After the gangster farce on the dock ended, Darrow declined the invitation of the fishermen and did not join the pub activities of Laoqiaoxi tonight, but went straight back home.

Because his sister still needed to go to the pub to work tonight, Darrow was the only one at home.

Darrow cooked a bowl of fish head noodles, prepared a simple dinner and returned to his room.

In the room, a kerosene lamp emitted a weak light, which could only barely illuminate the corner of the room, where several wooden barrels and boxes were neatly stacked, and next to them were two huge wooden wardrobes.

Darrow lay on the bed next to the wardrobe, staring at the wooden ceiling above his head.

I have been looking at this ceiling for almost ten years, but every time I see it, I still feel it is so unreal, as if these decades of experience are just a dream.

I feel that as long as I open my eyes in another world, I may be able to return to that real world.

The wooden ceiling in front of me will also become the more common cement ceiling in the real world, and I will change from Darrow to that ordinary modern boy.

Yes, Darrow is a time traveler. In his previous life, he was a college student who had just graduated and had just stepped into society after leaving the last piece of pure land of college.

The beatings of society made him tired and he could only deal with all kinds of unbearable things in life with exhaustion. There was no satisfaction in his work. Various blessings for workers came one after another and smoothed the last trace of a boy's spirit. In summary, there was little money, much work and great responsibility.

Look, after another day of late-night overtime, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening when Darrow returned to the rental house and fell on the bed like a dead pig.

At this moment, Darrow couldn't help but ask himself desperately: "How long will this life last? Is such a miserable and endless life what I want?"

Without getting an answer, Darrow fell asleep, but unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes the next day, he found that he had traveled to the world of One Piece.

It took a long time for the highly adaptable Darrow to accept this fact. After all, it was his favorite comic, and Darrow could accept that he had traveled to the world of One Piece.

But you said that this travel was also a travel, and it would be fine if there was no benefit at all. The time of this travel was so many years earlier than the beginning of the plot, so he didn't even have the advantage of knowing the plot well.

But this is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is his identity, or more accurately, his sister's identity.

Let me introduce it again. Darrow's full name is Portgas D. Darrow, and his sister's name is Portgas D. Lu Jiu.

That's right, it's the wife of the future Pirate King Roger, the one who gave birth to Ace after 20 months of pregnancy with her own heart, and finally died of dystocia to protect the child.

This means that in the future, I will become the uncle of Fire Fist-Ace, and the pit Pirate King Roger will also become my brother-in-law.

Who is Roger? You can say that Roger, as the Pirate King, is a strong man standing on the top of the world, a heroic captain of a pirate group, a brave and free adventurer, and his magnificent life even named an entire era.

But what about his family? For his family, Roger is an absolute... pit.

As a husband, he turned himself in, causing his wife to die in childbirth to protect the child;

As a father, it would be fine if he never saw the child, but Ace had to die in the war at the top because of his identity as the son of the Pirate King.

As Roger's brother-in-law in the future, after Roger becomes the Pirate King, the biggest possibility for Darrow is that he will be wanted by the navy, or be killed like Ace, or have to hide his identity and flee for his life, but these two are not the life that Darrow wants.

"You still have to have strong strength, this is the key to changing your destiny." Darrow thought secretly while lying on the bed.

In the final analysis, the pirate world is a world where strength speaks, the strong are respected, and only those with strong strength can control their own destiny.

Don’t you see that Mr. Tom, the shipwright of Water Seven, was wanted by the navy just because he built the pirate ship Golden Jackson for Roger Pirates. Even though he later used the credit for building the sea train to atone for his crime, he was still killed by the people of the World Government.

Let’s look at Garp again. As a naval hero, his son is the world’s most vicious revolutionary-Ryu, and his grandson is a direct ally of the World Government.

Luffy, who fought in the war, can still dominate the Navy Headquarters, enter and leave the Marshal's office freely to eat senbei, and even point at the noses of the Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land, and nothing happens.

