The two of them were in a mess.

"What! You want me to give up the game?"

Daro's incredulous voice came from the tea room.

"This is impossible." Daro said again firmly.

This Hequan Ji actually asked him to give up the game tomorrow, what a joke?

"Boss Da Luo, do you know Hequan Liqian?" Hearing Da Luo's answer, Hequan Ji slowly said.

"I don't know, but so what, if you want me to give up the game, at least give me a reason." Da Luo said.

"Tomorrow's game, Boss Da Luo can't win, it's better to give up the game." Suzuki on the side said to Da Luo.


Daro was speechless. It's your business if you don't have confidence in me, but why do you want me to withdraw directly?

Without responding to Suzuki's words, Daro said to Izumi Ji: "Master Izumi, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave."

"If you give up the game tomorrow, I can give you the 200 million championship prize money now, and you don't have to compete tomorrow, how about it?" Izumi Ji, who was kneeling in front of the tea table, said slowly.

Suzuki next to him pulled out a box.

"200 million Baileys." Suzuki opened the box and revealed a full 200 million cash inside.

Daro had never seen so much money in his two lives, but he still said coldly: "No, I can still get the 200 million prize money when I become the champion."

After speaking, Daro stood up and planned to go back. He still had a game tomorrow and had no time to waste time here.

"Have you heard the rumors about the evil ghost Shura on the island?" Izumi Ji's voice slowly sounded behind Daro.

"Evil ghost? Shura?"

Daro didn't know what was going on with Izumi Ji's plan, why did he suddenly bring up such supernatural rumors.

But Daro had only been in Lezibart for two months, so naturally he didn't know about any ghost rumors on the island.

"I don't know, what happened."

After hearing Daro's answer, Suzuki on the side took over the conversation and said in a leisurely tone: "This is a rumor on the island eleven years ago."

"At that time, Lezibart was not as prosperous as it is now, and people's lives were not rich, especially the navy had been fighting pirates, causing many children to lose their parents and become orphans. Shura is said to be such an orphan who lost his parents because of the invasion of pirates."

"In order to survive, those orphans and refugees would beg at the dock during the day, hoping that outsiders could give them a bite of food, and at night, they would gather at the garbage dump next to the dock, looking for food or finding a cardboard box to rest there."

"And these people know that after eleven o'clock in the garbage dump, no matter what, don't go out to move around, because late at night is its activity time."

"Although Although they have never seen the so-called Shura, sometimes when they wake up in the garbage dump, they will find many corpses around the garbage dump. "

"At that time, a pirate with 50 million Baileys came to the island, but was found dead in the garbage dump. People rumored that it was Shura's fault. The pirate's companions decided to avenge their captain. For a time, rumors were rampant on the island."

"At that time, the old gym owner was investigating this matter, so the old gym owner took me and Izumi to the garbage dump late at night, but I saw a scene that I will never forget."

"A child rushed into the crowd with an iron rod and beat the entire pirate group into a bloody mess. That guy just killed the entire pirate group violently by himself."

"But what does this have to do with my game tomorrow?" Darrow asked puzzled.

After listening to Darrow's question, Izumi Ji opened his mouth to answer: "What if I say that your opponent tomorrow, Izumi Liqian, is that Shura?"

"Impossible." Darrow said in surprise.

He didn't think about it at all, because in his impression, the squinty-eyed guy Izumi Reiken looked quite kind, how could he be so murderous.

"But this is the fact, Boss Darrow, do you still think you have a chance of winning tomorrow?"

"You know, Izumi Reiken defeated the entire pirate group by himself when he was seven years old." Suzuki said on the side.

"No, if Izumi Reiken is so powerful, then why do you dare to go to Kanesada Sword Hall to cause trouble again and again?" Darrow was not intimidated by Suzuki's words, and immediately found the loophole.


Instead of answering Darrow's question directly, he continued to tell the story.

"Later, the old owner brought the dying child back to the sword hall from the garbage dump, intending to adopt him. He also gave him a name - Izumi Reiken, and took him in as an apprentice in the sword hall, hoping to teach him kendo to get rid of his hostility."


