The old man was very happy.

There is another deeper reason why Darrow got involved in this matter, that is the [Ark Proverbs] that Enelu will build with a lot of gold in the future.

Although it has not been built yet, Darrow believes that Bica must have left the design drawings of this ship, otherwise Enelu, who knows nothing about technology, will definitely not be able to build it.

Although he has lived in this world for more than ten years, Darrow is still surprised by the technology tree that is crooked to the sky in this world. Apart from anything else, this [Proverbs] alone is outrageous enough.

Not to mention its strange ability to produce dark clouds with the Thunder Fruit, its powerful flying ability alone is enough to make Daro, a time traveler who has experienced the technological era, drop his jaw.

Not to mention that in the cover story, Enelu also relied on this [Ark Proverbs] to cross the universe directly and reach the endless land he had been thinking about - the moon, and became the king there.

Thinking of this, Darrow, who was sitting on the sofa, immediately turned his head to look at the ship spirit Namib floating on the ceiling, and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Namib, is there any relationship between Pluto and the moon people?"

Namib, who was still curiously looking at the lamp shell in the center of the ceiling, was immediately startled when he heard it, and floated to Darrow like a ghost with his neck shrunk: "How do you know!"

Even archaeologists who know about ancient history like Dr. Clover will actually be puzzled by the origin of Pluto. After all, no one can understand how the shipbuilders of the Seven Water City 800 years ago built the Pluto with the power of destruction in a technological explosion.

But Namib, as the ship spirit of Pluto, knows very well that the birth of Pluto actually originated from the moon people's technology obtained by Joy Boy when he first landed on Sky Island 800 years ago.

It can be said that even now, among the group of reformers who resisted the Great Kingdom 800 years ago, there are very few people who know this secret. How did Darrow know it?

Namib was like a little old man, stroking his chin and squinting his eyes as he looked at Darrow in front of him...

This kid has a secret!

Namib was quite sure, and even suspected that Darrow was the destined person predicted by Joyboy.

"It's just as I expected." Darrow, who had already got the answer from Namib's reaction, ignored Namib, who had already imagined a passionate comic. He just smiled and turned his head away without saying anything.

"Since the prophet named Iht is also chasing the so-called [Endless Land], she must know the whereabouts of the Thunder Fruit or the Proverbs." Darrow squinted his eyes like a fox and began to plan the next action plan.

On the other hand, as Gwent's most solid supporter, the traitor Neyoufa, after a brief hesitation, sold out his immediate superior Ihate:

"The prophet seems to have discovered something on the ancient ruins on the island of Bica. She has been talking nonsense recently, as if she wants to hold a sacrificial ceremony to select the son of God who can lead everyone back to the endless land."

"Son of God? It's ridiculous. It's still the same tone after so many years." Gwent sneered, as if he was quite disdainful of Ihate's behavior.

But this is not surprising, after all, she, Neyoufa and several other cloud officials were all snatched from their respective biological parents by Ihate under the pretext of worshipping the gods.

As for these adopted sons and daughters, although Ihate fulfilled a certain responsibility of teaching and raising them, he still used them more, just like nine years ago, Ihate could sacrifice Windsor for his own ambitions.

"In that case, what should we do now?" Daro's index finger tapped slightly on the coffee table, and he looked at Gwent and Neyufa sitting beside him and asked.

Although with Daro's strength, he could directly kill his way to the temple, and even directly push Bica aside, forcing the prophet named Iht to hand over the [Thunder Fruit] or [Ark Proverbs] in her hand.

But Daro didn't want to do this, mainly because he didn't like this kind of behavior of robbing and killing people at the slightest disagreement.

"When is the sacrificial ceremony?" Gwent turned his head and asked Neyufa, but he was constantly calculating in his heart, planning how to make Iht's evil deeds of wantonly launching wars public.

"The day after tomorrow, at the ancient temple on the west side of the temple, when the time comes

The entire population of Bika Island will attend the service, but the security will be very strict, and several of our cloud officials will be present. "

"Humph, it's really a big deal." Neyufa's words made Gwent frown all of a sudden. After all, Iht alone is difficult enough to deal with, and with those cloud officials, it looks quite tricky.

Looking at Gwent's ugly face, Darrow smiled and asked curiously: "Why? Those cloud officials are difficult to deal with?"

"Nonsense." Gwent rolled his eyes, and then explained to Darrow:

"Cloud, Rain, Wind, Frost, Fire, Iron, Mist, Forest, a total of eight cloud officials, each of whom possesses a rare and powerful shell, plus the unique combat skills that each cloud official has cultivated for a long time, so that each of them has a very powerful strength. "

"So on that day, we have to face seven cloud officials with similar strength to your companion, right? "Daro pointed at Neyufa beside him and asked Gwent.

"Yes, this is the worst case scenario. Before that, I will try my best to attract a few cloud officials." Gwent painted a pie for Daro, as if he was worried that Daro would be scared away by such a large number of enemies.

"It doesn't look difficult." Daro shrugged indifferently.

After all, the strength of these cloud officials is really not enough in front of him. On the contrary, the prophet who just used the heart net to spy on them made Daro a little concerned:

"Does the prophet have any abilities? For example, discharge electricity?"

"Discharge?" Gwent shook his head: "That won't happen, but our rare shells and combat skills are all taught to us by Iht, so she has almost all the abilities of cloud officials, and her heart net attainments are also quite strong, and she can sense the enemy's thoughts within a certain range. "

When he heard that this Iht could not discharge electricity, Daro was relieved.

It was not that he thought that the other party would cause any trouble to him because he was a natural ability user, but he was afraid that the thunder fruit would be eaten by someone at this time, and his efforts would be in vain.


Just as Daro and his friends were digesting the information from Bica and planning how to make a big fuss at the sacrificial ceremony, a rough male voice sounded from outside the door.

"Neyufa, open the door!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Neyufa's face suddenly became ugly: "Damn it, why is Kurwin here!"

Thinking that Kurwin and Gwent had never gotten along when they were young, and now he has become a big celebrity in front of the prophet, if the other party finds Gwent, they will definitely report it to the prophet.

"No! We have to drive him away. "Neyofa thought for a moment, then walked to the door again, opened the door halfway with his right hand, and put his left hand on the door frame to prevent Kuwener from entering.

"Kurwen, are you okay?" Neyofa said coldly to the man in front of him with a big golden back hair and overalls.

"I arrested a few guys from Qinghai at the port?" Looking at the nervous Neyofa, Kurwen laughed mockingly. In his opinion, Neyofa was just a thick-nerved fool who couldn't hide anything.

"Yes, I'm interrogating them now. Are you okay?" Neyofa became even more nervous. He felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat because he was not good at lying.

And Kurwen's next words made Neyofa even more confused, and even made Neyofa have the idea of ​​killing people to silence them.

"The prophet has ordered to invite guests from Qinghai to the temple. The prophet has set up a banquet in the temple to entertain the guests."

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