The old man was very angry.

"Daro, are you saying... that there is no water in Alba because someone is playing tricks?"

After listening to Daro's words, Bridget slammed his palm on the table and said angrily that as a doctor, especially after experiencing the lead platinum disease in the White Town, Bridget hated to see others take human lives lightly.

"But is this possible?" Olbia asked doubtfully. In her opinion, it is completely impossible to control the drying up of a city's well water and not raining for a long time.

"Of course it is possible!" Daro responded decisively.

Daro remembered very clearly that there was a magical thing in the Alabasta region in the original book that could summon rainfall in a certain area, and the price was that other places would fall into a long drought.

"Dancing powder."

Before Darrow could speak, the knowledgeable Dr. Clover gave Darrow the answer in his mind, and then said with an ugly face: "Didn't that thing appear for a long time after it was banned seventy years ago!"

"Then I don't know, but in this situation, someone must be playing tricks." Darrow shrugged and said.

As a person who has received nine years of compulsory education, Darrow does not believe in the saying of "the curse of the previous king", so there must be people with ulterior motives who use dancing powder on a large scale in Yuba, which has led to the long-term drought in Albana, which is located at the downwind.

"Bulu Bulu!" Just as Darrow was speaking, the Den Den Mushi in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Darrow, there is a clue to what you want me to investigate." After the call was connected, Sophia's voice came over.

"What's the situation?" Darrow raised his eyebrows and made a gesture of silence to the others in the room.

"As you expected, those merchants transporting water are all under the command of a man named Yus."

"Yus is the largest slave owner and trader in Yuba City. It is said that his uncle is the first minister of the Kingdom of Alabasta - Yuch." Sophia replied while putting her legs on the desk of the hotel.

"It seems that these two guys are not going to run away." Darrow touched his chin and speculated, and then told Sofia a few words: "Help me investigate the guy named Yus, and by the way, see if anyone near Yuba is producing a strange powder."

"Okay." Sofia agreed, and then said to Darrow: "We will go to Albana to find you after we finish the investigation. The drawings have been sent by someone. If there is nothing else, we will just be idle in Yuba."

Darrow raised his eyebrows, and thought of Elsa, the girl who liked to make trouble, and asked Sofia with a smile: "Didn't Elsa say that she wanted to buy a lot in Yuba?"

"It's raining, this broken place is like the sky is leaking, it rains every day." Elsa, who was next to Sofia, rolled on the bed in frustration after hearing what Darrow said.

"Okay, after you get things done, come to Albana." Darrow said with a smile.

"How is it?" After seeing Darrow hang up the phone, Blackie asked anxiously, and Olbia and the others looked at Darrow with burning eyes.

"Someone is indeed playing tricks..." Darrow did not hide it and explained the whole story to several people.

"It turned out that the minister of Alabasta was playing tricks..." Olbia was a little at a loss when he heard the name of Yuhe.

On the other side, Dr. Clover saw it more deeply, frowned and thought: "The minister named Yuhe hyped up the rumor that Tikola angered the ancestors, collected so many slaves, and drove the old, weak and sick into Albana. It seems that he is going to rebel."

"Then what should we do?" Blackie asked, and at the same time looked at Darrow, the backbone of the team.

"Don't worry, we just need to ensure that our water source is sufficient, and the first person to worry will definitely not be us." Darrow laughed, and then walked out of the door with the wooden barrel of water.

In the final analysis, it is still a water problem.

As long as there is enough water and the rumor about the "magic jar" can continue, the people of Albana will not panic, and those who sell water at high prices to reap the wealth of the people of Albana will definitely not sit still.

At that time, Yuhe, who is hiding behind, will definitely jump out to cause trouble for them.


In the next few days, Blige's water distribution continued, and more and more people came to get water.

If Darrow hadn't brought nearly a hundred seawater grenades and purified a lot of drinking water through distillation, the water would really be


After a few days of water supply, the effect was soon seen - the people of Albana began to believe that there really was a "magic jar" that could supply water without limit.

"Boss, we haven't sold any water for several days. What should we do? The payment date is in a few days." A clerk in a water store said with a frown as he looked at the long queue of people waiting to get water not far away.

"What should I do? How do I know what to do! What on earth is that "magic jar"? Damn it." A pot-bellied water seller said with a distorted face.

The water sellers in the city are basically people under Yuhe. Their tasks are very simple. On the one hand, they sell water at high prices to harvest the people so as to raise enough money to support the refugee army that Yuhe recruited outside. On the other hand, they spread rumors that are unfavorable to the old king in the city to prepare for the next rebellion.

"No, I have to go find Minister Yuhe." The water merchant gritted his teeth and said, thinking of the wealth and glory that Yuhe promised him after the rebellion.

On the other side, the palace has also received news about the "magic jar".

"Father, there is a group of people in the city who are distributing water in the west of the city. I heard that they have an inexhaustible "magic jar" that can pour out water without limit." The young Cobra said excitedly while looking at Tikola on the throne.

As the only crown prince of Alabasta, Cobra has lost a lot of hair in recent days because of the lack of water in the city. At present, Daro's water distribution operation has indeed solved his urgent problem.

As the king, Tikola doesn't think so. The old king sitting on the throne with a golden crown on his head is now thinking only about the tomb of his ancestors.

Tikola was flipping through a book of ancestors dug out from the mausoleum, but he didn't care about what Cobra reported. Instead, he asked Yuhe who was standing beside him: "Yuhe, is there no news from the scholars in O'Hara?"

"No, the rescue team is still searching in the desert, and they haven't found the doctor yet." Yuhe, wearing a gold-painted dress and with a big belly, reported with his head slightly lowered.


Cobra saw that the wise father in the past had become so crazy because of the matter of the ancestral mausoleum that he didn't care about the suffering of the people, and he couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Cobra, don't be unreasonable, Yuhe and I are discussing something very important..." Tikola looked at Cobra who was a little rude and frowned and scolded him.

On the other side, the scheming Yuhe immediately took advantage of the situation and said to Tikola:

"Prince Cobra was also anxious for a moment, but the "magic jar" in the west of the city should be just a false rumor. Let me, an old minister, handle it." Yuhe came out with a smile to make things better. On the surface, he was explaining for Cobra, but he took the matter into his own hands.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Yuhe." dale Tikola looked at Yuhe and nodded slightly, then returned to his own bedroom, and Yuhe left the palace after greeting Cobra.

"Damn it...!"

Cobra looked at Yuhe's back and angrily hammered his thigh.

Cobra, who was trained as the future heir of Alabasta since childhood, has outstanding abilities, and he is also very clear about Yuhe's little tricks in the past few days.

But what can be done... King Tikola has been absent-minded since he discovered the tomb of the previous king a few days ago, which gave Yuhe an opportunity to take advantage of it.

On the other side, in the king's bedroom, Tikola was leaning over the desk, flipping through the ancient text book in his hand.

"What exactly is [Lamp]?"

"As a descendant of one of the twenty kings, is the bloodline of the Neferutari family just one of the lamps?" Tikola looked at the book, full of questions in his heart.

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