"Izumi Reiken's talent is so terrible that the kendo taught by the old owner seems to be no difficulty for him. He can basically learn all the moves at a glance."

"Not long after, Izumi Reiken's kendo strength was second only to the old owner, but he still couldn't suppress his bloodthirsty personality, and often injured those who practiced with him."

"But fortunately, under the old owner's subtle discipline, Izumi Reiken finally suppressed his violent and bloodthirsty personality and became gentle."

"Personality?" Darrow grasped the key point and emphasized it again in a very heavy tone.

"That's right, personality. Izumi Reiken completely abandoned his violent personality and gave birth to a more gentle personality, which is the current Izumi Reiken's personality." Izumi Ji took over the conversation and said.

"Another Cavendish?" Darrow thought silently.

This situation reminded him of Cavendish, who was known as "Rommel's Kamaitachi" in the future. He also had two personalities, two completely different personalities.

"Isn't this good?" Darrow asked Izumi Ji puzzledly.

"Good? No, that Shura personality was just suppressed, not disappeared. As long as it is stimulated by the outside world, it will reappear." Izumi Ji said solemnly.

Hearing this, Darrow understood no matter how stupid he was. After talking for so long, he was still persuading himself to give up the game tomorrow.

"Even if I beat Izumi Reiken's normal personality in tomorrow's match, will it stimulate the Shura personality? In other words, I can't beat Izumi Reiken no matter what?"

"Why? Do you want to fight Izumi Reiken in the finals to prove that you are better than him and that this sword hall should be inherited by you?" Darrow asked.


The scene fell into silence for a while, and none of the three spoke.

After a long time, Izumi Ji slowly said: "So that's it, Boss Darrow thinks that Izumi Reiken and I are enemies, and I tried every means to make Boss Darrow withdraw in order to defeat him in the finals and prove to the public that I am stronger than Izumi Reiken?"

"Isn't it?" Darrow asked back.

"Of course not, although I do want to prove that I am qualified to protect the Kanesada Sword Hall, this is also to allow Reiken to break free from the constraints of the sword hall." Izumi Ji replied.

"Break free?" Darrow was confused again.

Could it be that Hequan Ji was dissatisfied with Hequan Liqian inheriting the sword hall and wanted to take it back? How did it become a matter of getting Hequan Liqian free from his constraints?

Seeing Da Luo's puzzled face, Hequan Ji continued to explain.

After Hequan Liqian was adopted by the old owner, his personality gradually became gentler as time went by, and Hequan Ji did not deliberately alienate Hequan Liqian, the new family member, but the two had a very good relationship.

One day in memory.

"Liqian, what is your dream?" After finishing a day of kendo practice, Hequan Ji asked Hequan Liqian.

"Dream? I don't know. When I was young, I felt that being able to eat enough was my dream, but now, I don't know what to do." Hequan Liqian, who has been under the pressure of survival since childhood, does not have his dream.

"How can that be possible? Everyone should have a dream." Hequan Ji handed the water bottle to Hequan Liqian and touched his head and said.

"So, what is your dream, senior brother?" Izumi Reiken held the water bottle and asked Izumi Ji curiously.

"As for me, I want to become a famous swordsman and let the name of Kanesada-ryu swordsmanship resound throughout the world." Izumi Ji patted his chest and said his dream since childhood.

On the other side, Izumi Gakkan, who was sitting on the edge of the courtyard, heard his son's dream and laughed and said, "Really, that's a really great dream."

"Then, I am the same, I also want to become a famous swordsman and let Kanesada-ryu swordsmanship be famous all over the world." Izumi Reiken also said.

At that moment, Izumi Reiken also found his dream, just like a ship found a beacon to guide the direction.

Unfortunately, people's physiques are completely different. I don't know whether Izumi Reiken's talent is too terrible or Izumi Ji is too mediocre.

