Tang Yuan wanted to stretch out his hands and see what he looked like now, but only one stretched out.

The sleeve of the left arm is empty, and there is no arm.

“Hah… I almost forgot, this transformation does not have a left hand. ”

He patted his empty sleeve and laughed.

Alyssa tilted her head: “This transformation is very strong… It stands to reason that even if the arm is broken, there should be a way to remedy it, so why not do it? ”

Tang Yuan snorted, “Maybe it’s to atone for his sins, after all, he committed quite a few sins back then.” ”

Saying that, he leaned back with his right hand, drew a long sword, and flicked a sword flower.

“It feels good.”

Then, he began to try to pour a stream of energy into his eyes~.

As if a gust of heat surged, Tang Yuan suddenly felt that everything in front of him became very clear!

Even the trajectory of the dust can be seen clearly!

Alyssa clapped her hands: “The eyes turned red, it’s really powerful.” ”

Tang Yuan looked at her funny.

A pair of eyes changed from black to blood red, and in the red eyes, there were three small black hook jade turning.

Having said that, the vast majority of people must have guessed.

[New transformation, Sasuke Uchiha has completed! ] 】

The prompt sounded, helping Tang Yuan confirm that he had not become the wrong person.

He changed not to be the young Sasuke, nor the snake essence disease Sasuke in Shippuden, but Sasuke many years later, during Boruto’s period.

The reason why Sasuke in this period was chosen is firstly because Sasuke in this period is in the prime of life and has strong combat effectiveness, on the other hand… It is because Sasuke is more handsome at this time.

The reason is simple!

Tang Yuan sent the Kusanagi sword in his hand back to its scabbard, and stabbed this transformation with hundreds of thousands of prestige in one breath.

[Uchiha Sasuke’s transformation strength has increased, and he has opened the big move “Binocular Pupil Technique”! ] 】

[Binocular pupil technique: Uchiha Sasuke’s strongest hole card, the left eye six hooks jade reincarnation eye, the right eye eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, contains a lot of power, if used reasonably, there is the power of gods and ghosts! ] Current level 3! 】

Tang Yuan smacked his lips, Sasuke’s transformation is quite expensive, he spent so much prestige, he actually only got level 3, although there is still prestige left, but he can’t help but be so wasted, a few more transformations of this intensity, his own prestige will be finished.

Thinking of this, Tang Yuan’s heart ached to look at the sky.

Just as his heart ached, Tang Yuan suddenly felt a noise from the deck, and at the same time, the speed of the ship began to increase significantly.

Less than a minute later, there was a knock on the door.

“Master McRae! Are you there? ”

Tang Yuan looked at the door expressionlessly, then waved his hand lightly, and summoned a McCree with his energy avatar.

McRae walked over and opened the door.

Standing in the doorway was Beorlandi, seeing McRae, angry.

“Master McRae, there is a disturbance in the sea ahead, we plan to go over and deal with it, maybe we will go ashore at night, okay?”

McRae shrugged: “The pirates of the navy who handle things, of course, I have no problem.” ”

Beorlandi smiled happily, and then suddenly struck.

Seeing the black-robed man behind McRae, he was surprised: “This is?” ”

Tang Yuan didn’t speak, since he became Sasuke, he was a little too lazy to open his mouth to communicate with people, and although the transformation did not affect his nature much, it would easily affect some of his behavior habits, so he simply spoke through McRae.

“The top of the brigade, Sasuke Uchiha, because the next mission needs him to complete, I summoned him.” McRae said.

Beorlandi was surprised that he actually saw the top of a dusk brigade… Awesome!

He bent Tang Yuan slightly and paid respect: “Hello, Mr. Uchiha Sasuke, I am Beorlandi, a navy under Vice Admiral Karp.” ”

“Hmm.” Tang Yuan nodded.

For Sasuke’s reaction, Beorlandi is not surprised, the strong man is mostly temperamental, like General Sakaski, you greet him, it is estimated that there is not even a hmm.

He was thinking when he heard Sasuke speak again.

“What is the level of the troublemaking pirate?”

Hearing this, Beorlandi was stunned for a moment, and then held up his glasses: “The black fighting fish pirate group, the captain offered a reward of 240 million Bailey, which is a good pirate group on the great voyage.” ”

“I’ll take a look.” Tang Yuandao.

Beorlandi hesitated: “But…”

“I advise you to do it well.” McRae reached out and patted Beorlandi’s shoulder and said.

0····· Ask for flowers…

Beorlandi nodded.

A few people walked up to the deck, but did not see the pirate ship, only the shadow of a ship faintly on the horizon.

There are people on the watchtower who are flying flags over there.

“That’s the Black Betta Pirates, just now our lookout saw them chasing a merchant ship, and we are now rushing with all our strength.” Beorlandi said.

McRae smacked his lips: “It’s not easy to chase.” ”

Beorlandi nodded: “With our speed, it will take half an hour or even more to catch up, these times are enough for the pirates to do a lot of things, now I just hope that the warning we issued can be heard by them.” ”

Tang Yuan looked in that direction.

In the next second, his eyes suddenly changed.

The left eye turned purple, with many circles of patterns on it, and on the innermost two circles, six black jade circles surrounded!

…… 0

The right eye turns red, forming a weird and complex pattern!

Six hooks of jade reincarnation eyes!

Eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye!

The two pupils opened together, and what was originally far away that could not be seen clearly instantly became extremely clear! Tang Yuan could even see every hair on every sailor on the pirate ship!

Just as a few people were talking, the pirates had already begun to hook the merchant ship with a hook and began to climb towards the merchant ship.

The sailors on the lookout saw the navy, but did not know whether he could not understand the flag, or deliberately provoked, reached out and gave the navy two middle fingers, and then shouted something to the people on their ship, and the pirates immediately looked to this side.

After watching for a while, they laughed and continued the robbery journey.

Others could not see or hear, but Tang Yuan could read the lip shape of the pirates by his anti-heavenly eyesight.

“So it is, they have a warehouse fruit ability on board that can grab something before the navy passes, load it into storage, and run away… This is a real time saver. Tang Yuan said lightly.

Hearing this, Beorlandi was shocked.

But immediately after, Tang Yuan said: “Unfortunately, no matter how fast the speed is, it can’t be faster than an instant.” ”

Saying that, his reincarnation eyes widened.

Heavenly hand power!!

In the next instant, Sasuke had disappeared on the deck, leaving only a broken piece of wood in place!

On the side of the pirate ship, Sasuke’s figure appeared! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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