"Here it comes."

Seeing Owen rushing towards him aggressively, Darrow did not choose to retreat, but rushed forward, crouched slightly, accumulated strength, and then kicked hard.

[Kui Niu]

Owen saw that Darrow chose to fight him with physical skills, and was not surprised but happy. He approached Darrow closely, then accumulated strength with his fingertips, and stabbed out with his right hand attached with armed color.

[Finger Gun]

The attacks of the two collided like Mars hitting the Earth.

At the moment of contact, a huge impact force gushed out, forming an upward air wave, which completely lifted the already broken roof.

Immediately afterwards, one hand and one leg pressed tightly together, like a bull wrestling, neither of them gave in.

Darrow's veins bulged, and he poured all his strength into his legs.

Unfortunately. In terms of close combat ability, Darrow was still slightly inferior.

Feeling that he was not strong enough, Darrow quickly activated his ability to compress the air behind him, using the reaction force to hold it firmly.

Finally, the two of them ran out of strength at the same time.

Darrow took advantage of the situation and kicked forward, and both of them retreated a few steps. In this round of collision, the two of them fought evenly.

Finding that he was not at an advantage in this round of confrontation, Oen was a little surprised. His hair finger gun was attached with his maximum armed color domineering, but he didn't expect that it was still blocked by Darrow.

"When did a man like you appear in the South China Sea?" Oen was a little surprised that such a strong man appeared quietly in the weak Four Seas.

He was actually on par with me. Although my strength was not at the top among CP0, it was also at the middle level.

There were many people stronger than me in this sea, but most of them gathered in the new world full of monsters.

Darrow did not respond. He silently picked up the revolver in his hand and loaded the special bullets one by one, preparing to launch the next round of attack.

"Don't you want to say it? It's okay. Anyway, you are already dead." Seeing that Darrow ignored him, Owen was not angry and said confidently.

Owen had been carrying out missions for many years and had never made any mistakes. It can be seen that he was very confident in his strength.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The first person to launch the attack was Darrow. After firing three shots in a row, Darrow immediately used [Instant Body] to distance himself.

As a gunman, controlling the distance is the battle rule of every gunman.

And Owen also quickly used [Shave] to dodge and rushed up at the same time.

Owen knew that he had to stick to Darrow and pull him into the close combat where he was better at.

Darrow couldn't get away from him, so he didn't dare to use those powerful special grenades for fear of accidentally hurting himself.

"Why don't you use those weird grenades?" Owen said with a grin as he looked at Darrow who was dealing with the situation in a panic.


In desperation, Darrow could only change his mindset and constantly use [Blink] to change his position, while looking for opportunities to shoot. As long as Owen showed a flaw, he would quickly follow up with a close attack.

But Owen was not a pushover. He used [Shave] to constantly dodge Darrow's harassing bullets, and sometimes even took some bullets directly, exchanging injuries with Darrow.

"Swish, swish, swish."

In the shipyard, the two of them went back and forth, and the two figures kept flashing, reappearing, and colliding in this small space.

In just a few dozen seconds, the two fought for more than a dozen rounds.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo." Darrow panted and looked at Owen who was gradually approaching, his expression was a little solemn.

At this time, he also had two more wounds on his body, and blood kept flowing out of the wounds, soaking the black coat outside red.

In the previous confrontation, Darrow did not have an advantage, and was even at a disadvantage.

Although Owen was attacked more times than him, the defense of the two was not at the same level at all.

Darrow shot Owen four times and kicked him at close range, but he was overwhelmed by just two of his finger guns.

"This won't work."

Darrow also knew that it would not work to keep exchanging injuries with Owen.

Fortunately, Owen was not doing well either. In this round of confrontation, he had four more bullet holes on his already embarrassed body, and he was kicked hard by Darrow on his waist and abdomen. At this time, his figure was also a little staggering.

But Darrow was a little worse off.

"Boy, my finger gun is hurting, isn't it?"

Owen said proudly while looking at the bleeding wound on Darrow's body, and immediately activated [Shave] and followed.

[Instant Body]

Daro quickly retreated, while raising his gun and shooting, not daring to fight with Owen in close combat.

But what's the use of just shooting? Even with the help of Dead Eye, Owen also has the Observation Haki. He can dodge Daro's bullets with [Shave]. With his amazing defense, it can only be described as having little effect.

What's more terrible is that after these rounds of fierce confrontation, Daro's physical strength has reached the bottom. I'm afraid that Owen will be worn out by his bullets first, and he will be exhausted to death here.

"Damn it, think of a way." Daro felt that his physical strength was being consumed rapidly. He knew that he couldn't hold on for much longer, so he was a little anxious.

On the other side.

Owen was also a little annoyed by this cat-and-mouse game. Although his defense was strong, it was still very uncomfortable to be hit by these special bullets.


Another special incendiary bomb hit Owen, adding another wound to his already scarred body. What's more terrible is that the bullet will splash flames after it explodes, followed by severe burning.

"Damn kid, I'm not in the mood to play with you, go to hell."

Feeling the severe pain in the wound, Owen was completely angry and decided to turn over his last trump card, overturn the card table, and get rid of Darrow.

[Life Return]

In Darrow's eyes, Owen just stood there quietly, and the air around his body continued to spray out, forming a large vortex, rolling up the sand on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Owen's body also underwent drastic changes, and his explosive muscles continued to converge and become more solid.

The hair that was originally burned to pieces also grew back, and the key thing was that Owen's wounds were also healing.

After a while, Owen's transformation was complete, all the wounds on his body were restored to their original state, and his whole body was thinner.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that compared to before, Owen was obviously faster and stronger at this moment.

Darrow swallowed hard, and looked at Owen who had just performed [Life Return], and cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

"Hey, are you kidding me, right..."

Life Return!

That is the secret that can only be mastered by those who have completely mastered the Navy Six Styles.

And its effect is also very simple, that is, it can allow people to completely master their own bodies and become a true Six Style Superman.

Darrow's face was stern, and he clenched the revolver in his hand and remained silent.

After completing [Life Return], Owen walked towards him step by step, and his amazing momentum soared into the sky.

Darrow had to admit that as the strongest opponent he had ever encountered, Owen had pushed him into a desperate situation.

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