The first time he had a chance to wait was when he was about to leave.

Daro finally registered for the competition in his lifetime. It must be said that queuing is a torturous thing no matter which world he is in.

It took Daro two hours to register alone, and it was already twelve o'clock noon when he finished processing.


Daro's stomach made a rumbling sound, and it was obvious that he was starving.

Lu Jiu should be cooking at this time, so Daro didn't delay any further. He went straight to the tavern after leaving the duel arena.

Fortunately, the tavern was not far from the Niujiao duel arena, only two streets away, and Daro returned to the tavern in a short while.

"Sister, I bought you clothes."

As soon as he returned to the tavern, Darrow put the bag of clothes he bought for his sister on the bar.

At the bar, Lu Jiu was cleaning the counter. Seeing that Darrow had returned and brought her a gift, Lu Jiu put down the rag in her hand and took the bag.

"You are really... We just moved here and it's time to spend money. Why are you buying me clothes?" Although she said so, Darrow could tell from the expression on Lu Jiu's face that she was still very happy to receive the clothes.

It was noon and all the customers in the store had left. After all, even if the guests liked to drink, they couldn't even skip lunch.

Taking advantage of this gap, the brother and sister quickly prepared their own lunch.

The lunch was very rich, with a pot of fried rice, a plate of barbecue, a plate of fried chicken and a pot of kelp soup, which was very suitable for Darrow, a carnivore.

Each portion was super large, which allowed Darrow to fill his stomach. This also showed that the tavern had a good business in the past two days and the income was quite gratifying.

When in Batlila, the common meat on the table was usually the fish meat that was taken for free from the fishery. Da Luo rarely had the opportunity to eat other meats.

"Have you signed up?" In the past few days, many customers in the tavern have been talking about the Bull Horn Qualifying Tournament, and Lu Jiu has more or less learned a little bit.

"Well, the competition will start next week." Da Luo said while biting the chicken leg in his hand fiercely. It seems that Da Luo consumed a lot in the queue just now.

"..." Lu Jiu looked like he wanted to say something but stopped.

"Don't worry, I'm very strong and won't let myself get hurt. Sister, just wait and see, I will definitely come back with the first place." Da Luo saw her worry and said to Lu Jiu, his words full of confidence.

In the afternoon.

There were more guests, and it seemed that because the [Bull Horn Qualifying Tournament] was about to start, even many nearby pirates rushed over.

Many of the guests in the afternoon were pirates, all of them looked ferocious. Because he was worried that the pirates would cause trouble in the tavern and Lu Jiu could not handle it, Da Luo did not leave the tavern.

While wiping the glass at the bar, Da Luo looked at the situation in the tavern.

"It seems that this competition will be very interesting."

Da Luo found that there were several pirates in the tavern with a considerable bounty, which made him want to catch all the pirates in one fell swoop.

But it was just a thought. Guests are guests. As long as they don't cause trouble, Da Luo doesn't want to break the rules.

Apart from other things, pirates are noisy when drinking. Not only do they talk loudly, but they also make big movements, knocking tables and chairs.

But Da Luo didn't care. The guests in the tavern didn't say anything, and Da Luo would not go to make trouble for no reason and spoil the mood.

Most of the guests in the tavern today were talking about this year's [Niu Jiao Qualifying Tournament], and a few gamblers were already analyzing it there.

"Have you heard? The leader of the Giant Bear Pirates is also going to participate in this year's qualifying tournament."

"Didn't the Giant Bear Pirates fight the Navy a few days ago?"

"It's really amazing that the Giant Bear Pirates can survive the encirclement of the Navy."

"Also, it is said that the bounty hunter from the Principality of Banxi is also going to participate."

"Really? That's going to be exciting this year."

"What's exciting? I think this year's champion will still be the Wuding Sword Hall's Izumi Ji."

"That's right, Izumi Ji has won several championships in a row. I think no one can snatch the championship from him."

"But these guys this year are not easy to deal with. I think Izumi Ji is in danger."

"I don't care. I will definitely bet on Izumi Ji to win this year."


At this moment, Daro didn't know that the group of people from the Wuding Sword Hall were still unwilling to give up and were planning to come to his house to argue with him.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sword hall had just

After class, a group of people were coming from Wuding Sword Hall in a mighty procession, led by the sword instructor from the morning.

After a while, the people from the sword hall arrived at the door of the Potter Tavern, and several apprentices shouted loudly into the tavern.

"Let your tavern owner come out."

"The guy from yesterday, come out."

The shouting of several people disturbed many passers-by and attracted a group of people who liked to watch the excitement to stop and watch at the door of the tavern.

Darrow naturally heard it and walked out of the tavern slowly.

