After the big news of the

defeat of the Navy Marin Fandor was spread, another blockbuster news was thrown out.

That's the latest statement released by the Navy! And the statement issued by the Navy later is not weaker than the vigor of the previous news!

After all, just the abdication of the Warring States, Karp was dismissed and left the navy ... The news of the change of the general is enough for everyone to be shocked.

The streets and alleys of the entire New World suddenly became lively, and they were talking about this exciting news!

And the opposite is... The birthplace of this news, the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor, is depressed!

Marin Fandor because he needed to rebuild after the Great War... So the army in many places sent some people to help!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Teams of naval soldiers began to rebuild Marin Fandor everywhere, and everyone worked hard, so the speed of reconstruction was quite fast... It's just that their faces are numb and... A trace of suppressed extreme anger!

The wall to the right of Marin Fandor was the most badly damaged, and almost the entire wall collapsed!

But in fact, this wall is not the battle of Marin Fandor two days ago, but a brief battle that happened last night!

It was a battle that ended quickly, and on both sides of the battle were Marshal Sengoku and Karp... The opponent is a group of people from the Draco Holy Land Mary Joya!

No one is chatting at the moment, they are all burying their heads in hard work!


Suddenly...... A long, very thin naval soldier doing it ... Directly smash the tool in your hand to the ground... The sound instantly attracted the attention of a group of people.

"What for? Khaki! A

navy chief in charge of the restoration came over displeased.

"Report sir! I don't want to do it anymore!

The navy soldier known as Khaki blushed,


"Report sir! I just don't want to do it! Khaki added, his eyes resentful!

"Because I don't want to rebuild Marin Fandor anymore! Because this is no longer my holy place as a navy! "

It's not my holy place as a navy, this sentence Khaki said very loudly!

Many people frowned when they heard this, and there was even the shadow of a lieutenant general!

"What are you talking about? Khaki, are you crazy? Navy

Zo pulled the sleeve of this stubborn soldier and said in a low voice.

"If you want to go crazy, can you go back and go crazy again?" ...... Aren't you messy enough?

But Khaki repeated word by word as if he hadn't heard it.

"I said that Marin Fandor is no longer my admiral mecca... I don't have to rebuild it anymore! "


Boom! Boom! Boom!

More and more people came over, especially one of the guys smoking a cigar... He was holding a strange weapon that resembled a fork.

"It's Lieutenant General Smogg!"

"Lieutenant Smogg is here!"

A group of people exclaimed, and they were forced to retreat, only Khaki was still stunned and stood in place, with a stubborn face!

"You're special!"

This navy man burst out with a foul word, and immediately protected this humble soldier behind him, and explained to the menacing lieutenant general.

"Commander Smogg, this recruit was just joking... He didn't mean it, I'll take him right away now! After

that, he pulled this stubborn soldier hard and dragged him away step by step.

But the latter is struggling madly, just don't leave, and the big contrarian words still pop out of his mouth!

"The current Marin Fando is not the former Marin Fando, he is not worthy of my protection!"

"It's better to ruin it!"

Navy Daizo tried to stop it, but was stopped by Smogg's eyes.

"You... Keep talking!

Smog said in a deep voice, looking solemnly at Khaki, who looked at him without humility!

"Why isn't Marin Fandor a sacred place in your heart?"

Smog said lightly, and Khaki looked at Smog and roared loudly.

"Because here... We can't even protect ourselves as navies, what holy place is he worthy?

"What kind of navy is a navy that wants to trade the lives of its soldiers for their lives... O twelve lieutenant generals, like some dead pigs and sheep, sent to Mary Joa to make amends! Is this still our Navy?

Khaki hissed loudly, and Smog frowned.

"The first two days... The battle of Marin Fandor was lost by our navy, but we also dared to fight! But what about yesterday? ...... Why don't we dare to fight! Lao Tzu doesn't want to live so spinelessly!

Khaki shouted loudly with tears in his eyes, the encounters and practices of the navy in the past few days really broke his heart, and he has always become a navy with the heart of being proud of being a navy.

In the battle of Marin Fandor two days ago, all the navies fought with all their might, although they lost in the end... He didn't have anything to say, he could understand that the Marshal of the Warring States compromised in order to let them this group of ordinary naval soldiers.

But when that group of Draco arrived yesterday... It really shattered his pride and faith.

The other party made such an absurd request to take half of the lives of the vice admiral to make amends to the five dead Draco... The top of the Navy actually agreed, he did not understand.

Listening to Khaki's roar, the naval soldiers next to him lowered their heads and did not speak.

Even Smog was silent as he listened to this, and Khaki stared at Smog with his eyes loud to hear a satisfactory answer.

"Actually, I'm not afraid of death!"

He yelled softly, and Smog was stunned for a moment before speaking towards Khaki.


He patted Khaki's shoulder and strode away without the slightest explanation.

It's just that his shoulders trembled slightly, and his eyes were red... The fist clenched fiercely.

Isn't he angry at sending nearly half of the life of a vice admiral to Draco to pay for that ridiculous sin?

But gas so what... If you do not sacrifice this group of people, in exchange for the destruction of everyone in the Navy!

Smog looked up at the sky and thought back to last night... The five terrifying old men and the mysterious men in armor behind them.

He was silent... The strength of that group of people can really bury all the navy.

The decisions and compromises of Sengoku and others, they actually understand ... Now is the best possible ending.

Is it really necessary to bury all the navy and go to Bo that share of dignity?

There are always people who want to live... Even if it is to live without dignity, after all, how has it been lived for thousands of years ... Draco never gave dignity to others.

They are not qualified to make decisions about the lives of this group of people! Because life really matters....


Smog muttered, and then subconsciously recalled a young man, and the attitude and methods of that young man towards Draco made an inexplicable smile appear on his face.

After all, that guy's attitude of treating Draco like a pig and dog... He had thought about it too!

He Smog also thought about trampling Draco underfoot... Let this group of guys know that their navy also has a temper!

But...... Maybe it's impossible in this life, right?

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