"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh--"

In this instant, a figure suddenly appeared, rushing out like a stream of light!

With a click, his arm suddenly grabbed the neck of the mecha Naruto, and then pulled it hard!

There were waves of extremely terrifying clicks, which resounded throughout the venue, causing the audience to fall into incomparable horror again!

"Crack, crack, crack--"

"Crack, crack, crack--"

Just now it was still very hard, and it seemed to be able to cover everything... the power from the mecha Naruto!

Even in such a moment, it was suddenly crushed by Ling Bai with such a simple and terrible power!


"No... Damn, this time, the entire Sound Village is finished!"


The whole body of the Yakushi Kabuto hiding in the dark trembled again!

At present, Orochimaru and other strong men have entered Konoha to start fighting!

The five Sound Ninjas before had already been killed, so a mere Kabuto Yakushi would never be their opponent!

So at this moment, what awaits him in the end is probably a dead end!

"No... I have to run!"

Countless thoughts appeared in Kabuto Yakushi's mind, and then he saw him fleeing quickly!

The current Sound Village is like a pile of loose sand without Orochimaru in charge, and it is impossible for Ling Bai to be his opponent!

Although Kabuto Yakushi also has his own powerful means, even at this moment, he has not completely mastered all his means!

So staying in such a place is destined to be... a dead end!




Almost at the same time!

Countless terrifying explosions quickly resounded throughout the Sound Village!

In a short moment, the Sound Village fell into an endless sea of ​​fire and swords, and countless corpses lay on the ground!

It seemed as if they had entered the real end of the world, but all this was just done by Sasuke, Neji, and Ling Bai!

"Hehe... This Orochimaru claims to be powerful... He actually wants to participate in the struggle in our Konoha. He is really looking for death!"

He quickly drank another big mouthful of wine, and saw Ling Bai stepping forward again!

After the Sarutobi clan, the Shimura clan, and... the Sound Village were completely destroyed, he could also return to the Hyuga clan to have a look!

Orochimaru and others are probably very happy now!

After all, just when they wanted to attack themselves, their own hometown was completely gone! .

Chapter 154 Akatsuki Organization Appears!

The Hyuga Clan!

At this moment, they are also in a melee!

Although the strong men brought by Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo and others are very scary this time, it is a pity that the opponent is even more terrifying!

Among them, the two masters from Sand Village, Ebizo and Chiyo, encountered Ling Bai directly at the first moment of their attack!

Faced with the powerful Ling Bai, they also attacked brazenly, and then turned into extremely miserable ghosts in front of Ling Bai's powerful ability! .

As for... Sarutobi Hiruzen and others who also attacked, they were trapped by the Hyuga family with a unique formation!

Even the extremely powerful... Orochimaru was also entangled by the Seven Ninja Swordsmen in the Mist Village...

A combination like the Seven Ninja Swordsmen can fight even against a Kage-level strongman, and Orochimaru just meets this standard!


"Tap tap tap--"

"Tap tap tap--"

Waves of footsteps sounded in an instant!

Immediately, two men in black red cloud robes appeared!

These two people were Liang Da masters from the Akatsuki organization, one named Kakuzu and the other named Hidan! !

Both of them are elites in the Akatsuki organization, and they are also known as... the so-called immortal group 2!

Both of them have extremely strong vitality, and can even have many different lives to allow themselves to continue!

The reason why they appeared here this time is because... Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to gather all the bounty hunters in the black market with great fanfare!

He even paid an extremely expensive bounty for this, which made a character like Kakuzu almost tempted in an instant!

"By the way... we were clearly defeated by that... Ling Bai before!"

"That's true... But now Ling Bai is not in... the Hyuga clan!"

The voices of Hidan and Kakuzu were also heard at the same time:

"This is our chance! We must not miss such a good opportunity!"

Kakuzu's voice was heard again:

His long life allowed him to gradually see through many things in these years, and the most critical thing among these things was money!

After all, in front of money, anyone, even if he has the ability to be immortal, will eventually die!

"Just now, the Sarutobi clan and the Shimura clan were exterminated!"

On the side, Feiduan's voice came out again:

"This... this Ling Bai is really too scary!"

