The next day came.

Because of the sacrificial ceremony, the island of Bika was already crowded with people. Everyone wore the same prayer clothes and gathered on the third floor of Bika where the temple was located.

The altar was located on an open space behind the temple, which was a bit similar to the Mayan pyramid in Daro's previous life.

According to legend, the prophet could communicate with the gods on the altar, so the sacrificial ceremony was held here.

Around the altar, almost all of Bika's armed forces were dispatched, surrounding the altar.

The remaining four cloud officials stood at the four corners of the altar with solemn expressions, staring down at the surroundings, as if they would be greeted with their thundering blows as long as there was a slight disturbance in the field.

"Eight hundred years ago, our ancestors originated from the Infinite Land, but were stranded in the White Sea due to a disaster. Four hundred years later, the great Mother Goddess was inspired by the piety of the Sky Islanders and descended to the God-given land...

On the altar, Iht, wearing a white monastic robe and holding a scepter, was muttering in a mysterious way, telling the origin of the Sky Islanders, and then changed the subject and said:

"However, the land given by the gods to the people of Bika was snatched away by the Apaya people and the Shandia people. Those guys who were not pious to the gods also... There are those heretics of the Shandians, who have taken away the land and gold given to us by the gods..."

Iht raised the scepter in his hand and said indignantly, his eyes full of anger, and this inexplicable emotion immediately ignited the residents of Bika in the audience.

People were suddenly excited, as if they would join the army after the ceremony to fight against the group of Apajado and Shandians who had some irreconcilable hatred.

"Fuck, no wonder they say that those who play politics are all first-class actors. "Daro, who was hiding in the southwest corner of the altar with his companions, complained while looking at Ihate who was mobilizing for war.

At this time, Daro and his companions were hiding in the crowd that Neyufa was staring at. Due to the existence of the traitor Neyufa, there was no commotion.

War requires not only hatred, but also legitimacy.

Ihate naturally knew this truth, so after completing the war mobilization, she hurried to get to the point of today.

"A few years ago, I received the will of God in a prayer. He will be born in Bika, unify the entire Sky Island and lead His most devout believers back to the cradle of God - the Infinite Earth..."

While Ihate was speaking, a group of nuns came to the altar with several babies wrapped in swaddling clothes with gold threads.

"Victor, Stone, Holkin, Si, Enel... these are the newborns born this year. The gods told me that He will be born in one of them..."

Although she had eaten the thunder fruit, Ihet still planned to choose a successor. A young "god" could make the war just and improve her control over Bika.

Everything is in the name of the gods.

Just as Ihet was mumbling about choosing the "son of God" who had been appointed by her, a commotion suddenly came from under the altar.

A woman with a basket of spears and neat short hair crossed the crowd and rushed to the vicinity of the altar.

During the process, several Bika soldiers tried to stop them, but were easily shot through by the spears thrown by the woman.

"Ihet, stop your disgusting performance! You are the culprit of the war! "The woman ran up to the altar and angrily questioned Ihate.

"It's Nara..." Gwent and Neyufa on the altar were stunned when they saw the woman for the first time. They were obviously familiar with the short-haired woman on the stands.

"Do you know her?" Daro looked at the wild woman on the stands with admiration and asked Gwent curiously.

"Well, she was the Wind and Cloud Officer under my command. I heard that she got married after being dismissed by Ihate. I didn't expect..." Gwent's expression was a little complicated.

"So that's it."

Daro suddenly realized that he seemed to have mentioned this when he was at Neyufa's house before. Then Daro teased Gwent with a teasing face:

"I have to say, she is more responsible than you."

"Yes! "Gwent sighed. Compared to her who had been hiding in Visalia for nine years, Nara, who had loved to rush around since childhood, was the bravest one.

On the altar.

After Nara knocked down several Bikka soldiers with her homemade projectile spear, she ran to the crowd.

Before, she wanted to make public the evidence of Iht's crimes that she had collected.

This behavior undoubtedly angered several cloud officials present.

"Nara, do you think we are dead?"

