The time taken to get to Wenminni Island is much shorter than the time recorded by the pointer of the Little Garden, which takes a year. However, it still takes seven days. Including today, Daro and his friends have been on Wenminni Island for five days. "We will leave in two days." Xiong, who was holding a paper bag of bread on the street, looked reluctant and stuffed a baguette in the bag into his mouth. It has to be said that the physique of people in the pirate world is really strange. Xiong has been on the ship for less than a month. Maybe he has been nutritious. His height has been visibly rising. Now he is only half a head shorter than Daro, who is 1.87 meters tall. "This is fucking eight years old." Da Luo wanted to complain, but he thought about it and let it go. After all, the guy behind him will grow to more than six meters, and then he, the captain, will have to look up at his intern...

The quality control of the creator of this pirate world is too poor!

"Yes, we will set sail the day after tomorrow."

Compared to Xiong's reluctance, Da Luo was more looking forward to it. After touching Xiong's head, he took out 300,000 Baileys from his pocket and gave them to Xiong: "If you want to buy anything, hurry up, after all, there will be no chance when you are at sea."

"Hey!" Da Luo's words made Xiong's eyes light up all of a sudden. He quickly thanked Da Luo, took the money and ran to a bookstore on the street.

After waiting on the street for several minutes, Xiong came out of the bookstore with several bags of books.

"You like reading so much." Da Luo said to Xiong, who was full of joy.

"I don't really like it, but my father said that only by reading more can we lead the people out of poverty, so..." Xiong scratched his head shyly.

"Is that so? Then you have to work harder." Darrow nodded, took the book from Xiong's hand with his right hand, compressed it, and put it in the backpack behind him.

"We have almost bought everything, let's go back."

Darrow counted the other things in the backpack, and seeing that the food and other things were almost ready, he pulled Xiong to the direction of the Mermaid Anthem.

At this time, on the sea near Wenminni, two naval warships were moving side by side, heading straight towards the dock.

"Is Wenminni Town in front? It looks so prosperous." Ghost Spider on the deck was lying on the railing and exclaimed.

"Of course, Wenminni Island is a famous tourist destination, and the hot springs on the island are quite famous. I also brought a yukata this time. I don't know if I will have a chance to experience it." Dougman, who had an X scar on his face, hugged Ghost Spider's shoulders and said with a wink.

"You guy, we are not here for vacation." Ghost Spider pushed Dougman with his elbow, and took the opportunity to pull down his hand on his shoulder, escaping from his control.

On the spacious deck of the warship, Sakaski was lining up. Seeing that Ghost Spider and Dougman were still dawdling, he shouted at them: "You two, hurry up and get in line, and prepare to dock."

Accompanied by the slogans of the marines when they lined up, the three warships docked steadily at the dock.

"Admiral Zefa, the line is completed, please give instructions." After Sakaski finished organizing the recruits, he reported to Zefa in front.

Zefa nodded, then waved his hand and ordered the marines in front: "Then act according to the plan and search for the Dalo Pirates!"

After the voice fell, the marines spontaneously divided into small teams, poured into the town in an orderly manner, and searched in various streets.

"Let's go to the dock." Zefa, the admiral of the navy, was not idle either. He led the team of Sakaski and Ghost Spider to check the dock.

After all, he was an admiral of the navy and had rich experience. After a while, Zefa led the team to seize several pirate ships anchored at the dock. During the process, some pirates wanted to rebel violently, but they stopped after being beaten by Zefa.

The turmoil at the dock caused a commotion, and the news of the arrival of the navy quickly spread throughout the town of Winminnie.

"What's wrong? It's so noisy all of a sudden." Elsa, who was still taking a nap, also woke up. She walked to the deck in her pajamas and vented her morning mood.

Suddenly, a familiar face appeared in front of her, and instantly pulled her back to the time when she was doing odd jobs in Marinford.

"Uncle with purple hair, you're here again! What's for breakfast?" Elsa rubbed her eyes, looking like she hadn't woken up yet.

Being suddenly

However, Zefa didn't know how to answer this question. He just looked at the thick-skinned girl in front of him with a bit of amusement: "Girl, don't you want me to come up and sit for a while?"

"Of course, please come in." Elsa waved her hand, and her movements were exactly the same as when she was in the breakfast shop, inviting customers to come in.

"Uncle with purple hair, are you married to the beautiful aunt?" After Zefa got on the deck, Elsa pulled him to sit down and asked curiously.

"Haha, I'm married, and I gave birth to a big fat boy last year." Zefa responded with a happy face. When mentioning his wife and children, this "black-armed" admiral who made pirates tremble with fear also showed a rare tenderness.

"Really! That's great." The sleepy Elsa smiled.

The sound of a group of people boarding the ship attracted the special attention of Izumi Liqian and Rick. The two ran out of the tea room and the wine cellar respectively, but ran into Admiral Zefa head-on.

Rector, who had been on the sea for many years, naturally recognized the other party's identity and was instantly frightened and broke out in a cold sweat.

! ! !

"Rector, why are you here?" Elsa was even more shocked than Rector. She jumped up and screamed.

"If Rector is here, it means it's not a dream, purple-haired uncle... no, General Zefa..." Elsa was completely confused. At this time, she finally realized that this was not her dream, but reality.

On the other side, Darrow and Xiong finally rushed back to the Mermaid Anthem.

Darrow jumped up and jumped onto the deck. He looked at Zefa, who was wearing a coat of justice, with a serious face: "It seems that a great guy has come."

"Hehe." Elsa laughed awkwardly, as if saying:

"Awesome, I brought him up."

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