Although they themselves are also very scary characters, but at this moment, there is still a chill from the heart!

After all... whether it is the Sarutobi clan or the Shimura clan, they are all real big clans in Konoha!

But even if it is such a big clan, Lingbai wants to kill them, and he will kill them completely in a short time!


"Swoosh swoosh swoosh--"

It was also at this moment!

A large group of pitcher plants appeared at this moment:

"You two! The mission can be cancelled! At present... the Sound Village has been destroyed!"

"If we continue to carry out the mission at this moment, I am afraid that the next moment, it will be us... the Akatsuki organization that will suffer!"

As soon as these words came out, Kakuzu and Feiduan were immediately in a state of horror!

In their judgment, the man named Pain is a god-like man!

Could it be that even such an existence is not sure enough to kill... the man called Ling Bai! ?


"Tap tap tap——"


Just when Feiduan and Kakuzu wanted to turn around and leave, a burst of footsteps was heard again not far away:

"I was thinking before... How could the so-called Akatsuki organization not participate in such a good show in front of me!"

A cold and indifferent sneer appeared on Ling Bai's face again:

"Sure enough, I still saw you in such a place! Since I saw you, you can die!"

The voice fell!

"Boom boom——"

In an instant!

Even if you saw Ling Bai's figure, it was already booming in such an instant!

The extremely violent and terrifying hurricane suddenly rushed up directly, and the hurricane it produced was even more earth-shaking!

The terrifying aura like a hurricane, at the first moment, enveloped the three Akatsuki strongmen on the scene!

Then he saw the tailed beast power behind Ling Bai roaring at the same time, and in an instant, the pitcher plant!

That is, the so-called... Jue, was completely crushed in an instant, and then he aimed at the not-so-far... Fei Duan again!

"Since you came to me, if I don't kill you two, it would be a shame for you to seek death like this!"

Suddenly, he saw Ling Bai's figure stepping into the air again! .

Chapter 155 Kill Fei Duan!

"No... At this moment, let's all run for our lives!"

With a lot of experience in escaping... In such a moment, he quickly judged that the battle in front of him was invincible!

The so-called Jue among them was a strange man who was proficient in various escape techniques and could hide in the air!

But such an extremely mysterious existence was killed by Ling Bai in a short moment just now!

Although he did have five lives, Fei Duan next to him was almost equivalent to having an immortal body!

But this so-called immortal body is only because it has not encountered an object that can really kill it completely in a short moment! .

And the so-called... Ling Bai in front of him at this moment is such a man with extremely terrifying abilities!


"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh--"

Almost at the moment when Kakuzu fled in the opposite direction, Feiduan and Ling Bai had already seen a quick fight!

Accompanied by the sound of crackling, the huge sickle in Feiduan's hand exploded completely in an instant, and turned into countless fragments that spread around!

At the same time, it was seen that Ling Bai had slapped out again, directly aiming at Feiduan's arm at this moment, and suddenly the extremely terrifying air wave rolled up again!

"Crack, crack--"

"Crack, crack--"

The extremely violent air wave was like a truly terrifying sickle, and it immediately cut off Feiduan's arm!

An extremely strong smell of blood spread out rapidly, and Fei Duan's face fell into an extremely dull state!


"So scary... This is really a terrible power!"

At such a moment, even Fei Duan, who has always been fearless and thinks that he is protected by the evil god, is also trembling in his heart!

It is obvious that the power that the other party just burst out, even his so-called evil god, may not be able to resist it!

"Fuck... That Kakuzu actually ran away at such a critical moment!"

At the same time, Fei Duan's heart fell into an extremely furious rage!

Kakuzu chose to escape at such a moment, naturally thinking that even if the two joined forces, it would only delay the death of the two people!

And facing this extremely powerful... Ling Bai, even if they continue to fight, their final fate is just a dead end!

At such a moment, Ling Bai chose to kill that person first, and he saw his own thoughts!

“Hehehe…Hehehe…Ling Bai, right? Today I will let you know what is truly terrifying!”

With a loud shout, he saw Fei Duan slashing out with his sword again, but this move actually cut off his fingers!

At the same time, he saw a strange and terrifying aura emanating from his body again!

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