The victory was a great success.

When the referee announced that the winner was Izumi Reiken, the entire duel field fell into a huge carnival.

Izumi Reiken used one game to convince everyone in Lezibat, and no one would ever mention the humiliating title of "soft-horned sheep" again.

"It's really great!" Suzuki on the side had already cried with joy.

And the happiest person was not her, but Sanniruo, who was shouting hoarsely on the right side of Darrow. He suppressed all his assets and won a full 10 million in this game.

Before the game, not many people were optimistic that Izumi Reiken could beat Izumi Ji, who had won six consecutive championships, and therefore Izumi Reiken was very high in this game.

"Why, your director lost, you are so happy?" Ignoring the screaming Sonny, Darrow joked to Suzuki.

Miss Suzuki did not answer, rolled her eyes at Darrow, jumped from her seat to the aisle, and ran from the aisle to the finals.

"Sister Suzuki! The director..." Domu, who was standing beside Izumi Ji, thought Suzuki was coming down to help Izumi Ji, and hurriedly called her.

But Suzuki ignored him, and jumped in front of Izumi Liqian, her beautiful eyes curved into crescents: "Congratulations on winning the championship, Xiaoqian!"

"Thank you, Sister Suzuki." Izumi Liqian was a little embarrassed at this time, but still responded with a smile.

"Xiaoqian, you..." Suzuki pointed at Izumi Mamoru Kanesada in Izumi Liqian's hand, but he hesitated to speak.

"Well, no problem."

Izumi Reiken naturally knew what Suzuki wanted to say, and he also knew what kind of psychological shadow his other personality had left on the girl in front of him.


"That's not what I want to ask. I just want to ask, Xiaoqian, do you want to come to the Wuding Sword Hall tonight to attend the banquet." Suzuki waved his hand and said a little shyly.

But from her expression, it can be seen that she was still very happy after hearing that Izumi Reiken had solved the problem of the second personality.

"Cough, cough cough!" Behind Suzuki, a certain Izumi Ji who was chopped and couldn't walk but didn't want to reveal his name coughed twice at an inappropriate time.

"Director!" Suzuki turned his head and looked at Izumi Ji with a little pleading.

Izumi Ji didn't answer immediately. After standing still, he looked at Izumi Reiken again, and said to Suzuki: "Let's go back to the Kanesada Sword Hall tonight for a banquet. I haven't been back for a long time."

After that, Izumi Ji walked towards the contestant channel with the help of Daomu and others, ready to leave.

He stopped after walking only two steps, turned around and told Izumi Riki and Suzuki: "Clean up the sword hall, don't let Daomu and the others laugh at you."

"Qi, hahaha." Suzuki covered his mouth, but still couldn't contain his laughter.

"What a weird couple!!"


At night.

The whole of Lezibart was completely in a carnival.

Lanterns, fireworks, fine wine, delicious food, everything that can have the attributes of a banquet and symbolize happiness was put on the table.

In the tavern.

The wine in stock had already been sold out - it was all bought by the dog tycoon Izumi Ji.

Daro was happy to be idle, after all, he didn't have to mix cocktails and still made money, but Rekt couldn't bear to let the drinkers have no wine to drink, so he used his fruit ability to produce a lot of wine.

Daro was not stingy either, and exempted all the drinkers in the tavern from the drink fee. As long as there was room, they could drink freely.

Free of charge!!

Therefore, the tavern was soon filled with people, and even a foot could not be inserted.

Some people who were drunk were talking nonsense, but everyone's face was filled with a hot smile.

"It's great, this atmosphere." Lu Jiu, who was standing in front of the bar and washing the cups, murmured as he looked at the people in the tavern.

"Yeah!" Da Luo sighed, took the cup handed over by Lu Jiu, wiped off the water stains on it with a towel, and put it back on the shelf.

If it weren't for this destined turbulent era, who would be willing to tie their heads to their waists and venture out to the sea, but if you really indulge in comfort, the tide of the times will also abandon you.

For Da Luo, this is even more true.

