In the morning, the warm winter sun shines on Darrow's face through the window.

After returning to the hotel last night, Darrow kept thinking about the strange black shadow. He didn't sleep all night and stared at the ceiling until dawn.

After stretching, Darrow turned over and got up from the bed.

"Darrow, hurry up, we still have to find that strange doctor Brig today."

Elsa's voice sounded in Darrow's subconscious. This woman with a strange brain circuit always uses her magical ability in these strange places.

After washing up, Darrow and the others enjoyed the not-so-delicious hotel breakfast and went out together.

The records of Magnetic Drum Island have been recorded long ago. The reason why they are still on the island is to recruit ship doctors, so the destination of this stop is the Blackie Clinic in the dense forest on the west side of the island.

Since they still have to catch up with the journey, Darrow and his team chose the most mainstream way of travel on Magnetic Drum Island - sled, as their means of transportation.

The sled dog exerted its four short legs and dragged a long indentation in the snow with the sled. Elsa sat behind the sled, picked up a handful of white snow with her gloved hands, and threw it to La Beti.

La Beti, who was slow to react, was startled by the sudden cold touch. He looked around dully and found Elsa with a smirk on her face, so the two began to play.

Unlike the childish Elsa, the mature and charming Sophia looked at the snow scene around her with interest, and her eyes froze when she saw the cherry trees sprouting new buds around her.

"It's so strange that cherry trees can survive in such a cold East Island." Sophia said in surprise as she put a piece of hair exposed from the edge of her felt hat behind her earlobe.

After being suddenly told this, Darrow also reacted. It was dark and windy last night and he couldn't see anything, so he hadn't discovered it yet. Thinking about it, the woods on the west side of the Drum Island are really a bit strange.

"Black shadow, winter island cherry blossoms, strange doctor's clinic, I don't know what the connection is." Darrow touched it and thought deliberately.

Thinking about this, the sled quickly passed through the cherry blossom forest and came to a clearing deep in the jungle.

There was a simple forest hut in the open space. A wooden sign was nailed to the wooden door of the hut, with the following words written in a crooked handwriting like a child's graffiti:

"Clinic hours - 10 am to 1 pm every day, except full moon days."

"Except full moon days? Wasn't yesterday a full moon day? What a coincidence. If we had come yesterday, we would have been turned away." Recter looked at the words on the door and said with a grin.

"Are you here to see a doctor? If so, come in quickly."

The door of the wooden hut creaked open a crack, and then a little head poked out from behind the door.

"Wait outside, I'll go in and take a look."

Daro took a look at the size of La Beti and Xiong, and felt that the two would fill the wooden hut directly after entering, so he walked into the wooden hut by himself.

After entering the house, Daro found that it was actually divided into two rooms, one as a waiting room and the other as a consultation room. The two rooms were simply separated by a white curtain.

It was already a little after ten in the morning, and the waiting area was crowded with children who came to see the doctor. They sat in a row on wooden chairs, just like the scene in Darrow's previous life when the restaurant was full and the guests lined up to wait for their numbers to be called.

"Take your number and line up. Those who come late should move a stool to the back and don't cut in line." A child dressed like an adult and combed his hair back lifted the door curtain and said in a mature manner.

Darrow couldn't help laughing at this "little adult", and very cooperatively moved a stool and sat behind a child.

"Big brother, are you sick too?" A girl in front with a runny nose and red cheeks turned her head and asked Darrow innocently.

"Yes, it's a very serious disease." Darrow didn't explain too much to the children, and found an excuse to deal with it.

"Don't worry, no matter how serious the disease is, Dr. Blige can cure it." The girl clenched her fist at Darrow and said confidently.

"Really? Dr. Bridget is so amazing." Darrow smiled, but he didn't expect that this sentence would cause a debate.

"Nonsense, Dr. Bridget is the best doctor on the island, a hundred times better than the witch on Nanzhu Mountain." A little kid said confidently.

"A thousand times."

"Ten thousand times." A group of little kids were talking about

Dr. Bridget kept arguing.

Not long after, the children in front of Darrow finished their consultations one by one. The little adult with a slicked-back hair lifted the door curtain again and waved to Darrow: "The last patient, come in quickly."

Darrow lifted the door curtain and walked into the consultation room.

There was a cabinet full of bottles and jars on the wall of the consultation room. In front of the cabinet was a long table full of strange prescriptions and medical books. On the chair behind the long table sat a figure wearing a black cloak and a long-beaked bird mask.

"Hmm!" The cloaked man was obviously stunned when he saw Darrow coming in, and after reacting, he motioned Darrow to sit opposite him.

"What's wrong with your body?" Bridget asked in a low voice, and at the same time reached out to take a blank prescription to the desk, ready to copy the prescription.

Darrow was about to state his intention when he was suddenly attracted by the hand that Blackie extended. The hand with black hair and pads was obviously not a human hand.

"So that's it." Darrow thought to himself, and at the same time he figured out the connection here.

It seems that the shadow encountered in the woods last night is most likely this doctor Blackie. As for why he doesn't see patients on the full moon day, the reason is very simple...

"Is Dr. Blackie a fur tribe?" Darrow said with narrowed eyes.

Blackie in the cloak was suddenly stunned, and the cloak was instantly torn into rags, followed by a sharp claw attack and rushed towards Darrow's face.

"Sure enough, I expected it." Darrow grabbed Blackie's right hand and held it tightly in his hand, staring at the "black cat" in front of him.

Blackie stood up and was two meters tall. Except for his belly, his whole body was covered with black hair. His pupils were almond-shaped cat eyes, and there was a thin tail behind him.

"What do you want to do?" Blige, who no longer lowered his voice, resumed his sharp voice as a cat fur tribe.

"It's nothing, but last night Dr. Blige attacked me for no reason and left in a hurry..." Darrow said, while loosening his gripped claws and releasing some goodwill.

"Sorry, I had some problems last night and couldn't control myself well. Attacking you was also unintentional."

Blige moved his wrist that was a little stiff from being pinched, and after a moment of hesitation, he said solemnly to Darrow.

"Of course, I can understand that the moon lion form is not so easy to control." Darrow raised his eyebrows and said easily.


Blige took a deep look at this man who seemed to know everything, with a face full of vigilance: "What do you want to do?"


Darrow was about to explain his intention to recruit a ship doctor, but suddenly there was a noisy fight and children crying at the door.

"Thousand-Faced Sophia, hand over the blueprints obediently, and I can make your death less painful." Captain John laughed strangely outside the door.

At the same time.

Meat grinder Heim, gecko Rice, and devil gambler Genes also surrounded Sophia and the others, along with several children who had just finished their consultation and had not had time to leave, and bet on the open space around the wooden house.

"These troublesome little brats are really annoying to see."

The cruel Heim raised the rotating cutter in his right hand and waved it at the children.


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