The bet was lost, but the truth was revealed.

As expected, Elsa lost the bet and her job.

"I'm so stupid, really."

Elsa, whose faith collapsed, leaned against the wall with empty eyes, muttering numbly like Xianglin Sao.

She had originally hoped that after reporting the matter truthfully, she could use the pressure of public opinion to make the navy pay attention to Solbey, a non-member country.

I can only say that the original intention was good, but it was a bit too naive. I thought that other people in the newspaper would also abide by the bottom line of reporters, so there was a problem in the first step.

Now the bird that dared to write everything in the newspaper is still unknown. The World Economic News Agency has not yet been established, and the various tabloids are mixed. How could they dare to report articles that affect the image of the navy?

On the other side.

Rector and Izumi Reiken were buying supplies on the island, while Darrow was leisurely touring the island, and the eight-year-old Xiong became Darrow's tour guide.

His purpose was simple, he wanted to kidnap Xiong.

"Xiong, are you interested in going out to sea together?" While Sopo was out hunting, Darrow sneakily invited the young Xiong.

Darrow had a good impression of Xiong in the future, and he didn't want such an optimistic and cheerful young man to become a machine that was neither human nor ghost in the future.

And as a companion, Xiong was also quite qualified. His strength was also in the absolute first echelon among the Seven Warlords of the Sea, only below Hawkeye.

Although he is a little weak now, as an intern for a few years, his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.


The somewhat distracted bear was stunned for a moment, scratched the bear fur hat on his head dully, and said hesitantly: "But I'm only eight years old now."

"So what? You are not without the ability to protect yourself. You can catch up quickly after a few battles."

Daro shrugged, but when talking about "self-protection ability", he subconsciously glanced at the bear's palm.

As expected, the pink pad appeared on the palm.

Parahuman Meat Ball Fruit

Although it has only appeared a few times in the anime, this fruit still left a very deep impression on Daro. The reason is that this fruit can directly act on conceptual things such as feelings and memories, which is a very powerful ability.

"Why are you still hiding your shortcomings?" Daro pointed to the bear's palm and said with a smile.

"How do you know?" The bear was very surprised. He had never mentioned this matter to outsiders. Even his parents didn't know, so how did the other party know?

Darrow didn't explain too much. After all, the fact that he had traveled through time was his biggest secret. How could he tell an eight-year-old stranger about it? But he still invited Xiong seriously: "How about it? Do you want to come?"

"I... I'll think about it again." Xiong said hesitantly.

"It seems that he refused." Darrow murmured, and he felt a little sorry. After all, the bear in the original book should have had some great changes later, so he became the silent and feared "tyrant".

There was no words for a while.

Xiong led Darrow around the town. In fact, although Solbe's land is barren, it has many mountains. The rich forest resources and animal resources make Solbe rich in: wood, dried meat, leather and other products.

The real reason for poverty is the plague of thieves, especially because of its geographical location near the entrance of the Weida route, which leads to many pirates invading this not-so-rich village, and it has become poorer and poorer in the long run.

The reason why Sopo became the cheap king was because he led the people to resist the invasion of pirates many times, and was supported to the throne. Usually he was just an ordinary hunter and had to work.

"Everyone is really energetic." Darrow sighed. He saw many residents along the way. Almost all of them were busy, but they all showed a simple smile.

"Father said that the harvest this year is good. We can sell the leather at the end of the year and build a dock on the island in the spring of next year, so that those merchants will be willing to come and do business." Xiong said with hope.

It seemed that he had seen the scene of everyone's life getting better next year.

"I didn't see that Uncle Sopo is quite smart!" Darrow was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the simple-looking man would have such a long-term vision.

"I proposed it." Xiong patted his chest proudly.

During the conversation, the two returned to the palace.

"You're back!" Rekt, who had just returned from shopping, greeted Darrow.

"How is the purchase going?" Darrow asked.

"Very good. We purchased a lot of food and supplies, especially dried meat... The price is very fair. Captain, I still have more than half of the money you gave me." Rector explained everything in detail.

"That's good." Darrow nodded.

Darrow was quite confident in Rector. Unlike that guy Izumi Liqian, who only squinted his eyes and smiled foolishly except for fighting, Darrow was afraid that he would be sold out if he was asked to purchase.

"Since everything is ready, we will leave in the afternoon. Let Liqian prepare." Darrow decided.

Originally, Darrow planned to leave as soon as he finished the supply yesterday, but because he wanted to kidnap the bear and made a bet with Aisha, he hesitated for a day.

"By the way, the bet!"

Darrow then remembered that he and Aisha still had a bet that had not been settled. Thinking of the woman's strange ability to obtain intelligence, his curiosity suddenly came up.

"Xiong, where is your sister Aisha?" Da Luo rubbed his hands, narrowed his eyes, and asked Xiong beside him.

"Well, she should be resting in the guest room. I haven't seen her all day today." Xiong shrank his neck. In his eyes, Da Luo at this moment really looked like a scary person with inverted triangle eyes.

"Hey, let's go and see!"

In the guest room.

Seeing the door open, Aisha, who was curled up in the corner of the bed, hurriedly put on her baseball cap in a panic.

"Oh, why did you write the manuscript so late yesterday? Are you still not awake?" Da Luo joked to Aisha, who looked haggard.

"It's none of your business." Aisha was quite upset by Da Luo's weird tone, and she stared at Da Luo with her neck stiff like a goose.

Daro waved his hand and said with a sly smile: "It seems that someone lost the bet yesterday, so can this lady please cash the bet and satisfy my little curiosity."

"Humph, didn't I say that it would be within two days of the newspaper publication? Why are you in such a hurry?" When Elsa heard Daro mention the bet, she panicked and turned her head to whisper.

"Ha, after reading today's newspaper, you don't think that the navy can still protect the Kingdom of Solbe as you wish."

"It's none of your business, two days later, that's two days later."

Elsa didn't care what Daro said, she buried her head in the quilt and launched the strongest move of women - throwing a tantrum and refusing to admit it.

But what can he do? Daro can't do anything to her. After all, the bet is really two days later. Although Daro can't abide by the so-called gentlemanly manners like Sanji, he can't do it to a woman who is not an enemy...

"Okay, don't pretend to be dead. We will leave in the afternoon. What about reporters? How dare you ask others to be realistic if you don't even keep your word?" Daro was not polite. Before leaving, he said something to Elsa.


Elsa, who believed in reporters, got anxious when she heard this and shouted to keep Daro.

"Um, Xiong, you go out first." Elsa whispered to Xiong again.

In the room, only Daro and Elsa were left.

The ambiguous atmosphere was spreading... bullshit.

Daro put the atmosphere on the ground with an impatient look on his face: "Why make such a fuss just for a bet.

Tell me, is it mind reading or mind net?"

But the next second, a look of astonishment appeared on Daro's face, and he opened his mouth wide with disbelief: "Is it true? Are you... awakened?"


Elsa took off her hat and exposed her forehead and responded timidly, blinking her three smart eyes at the same time.

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