow!

There was only a popping sound, and his figure fell heavily to the ground at this moment!

"The Shimura clan is indeed very interesting!"

Such a scene also made Ling Bai, who was already extremely cold-blooded in his heart, feel a wave of emotion!

But such fluctuations were quickly covered up in just a short moment. If you want to reach the true peak, these are necessary!

What's more, it's impossible for the so-called old patriarch of the Shimura clan not to know about the various actions of the Shimura clan before!

In other words, when everything has reached this point, his death is inevitable!

"Tap tap tap——"

"Tap tap tap——"

When Ling Bai and the three left, the entire Shimura clan was already plunged into an extremely terrifying sea of ​​fire!

This battle can be said to be a battle without mercy. The killing skills of Sasuke and Neji have been upgraded to a terrifying level during this process!

"If my judgment is not wrong... I am afraid that among the Hyuga clan, now... Sarutobi Hiruzen is already under siege!"

An extremely indifferent smile suddenly appeared on Ling Bai's face again:

This time Sarutobi Hiruzen and others have gathered countless strong men to completely destroy the Hyuga clan where he belongs!

But unfortunately... all of this is within Ling Bai's judgment, and all the other party's actions are within his calculations!

But at this moment...the seven ninja swordsmen from Kirigakure Village had already surrounded Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen survives this battle, he must have suffered extremely terrible wounds!

"Yes...that is the direction of the Shimura clan!"

"Before, it was in the direction of... the Sarutobi clan, but now it is... in the direction of the Shimura clan!"

"What happened to them! Why is it like this!"


Also at this moment, when they saw the three powerful families of Ino, Luka and Die in Konoha Ninja Village, they naturally noticed something was wrong!

However, they soon saw the disciples of the Hyuga clan cleaning the battlefield! .

Chapter 150: The shocked Kabuto Yakushi!

"That's...that's the costume of the Hyuga clan!".

"Obviously... this incident was caused by the strongest member of the Hyuga clan: Ling Bai!"

"We, the three major families of Zhuludie, have just joined the latter's camp before!"

"At such a moment, our best attitude is to have no attitude at all, and our best way is not to express our stance!"

"Yes... in this case, we can maintain our own stability..."

In just a short moment, the strong men of the three major families of Zhu, Deer and Die quickly reached a tacit understanding of their own!

At the previous funeral of the Sarutobi clan, Nara Shikaku and Nara Shikamaru wanted to target Ling Bai and the Hyuga clan!

The result was that they and even the entire three major Zhu, Deer and Die families were trampled into meat pies by Ling Bai in front of him...

But even under such circumstances, the so-called... Sarutobi Hiruzen never showed up, which completely disappointed everyone!

"Whoosh whoosh-"

"Whoosh whoosh-"

And at this moment!

Shockingly, he saw that Ling Bai was running non-stop again, taking Sasuke and Neji to a brand new battlefield!

In fact, this is not only a brand new battlefield, but also the base of... one of the three legendary ninjas... Orochimaru!

Its name is... Sound Ninja Village. It is a fief that Orochimaru obtained from the daimyo after he completed a sufficient task that year! Make it a village!

Now the number of strong men in this village has reached an extremely extraordinary scale...

Although at this moment, Orochimaru has left the Akatsuki organization for a long time, in fact there is still cooperation between the two parties!

After all, the essence of the Akatsuki organization is to obtain everything through war, and its most critical aspect is combat effectiveness and sufficient benefits!

For Orochimaru, this is also the most essential and physically important manifestation of his own values...

Under such circumstances, cooperation between the two parties is inevitable!



Just to see countless extremely mysterious auras roaring out in mid-air!

Immediately, I saw wisps of extremely strange aura rushing upwards rapidly, forming a barrier!

"This so-called Orochimaru is indeed not simple... He actually designed his own barrier! It seems he has an idea!"

Such a scene immediately caused a faint smile to appear on Ling Bai's face:

"But if you simply want to rely on such power to directly achieve the purpose of defense, then I'm afraid you are thinking too much!"

Immediately, he saw Ling Bai taking another step forward and slapped him in front of him!



The extremely terrifying hurricane struck in an instant!

A terrifying force that was so overwhelming that it swept directly from Ling Bai's body!

"Click, click, click—"

"Kacha kacha——"

The extremely fierce aura surged up from it again!

It was as if the earth was shattering and the entire Sound Ninja Village fell into incomparable passivity even in a short moment!

All the test subjects that were originally hidden by Orochimaru suddenly let out an extremely shrill roar!

They never expected that... at this moment, such a terrifying strong attack would occur in the Sound Ninja Village!

"This...what on earth is going on!?"

Also at this moment, Kabuto Yakushi, who was responsible for the defense in the Sound Ninja Village, was also in a state of extreme horror!

The defensive barrier in the entire Sound Ninja Village was originally an extremely powerful existence, but it was shattered by Ling Bai's slap just now!

The entire barrier seemed to explode into an explosion in just a short moment, completely horrifying the entire audience!

"This...this...could it be said that...Orochimaru and the others have failed in their goal!"

At this moment, no matter how proud and confident Yakushi Kabuto was, he was already completely sluggish!

It was obvious that things had progressed to such a point that no matter how smart a ninja he was, he was already useless!




What he never expected was that at this moment, he was in a cave in the Sound Ninja Village!


An extremely bright stream of light roared upward!

The power contained in it is even more powerful, and it can directly crush the entire audience in an instant!

"Oh my god... that... that is... Mecha Naruto!"


Yakushi Kabuto fell into an incomparable tremor. This Mecha Naruto had what Orochimaru had given him... Mecha Nine Tails!

Such a terrifying and destructive weapon actually revived directly at this moment!


At the moment when Yakushi Kabuto was shocked, he saw the mecha Naruto roaring directly towards him! .

Chapter 151 Mecha Naruto!

"Bang bang bang——"

"Bang bang bang——".

Just when Ling Bai completely shattered the barrier of the entire Sound Ninja Village with one slap, he immediately took Sasuke and Neji to start a killing spree!

An extremely strange figure, with a figure that looked like a hurricane, appeared directly not far from them!

This is a figure that is very similar to Uzumaki Naruto in appearance, but all parts of its body are obviously mechanical!

"Haha... I really didn't expect that... I wanted to destroy this so-called... Sound Ninja Village... but I actually provoked such an existence!"

Almost instantly, Ling Bai recognized the other party's true identity!



Immediately, he saw that Ling Bai had taken out a large pot of wine from his arms and drank it all in one gulp!

"Lord Ling Bai, let us take action first!"

"Yes! Let's see how scary this kid is!"

At this moment, I was shocked to see Sasuke and Neji looking at each other, and then the two of them rushed forward quickly!

"Whoosh whoosh-"

"Whoosh whoosh-"

Extremely brilliant and bright light burst out from their bodies!



In just a moment, he saw the three Magatama Sharingan burst out in Sasuke's eyes!

A seemingly unprecedented powerful force exploded from his body in just a short moment!

The surging and terrifying air flow spread upward at the same time, and the violent and unparalleled power was released directly at such a moment!

This is a force that is so powerful that ordinary ninjas are extremely desperate!

"Ba Gua Zhang returns to heaven!"

The other side!

I saw... Ningji also showed his strongest method!

His white eyes actually had a unique change of his own at this moment!

Although in today's era, the power of the Byakugan cannot really be compared with the Sharingan!

But I have to say that in the eyes of a true genius, the strength of the Byakugan is still extremely terrifying, and it can be called a first-class special move!

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