The night was full of anxiety, and the night was full of anxiety.

At night, Darrow, who was lying on the bed, was completely sleepless.

The devil fruit that he had been staring at for a day was quietly placed on the table beside the bed.

But Darrow's heart was not so calm, and it could even be described as a stormy sea. The opportunity to take control of his destiny might be right in front of him.

As long as he ate this devil fruit, he might have the capital to face all future challenges directly.

"Should I eat this fruit?"

This question flashed through Darrow's mind countless times. If others knew about Darrow's hesitation now, they would definitely think that he was sick and would not eat the devil fruit even if he had it.

But in fact, it is not like that. Darrow, who has a natural sense of observation, believes that he is destined not to be a weak person in the future.

And eating this fruit of unknown origin is too risky. Whether it is worth it is the question that Darrow is considering now.

A powerful devil fruit can undoubtedly make an ordinary person become a strong person instantly, but if it is a weak chicken fruit, it will be more harm than good if you eat it.

Fruit abilities are varied. Generally speaking, they can be divided into three categories: superhuman, animal and natural.

The superhuman system includes two types: superhuman with material properties and superhuman with material properties.

For example, BABY-5, the future Don Quixote family cadre, ate the weapon fruit, which can turn any part of the body into a weapon. It is the most typical superhuman fruit.

At this time, Whitebeard, standing at the top of the sea, is the most powerful superpower fruit, mastering the power of material vibration.

The animal system can give animal physique and abilities to fruit ability users. Ordinary animal system fruits are the lowest value among all fruits.

However, the top of the animal system, the mythical beast system, is one of the most powerful and rarest of all fruits. In the future, Kaido will be the strongest creature by relying on the mythical beast system, the fish-fish fruit in the form of a blue dragon.

As for the natural system, there is nothing much to say. People who eat the natural system can obtain the characteristics of certain substances or disasters in nature and master the power of destroying the world.

There is definitely a gap between different fruits, and it can even be said to be a world of difference. For example, the flash fruit and the swamp fruit, which are both natural systems, have a gap like a natural moat.

Eating this kind of fruit with unknown abilities is like a lottery. If you draw a good fruit ability, such as a natural or animal system mythical beast species, you will at least start as a vice admiral of the headquarters, but this situation is ultimately a low-probability event.

But the greater probability is to draw a bad fruit ability, such as the weak chicken fruit such as the silence fruit and the whisper fruit. This kind of fruit is extremely difficult to develop and has basically no application scenarios.

It brings almost no strength improvement to people, and it will also make you despised by the sea and become a landlubber, adding a very fatal flaw in vain.

Da Luo glanced at Lu Jiu who was lying beside him and had fallen asleep, and recalled his embarrassed appearance in the battle with Sam, as well as the challenges he and his sister would face in the future.

Da Luo made up his mind and made a decision without hesitation.


"Even if it is a garbage fruit, I can develop it well with the knowledge and imagination of my previous life." As if to give himself confidence, Da Luo said secretly.

After thinking it over, Da Luo took the fruit in front of him, took a deep breath, opened his mouth and bit it without hesitation.

"Ah, puh puh puh."

It was really unpalatable. Even though he had prepared himself mentally, Da Luo still showed a painful expression on his face, which was enough to show that this devil fruit was really as disgusting as the rumors and Lao Ba's secret hamburger.

Resisting the nausea, Da Luo ate the whole fruit. As a man, he should be a little cruel to himself.


Daro closed his eyes and felt the new power surging in his body.

Irresistible joy surged in my heart, because my fruit ability is - compression fruit.

That's right, it's the devil fruit of the giant cannon-Sam.

Maybe because Sam died in the back mountain, this devil fruit was transferred to a wild fruit nearby, which was picked by Aunt Lucy, and finally got to Darrow for nothing.

As for why Darrow was happy, it was because this fruit was not only a superhuman fruit, but also a special fruit with touch characteristics in the superhuman fruit. The abilities of this kind of fruit are all very abnormal.

In the original work, the fruit that can make people reach the top combat power of the sea is

How many?

Blackbeard's Dark-Dark Fruit, Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit, Golden Lion's Float-Float Fruit, Kaido's Fish-Fish Fruit·Mythical Beast·Dragon Form, Big Mom's Soul Fruit, and Red Count's Bat-Bat Fruit·Mythical Beast·Vampire Form.

Add to that several top-level natural fruits of the admirals, and these are the top devil fruits in the pirate world.

