The fire broke out everywhere in the town, and the burning flames suddenly exploded, and scattered sparks burst into the night sky.

The Antlia family and the pirates.

"Boss, they all fled into the town, and there are a lot of fires on the mountain behind. It should be that the residents of the town have run to the mountain." Snyder said while observing with a telescope on the boat.

"Humph, it's just a fight of trapped beasts." Wapo stood on the deck, smoking and looking at the town in front of him, like a butcher looking at meat on the chopping board.

Sam couldn't wait any longer, "Hey, Wapo, where is the fisherman boss you mentioned? I'll go catch him."

Sam was thinking about the treasure on the Black Pearl, which was his main purpose.

"Haha, that boss should have hidden in the back mountain. So we split up. I'll take people to the town to wipe out the fishermen, and you'll take people to the back mountain to catch people." Wapo thought for a while and said.

"Okay." Sam didn't want to act with Wapo either, so he jumped off the boat with a few pirates and went to the back mountain again.

Looking at Sam's leaving figure, Snyder respectfully asked Wapo beside him: "Boss, are we going to let him go to the back mountain like this?"

Wapo puffed out a puff of smoke while smoking a cigar, and the smoke covered his face, so he couldn't see his expression clearly: "Even if he catches people first, what can he do? He will die by then."

Wapo had arranged a backup plan early, so even if Sam caught people first, it would be useless.

"Hurry up, guys, charge." Wapo gave an order.

"Oh, oh, oh."

The Antlia family, pretending to be pirates, mixed with the pirates brought by Sam, and rushed to the town waving knives.

In the town, Darrow and Lao Qiaoxi looked at the enemy in front of them with a serious face.

The fishermen and some brave male citizens around them made a commotion, obviously a little scared.

Lao Qiaoxi said to everyone: "I know everyone is scared, but behind us are our relatives and homes. If we don't want them to be hurt, we must bravely protect them."

"Everyone will act together in groups of three later. Don't act easily. See someone alone and then go together." Darrow ordered the people behind him again.

So everyone was divided into groups of three and acted separately. Some hid in the corners of the street, and some hid in the houses of residents.

"Lao Qiaoxi, let's act separately too." Darrow didn't want his details to be exposed to others, even his own people.

"Damn, where are they hiding?" The pirates rushed into the town, but did not find the fishermen who had just run in.

At first, they acted together cautiously, but when a pirate searched a large number of gold jewelry from the house, everyone was not calm.

Pirates are pirates, greedy by nature. Most of them rushed into the houses of residents and began to plunder and make money crazily.

Daro was relieved when he saw this scene. If the pirates rushed in collectively, he really had no way to deal with them. Now that they are scattered, there is still a good chance to deal with them one by one.

"Fuck, this family is so rich."

"Shorty, what did you find?"

"I got rich, I got rich."


The pirates came out of one room after another, carrying jewelry and Bailey and rushed into another room.

"This one is mine, you go to the other one." There will be oppression among pirates, an old pirate said viciously to another young pirate.

"This house is so luxurious, it must be very rich." The old pirate thought.

The old pirate pushed open the door and just stepped into the house with one foot, and heard a low roar.

"Die for me."

The fisherman who was ambushing behind the door suddenly rushed out and caught the old pirate off guard. When he reacted, a knife had already stabbed into his chest.

"Uh, you..." The old pirate died before he finished speaking.

"Drag him in, let's change places." The fishermen quickly changed places after cleaning up. They knew that they could not cast nets in the same place when fishing.

Greed overwhelmed reason. The pirates did not notice that some people never came out after entering the house, just like fish scrambling to get into the fisherman's net.


A gunshot sounded, and a pirate slowly fell down. A shadow appeared at the corner of the street. It was Daro, who left the scene quickly without stopping.

The ability of the dead eye is very convenient in this kind of street battle. The enemy

Before they saw him, Darrow could find their position, and then fired in advance, catching the other side off guard.

"Counting the one just now, it's already the seventeenth one." In just one night, Darrow, who was a good citizen in his previous life, has stained seventeen lives on his hands.

I don't know if it's because the enemy deserves to die, or because the lives of people in the world of pirates are so cheap, Darrow didn't feel uncomfortable, as if he was just killing a beast.

"Only the strong can control their own destiny." Darrow opened his dead eyes and felt the people in the town fall one by one. Darrow couldn't help but sigh.

Although the current Four Seas are not as turbulent as Roger opened the pirate era, this era is not stable either.

At this time, Rocks, Wang Zhi, Red Earl and others dominated the New World. The strength of the navy was not as good as the later navy. On the one hand, most of the troops were withdrawn to suppress the New World, which led to great chaos in the Four Seas.

Pirates often attack small towns, and even many prosperous islands have become deserted islands because of pirate attacks.

"If you want to protect yourself and your sister in this world, you must have strong strength." In the shadows, Darrow muttered to himself.

Most of the battles in the pirate world are straightforward, so when Darrow used the guerrilla tactics of his previous life in this battle, the huge gap in strength was also smoothed out bit by bit.

When those greedy pirates entered the houses and were about to start looting, there might be a few fishermen behind them who rushed up to solve them.

Small victories accumulate into big victories, and change the whole situation bit by bit.

In the middle of the town.

Snyder and Wapo stood in the square in the middle of the town, watching the pirates looting everywhere.

Suddenly, Snyder looked at the house not far ahead and said to Wapo, "Boss, something is wrong. Our people just entered that house, but why haven't they come out for so long?"

Wapo's face darkened when he heard Snyder's words, and he said to the two minions next to him, "Go in and see what's going on."

Then the two men rushed into the house and saw a man lying in front of the safe in the innermost room, the one who had entered the house before.

His back was pierced by a harpoon, and what was even more ridiculous was that he was still holding the jewels he had taken out of the safe tightly in his hands.

"Boss, he's dead." The two men dragged the body to Wapo and said.

"Damn it, Snyder ordered everyone to gather."

Wapo noticed something was wrong and ordered Snyder.

"Everyone, gather."

Influenced by the majesty of Wapo and Snyder, the people of the Anteria family gave up on looting and gathered in the middle of the town, while the pirates were still searching on their own.

Seeing that there were only so many people left in the family, Wapo finally realized what happened.

"Let the gunners blow up this town." Wapo was very angry, and the veins on his neck were very obvious.

Hearing Wapo's order, the gunners on the ship also worked hard, and endless cannons were fired from the pirate ship.

Except for the place where the Anteria family gathered in the middle of the town, other places were covered by cannons. The indiscriminate bombardment raised huge smoke, and the fires everywhere engulfed the streets.

The once prosperous town of Batlila was now crumbling in the flames of war.

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