This time I sailed at sea for two weeks.

"See, it's Elbaf!" Nami shouted standing at the bow of the boat.

Sunset and Carmer Roma ran out.

"That's right, it's Elbaf." Carmelite nodded and said, "I haven't seen Elbaf for a long time."

"Ready on... Well? As soon as Yuji was about to go to the island, he found that a ship on the side was also coming towards Elbaf at a very fast speed.

Originally, Xi Wei thought it was Shanks, but after looking carefully, it was an icebreaker.

And standing at the bow of the boat was a blue-haired woman.

The Ice Witch under the Whitebeard Pirates: Waitibey.

"Why is this guy here?" Sunset was also a little puzzled, and everyone also saw the ship.

"Captain... That one! It's the ship of Shenyun Yuji! "The crew of Waitibé also found the ship of Sunset Mark, after all, such a large ship is still very conspicuous.

"Already here?" Waitibé also frowned, and now he seemed to be the only one who rushed to Elbaf.

"Captain, it's just us, or let's withdraw first..." said the crew a little timidly.

Waitibé is also not a fool, not stupid enough to think that he can kill Shenyun Xijian.

He nodded immediately, just turned his head, and before he could say the words of retreat, he felt a cold wind blowing behind him, and quickly turned back.

Finding that Yuji was already behind her.

Startled, I couldn't help but take two steps back.

"When did you come..." Waitibé looked at the ship in the distance, a thousand meters away from here, and it couldn't be so fast...

Although the crew was afraid, they also immediately took up arms and aimed at the sunset.

"You guy is going to do something to the captain..." Before he finished speaking, he had turned into a mist of blood.

When the others saw this, they were immediately frightened.

Some quickly hid in the cabin, and some jumped directly into the sea.

Waitibé also quickly jumped back, jumped from the bow, and grew a pair of blue wings on his back, and when he blew air, the whole ship was instantly frozen.

Yu Chen's feet were also frozen, and ice slowly spread upward along Yu Scar's body.

"So it is, that's how the title of Ice Witch came about." Yuji looked at the ice on his body and said.

Waitibey is not simply a pirate captain under Whitebeard, one of the Pirate Alliances.

She was the captain of the Whitebeard ship thirty years ago, and her seniority is older than Marko and the others, but I don't know why, and later broke away from Whitebeard and founded the Pirates on her own.

"What is this ability?" Sunset asked, looking at Waitibé.

At this time, the ice on Xi Scar's body had reached Xi Scar's neck, but he couldn't go up at all.

"Why can't you freeze him..." Waitibé didn't pay attention to Xi Chen, she was very nervous now, and she couldn't listen to what Xi Mark was saying.

Seeing that Waitibé didn't take care of himself, the sunset mark directly covered the whole body with magma fruit, and melted Waitibey's ice in an instant.

Then he walked slowly towards Waitibé.

Seeing this, Waidibe quickly flew into the air and turned into a bird similar to a phoenix in the air.

"It turned out to be a snow phoenix, that is, the animal phantom beast species snow phoenix fruit, but it is very rare." Sunset looked up at Waitibé and said.

Waitibey's fluttered his wings, and in an instant a blizzard descended, heading towards the sunset.

Yuji stood motionless, letting the blizzard hit him, which had no effect at all.

Waitibé then also dropped hail, which was still useless.

Yuji even yawned.

"How come... Isn't it useful at all? Waitibé looked at Sunset and said in surprise.

"Enough trouble." Sunset looked at Waitibé and said.

"Who made trouble with you!" Seeing that the attack in the distance was useless, Waitibé stretched out his claws and rushed towards the sunset.

This was undoubtedly a hug, and was directly taken into her arms by Xi Chen, strangled her neck, strangled her breathlessly, and changed back to human appearance.

"Why are you under the command of the Whitebeard Pirates?" Sunset asked in Waitibey's ear.

Waitibé grabbed Sunset's arm to try to break free, and ignored Sunset.

"Looks like you have to pry your mouth open." Seeing this, Yuji smiled on her face, and then flew into the air with Waitibei, and her icebreaker was also sunk by Yuji with magma fruit.

Seeing this scene, Waidibe's eyes widened, but her mouth was blocked by Xi Chen's hand, and she could only make a mumble sound.

After returning to Sunset's ship, Sunset first called Ain, turned Waidibe 24 years younger, and suddenly became a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

This is much better than just now, and sure enough, it will change greatly when you get older.

Then Sunset dragged Waitibey, who was a little sad, a little scared, and a little happy, into the cabin.

"Gee, I really don't let one go." Gion said as he looked at Yuki's room.

Along the way, she has watched the ship change from just the two of them to more than forty now.

When everything was over, Waitibé also obediently explained why she came here.

"That is, the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates are also rushing to Elbaf?" Sunset looked at Waitibé and said.

"Hmm." Waitibé nodded, and now he really became a "little bird".

"Whitebeard, that old man is suddenly crazy, right?"

“... I don't know the specifics, but I received an order to come to Elbaf to besiege you, and the rest, I don't know.

"How long ago was this?"

"About two weeks ago, counting the time, many people should be almost there." Waitibé thought for a moment and said.

Sunset Mark understood after a little calculation, since Whitebeard will come to Elbaf, it means that he has already contacted Shanks, presumably the two have reached a cooperation again, and now Shanks is probably on the way to come.

Sunset now has two options.

One is to wait for them to come, and they all die, one hundred.

The second is to take the main text of history and leave, leaving them with their lives.

And Xi Mark really didn't like a group of dog skin plasters following behind him every day, so he decisively chose the first one and killed them all.

But before that, you still have to get the final signpost history text.

After the two walked out of the cabin, the ship had already landed, and everyone was waiting on the deck for the sunset.

"Don't go down, I'll come back soon after I go to get the main text of history, and you should pay attention to one thing during this period, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-Haired Pirates may be here soon, and I will start fighting with them." Yuji said to everyone.

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