Why? Is it because of Garp's unprecedented reputation and invincible combat power?

So, only the fate of the strong is in their own hands, and the weak are just duckweed on the sea, and can only float and sink with the waves.

Thinking of this, Darrow took out a revolver from his arms, which was the one that Pritt used for sneak attacks today, and was confiscated by Darrow in the battle.

His fingers gently slid across the magazine of the revolver, and the revolver turned rapidly, making a crisp sound.

I don't know what Darrow was thinking. After a while, I saw him turn over and get up, and then sneakily took out a box from under the bed.

Put the revolver in his hand into the box, and then took out another thing from the box, a notebook.

Opening the cover, the notebook is filled with notes written by Darrow in Chinese from his previous life. These are the plots of One Piece that Darrow has sorted out and the progress of his cultivation over the past ten years.

Because he traveled too early, if he didn't record these plots, he would have forgotten the plots of the comics when the plot started 40 years later.

Using Chinese not only prevents the contents of the notebook from being known by outsiders, but also is a kind of remembrance of Darrow's previous life.

He gently put the notebook on the table, moved the kerosene lamp and other things to the side, then opened the notebook and began to review today's battle.

Although there is no system, Darrow still has his own golden finger. I don't know if it is because of his two lives as a human, Darrow is born with strong mental power and perception.

To put it in a more appropriate way in the world of pirates, Darrow has awakened his observation Haki, and like Princess Otohime in the original work, he is a natural owner of the rare observation Haki.

Unlike Princess Otohime's empathy, Darrow's ability is very simple, that is, he can see the enemy's weaknesses and predict the enemy's next move.

Darrow called this ability the Dead Eye. Today at the dock, Darrow was able to accurately capture several bullets fired by Plitt's sneak attack, precisely because of the powerful insight of the Dead Eye.

And the fact that he flashed in front of the fisherman and chopped the bullets with a knife was due to another move, that is, [Instant Step].

[Instant Step] was cultivated by Darrow himself based on the description of the Navy's Six Styles [Shave] in the original comics, and there is also [Blue Bird] which is similar to [Moon Step].

I don't know if it's because of my inadequate practice, Darrow's [Instant Step] is much shorter in distance than [Shave], but fortunately the speed will be faster.

And [Blue Bird] can only step twice in the air, and can't stay in the air for a long time like [Moon Step], but it can change direction and move in the air at will, which is more flexible, a bit like the double jump in the game.

These two skills are a bit like the [Spoon] of the Black Cat Pirates' Hyaku Kei Koro in the original work. They are all unique moves developed through self-training.

It must be said that the Navy can be the strongest force in the pirate world and maintain the stability of the sea for hundreds of years. It still has its foundation and strength. The Navy Six Styles alone is something that others will never get in touch with in their lifetime.

However, it is still a bit unrealistic to think that you can completely master the Navy Six Styles just by relying on the brief description in the comics.

But fortunately, the gap between [Instant Step] and [Blue Bird] and [Shave] and [Moon Step] is not big, and it is more about different focuses.

And the other four moves in the Six Styles: [Finger Gun], [Rain Kick], [Iron Block] and [Paper Drawing], Da Luo didn't learn them at all.

These are all off-topic. Looking back at Da Luo, he saw Da Luo turning the notebook to a new page and then picking up the pen to write.

"The development of the Dead Eye has reached a bottleneck, and it can be used skillfully in combat."

"[Bluebird] and [Instant Step] have also been basically mastered, and there is no shortcoming in mobility at present."

After writing these two lines, Darrow thought of the moves that Lao Qiaoxi had used today, and he did not have any lethal moves, so he could only rely on his strong physical fitness to crush the enemy.

In comparison, it was too rough and inefficient.

After thinking for a while, Darrow murmured: "Currently, there is a lack of moves with direct lethality, or the ability to kill with one blow."

Thinking of this, Darrow turned a new page and wrote a line of words:

About the development of new moves.

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