Lu Jiu also understood that Da Luo's going to sea was a foregone conclusion. She was reluctant but did not stop him. After all, nothing can stop a man from going to sea to pursue his dreams.



Fortunately, the noise from the opposite door of the Kanesada Sword Hall broke the silence of the two.

The Kanesada Sword Hall, which usually had its doors closed, became lively, with two lanterns hanging on both sides of the door. Through the door, the quaint courtyard was crowded with apprentices from the Wuding Sword Hall.

In the courtyard, the drunken Dao Mu also began to talk nonsense: "I'm telling you, uncle, I really looked down on you before, thinking that you were a scum who brought shame to the Kanesada Sword Dao. I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, but today I'm convinced."

"I'm sorry for the previous things... Please forgive me." After saying that, the whole person fell down.

There were even a few apprentices who often came to the tavern to make trouble on weekdays, and they had to dance in public to apologize to Izumi Liqian.

"Shame on you!"

Izumi Ji, who was standing aside, couldn't hold his face, and ordered a few apprentices who were still sober, "You guys, send them back. "

Hequan Ji still has a lot of prestige. With a scolding, the apprentices scattered like birds and beasts. After a while, only Hequan Ji, Hequan Liqian and Suzuki were left in the yard.

"Xiaoqian, what are your plans for the future?" Hequan Ji got up from his seat, took the wine that Daomu had not finished drinking, and poured a glass for himself.

"Why do you suddenly talk about this?" Suzuki glanced at Hequan Ji with a frown. She was worried that the two would continue to quarrel.

Hequan Liqian on the side didn't care. He filled the teacup in front of him, held it in both hands and blew hot air while saying:

"I didn't think about it. I originally planned to follow the master's will and protect the Kanesada Sword Hall well, but now... it seems that my senior brother can do it well. "

"This thing is still powerful!" Hequan Ji took a sip of the wine that he hadn't drunk for more than ten years, sighed, and then followed the topic: "Xiaoqian, do you still remember the dream we agreed on? ”

“Of course I remember. He became a great swordsman praised by the world and made Kanesada-ryu swordsmanship famous in the world.” Izumi Reiqian nodded and said with a nostalgic tone.

“As expected, you still remember!” Izumi Ji slammed the wine glass on the table, but his tone suddenly became dull:

“My father said when he was dying that entrusting the sword hall to you was to alleviate your guilt, but if you, Xiaoqian, were bound to the sword hall for your whole life and buried your talent, it would be a pity.”

“So, if you want to go to sea, go ahead.”

“So that’s why Senior Brother…” Izumi Reiqian nodded with sudden enlightenment. Although he had never doubted his senior brother, he was indeed puzzled by some of his behaviors in recent years.

“Yes, as a son, what could be more tragic than his father entrusting the sword hall to his junior brother before his death? "Hequan Ji took a sip of the wine he hadn't drunk for more than ten years.

"I thought that my senior brother hated me..." Hequan Liqian whispered.

"Hate, maybe at the beginning, but more of it is the regret for not living up to expectations."

"If I had lived up to expectations at that time and could take on the responsibility of the sword hall, my father might not have died." Hequan Ji, who was over 40 years old, said with a very sighing tone.


Tonight, Lezibart is a person who will not go home until he is drunk, but there are always exceptions.

On the west side of the island.

Several people in white clothes are wandering on the street.

It was Bode and his three men.

They took the counterweights left by Darrow and asked all the blacksmith shops and hardware stores nearby. Even if they arrested the bosses and tortured them in the middle of the night, they did not get any useful information.

"What should I do? There are no clues at all. "Quili was so impatient that her ugly makeup became even more horrible.

"Let's go to the duel arena tomorrow and ask! Maybe there's some news there." Bourdo sighed helplessly

"Wasn't the vice admiral stationed there before? How could he be there?" Quili rolled her eyes and looked at Bourdo impatiently.

This guy was so confident a few days ago, and they had worked so hard to find him on the island these two days.

The result? There was nothing.

"Whatever? Let's go there tomorrow and take a look. If nothing works, we can only go back and report." Bode spoke up and made the final conclusion. Quili and Bourdo didn't say another word.


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