In the world of pirates, no matter how many small fish there are, they can't have any impact on the top strongmen. The two are almost not creatures of the same dimension. Therefore, news of powerful pirates destroying entire countries is not uncommon in this era. "Bang, bang, bang!" Thousands of kingdom guards foamed at the mouth like dead fish and fell to the ground in unison. In a blink of an eye, the only person left standing in the palace was Dr. Clover, except for the few people on Darrow's side.

"What...what's going on?"

Yoh looked at his men who had fallen to the ground, and just reacted, he shouted in a shrill voice, and even kicked a soldier under his feet in disbelief, shouting hysterically: "You bunch of trash...what are you doing? Get up!"

"It's really noisy, stop shouting." Darrow scratched his ears and said impatiently, then walked to Yuhe, patted his shoulder, and smiled maliciously.

"Impossible, don't, don't come over."

Yoh shook his head and ran out as if he saw a ghost, his face full of fear. As an ordinary person who had never seen the sea, Yuhe had never seen such a scene.

"Where are you running, come back." Darrow laughed evilly, then spread out his five fingers, controlled the air around him to compress it sharply and form a cyclone to pull Yuhe over, and directly pinched him in his hand.

"Mr. Darrow, please spare his life." Seeing that Yuhe was about to be crushed to death by Darrow, Cobra, who was dizzy and swollen by Darrow's domineering color, struggled to stand up from the ground and said to Darrow.

"Oh! You want to save him." Darrow raised his eyebrows and looked at Cobra with interest.

"You are joking. I just hope you can spare his life. I want him to admit his crime and then publicly execute him, so as to restore the reputation of the royal family." Cobra smiled and said very humbly.

Darrow nodded slightly, looked at Cobra with great appreciation, and did not refuse the other party's request.

"Okay, then this fat pig will be handed over to you."

So far, Cobra's performance has almost met all of Darrow's expectations for a king. He has both a kind side when he sympathizes with the people and a courageous side to take responsibility.

Although Darrow is not interested in the system of these kings and nobles, it is a good thing to have a wise king.

"Thank you very much. You are Alabasta's eternal friend." Cobra clenched his fists excitedly and bowed respectfully.

Two days later.

Yuhe's rebellion farce has been completely quelled. Fearing death, he confessed his use of dancing powder to cause water shortage in Albana without any torture.

In Albana, the news of Yuhe's rebellion spread like wildfire.

"Have you heard? Albana's water shortage is because Minister Yuhe abused dancing powder in Albana. It is said that he has committed the crime of treason and will be publicly executed in a few days!" A woman just came back from fetching water in the western suburbs and chatted with the neighbors.

"Humph, I knew King Tikola would not be so unbearable. Someone must be playing tricks." An old man who was holding a palm-leaf fan and enjoying the cool at the door spit on the ground and said indignantly.

"Go away, why didn't you say so a few days ago!" Another woman waved her hand and said impatiently.

Such conversations were taking place in every corner of Albana City. The reputation of the Neferutali royal family quickly changed, and the originally difficult situation of the kingdom was reversed.

"I don't know what the situation is like in Juba City?" In the palace, Cobra thought while stroking his chin.

In the past two days, Tikola has been preparing for tomorrow's trip to the old site of Shahua. All the political affairs reported from all over the country have been placed on Cobra's desk.

It seems that Tikola has also figured out that he is no longer suitable to be the king, so he is also gradually delegating power to Cobra. It should not be long before Cobra, the heir, will change his name and become the one in power.

At the same time, in a barracks in Juba City, Yuhe's younger brother Yus also received news that his brother was arrested on the spot for his failed rebellion.

"Good, good, it's good that he failed. If Yuhe dies, this army will belong to me, Yus." In the main barracks, a fat man who looks 70% similar to Yuhe squinted and grinned.

"Marshal Yus, I heard that King Tikola will lead the group of travelers to the desert tomorrow. Do you think we should seize the opportunity to attack the capital and occupy the palace directly?" A sharp-tongued man in the barracks said.

The monkey-faced man proposed to Yus who was sitting on the main seat.

"Go to the desert? What's going on?" Yus asked puzzled.

