The next day came.

As the sky island is located at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the sun rises very early. It is only early morning, but it is as bright as noon.

"Good morning, Gwent, Haredas!" After washing up, Darrow walked to the restaurant and greeted the two people who were eating breakfast at the bar.

"Mr. Darrow also got up so early!" Haredas raised his eyebrows while reading the newspaper and drinking milk, obviously a little surprised by Darrow's regular work and rest.

"Haha, I'm used to it." Darrow waved his hand, then picked up a piece of bread from the table, nibbled on the unpalatable whole wheat bread, and chatted with the two people.

"Why don't you see Neyufa?" Daro, who almost choked on the bread, quickly drank a mouthful of milk. After a while, he remembered why he didn't see Neyufa. This is his home!

"I was called to the temple to gather early in the morning. I don't know what Iht will do." Gwent added a few sugar cubes to the coffee cup and stirred it with a spoon, saying.

"Who cares? We can always deal with it." Daro shrugged indifferently.


While chatting, the other members of the Daro Pirates also broke free from the seal of the bed one by one, walked to the dining table like zombies, and enjoyed a hearty breakfast.

"Why did you get up so early?" Elsa asked while rubbing her eyes with sleepy eyes.

Before the voice fell, there was a neat kicking sound at the door, and then a group of clergy wearing white uniforms of the temple and carrying various silver plates walked in.

"Everyone is awake at the right time. Please enjoy the breakfast we have prepared carefully!" Kurwin, who had a big golden back hair, walked quickly to the front of the crowd and said with a very routine smile.

As soon as the voice fell, the waiter behind him held the plate, twirled and placed the dishes on the table gracefully like a ballet dancer.

"It's really a big investment." Looking at the dazzling array of dishes in front of him, Darrow curled his lips. He had just eaten a baguette and now had no appetite at all.

"When do we leave for Arpaiado?" Elsa, who was feasting, wiped the mess of cream stains on the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand, and finally pulled her mind out of her sleep.

When Elsa asked this question, everyone present tacitly cast their eyes on Darrow sitting in the middle of the dining table. After all, he was the one who made the decision.

"The entourage is waiting outside the door, and we can set off at any time!" Kurwin reminded him "kindly", and then he looked away with a guilty look to hide his inner anxiety.

"Damn it, they don't let us eat, right?" Darrow complained in his heart, but after thinking about it, it would be better to set off as soon as possible, after all, we have to rush back later, and setting off early will give us more time.

"Everyone, finish eating quickly... Let's set off as soon as possible." Darrow deliberately acted in a very anxious manner, making Kurwin mistakenly think that Darrow and his men were in a hurry to go to Arpaiado to look for treasure.

The captain's order had to be obeyed by others, so everyone also accelerated their eating speed and ate the entire table of dishes in an almost rude manner.

After a good meal and a good drink, the group, surrounded by several cloud officials, arrived at the Bica Pier where the Mermaid Anthem was docked. After adjusting the output power of the wind-jetting shells, they hoisted the sails and sailed the Mermaid Anthem onto the White Sea.


In front of the bow of the Mermaid Anthem, dozens of speedboat-sized Vibrators were moving across the clouds like sardines.

These Vibrators moved forward alternately in a formation that seemed scattered but was actually quite methodical, and tacitly maintained a "safe" distance from the Mermaid Anthem.

"These guys are really cautious!" Blige sighed as he looked at the Vibrators in front of the bow.

Anyone with a little insight could see that this seemingly scattered formation was intentional, with the purpose of monitoring Darrow and his men while ensuring that they would not be wiped out when Darrow and his men took action.

And these people's tricks are not limited to these. Even the thick clouds along the way and the strange road signs on the white sea are actually the work of several cloud officials.

"You really put a lot of thought into it, Willus, Kenchi!" Gwent, who was disguised as a little gangster, looked at the man and woman driving in the front and sneered.

"Is it them who did it?" As a person with

Daro, who had a high level of observation, naturally saw how strange the road signs along the way were, so he asked.

"Yes!" Gwent, who had been tied to the same warship with Daro for a long time, did not hide it. He nodded and said, "Huilus is the new officer of the Cloud of Mist. She controls the Phantom Mist Shell and can create illusions by distorting light."

"So these are all her masterpieces!" Daro pointed to a road sign with the digital code "47" floating on the white sea not far away, and said in a positive tone.

"Yes!" Gwent reminded, and then added: "Not only that, they also tampered with the clouds along the way, and we have been following them on a long detour."

"Oh? What do you mean? Aren't we walking in a straight line?"

"Of course not!" Gwent shook his head: "It is very difficult to keep the direction in the sea of ​​clouds, not to mention that Kenchi has been using the cloud to create clouds to confuse you."

"Is that so!" Darrow nodded, but showed a trace of worry. After all, there has been no serious navigator on the ship. After all these detours, it is really difficult for Darrow and his team to return from a long distance.

"Don't worry, I am very familiar with this road."

Seemingly seeing Darrow's concerns, Gwent smiled, then turned his head and looked at the three cloud officials not far away with a mocking expression: "These guys, they definitely can't think that I will be here."

Indeed, in front of Gwent, who is so familiar with this route, all the tricks they did can only become a joke.


At full speed, the Mermaid Anthem sailed for more than four hours and finally arrived near Arpaiado. From afar, the peculiarly shaped [Gate of Heaven] in the original book could be seen.

Of course, Arpaiado was still under the rule of God Ganfor at this time, so there was no need to pay the 10 billion Iq per person entrance fee.

"Apaiado is ahead. Please go ahead. We need to return to report." Several cloud officials from Sky Island stopped in front of the Gate of Heaven, greeted Daro and others, and left in a hurry.

Daro and his friends did not stop at all. After passing through the Gate of Heaven, they continued to climb along a spiral cloud ladder until the Mermaid Anthem broke through the top of the cloud sky.

Finally, a dazzling light appeared in the sky. Daro and others looked over and saw a golden plaque on the top of the sea of ​​clouds, with the four words "God land sky piea" written on it, meaning "the kingdom of God".

Below the plaque, rows of soldiers stood in formation on the sea of ​​clouds. A knight wearing full armor and riding a strange bird was at the front of the queue, waiting intently. The leader was the current ruler of Arpaiado...

[Pegasus Knight] God Ganfor.

Looking at the army in front of him that was ready for battle and had inexplicable hostility towards him, Daro suddenly thought of Iht's meaningful words in the temple -

"I have an old friendship with the ruler of Arpaiado. I will greet him and let him treat you well!"

Obviously, Iht tricked Daro again.

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