The rain cloud official Runti was a bald old man with a beard. He raised the gourd-like rain shell in his hand and waved it at Nara, shouting angrily.

"You guys who help the tyrants, it's better to die!" Nara, who was hit hard, gritted her teeth and threw the spear in her hand with all her strength.

The spear drew a beautiful arc in the air.

When it was halfway in the air, the impact shell tied to the spear burst out another wave of air, pushing the spear to shoot at the old man at a faster speed.

"Haha, the wind cloud official who was so powerful before, after losing the repelling shell, has fallen to the point of using the impact shell. It's ridiculous."

Fel, the fire cloud official on the other side, sprayed a flame from his mouth, completely annihilated the spear, and said with a smile.

"Damn you! If Gwent is still here, you will definitely be in trouble!" Nara cursed after failing to hit her, and at the same time took out a long spear from her backpack again, intending to fight to the death.

Facing two cloud officials at the same time, Nara, who lost the repelling sword, had no power to resist at all, and soon fell into a disadvantage. After seeing this scene, Gwent obviously couldn't hold back.

"It seems that it's time to go on stage!"

Daro took a step forward and crossed the crowd. At the same time, he no longer suppressed his momentum, but let the violent aura rage on the field.

Others followed closely and followed Daro to the altar.

"Nara!" Gwent rushed to Nara's side at the first time, and at the same time swung out the cloud iron sword to repel Fer and Runti who surrounded him.

"Gwent!! You...I...How is this possible!" Nara exclaimed as she looked at the face so close, and she couldn't believe the scene in front of her.

"Let's not talk about this for now, Nara." Gwent helped Nara up, and at the same time, he handed her the volley that he had seized from Kurwin last night.

"Haha, my old friend!" Nara stroked the cannon in her hand, laughed heroically, and then carried the cannon and aimed at Fel who was approaching again:

"Fel, you were the bastard who laughed at me just now, now, I'll tear your stinky mouth apart!"


"Hey, hey, hey, that's the Sky Prophet!"

"Isn't she dead?" Gwent's appearance caused a commotion among the residents of Bica.

Gwent, who used to be the Sky Prophet, made a lot of achievements for Bica, so even though Iht tried his best to discredit him over the years, he still couldn't erase Gwent's position in the hearts of the residents.

Now, the reappearance of Gwent has made many wavering centrists start to rethink the strangeness of today's ceremony, which is undoubtedly what Iht least wants to see.

"Gwent, you dare to appear in front of me!" On the altar, Iht, who had been watching coldly, looked at the familiar face in front of him and asked quietly.

Facing Gwent, her adopted daughter, Iht's emotions were also complicated. Gwent was once her most proud successor. She thought Gwent would inherit her will and help her unify Sky Island.

But unfortunately, she disobeyed herself, and the result of disobeying was...

"Die!" Iht shouted fiercely.

At the same time, he waved the scepter inlaid with eight Sky Island shells in his hand and sent a shock wave straight towards Gwent's head.

Seeing Iht's move, Darrow naturally would not stand idly by. He took a step forward, flashed to Gwent's front in an instant, and took the shock wave with his bare hands.

"I can't let you hurt my newly recruited navigator." Darrow narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous light burst out of his eyes.

"So Gwent is pinning his hopes on you Qinghai people."

Iht raised the scepter in his hand, and at the same time, shining silver snakes began to appear on his body, and the air around him crackled, and the wind was filled with a violent feeling.

Not only that, the ground around the altar also suddenly shook, and then a strange sound of gears turning came from the ground.

The next second, countless short robots emerged from the ground, guarding Iht like servants of God.

"Do you know the consequences of disobeying the gods?"

Looking at Iht, who looked like the god of thunder, Darrow didn't care at all. He turned his head and looked at the other people and said: "Those robots will be handed over to you."

After that, Darrow tiptoed and drove his body slowly into the air, and his golden hair automatically rose slightly with the wind.

"Come on, let me see, you so-called god, can have

How much weight! "

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