After two days of hot springs in the hot spring hotel, Da Luo and his friends also moved back to the Mermaid Anthem. In the words of Izumi Liqian, if they continued to soak, they would probably be like tea leaves. Of course, this was only one reason. Another reason was that the chemical agents and hardware that Da Luo ordered a few days ago had been prepared by the merchant and were being delivered in the past few days. In the bustling crowd, the porters hired by the merchant were using carts to deliver boxes of supplies to the berth of the Mermaid Anthem. Almost every wooden box was marked with "fragile" or "explosive" in red paint. "Why did Darrow buy so many things? Why didn't he move them himself? Where did that guy go?" Ivy complained breathlessly, holding her waist after carrying a wooden box.

"Who knows? He went up the mountain with the gas cylinders delivered yesterday so early in the morning?" Rector blew a sip at a bottle of Jerez in his left hand while carrying a box of white phosphorus sealed in oil.

"Ah, good wine." The clear aroma of wine burst out in his mouth, making Rector admire it sincerely.

"Why are you drinking this wine too?" Elsa, who was sorting the goods on the deck, looked at the green bottle in Rector's hand with curiosity.

"Why? Have you seen other people like to drink this?"

Rector raised his eyebrows. Although sherry is also a kind of wine, it needs to be brewed with a grape called [Palomino], so it is considered a very niche wine.

"I used to work part-time at a breakfast shop in Marinford. There was a purple-haired uncle who would bring a bottle of this every time he came." Elsa pointed her index finger at her chin and said with a hint of reminiscence.

"Really? That uncle has really good taste." Rector praised the uncle he had never met.

At the same time, on the La Palma volcano behind the town of Wenminni.

Daro was squatting in a crater with thick smoke with a backpack on his back. The rolling magma was slowly flowing down like raspberry jam, swallowing up the dark earth bit by bit.

"It's really a large amount."

Daro muttered to himself as he looked at the magma, then took out the customized high-temperature resistant bullet shell and grenade components from his backpack, and activated his ability to compress the boiling magma at the same time.

"Let's see how powerful it is." Daro rubbed his hands as he looked at the brand-new magma bullets and special grenades in front of him, full of expectations. After all, in the world of pirates, magma is superior to fire.

After loading the bullets into Oleani's magazine, Darrow raised his gun and fired a round at a distance. After the golden bullet hit the target, it exploded and the magma inside sprayed out ten meters high like a fountain.

"Not bad." Darrow nodded with satisfaction, obviously very satisfied with the power of the bullet. After trying a few more, Darrow turned his attention to the other two grenades that had just been made.

These two grenades, one red and one blue, were made by Darrow using magma and the liquid nitrogen that had just arrived.

[C3·Deep Blue Ode] and [C3·Explosive Lion]

Darrow had great expectations for these two grenades supported by liquid nitrogen and magma respectively. After all, one is a man-made creation that can reach minus 196 degrees, and the other is a natural creation with huge lethality.

After spending some time experimenting, the two grenades really lived up to Darrow's expectations and were incredibly powerful.

The low temperature created by Deep Blue Aria is simply hell. If used with seawater bombs, it can almost be compared with Aokiji's [Ice Age].

Although the power of the other one is not as strong as Darrow's [Hell Furnace], it has a large "bleeding volume". The huge lion head made of magma is enough to swallow all enemies.

"Ice and magma are both available. When will a laser come? I will be a bankrupt admiral." Darrow weighed the grenades in his hand and muttered with a strange expression.

At the same time, a warship was running at full speed and sprinting towards Winminni Island.

"Ha~ sneeze!"

A young man with an anxious look and wrinkled face like a red date sneezed on the deck.

It was Borsalino that Daro had just mentioned, but now he was not the future Admiral Kizaru who would become a supernova with one kick, and he had not even eaten the Pidgeon Fruit yet. He was just a lieutenant in the navy who stood out with his kicking skills.

Just when Kizaru was trying to figure out who was talking about him, a young marine

He ran over: "Lieutenant Borsalino, please gather in the conference room immediately."

"What a trouble." The lazy Kizaru scratched his head, and the wrinkles on his forehead wrinkled into a ball.

In the conference room.

Zephyr, wearing a coat of justice, sat at the top, surrounded by a group of young marines. These were all good seedlings selected from the navy and potential stocks in the future training camp.

"Since everyone is here, let's start." Zephyr glanced at his watch and signaled when he saw that the time was almost up.

"Report, Borsalino hasn't come yet." The fierce-looking young version of the spider demon who sat next to Kizaru stood up and saluted.

As soon as the voice fell, a wretched voice came from outside the conference room door: "Sorry, sorry."

Kizaru waved his hand to apologize to Zephyr at the top, while quickly walking to his seat, pulling out a chair and sitting on it.

In the conference room, the young navy bosses all looked at Kizaru with gloating, and they all wanted to see him being scolded by Admiral Zefa.

"This guy..." Zefa was so angry when he looked at Kizaru. He had such a great talent for cultivation, but he looked like a lazy monkey.

"Sakaski is still reliable." Zefa, who didn't see it, looked at the other side of the conference table, and nodded with satisfaction.

After seeing Akainu, Zefa's anger was suppressed a little. He coughed his throat without exploding on the spot: "Okay, okay, let's start the meeting now."

"Everyone knows that this operation is of great importance and cannot be missed, so it is necessary to hold a meeting with everyone before landing on the island."

"Sakaski, you come to introduce the situation."

The young Sakaski stood up, walked to the front of the conference table, and said: "This operation is a special operation specifically targeting the Supernova Alliance. Next, I will mainly introduce the main capabilities of this target."

" The current leader of the Supernova Alliance is Pewit, nicknamed the Psychopathic Doctor. According to the news from the Alz Town Navy Detachment, he should be the user of the Superhuman Suggestion Fruit, which can use language, actions and other means to give psychological hints to the enemy in battle. When accumulated to a certain extent, the corresponding chess pieces can be generated on the mental grid. At this time, Pewit can control the opponent's emotions through the chess pieces. "

Sakaski said while nailing Pewit's bounty to the highest point of the blackboard behind him, and then nailed the other three bounties below.

"Cold Corpse Steve, leader of the Cold Current Pirates, user of the Parahuman Cold Fruit, and also a swordsman. His body and the flying slashes he launches have a severe cold effect. Currently, there is no way to resist his slashes except for the Armament Haki. He is the second in command of the Supernova Alliance."

"Death Tamer Sercos, leader of the Death Circus Pirates, is not a Devil Fruit user, but the two beasts he tamed - the King of Jugglers, Jogra, and the King of Fire Ring, Ryan, both have strong combat power, but their personal combat power is average."

"Gravedigger Sally, leader of the Dead Money Pirates, is not a Devil Fruit user, and his combat power mainly depends on the shovel on his body. He has Armament Haki and has relatively good close combat capabilities."

The young Navy rookies looked at each other, obviously frightened by Sakaski's introduction.

"Are we actually going to face these guys?" The young Ghost Spider clenched his fists.

"Is this the pirate who killed Vice Admiral Momonga, the father of Flying Squirrel? It's really scary." Another navy recruit said tremblingly.

Zefa looked at the performance of the disciples and nodded with satisfaction. He brought them out this time to let them see how vicious the pirates are. Otherwise, if they are too lax, how can they take on the responsibility?

At this time, the young Kizaru was also quite supportive, with his hands on his chin, and said seriously:

"Ke Yo Yi Nei (so scary)!"

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