"According to the informant, Tikola seems to have discovered the whereabouts of the legendary "Ark of Hope·Namib", so he went to the desert to search, and then Prince Cobra will be left in Albana." The man answered truthfully.

"It's really crazy. He doesn't want to sit down as a king, but wants to find a broken ship. In this case, let's lead the army to attack Albana and take the throne." Yus clenched his five fingers into a fist and said with determination.

"Then I have to congratulate Lord Yus for ascending the throne." Yus's other subordinate followed the advice and flattered him quickly.

"Go away, don't flatter me blindly before the matter is settled." Yus waved his hand and scolded with a smile, but the smile in his eyes could not be restrained.

After a round of compliments, Yus dismissed his left and right, and the flattering man walked out of the barracks alone.

"Sophia, how is it? Any news?" Elsa, holding an umbrella and a lollipop in her mouth, came up to the person who came.

"Let's go, let's leave here first."

The man did not answer, but looked around vigilantly, pulled Elsa to the corner, and his face changed rapidly, and in a blink of an eye he turned back to his original appearance that had attracted everyone.

The two returned to the hotel where they stayed before, and immediately contacted Darrow with Den Den Mushi, and told Darrow everything about Yous's plan.

"In that case, Sophia, you continue to lurk in Yous's army, and remember to contact me if there is any movement."

Daro gently tapped his index finger on the armrest of the wooden chair, and then said worriedly: "Be careful, and run away as soon as you are discovered."

"Haha, Captain, are you concerned about me?" Sophia covered her cherry lips and teased.

"This woman..." Darrow looked at the Den Den Mushi in his hand speechlessly, and then said seriously: "Don't take my words lightly! If there is danger, don't take risks."

Darrow didn't know the situation in Yuba, but he knew that there should be a lot of troops gathered there. According to Cobra's prediction in the past two days, there are at least 50,000 refugee soldiers.

"Don't worry, lurking and escaping are what I am best at, there will be no problem." Sophia wiped her nose and replied confidently.

"Just know it in your heart." Darrow said, and directly cut off the Den Den Mushi.

What Darrow didn't know was that there was another force entrenched in Yuba City at this time, and their eyes were also on Pluto.

"Wold, I received news that the king of this country is said to have found out the whereabouts of the legendary ancient weapon." Bin Jack, the vice captain of the Ward Pirates, said while holding the Den Den Mushi in one hand.

Although the elder Ward brother is a weak and sickly person with almost no fighting power, the other brother is a person who is good at using Den Den Mushi and is a top intelligence officer.

The information obtained this time was inferred from the information sent by the Den Den Mushi planted in the barracks.

"Ancient weapons? What are those?" The careless Ward scratched his head and asked in confusion.

"It's normal that you don't know. Not many people know about ancient weapons." Bin Jack waved his hand, pulled a wooden chair over and sat on it, explaining:

"Ancient weapons are three powerful weapons that appeared eight hundred years ago - the Sea King who controls the sea king, the Pluto who destroys the island with one blow, and the mysterious Sky King."

Bin Jack's long speech made Wald a little impatient. He frowned and interrupted Bin Jack: "But our purpose this time is not to capture the guy named Daro! Why do you bring up this ancient weapon again?"

"Wald, do you remember what we said before, to build an unparalleled warship and adventure together?" Bin Jack did not answer, but asked Wald instead.

"This time, the ancient weapon that appeared in Alabasta, if I am not mistaken, should be the legendary Pluto that can destroy an island with one blow!" Bin Jack clenched his fists excitedly.

"Destroy an island with one strike!!"

Wold's emotions were also aroused, and he murmured excitedly. He seemed to have imagined that he would use the power of the Momo Fruit to strengthen the Pluto and beat the navy to a pulp.

"What should we do?" On the other side, Guyram, who was wearing a blue and white striped short-sleeved shirt and carrying a hammer, asked.

Bin Jack did not keep the secret and continued to explain: "If you want to search for the Pluto in the desert, you must have enough manpower. It just so happens that there are now in the city of Juba.

, there is a 50,000-man refugee army..."

"And the first step we have to take is to control this army..." The short Bin Jack stood up from his chair and said firmly.

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