"What are you doing?" Even in the face of so many people, Darrow was not afraid at all and asked carelessly.

"Boy, you injured our sword hall apprentice yesterday, you have to give an explanation anyway." The sword instructor Daomu said.

This Daomu instructor is also an old negotiation expert. He didn't even mention the fact that his apprentice made trouble in the tavern, and he put the shit pot on Darrow's head for hurting people.

"Why, you allow your students to come to my tavern to cause trouble, but I am not allowed to teach them a lesson?"

"You said my students came to your tavern to cause trouble? How to cause trouble? Is drinking considered causing trouble? Is it that your tavern does not allow people to drink? Or did they not pay?"

This series of questions made Darrow laugh. He even dared to ask for money.

Before, because of the fear of the Wuding Sword Hall's power, the original tavern owner did not dare to charge more money. Basically, it was the cost price, and he did not dare to take a penny of profit.

But they kept causing trouble at the door of the tavern, causing the tavern to be unable to operate normally. In addition, he had to hire people to clean up. The owner of the loss almost had to pawn his underwear. He still had the nerve to talk about money.

However, this also allowed Darrow to pick up a bargain for nothing, and he bought such a large tavern at a super low price.

"Why, drinking, smashing things and shouting loudly is not considered causing trouble?" Darrow was not as cowardly as the previous tavern owner, and asked directly.

"Didn't we buy this wine? The bottle is ours too, so we can do whatever we want with it?" an apprentice next to him shouted.

"That's right, what's wrong with throwing away our bottle?" another apprentice said.

Hearing this, Darrow was too lazy to argue with them. It was stupid to reason with unreasonable people.

Just like what a famous anchor said in his previous life: He is already like this, why can't you obey him, because he...

But letting them yell outside is not a solution, which will affect the mood of customers to drink.

Standing in the tavern, Darrow stretched out his hand and waved at the crowd.

[Air Prison]

The air around the door rushed towards the people of Wuding Sword Hall frantically, forming several transparent compressed air plates, covering a group of people, like a transparent prison generated out of thin air.

This move was developed by Darrow based on Sam's Air Fortress, but Sam's Air Fortress is to protect himself, while the Air Prison is to imprison the enemy.

"What is this?" The people in the sword hall also reacted and slapped the walls around them.

Some people poked with swords, but there was no movement.

The biggest advantage of the air prison is that it can isolate the spread of sound, that is, the people inside cannot hear what they say outside.

"Boy, what did you do?"

"Asshole, you'd better let us go, otherwise the sword hall will not forgive you."

"Damn, what kind of witchcraft is this."

Just like now, no matter how the apprentices in the air prison yell, no one outside can hear them. They can only watch their mouths open and close, which looks very funny.

In conjunction with the crowds around, these people are like a group of pantomime clowns on stage, and can only be laughed at.

Ignoring the poor performance of this group of people, Darrow continued to return to the tavern to entertain guests.

As for these people, let's talk about it after the air prison is invalid. Let them hang for a while, and they will be less angry before they can listen to others.

At first, Instructor Daomu wanted to split the air prison with a wooden sword, but even after the sword was broken, the air prison still stood there steadily, motionless.

Other apprentices also used their swords to chop the wall vigorously, and some younger ones even used their teeth.

"Damn, what kind of trap is this? I can't cut it no matter how hard I try." Instructor Daomu thought that Daro had set a trap to trap himself.

In this way, the poor performance of the sword hall continued until the evening, adding some popularity to the tavern, and even the business improved a bit.

This is really... a pleasant surprise.

Late at night, at the door of the tavern, several people from the sword hall leaned against the air wall and said weakly.

"Master, I'm hungry..."

"I'm hungry too, we haven't had dinner yet"



Hearing the apprentices' complaints, the swordsmanship instructor was helpless, but what could he say? He was already starving, so he decided to save his energy.

After a while,

"Ouch." An apprentice who was leaning against the air prison fell to the ground and cried out. It turned out that the air prison had failed. The air wall that the guy was leaning against suddenly dissipated, causing him to fall.

"It seems that we can get out." The apprentice who fell to the ground said in surprise.

He picked up the wooden sword on the ground and poked the wall. Feeling that the originally hard air wall had disappeared, he said to everyone again with joy, "It seems that we can leave here."

"Great, let's leave here quickly. "Another apprentice responded.

It was just that because of the daily majesty of the instructor Dao Mu, no one dared to leave here at the first time, even if they were already starving.

They just looked at him eagerly, hoping to go home quickly.

"Instructor, let's go." A hungry apprentice said.

"Instructor, I'm hungry and want to go home for dinner."

"Me too."

Taking a deep look at the sign of the Potter Tavern, Dao Mu could only say helplessly, "Alas, let's go home."

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