Among them, the Float-Float Fruit and the Tremor-Tremor Fruit are both superhuman fruits with contact characteristics, which can make the two legendary pirates stand at the top of the world.

Or in other words, there is no solution.

Although this type of fruit is not as powerful as the Thunder Fruit and Magma Fruit, it is the most unsolvable. For example, Perona's Ghost Fruit and Sugar's Childlike Fruit are all contact-type superhuman fruits.

The scary thing about it is that it can change the shape and state of matter by touching it, and what's more perverted is that it does not consume physical energy to maintain the state of matter afterwards.

There is no doubt that the contact-type devil fruit can be regarded as the top among all devil fruits.

Darrow had a deep understanding of this. He had felt the power of this fruit as early as in the battle with Sam.

With top-level observation Haki and physical fitness after more than ten years of training, Darrow thought that his strength could be regarded as strong among the mediocre Sihai.

But with Sam's neglected physical skills and physical fitness, this compression fruit filled the gap between the two. When fighting with Sam, Darrow had been coveting this fruit for a long time.

Unexpectedly, he really got this compression fruit.

Compression fruit, as the name suggests.

It is to compress the things it touches, which can be substantial or insubstantial, such as air, fire, or sea water.

This ability seems simple, but it is actually very powerful, and more importantly, it is very suitable for Darrow.

With the compression fruit, Darrow can use the fruit ability to make special bullets to enhance his shooting power, which is very important for him who has not yet mastered the armed color.

Feeling the power gushing out of his body, Darrow was eager to try, but because of Lu Jiu who was sleeping soundly next to him, Darrow suppressed his restless heart.

"Tomorrow, I will be discharged from the hospital."

Darrow made a decision secretly after tossing and turning in bed and couldn't fall asleep.

So, in this excited mood, Darrow spent the longest night of his life.

---------------Dividing line-------------

The next day.

"What, you want to be discharged from the hospital?" Lu Jiu's voice, which was raised by eight tones, came from the ward on the third floor of the hospital.

"Sister, I'm fine. I'm alive and kicking now. There's no problem with being discharged from the hospital." Darrow said, and his face became ruddy, trying to dispel Lu Jiu's concerns.

"But you just woke up yesterday. Isn't it too fast to be discharged today?" Lu Jiu saw that Darrow's face was indeed better, but he still said worriedly.

"It's okay. My wound looks serious, but it's just a superficial wound. Besides, it's too uncomfortable to stay in the hospital all day." Under Darrow's persistence, Lu Jiu could only retreat step by step.

Just like that, Darrow left the hospital full of the smell of disinfectant and returned to his little room.

"Ah, my own bed is still comfortable." As soon as he returned to the room, Darrow rushed to his bed and threw himself into the quilt.

Feeling the soft touch of the quilt and smelling the special smell of the long-lost wooden wall panel, Darrow completely emptied himself. After all, only this house called home could make him unguarded.

After a while, Darrow stood up.

"It's time to do something serious." Mobilizing the power surging in his body, Darrow said.

There was no feeling of awkwardness at all, as if it was an innate talent and instinct. Darrow felt this power gushing in his body, just like his own hands and feet.

"Compressed air bomb." Darrow stretched out his right hand and opened his palm and shouted.

The air in the room rushed to Darrow's right hand frantically. After a while, a solid air ball appeared in Darrow's hand.

Looking at this round transparent ball and feeling the surging impact in the ball, Darrow smiled proudly.

No wonder he was proud. This was his first time using the compression ability, and his control and effect far exceeded Sam's before. At least his compressed air bomb was not as violent and uncontrollable as Sam's.

The ability of the devil fruit also depends on the user. If the user's physical fitness can't keep up, no matter how strong the devil fruit is, it will be difficult to exert a powerful effect.

It's like turning the engine of an airplane

If you put it in a car, you can only use the speed of the car at most. Forcibly increasing the speed will only make the car shell disappear into ashes.

In terms of physical ability alone, Darrow can beat Sam by three blocks, and his control is naturally much stronger.

The experiment just now is of great significance to Darrow. If you can compress the air into a solid ball, it means that all kinds of compressed bullets you have imagined are feasible.

Outside the room, Lu Jiu's voice came: "Darrow, I almost forgot to tell you that Uncle Qiao Xi asked you to go to his house to find him after you are discharged from the hospital."

"It's just right, it's time to listen to the cliché story that is not difficult to guess." Darrow said secretly, stroking the air bullet that was compressed into a substance in his hand.

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