The first time, the second time.

Standing in the player channel again, Darrow's mood was completely different from before. For the first time, he wanted to feel the customs and customs of Lezibat and experience the taste of a duel.

But now, Darrow just wanted to defeat his opponent quickly and go back to sleep.

At this time, Sonny was standing in front of several odds with banknotes outside the duel. At this time, Darrow's odds were 1.24, while his opponent Wolft, nicknamed Black Wolf, had odds of 1.47.

The very low odds showed that after Darrow's first game, the audience was more optimistic about him, and more people believed that Darrow could win the game.

In fact, at this time close to the competition, the odds are unlikely to fluctuate greatly, because before the opening, the people who make the odds will have a preliminary estimate of the strength of the players based on the intelligence collected from all parties.

Except for one situation.

"Are you sure? That guy named Darrow seems to be injured?"

"Not like, he should be injured. Great, I'm going to get rich."

"No way, I bet a lot of money on him."

"Really, look at the bandages wrapped around him, this guy seems to be seriously injured."

"Is this guy acting?"

"How is it possible? He even limps when he walks. It looks like it should be real."

When Darrow appeared at the end of the player channel and slowly walked towards the No. 2 competition field, a huge noise sounded in the Bull Horn Duel Field, and everyone saw the bandages tied on Darrow's body.

Along with the voices of doubt and scolding from the audience, Darrow's odds outside the duel field also changed dramatically.

"Great, I've finally gotten what I wanted." Sunny looked at the odds and saw that Darrow's odds had gone from 1.24 to 1.47. Many people even immediately took out all their belongings and placed their bets on Darrow's opponent.

"The boss is really smart." Sunny said with a sigh.

After placing the bet, Sunny hurried back to the duel arena, where he booked a box. He wanted to witness the boss's victory and share the joy of the harvest with him.

Of course, Darrow had no idea what was happening outside the arena. When he walked onto the field, his opponent Wolft was already waiting for him with his hands clenched.

Darrow opened his dead eye and looked at his opponent nicknamed Black Wolf. Seeing several weaknesses on Wolft, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, this guy is not too strong, saving a lot of effort."

Wolft on the other side didn't know what Darrow thought of him. At this time, he was waving the two daggers in his hands and roaring horribly, saying that he wanted to tear Darrow to pieces.

At this time, the referee counted down for five seconds.

"Five, four... one!!"

At the last second, the opening bell rang and the game began!


Darrow's figure flashed away.

The next second, Wolft, who had just rushed five meters in front of Darrow, hadn't reacted yet, and his body was heavily thrown away by a huge force.


With a bang, Wolft's body fell ten meters away, making a painful groan.

Darrow, who succeeded in the attack, was not idle either. He kicked his right leg and turned into a shadow again and rushed towards Wolft.

At this time, Wolft had just recovered and was about to get up when he found that Darrow was attacking him with a flying kick. He could only hold his head with both hands and roll sideways to avoid the attack.


Darrow's kick landed, leaving a deep hole in the ground and stirring up a cloud of dust.


Wolft thought he had avoided the attack and was very lucky. He was ready to get up and continue fighting. When he raised his head, he met Darrow's eyes.

A few meters away, Darrow crouched slightly, with his left foot forward and his right foot accumulating strength behind him. Like a lion ready to go, he looked coldly at Wolft who was lying on the ground.

Like looking at prey.

Somehow, Wolft, who was being stared at, suddenly remembered the scene of a lion staring at its prey. The coldness and indifference made Wolft shudder.

He understood the look in Darrow's eyes.

If he dared to continue, the next kick would not fall on the ground, but on himself.

Wolft lost his previous arrogance in an instant, and he was scared.

"Referee, I have lost my ability to fight, I give up." Wolft squeezed out these words from his throat with difficulty, and stammered to the referee.

On the court

The referee was stunned for a moment, and then ran to Wolft to confirm repeatedly before announcing.

"The winner of this battle is Darrow!"

Before he finished speaking, the audience around the duel field were unhappy, like a bucket of water spilled on a frying pan, and it exploded completely.

"Go to hell, Black Wolf, are you acting!"

"Get lost, you admit defeat before the fight, you softie."

"The injuries on that kid are fake, he is just a bastard, he came to cheat me of my money."

There was a lot of scolding in the audience, but Darrow ignored it, and left directly from the player channel and walked into Sonny's box.

"Boss, you are this." Sonny saw Darrow push open the door and come in, his mouth was crooked with a smile, and he gave Darrow a thumbs up and said.

"It's nothing, it's normal to win." Darrow thought Sonny was talking about his performance in the game, and said calmly.

In Sonny's eyes, Darrow's calmness was a sign of his sophistication, and his admiration for Darrow deepened. He then continued to talk to Darrow non-stop.

"You are really smart. You pretended to be injured, raised the odds, and then directly invested all the money to reap a big wave. It's really brilliant."

"Boss, do you know that when you came out with a bandage, the odds outside suddenly rose from 1.24 to almost 1.5."

"I almost laughed out loud when I saw that group of people frantically changing the bets on Wolft before the game."

"Although your odds this time are not as high as the first time you played, we bet all 30 million, and we made more money with a large base."

"Guess how much we made this time?"

"Fifteen million, which means we now have nearly 45 million, from 10 million to 45 million in three games. Boss, you are really a genius."

Sansani's words were like a machine gun, which made Darrow dumbfounded. What about pretending to be injured, raising the odds, gamble everything, and filling his pockets.

When did he make this arrangement?

Thousands of questions gathered in Darrow's heart, and finally turned into one sentence: "Yes, I am a genius."


For some reason, Sanniruo suddenly felt that his boss's face seemed to be thicker.

"Oh, by the way, don't forget what I told you." Darrow was not carried away and explained the matter of the list again.


Although he was very curious about why his boss bought these things, as a professional agent, Sanniruo knew what to ask and what not to ask.

After explaining to Sanniruo, Darrow didn't hesitate. He waved the back of his windbreaker and turned back to walk towards the tavern, just like a big boss in a movie.

Suddenly, Darrow seemed to think of something. Darrow turned around and said to Sanniruo behind him:

"Oh, by the way, buy me a wheelchair. I will go to the next game in a wheelchair and see what the odds are."


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