The doctor said that he had been waiting for a long time.

Magnetic Drum Island.

On the top of the mountain where Kuleha Medical Clinic is located.

Both Roger and Whitebeard completed the consultation with Kuleha.

Whitebeard was not in any trouble. He did have some problems. The physical problems of the future body full of drips have been reflected now.

In the final analysis, it was because of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. The powerful vibration ability made him powerful and also put a huge burden on his heart.

Faced with this disease, Kuleha had no choice but to let Whitebeard minimize the use of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

As for Roger, he was healthy and had no signs of terminal illness. Kuleha said that she had never seen such a healthy person.

After receiving the valuable medical fee, Roger and Whitebeard were driven out by Kuleha. It seemed that Roger was annoyed by calling him "old woman".

From this point of view, the future Luffy is of the same lineage as Roger, and both of them have such low emotional intelligence.

The two people who were driven out of the clinic came to a cherry blossom forest planted in front of the door and sat on the ground. Their respective crews also surrounded them.

As pirates known all over the world, Roger and Whitebeard even have a little sympathy for each other.

However, because Roger refused Rocks's recruitment some time ago, their relationship has become a little subtle.

"Roger, how is your health?" Rayleigh walked quickly to Roger and asked with some concern.

"Haha, very healthy, no problem at all." Roger grinned in the wind and snow, and took off the straw hat from his head, brushed off the snow on the hat and put it on his head again.

"I told you, Darrow was just joking. How could someone with a terminal illness still be alive and kicking?" Jabba on the other side took over the conversation, patting Roger on the shoulder and laughing.

On the White Group side, Buffalo Atreus and his men also surrounded Whitebeard, asking about their father's health with concern.

"Kulalala, dad, I'm in good health, what can be wrong?" Whitebeard smiled heartily, feeling the concern of his family, but did not tell the truth to the crew.

Roger took a deep look at Whitebeard, but did not expose him. He knew very well what he needed to bear as a captain.

"Kuliel, where is that kid Fossa? Why don't I see him?" Whitebeard changed the subject and asked a strong man beside him.

"Hehe, that guy should be in the clinic. He has been thinking about curing his hair loss all the way. I don't know if it can be done."

Kuliel covered his mouth and tried hard not to laugh out loud.


Kuliel's words made the two pirate groups fall into a cheerful atmosphere, and soon the distance between the pirates was shortened. They were all arm in arm, with a joyful atmosphere of a banquet.

"Roger, why did you run here? You are afraid to return to the New World because of the pursuit of that guy Shiki." Whitebeard said, while raising a round table-sized wine glass and pouring the wine into his throat.

"Haha, that guy Shiki is really difficult to deal with, but I am not here to avoid him, but because there is a kid who I care about who said that I have a terminal illness, so I came to Magnetic Drum Island to see." Roger also drank the wine generously.

"Kulalala, you don't look like someone who is easily deceived." Whitebeard raised his eyebrows and wiped the corner of his mouth with his sleeve.

"Because he said something that I care about." Roger, who was sitting cross-legged, patted his knees.

"Something that I care about?"

"Haha, although he said that I have a terminal illness, he also predicted that I will conquer the Grand Line and become the Pirate King in the future, haha!" Roger told Daro everything he said without any embarrassment.

"Pirate King??

"Haha, you are really shameless, but you will believe such words?" Whitebeard patted his thigh and laughed, and the beard on his mouth trembled.

"I don't know, but my hunch tells me that the boy did not lie, not to mention that I do have the idea of ​​conquering the Grand Line."

"Are you going to conquer the Grand Line?"

"Kulalala, Rocks will not let you become the Pirate King so easily. "Whitebeard knew very well that there was only one master of this era, and that was their

Captain Rocks, as long as he is alive, the New World will not be able to turn the world upside down.

"But I say, if you join our pirate group, maybe after Rocks' plan is successfully implemented, you can really become the Pirate King, what do you think?" Whitebeard touched his chin and recruited sincerely.

"Forget it, I dare not participate in that crazy plan." Roger, who had dealt with Rocks once or twice in the New World, waved his hand and refused decisively.

In fact, Rocks also recruited him several times, but Roger refused them all.

Rocks was also very persistent and sent Shiki to follow him all the time, which forced Roger to run to the four seas to avoid the limelight.

"I'm a little curious, what price did Rocks offer? Can you and Shiki participate in his crazy artificial god plan?" Roger stared at Newgate with burning eyes and asked.

"Rocks agreed to fulfill all of our wishes after becoming a god." Whitebeard did not hide it, and he clearly revealed Rocks' huge ambition.

"..." After hearing Whitebeard's words, Roger was obviously stunned.

But he also understood why Rocks could recruit so many ambitious people: "But don't you worry that Rocks will fail in the struggle with Him?"

"What if he fails? Didn't it happen once eight hundred years ago? At most, it's just another big purge." Whitebeard shrugged, his tone was relaxed as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

But then Whitebeard changed the subject and said firmly:

"He will not lose, he is Rocks."


At this time, at the foot of Tianzhu Peak.

Darrow, who was about to climb to the top of the mountain, ostentatiously exuded his domineering color, which was regarded as a greeting to Whitebeard on the top of the mountain. Being timid is not his style.

"Kulala, kid, you're so brave! You killed John and you still dare to appear in front of me!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Whitebeard naturally sensed the power emanating from Darrow, and lifted Kusugawa Kiri high up. The more violent and domineering domineering color on his body burst out, and instantly swept the entire mountain.

This made the weaker crew members of Roger Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates suffer. They rolled their eyes and fainted in the snow.

Roger, who was sitting near Whitebeard, was not affected at all, but looked like he was thinking about everything.

The wind pressure like a natural disaster came from the top of the mountain. The terrifying power like a monster made Darrow and others feel a huge pressure, as if Mount Tai was pressing on their chests and making them breathless.

"I told you, Dad might really kill you." Vista shrugged, and at the same time jumped up and jumped onto the mountain wall first.


Daro took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and then continued to climb to the top of the mountain without hesitation, completely ignoring the death threat from Whitebeard.

"Why, there are such terrible people on the top of the mountain who want to kill you, why do you still go up the mountain?" Hiluruk, who followed him up the mountain, asked Daro in surprise:

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

He was puzzled as to why these guys looked like they didn't care about life and death at all, Roger was like this, and so was Daro.

Pirates, are all such messy guys?

Obviously death is such a terrible thing.

Daro looked up at Hiluruk. When he was at the foot of the mountain, he recognized the future foster father of Chopper at a glance, but he didn't have time to waste time because he was worried about the safety of Rector.

Daro looked up at Hiluluk, and at the same time, he put Rector on his back again, and said with a firm gaze at the top of the mountain:

"I don't care what's on that mountain!"

"I only know that watching my companions die from serious injuries is more terrible than death to me."

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