The two of them were very excited.

"Look, Brother Darrow is here." Roger pointed at the player channel and said.

As expected, the next second, Darrow appeared in the player channel of venue No. 3, and his opponent, Benjie, nicknamed the Ripper, also walked out of the player channel on the other side.

"Brother Darrow, come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A huge cheer came from Jabba's position, the sound was so loud that it resounded throughout the duel field, and even echoed in the field, attracting the attention of many spectators.


Hearing this cheer, Darrow covered his face in shame.

If Roger's character is generous and Rayleigh's character is mature, then Jabba's character is... burning.

Yes, it was burning, the whole person was like a chicken blood, passionate and unrestrained.

Fortunately, with the appearance of Darrow's opponent Benjie, the audience on the sidelines also gave the same huge cheers.

"Damn, this kid is looking for trouble, right? You are the only one with the loudest voice?"

"Benjie, come on."

"Benjie, tear that liar's house to pieces."

"Knock that kid down!"

Most of the audience present had some opinions about Darrow. It was not that Darrow was unpopular, but that Darrow's performance in the last game had fooled many people. The audience really thought that Darrow pretended to be injured in the last game to raise the odds.


"Hey, hey, hey, this won't work." Jabba, who was burning, shook his head and said, "No, hey, hey, this won't work." He said "no" means that his cheers were covered by the audience, no.


Jabba stood up directly from the audience, took a deep breath, and his upper body swelled up like a balloon, and then put his hands to his mouth in a trumpet shape.

"Brother Darrow, come on!!!!!!!!!"

The huge cheering sound was like thunder on the duel field, completely suppressing the voices of the audience, but also shocked Darrow.

"What's the point of competing for this kind of thing!!" Darrow was speechless. What's wrong with Jabba's competitive spirit? Does he have to compete with the size of the cheering sound?

The audience was also startled by the huge cheering sound, but soon, they seemed to be unconvinced. All the audience began to cheer for Darrow's opponent, and everyone's voice exploded in the duel field.

"Benjie, come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

When Jabba heard this, he also shouted. His voice alone was evenly matched with all the audience. No matter what he was competing for, he, Jabba, was not afraid.


Just like this, Jabba said one sentence, and the audience said one sentence, one sentence louder than the other, no one was convinced, one after another, I don't know if they were singing folk songs.

Darrow was also convinced. His game hadn't even started yet, but Jabba had already opened up a second battlefield.

Finally, after a five-second countdown, the game began!

Benjie the Ripper's weapon was very peculiar. It was a square meat-chopping knife with a hook at the front. The serrated blade was the origin of his nickname. Although the blade didn't look sharp, it would definitely cut skin and flesh easily if it was scratched.

Benjie danced the meat-chopping knife with great vigor, and suddenly quickened his pace to approach Darrow, but Darrow was not afraid at all, staring at Benjie who was walking quickly.

From the perspective of the dead eye, Darrow saw that Benjie would appear on the left side in front of him in three seconds. He slowly focused his attention and caught a fatal flaw in the lower ribs of his right hand after Benjie swung the knife.

"It's over." Roger, looking at the field, slowly spoke.

Sure enough, before he finished speaking, Benji rushed to the left side of Darrow and swung his knife with his right hand. Everything hit the target steadily. Darrow, who was well prepared, jumped back at the same time when Benji swung his knife.


After jumping only one meter high, Darrow used the double jump of the bluebird to kick hard in the air, and his body changed direction in the air and rushed back to Benji. With this force, he kneed Benji in the right ribs and knocked him out.

This was not over yet. While Benji was still in the air, Darrow flashed to the front in an instant, then raised his right leg and kicked Benji who was on the ground with a low kick.

Poor Benji was kicked out like a ball, leaving a long trail on the ground.

All this happened very quickly, and even the sound of the audience cheering for Benji had not completely dissipated. The faint echo was still floating inside the duel field, making everything look so funny.

The audience finally reacted and fell silent. The entire arena fell into a state of confusion.

Dead silence, obviously the audience has not recovered from the lightning-fast confrontation just now.

At this time, Jabba, who was sitting next to Rayleigh, was still shouting tirelessly.

"Brother Darrow, come on!!! ... Jabba next to him thought Roger was praising him, patted his chest proudly, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, that's natural, Jabba I will win."

Rayleigh next to him touched his beard thoughtfully, chuckled and patted Jabba's shoulder, but looked at Darrow on the field and said in a very low voice: "It's really terrible, the young people nowadays."

"Haha, no..."

After being "praised" by the captain and the vice captain, Jabba was unexpectedly a little shy, touched his head, and just wanted to say a few humble words, he found that Roger and the pirates had left their seats and were ready to leave.

"Hey, don't you want to watch it anymore?" Jabba asked in surprise.

"Don't watch it anymore, go back to the tavern and drink." Roger's voice came from behind Jabba.

"Drink? That's fine."

As Jabba said, he also followed him excitedly.

Everyone in Roger's pirate group left the stage, but Darrow did not. After leaving the player channel, he went straight to the box that Sunnyero had been booking.

After pushing the door open, Darrow found that Sunnyero and several of his companions were inside.

"Boss!" After seeing Darrow, Sunnyero immediately jumped up from his chair and said respectfully.

"Well, how was your income today?" Darrow did not avoid everyone and asked Sunnyero directly.

"I didn't make much. After two games today, I only made more than 9 million."


Darrow did not say anything. He had expected this situation. After the first two qualifying games, his and Izumi Reiken's strengths had been fully revealed.

The odds of the two of them have come below 1.1, and the returns are extremely low. If the principal is not large enough, there will not even be this much return.

But this is enough. He still has one qualifying game and four regular season games. With Izumi Reiken's side, it should be about the same.

Moreover, in the regular season, facing those veteran powerhouses, I believe their odds will increase significantly.

In any case, Darrow currently has a huge sum of 50 million in his hands.

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