The one-sided massacre continued.

Izumi Reiken swiftly removed Sid's head from his body, without any intention of giving face to the crown prince Cobra.

"Uh...!" Cobra was so shocked that he couldn't speak when he saw Izumi Reiken, who was dressed in white but as fierce as Shura.

"You are... Cobra?" Darrow asked uncertainly, looking at the familiar face in front of him.

Cobra was about the same age as Darrow at this time, but his iconic wide forehead had already taken shape, and coupled with the loose clothing specially made for the royal family of Alabasta, it was easy to recognize.

"Cobra... Prince!" The clerk who came to inform the side looked at Cobra and said hesitantly.

"Ha, Prince!" Xiong looked at his "comrade" and said unkindly.

One is the prince of a huge kingdom, one of the fifty member states of the Grand Line, and the other is the prince of a small, dilapidated kingdom in the South China Sea. The two have very different circumstances since childhood.

One is well-dressed and well-fed, while the other can hardly guarantee basic food and clothing. Although material life is not guaranteed, Xiong also knows that it is the basic duty of the royal family to let the people live and work in peace and contentment.

And it is obvious that the current Alabasta royal family has not been able to do this.

"Excuse me, are you the group of magical travelers who are applying water in the western suburbs of the city?"

Cobra looked at Daro and the others and bowed politely, but his eyes drifted to the "magic jar" hanging on Daro's waist from time to time.

Seeing Cobra's attitude so low, Daro and the others. It is not good to continue to show him a bad face.

"Your Highness, the Prince of Alabasta, what do you want to talk to us about?" Blackie, wearing a white coat, glanced at Cobra, and his tone was obviously a little softer.

"I heard that you provided free water in Albana and helped many people. Cobra would like to thank you." Cobra bowed and then said again:

"To be honest, these should have been my responsibility, but the royal family did nothing at the moment, which is really a shame to the people." Cobra was very smart and did not make any excuses for himself. Even his cheap father followed suit and scolded him.

Cobra's sincere attitude was very effective, and the bear who was originally the most indignant calmed down at this time.

"What do you want to do by coming to us?" Darrow asked with interest.

He also knew the character of the future wise king of Alabasta after reading the original book, so he was more patient.

"I would like to invite you to the palace as guests and discuss how to help the people in the city." Cobra looked at Darrow and said seriously.

"Don't, don't go, who knows what their royal teacher is planning?"

After hearing what Cobra said, the clerk on the side immediately said to Darrow, as if he was afraid that the royal family would come to take away the magic jar in Darrow's hand.


The clerk's words made Cobra fall into silence. After a long while, he sighed and said, "The royal family is unpopular, and it has reached this point!"

After sighing, Cobra quickly walked to the side of the clerk, bowed deeply to him, and solemnly promised: "Don't worry, next, the royal family will take action to solve the water problem in the city, I promise you!"

Although there was some suspicion of showmanship, the clerk didn't say anything more after hearing Cobra's promise.

"What if your father doesn't want to solve the water problem in the city?" Darrow looked at Cobra, intending to test whether he had the temperament to become a wise ruler.

"Father won't."

Cobra blurted out, and then hesitated for a while. He also knew that Tikola might have left the people alone in the past, but now...

"If father completely leaves it alone, then I will do these things." Cobra hesitated again and again, and said decisively, his words full of manly courage.

"Haha, what a satisfying answer." Daro looked at Cobra and said with a smile, and then told Izumi Liqian beside him:

"Liqian, bring the head of the sergeant. We are visiting the palace of Alabasta. How can we not have some souvenirs?"

At the same time, the news that Sid and his group were defeated also reached Yuhe.

"Cobra, that bastard, dared to ruin my good thing." Yuhe squeezed the handle of the chair hard, as if he was kneading Cobra's bones.

"Minister, what should we do next?" A pointed monkey next to Yuhe

Shai's confidant asked the meat mountain in front of him.

"Hmph, let them jump around for two days. We will recruit more refugees as soon as possible and expand the number of the punitive army. In a few days, I will send them all to the guillotine!"


Early the next morning.

Cobra took Daro and the others to the palace. Under Cobra's introduction, Daro and the others met the old king Tikola.

"Tikola, what are you doing!"

Dr. Clover looked at the old king who was smoking and full of bloodshot, holding a book and muttering to himself, and said angrily, it seems that the two are old acquaintances.

But this is normal. Alabasta is an ancient kingdom that continues thousands of faces. Many valuable cultural relics have been unearthed, so the two have a lot of intersections.

"Doctor, you're here!" Tikola stood up after hearing the voice, then trotted over two steps, eagerly came to the doctor, grabbed him and said:

"Come on, follow me, doctor, I found a very important document this time, maybe I can know the reason why the Neferutari family left the Holy Land."


Looking at Tikola who had entered a crazy state, Dr. Clover was quite disappointed. In his memory, Tikola used to be a wise king who loved his people like his own children. How could he completely ignore the lives of the people now?

"Doctor, history is knowledge! Isn't that what you said?"

"Knowledge is to change reality, history is to remember the truth, and ignoring the suffering of the people for those illusory things is to betray history." Dr. Clover is worthy of being a great sage, and his words are full of wisdom.

Tikola was obviously hurt by the doctor's words. He sat down slowly with his head in his arms and said with difficulty:

"It, appeared. The historical text records information about it."

"It?" Daro muttered to himself after hearing the incredible information.

If Daro remembered correctly, the historical text buried under Alabasta recorded the thing...

Sure enough, Tikola's next words confirmed Daro's point of view. He slowly stood up from the ground again, looked at Dr. Clover with a serious face, and said solemnly:

"Doctor, I saw clues about it in that historical text - a huge ship across the red desert, a boat of hope recorded in the ballad...Namib."

On the other side, Dr. Clover was also in great shock after hearing the name that only existed in the local ballad.

As a scholar who knows ancient history best, he certainly knows what Tikola is talking about.

And the "Namib", known as the ship of hope, has another name, called...


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