At this moment, I suddenly saw that among the many toads, there was another powerful existence with an extremely strong body and an extremely terrifying aura flowing around his body!

This person was the one named... Gama Wu, and he was the most powerful toad immortal in the entire Myoboku Mountain!

"It's just a... mere Ling Bai, let me go for this battle..."

As soon as the voice fell!

I suddenly saw that this Toad Wu had stepped into the air in an instant!

"Boom boom-"

"Boom boom-"

The extremely terrifying air wave immediately enveloped it again, and it rolled out an extremely terrifying strong wind, sweeping the whole place!


"Swoosh swoosh-"

"Swoosh swoosh-"

Then, I saw that countless guards also rushed up quickly!


"This catastrophe that belongs to... our entire Myoboku Mountain is finally... about to begin!"

At this moment, the eyes of the big toad immortal immediately fell into an extremely rich extreme again!

“Boom boom——”

“Boom boom——”

At the same moment, Jiraiya was even more shocked!

Clearly, just now, a large number of Toad Immortals had already attacked at the critical moment, and launched a crazy attack on Ling Bai!

But what shocked him was that the strength of these Toad Immortals was already extremely terrifying, but they were still no match for this person!

But in just a short moment, more than 50% of the strong men were completely killed in an instant...



The bodies of countless Toad Immortals fell heavily to the ground again!

“Gurgle Gurgle——”

Not far away!

The figure who was drinking and attacking at the same time immediately made Jiraiya fall into an incomparable nightmare again!

“You…what kind of devil are you…”

What Jiraiya never expected was that everything in front of him was actually stuck in such a deadlock!

The actions of myself, countless strong men, and even the real immortals in the Myoboku Mountain were useless!

"Hehe... What so-called immortals are just a group of... big toads that have become spirits!"

Such a scene also made Ling Bai's mouth appear with an extremely cold smile:

"Since this so-called... Myoboku Mountain wants to become my enemy, then it is doomed to be destroyed!"

His figure stepped into the air again at this moment:

"As for you... Jiraiya, if you want to disrupt... my wedding before, you can only take your head back!"

"It seems that there is no better way..."

As he said, he saw that on Ling Bai's body, a series of extremely terrifying wood escapes were swept up again!

"Bang Bang Bang——"

"Bang Bang Bang——"

The originally extremely powerful toad immortals were pierced again!

Their bodies fell to the ground quickly at this moment, and they fell heavily to the ground in a short moment!

"Dead... This... is already... completely dead..."

"Too scary!! This... this Ling Bai, what kind of monster is he!"


At this moment, the whole audience was once again in great shock! .

Chapter 175: Jiraiya's collapse!


At this moment, Jiraiya immediately knelt heavily on the ground!

Countless blood, corpses all over the mountains... Jiraiya's psychological defenses were completely broken by the underworld!

Things have progressed to this point, and the entire Myoboku Mountain is already filled with countless... corpses of toad sages, which is extremely terrifying!

And all this, on the surface, was caused by Ling Bai, but if Jiraiya hadn't brought him here...

Even if Ling Bai's own strength is extremely terrifying, it would also be extremely difficult to achieve this point! .




And at this moment!

The killing was still going on crazily, one after another... the Toad Immortals were quickly killed by Ling Bai!

Some of them who were relatively weak didn't even have time to whimper, and they fell heavily to the ground!

They were already... completely... dead, and their bodies fell heavily to the ground!

"Hehe... they are really... a bunch of so-called trash..."

At this time, Ling Bai's footsteps appeared again not far away, and his eyes fell on Jiraiya!

"Jiraiya... choosing to cry at such a moment is not a real behavior of a man..."

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"After all... now that things have progressed to this point, it is not something that can be solved by kneeling down!"


"Boom boom-"

"Boom boom-"

At this moment, there was another extremely terrifying wave of air, which immediately rolled up again!

Between heaven and earth, a powerful and terrifying force enveloped the entire Myoboku Mountain, creating an extremely turbulent wave!

Immediately, countless extremely terrifying auras were seen, and at this moment, they roared again, sweeping in all directions!

"Hehe... there are actually some new faces appearing..."

Such a scene also made Ling Bai's mouth once again show an indifferent smile!


"Oh my God... what... what is going on!?"

"Is all this... done by the man named... Ling Bai!?"

"Who is this Ling Bai...?"


At this moment, the whole audience fell into an extremely dead silence and horror again!

Even if the most powerful group of strong men in the entire Myoboku Mountain appeared at this moment, they were all in great anger and horror!

Only they really know how terrible the overall strength of Myoboku Mountain has reached now...

Even Jiraiya, the inheritor of a small fairy art, has a terrible reputation in the entire ninja world!

But what they never dreamed of this moment, there was a strong man who almost broke through the entire Myoboku Mountain with his own strength!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could they believe that such a thing actually...really appeared in front of everyone!


"Ling Bai..."

The next moment, extremely angry, even more filled with an extremely terrifying murderous aura, immediately swept up!

Then I saw a terrifying figure, and at this moment, it immediately soared into the sky and swept the whole place!

"No matter where you come from...guy, no matter how big your background is your death!"

Suddenly, countless terrifying air currents in the entire Myoboku Mountain quickly enveloped it!

"Buzz buzz buzz——"

"Buzz buzz buzz——"

The extremely terrifying and strange power quickly spread out from the body of this Toad Wu!

This person is second only to the Great Toad Sage in the entire Myoboku Mountain, and his combat power is unparalleled!

Even Jiraiya, who has activated the Sage Mode, cannot be his opponent...

What's more important is that he himself is the so-called...Sage's physique, and there is no need to worry about his own chakra being completely exhausted!

For this reason, it almost led to...his overall strength, which has reached the extreme in an instant!


Another roar that ran through the whole scene, even if he saw this...Toad Wu, he had already taken action directly!

"Come on... Instead of killing some so-called... weaklings!"

At this moment, Ling Bai also quickly drank a big mouthful of wine: "Of course, it is still meaningful to fight against the truly powerful masters!"

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh--"

The moment the voice fell, he saw that behind him, the countless... Wood Release vines had completely merged with the immortal method!

In addition... the extremely extreme power that broke out from the two tailed beasts, Ling Bai's strength was completely unleashed! .

Chapter 176 The Final Battle of Myoboku Mountain!

"Gamatake... turned out to be... Gamatake Immortal!"

At this moment, Jiraiya, who was extremely frustrated and almost committed suicide, was also stunned at this moment!

I thought I was completely dead... but I didn't expect... at such a critical moment, there would be a strong man like Gamatake to take action!

You must know... in the entire Myoboku Mountain, Gamatake's powerful strength is second only to... the strongest man in the entire Myoboku Mountain: the Great Toad Immortal!

And the strangeness of Gamawu's own ability is even better than that... Big Toad Immortal, after all, they are proficient in different aspects!

"With a strong man like Lord Gamawu taking action... I don't know what the final result will be..."

Just when Jiraiya was worried, a terrible battle had really begun! .


"Swoosh, swoosh-"

"Swoosh, swoosh-"

A series of lightning-like lights immediately rushed out in mid-air!

The world seemed to be caught in an incomparable explosion, and the surging breath rushed out immediately!

Accompanied by one terrible airflow after another, the world was once again caught in an incomparable violent vibration!

"Sage method... open! The strongest secret of physical skills..."

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