The boat was sailing in the morning, and the boat was about to sail.

On the fifth day after setting sail from Drum Island, the Mermaid Anthem had already sailed to the vicinity of Saint Ting Island.

"Daro, we can see the island now. The port of "Alabasta" should be ahead. It will take about 40 minutes to sail." Aisha, who was teasing La Beti, put down the carrot in her hand and shouted at the top of her voice.

In the cabin, Daro, who was making special bullets in the bullet workshop, poked his head out and looked at a black spot on the sea level and responded:

"Got it, Bear, Rector, prepare to retract the sail and dock."

"Okay." Rector, who was at the helm, and Bear standing under the sail responded with full fighting spirit.

The others changed into short-sleeved summer clothes early and were ready to land at any time.

"Sophia, aren't you afraid of getting a heat stroke when you're dressed like this?" asked the ship's doctor, pointing at Sophia, who was wearing a red combat uniform and a scarf, and covered tightly.

"Ah, no problem, my combat uniform has a temperature control system that can help me maintain a suitable body temperature."

"And the sunlight is so strong, if you don't protect yourself from the sun, you'll get tanned quickly." Sophia pulled the scarf that hung down to her neck and said, covering her cherry lips.

"I see." As a fur tribe, Blige has no common sense of beauty care, and as a black cat, he has no need for sun protection.

"Stop chatting, get ready to dock, come and help." Darrow, who changed into a flowered shirt, shorts and a cowboy hat, urged several people.

It is said that nephews resemble their uncles. Don't tell me, Darrow's current outfit is somewhat similar to Ace, equally sunny and handsome.

Half an hour later

The Mermaid Anthem slowly docked in the port of the "Rapeseed Flower Market". As soon as the huge pirate ship docked at the dock, it attracted a lot of attention.

"Major, look, that's... the Darrow Pirates!!" A navy soldier patrolling on the dock pointed to the skull pattern with a cowboy hat on the sail of the Mermaid Anthem and stuttered.

As soon as the marine's voice fell, it immediately caused a commotion among the marines patrolling with him. Everyone stood still and stared blankly at the Darrow people coming down from the deck.

"It's... really them."

"It's bad." A marine pulled his marine hat and said worriedly.

"Damn it, why did they come to Alabasta." The marines talked one by one, as if Darrow and his group were a group of evil stars.

When the leading lieutenant commander saw Darrow looking at him, he lost his composure, as if he had lost his soul:

"Run... run quickly, as the superiors said, don't worry about them, we will suspend patrol activities for the next few days and let them leave as soon as possible."

After that, the lieutenant commander dragged a group of people and fled back to the naval base in a panic, disappearing from Darrow's sight.

"What happened to them?" Aisha, who was slow to react, scratched her head and said with a confused look.

"Hehe, maybe the gas at home is not turned off." Darrow found a very far-fetched reason to evade it, and then jumped off the deck.

Alabasta is an ancient and huge kingdom in the first half of the Grand Line. Unlike most of the scattered small countries on the Grand Line, this country has a huge land area and population. The capital Albana has 600,000 kingdom soldiers, which is a very powerful country.

And the "Rapeseed Flower City" where Darrow is currently located is a port city located on the coast of Alabasta.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon, the hottest time of the day, but the streets still looked very busy. All kinds of vendors set up carts and hawked their wares along the streets, and the streets were packed with people.

"What's that smell? It smells so good." The bear's nose, with a keen sense of smell, twitched, capturing the unique fresh fragrance in the air.

"It's perfume! Alabasta is rich in spices and is also a famous perfume country." Sofia, who often goes in and out of various high-end cosmetics stores, said with certainty.

"It smells so good, why don't we go buy a few bottles." Elsa greedily sucked in the intoxicating smell in the air, and her eyes turned into stars.

"Daro, give me some money, please." Elsa pulled Daro's right hand, shaking and begging, just like a bear child begging his parents to buy toys, playing rogue.

Seeing Aisha's spineless look, Darrow held his forehead helplessly and took out a stack of Baileys estimated to be more than 600,000 from his wallet and handed it to her.

"600,000 Baileys

, you and Sophia, half each. "Daro said unhappily, and the next second, several bills were taken out by Elsa.

"Sophia, let's go buy perfume later." Elsa put the money into her pocket and smiled as if she had succeeded in her evil plan.

"Okay, I just happen to contact the people from UMIT Logistics. After I send the things out, we will go shopping." Sophia, who was dressed brightly and carrying a black bag, responded with a smile.

Daro ignored the sisters who were having fun, but instead noticed Rector, who didn't say much at the beginning. In his impression, Rector didn't seem to be such a silent person.

"Daro... My grandfather has an old friend who settled in Yudi, and I want to visit him." Rector, who was wearing a smart striped shirt and a black hat, said hesitantly.

"Yudi! It's a long way from here. "Daro pinched his chin, thought for a moment, then raised his head and suggested to several people:

"Why don't we act separately? Anyway, this country doesn't have any decent weapons, so it shouldn't pose any threat to us." As Daro said this, he took out some more Baileys from his wallet and handed them to Rector, who planned to act alone.

"Elsa, how long will it take for the record pointer of Alabasta to be recorded?" Daro continued to ask.

"It should be about eleven days!" Elsa looked at the record pointer bracelet on her wrist and gave an approximate time.

"Then ten days, ten days later, we will meet here. "Daro said, touching the sword.

At this time, there was nothing in Alabasta worth Daro's long stay. The only thing worth caring about was the historical text in the royal cemetery that recorded the information of Hades, and the Nefertari royal family of the twenty kings.

Therefore, separate actions became the best solution.

"Now we split into three groups. Rector will go to the rainy land, Aisha, Sofia and La Beti will deal with the logistics together, and the rest of the people will go to the capital Albana with me, how about it?" Daro thought about it again and again and decided.

"No problem." Daro's proposal was obviously agreed by everyone present, and they said happily one by one.

"Great!" Aisha, who was the most lively, jumped up from the ground and cheered loudly.

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