The long-awaited event finally came, and in the warm atmosphere of Lezbart, the Niujiao qualifying competition will finally begin.

In the square in front of the Niujiao Arena, the staff posted the schedule of the competition on the bulletin board in front early.

Here is the competition system. The Niujiao qualifying competition is divided into the qualifying round and the regular season. The qualifying round is generally participated by unknown people or those who did not perform well in the previous competitions, and finally 8 places are decided to enter the regular season.

Those pirates with bounties of over 100 million or veteran strongmen like Izumi Ji can undoubtedly enter the regular season without participating in the qualifying round.

Unfortunately, Darrow is just a nobody, and certainly not in this scope. He needs to participate in these four rounds of qualifying matches to enter the fierce competition of the regular season.

There are three rounds in the qualifying matches, starting from tomorrow, and they will be played for a week, that is, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The two days in between will serve as a buffer. After the game on Friday, the more intense regular season will begin two days later.

Darrow's first competitor is a guy named Nanfu, whose best result was last year, when he was eliminated in the last round of the qualifying matches.

It is said that this guy is getting stronger every year. At the beginning, he was eliminated in the first round of the qualifying matches. After that, he will be a little better than the previous year every year, and he will play one more round. This year, it seems that he will enter the regular season.

Unfortunately, he will meet Darrow in the first round of this year's qualifying matches. It seems that he will return to the starting point again.

What an unlucky guy.

In addition, Darrow saw another noteworthy name in the qualifying list, Izumi Rikiken.

This guy who brought misfortune to his tavern has been a "friend" to Darrow for a long time. I don't know why he signed up for the competition this year.

After reading the list, Darrow did not stay outside, but rushed back to the tavern immediately. Today is the day of the ranking list, and the tavern must be very busy. He had to go back to help.

As expected, when Darrow returned to the tavern, he found that the tavern was already full of customers. Many people came to have a drink after reading the list today, so the tavern became lively early in the morning.

There is no doubt that the hottest topic in the tavern at this time is the Niujiao ranking competition. The annual event is full of attraction. Whether it is the champion or personal grudges, it is a topic of conversation after dinner.

"Who do you think will win this year?"

"Hey, that's for sure. It must be Director Izumi."

"Well, that's not certain. I heard that the gold medal bounty hunter of the Principality of Banxi, the Explosive Gunner - Tim, and the leader of the Giant Bear Pirates, Cousins, who just fought his way out of the hands of the Navy, will participate in this year's competition."

"I heard that the two of them met in this tavern before and almost had a fight."

It turned out that the gunman who confronted Cousins, who had a bounty of 100 million, in the tavern before was called Tim. It seemed that he was also a well-known bounty hunter. After hearing this information, Darrow silently remembered this name.

"So, this year is really full of masters. I don't know if Izumi Ji can still win the championship this year." Another middle-aged man with a beard saw that no one continued to talk, so he quickly took over the conversation and said.

Then he sneered again: "Don't worry about whether we will win the championship or not, there will be more fun this year. It is said that the opponent, Izumi Reiken, will also participate this year. It will be lively then, haha."

"He will participate? Impossible, how long has this guy been a coward? Will he participate this year?"

"You don't know this, right? If Izumi Reiken doesn't participate this year, his Kanesada Sword Hall will not even be qualified for Menkyo Kaiden. If he doesn't participate, even the sword hall can't be opened, so this guy has to participate this year."

"I see, then this year's competition will be interesting. Do you think Izumi Reiken will not even be able to enter the regular season?"

It seems that the guy on the opposite side, Izumi Reiken, has a bad reputation. So many people want to see him laugh, but it's no wonder. In Lezibart, which advocates fighting and force, the most despised thing is cowardly cowards.

Not to mention that he is a guy who has been a coward for several years.

Da Luo and Lu Jiu were so busy in the tavern that they couldn't even get off the ground. The tavern was full all day. Tomorrow was the first day of the competition, and many people came here to relax and adjust their state.

Many people came to the tavern to inquire about information. After all, in addition to professional intelligence dealers,

The tavern is the best way to get information about the competition. Not only is there a large flow of people, but people dare to say anything when they are drunk.

During this period, Darrow also learned about several favorites to win the Niujiao ranking competition.

They are:

The local veteran strongman who won six consecutive championships, the owner of Wuding Sword Hall-Izumi Ji;

The leader of the Giant Bear Pirates who fought his way out of the naval encirclement, the Giant Bear-Cousins;

The legendary bounty hunter of the Banxi Principality, the Explosive Gunner-Tim;

There is also the Mountain Breaker Fist-Yue Lun who is the runner-up every year. It is said that this has been the runner-up for eight consecutive years. He is the best background board and has created countless legends.

Yes, others chopped him to the ground, and others created countless legends.

In addition to these four favorites to win the championship, there are some powerful people with good strength, such as Dragon Roar Fist-Longol, the long-handed strongman-Resai, the fur-fur strongman-Sanglu, etc.

It is worth mentioning that Longgor was the one who caused the jealousy of Bullfrog and Little Gangster in the duel that Darrow watched before.

It is said that when he swings his fist, he will make a "Wuhu" explosion sound, which can disturb others' minds and make opponents upset. He is a very difficult opponent.

"Why does it sound so strange?" Darrow complained in his heart, as if anyone and anything that appeared with Longgor had an outrageous taste.

Just as Darrow was inquiring about the information of the qualifying competition with relish, there was a commotion at the door of the tavern. It turned out that the people from Wuding Sword Hall came to make trouble again.

But this time they learned their lesson and did not dare to enter the tavern to make trouble, and even did not dare to walk into the white line drawn by Darrow.

The few people who made trouble looked into the tavern at first, and when they saw that Darrow did not have any extreme reaction, they were relieved and started today's "business".

Daro really didn't pay any attention to them. As long as they didn't make trouble in the tavern like before and affect the tavern's business, it would be fine. He was too busy to handle all the customers in the room. They were all rushing to give money.

The price of a cocktail in the tavern was about 120 berries, but the cost was only about 20 berries. The profit of other drinks was about the same. If the business was good, the net profit of a day could be about 18,000 berries.

This income was already very good, enough for Lu Jiu to live a wealthy life. Moreover, there was a naval base on Leizibart, so it would not be so easy to be attacked by pirates.

As for Daro, he would not stay here forever. The main reason for coming to Leizibart was to settle Lu Jiu.

Of course, the competition was also very important, not only to hone his own strength, but also to win the 200 million championship prize.

Daro planned to use the prize money to buy a better ship. When the time came, he would have to try his luck in the Seven Waters. He didn't know if he could get a ship of the same level as the Thousand Sunny like Luffy.

Before the competition, Darrow was already thinking about how to spend the prize money. However, according to the information obtained in the tavern in the past few days, it is indeed difficult for Izumi Ji, Cousins ​​and Tim to pose any threat to Darrow.

"I don't know if that guy will participate." Darrow suddenly thought of Rekt. He didn't know if he participated in this qualifying competition. He didn't find Rekt's name on the list of qualifying matches.

Moreover, he didn't know why he didn't come today even though he came to drink every day.

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