The people who came to support in mid-air dropped their eyes one after another.

Admiral Akainu, the best among the fruits of nature, the strong one who can be counted in the whole world, was seconded?

Many people were shocked, even the moon step was not good, in mid-air, directly planted!

On the battleship, the captain of the World Government Guards dropped his jaw directly to the ground.

His hole card, which he thought could turn the tide of the battle, was actually seconded?

This TM is not a pirate at all, but a demon tail!

The red dogs were still vulnerable, not to mention the other navies who wanted to attack Tyrell, and hundreds of two-winged angels rushed over, one by one, and in a few moments they were cut into pieces.

“Heaven has mercy, but never condones sin… Awakened, lay down your arms, it’s not too late. Tyrell’s voice rang out deafeningly.

Under the picture of this dark cloud breaking and the holy light shining, this voice seemed to sound in people’s hearts, and those navies, who were already suspicious of the world government, directly shed tears.

“I just said… Even the Marshal of the Warring States abandoned the world government, they are certainly not a good thing! A navy said, throwing the gun in his hand to the ground!

On the side, his comrades also nodded: “We can no longer be lackeys of the world government!” ”

Under the incredulous gazes of the top officials of the world government, countless navies directly gave up the battle!

“Enchantment! It’s magic! An official of the CP organization roared through gritted teeth.

“What now?!”

“Execution! Kill everyone who laid down their arms on the spot! ”

In the face of a powerful opponent, the world government once again made the decision they were good at, not thinking about how to defeat the enemy, first thinking about how to punish the people on their side…

This order was quickly transmitted, and upon hearing the order, some World Government servicemen who were not affected by the Holy Light raised their weapons and aimed them at the navy.

“Isn’t what is happening before you enough to recognize the truth?” Tyrell shook his head and raised his holy sword.

“As a Legion Leader, I don’t have many moves, but… Even if there is only this simple power, with justice by my side, I have nothing to fear. ”

As if in response to these words, the Holy Sword, the Holy Feather Radiance, suddenly burst into the sky!

The golden light broke through the sky, unable to see the end, and people even suspected that this light had rushed out of the planet and into the universe!

Then, Tyrell swung violently.

The pillar of sky-high light, streaked through a huge fan, and fell into the World Government fleet.

More than a dozen ships were directly wrapped in, and they couldn’t see clearly at all when they were washed by the torrent of holy light.

Tyrell’s sword slowly moved sideways, and the pillar of light swept out another fan horizontally.

Ship after boat was wrapped in and left.

Seeing this scene, almost everyone thought that Tyrell was unfolding an indiscriminate slaughter, but they didn’t expect that after the pillar of light passed, those battleships were actually unharmed!

“Duds?” The golden lion asked in disbelief.

Kaido squinted for a moment and took a breath.

“There is actually such an ability…”

Hearing Kaido’s shocked tone, everyone was stunned, and quickly took the telescope to look over.

The sight in front of them made them all exclaim.

On the battleship, the navy who had laid down their weapons were all standing on the deck, nothing at all, not even their uniforms were torn a little, and they were looking at each other with wide eyes, as if they were surprised that they were still alive.

And those who had just pointed their weapons at them had all been killed by the Holy Light at this time, plopping down, and all fell to the ground!

Sweeping away the hundreds of ships on the front line, Tyrell withdrew his sword and looked indifferently at the fleet that had not yet been swept away in the distance.

Moria grinned: “Why didn’t you just slaughter everything, these stupid world government forces, keep them, they won’t be grateful.” ”

Red A shook his head amusedly.

Renly sighed.

“If it’s just to kill … That dusk brigade regiment has long been able to do it, for them, these teams of the world government are nothing at all, and even others don’t have to make a move, just relying on Archimonde, they can hang the world government that has lost the top of the navy. ”

“The reason why I replaced this Third Army Commander Tyrell, I think… It must be to leave a little opportunity for the world and some strength for the nascent government. ”

Saying that, he looked at Red A, “If I’m not mistaken, this Tyrell Legion Commander is the cadre in the Dusk Brigade who adheres to the policy of gentleness?” ”

Hong A glanced at him appreciatively.

“It’s worthy of Hades Rayleigh… You are right, the appearance of Commander Tyrell must be a good thing for the opponent of the war, which means that the Dusk Brigade has no intention of completely destroying the other party, but you don’t look at the Commander of the Tyrell Legion full of justice, a look of middle and two, really black, it is quite terrifying. ”

Saying that, as if remembering something funny, he pointed to the magnificent paradise that stood between the sea and the sky.

“Moriah, do you see the towers shining above the dome of the sky, that is called the crystal dome, it is the important place of the high heaven, if you want to know what the head of the Tyrell legion looks like, go and attack that one…”

Moriah quickly shook his head, although he had become much stronger, he had not swelled to death.

In the distance, on the ship where the Revolutionary Army’s gang was, Monchi · D. Long couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him.

“The ability to kill only enemies without harming friendly forces in the slightest? The Dusk Brigade can even do such a thing?! One of his cadres was surprised.

The dragon took a deep breath and his eyes lit up.

“No, that ability is not the point at all, compared to those, I suddenly feel now that I really fit in with the Dusk Brigade… These guys are really a bunch of crazy people who make people like! ”

Hearing the dragon’s words, his subordinates were shocked.

This is…… What to do?

Divider ****

Last night I went to bed at 12 o’clock, got up at six in the morning, slept at two in the afternoon, and woke up at twelve o’clock at night, sixteen hours.

The day before yesterday was 17, and the day before yesterday was about the same.

What’s so deceitful about this… Drunk, and not a good thing.

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