In a few years, Izumi Reiken's kendo strength reached an astonishing level. Coupled with Izumi Reiken's battle-hardened physical fitness, his combat power is terrible.


“Li Qian, you must

Work harder, our dream depends on you. "Time gradually smoothed the dream of Izumi Ji, a young man in his twenties, but he did not give up, instead he placed his hope on Izumi Riken.

Because he knew how amazing the energy contained in that young man was.


There is always a but in the story.

It should be the second year after Izumi Riken was adopted. At that time, the old owner Izumi Ping was already old, and Izumi Ji was always a little short of kendo strength because of his mediocre talent.

The few battle records and unsatisfactory results made the reputation of Kanesada-ryu gradually decline.

Even many surrounding islands All the kendo schools sent people to challenge the school, hoping to make a name for themselves by using the Kanesada Sword School.

After being successfully challenged several times, the reputation of the Kanesada Sword School became worse and worse, and many apprentices left. Later, it could not even recruit new apprentices.

What's more, some inferior sword schools on the island wanted to form a group to challenge the school, and wanted to completely trample the Kanesada Sword School under their feet.

In desperation, the old school master could only set up the ring and invite all the sword schools to come, hoping to fight to the death to save the last face of the Kanesada School.

"But the old school master is still old, and he can't bear it after participating in two duels." Suzuki on the side said.

"Fortunately, when the old school master was about to give up, Xiaoqian stood up."

The boy took over the Izumi-no-Kami Kanesada from the old school master, and stood on the ring, like a sword saint descended to the world, challenged seven games in a row, and won all seven games.

"Isn't that great? "Daro asked in confusion.

"But even Xiao Qian couldn't hold on after defeating seven powerful swordsmen in a row, and was repeatedly defeated by the opponent in the following battles. ”

“Until, his other personality awakened…”

From Suzuki’s grim tone, Darrow knew what had happened. Sure enough, Suzuki’s next words also confirmed Darrow’s guess.

At only nine years old, Izumi Reiken took the long sword that was almost taller than him and chopped down everyone. Compared with his gentle normal personality, Shura’s personality was much colder, and the people he fought were either disabled or injured.

Blood was spilled all over the venue. Many people were directly broken by Izumi Reiken’s hands and feet, and they could hardly hold a sword for the rest of their lives. The situation was out of control for a time, and eventually led to a funny scene of a large group of swordsmen besieging a child.

Hearing this, Darrow already knew what the result would be. He didn’t believe that a guy who could defeat an entire pirate group at the age of seven would be helpless in the face of a few swordsmen besieging him.

Shura Field, Suzuki used this word to describe the situation at the time.

Later, in order to save this In the situation that was out of control, the old master could only hold on to his body and use the nine-character secret sword technique passed down by his family to suppress the already violent Izumi Liqian.

Although he successfully knocked Izumi Liqian unconscious, the old master's already weak body was completely exhausted after this battle, and he passed away after being ill for a few days.

After Izumi Liqian woke up, he recalled that he had killed the old master and fell into deep self-blame.

In order to prevent Izumi Liqian from being depressed, the old master entrusted the sword hall to Izumi Liqian before leaving, hoping to let him guard the sword hall to dispel Izumi Liqian's guilt.

But obviously, it didn't work very well. After the old master left, Izumi Liqian became negative and kept suppressing his inner personality.

"After my father died, I felt that I was incompetent, so I practiced the family sword technique diligently. Although I am dull, I have achieved some success through hard practice. "Izumi Ji said.

"Later, in order to fulfill my father's wish to promote Kanesada-ryu swordsmanship, I independently founded this Wuding Sword Hall."

"So, why do you want me to admit defeat?" Da Luo asked puzzledly, since you and Izumi Ji are so confident in Izumi Liqian, are you still afraid that he can't beat me?

"Although we are indeed very confident in Xiaoqian's strength, Mr. Da Luo's strength is indeed amazing."

"We are worried that if we meet again in the semi-finals, Xiaoqian will be forced to release his Shura personality." Suzuki said.


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